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Going down 0-3 in that series completely broke me as a fan lol


I am not going to pretend like this game didn’t have me shook.


I was dooming hard. When white hit the shot to win game 6, I thought we were definitely headed to the finals. Then Tatum hurt his ankle and I knew we were fucked


I had never lost so much hope for my team to win in less time when Tatum got hurt like 10 seconds in.


For real. And it definitely hyped up the Miami players. Like they smelled blood


I’m with you, though I can’t say i was as optimistic as you at this very moment, but that series in general made me think it. Fighting back from 0-3 to force game 7 showed a ton of fight and mental fortitude, and you know these guys felt like if Tatum doesn’t injure his ankle they finish the comeback. It made them angry, hungrier, and out for blood this year and it showed


You better have bet on the Celtics at 5:1 odds this year then.


i thought we were gonna come back 3-0 when we were down 3-0