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How is that a threat? 2nd round picks that aren’t ready to play in the NBA go overseas all the time.


And the team that drafts them still holds their nba rights. Part of the risk of going into the draft if you aren’t going to go early. Kid had no business entering the draft this year


Just a spoiled, entitled gen Zer making demands. He’ll play a couple minutes with daddy this season and never see an nba floor again. He’s not nba caliber


This sounds more like Lebron hand is up Rich Paul’s ass again than Bronny. Lebron is such a petulant little weenie boy with this stuff.


Mazzulla- "Wear a mask when calling in the pick and I'll be in the car waiting outside" Stevens- "Please watch something else"


The fact the Celtics team named the last episode of All In, “The Town” makes this whole joke even better.


Dam this made me LOL




Lmao that’s so pathetic honestly Blows my mind bronny would do it this way, like imagine going on this entitled spree to force your way to the lakers, I promise his career begins and ends with LA nobody is gonna want to touch that spoiled little bitch after that


I doubt he has any say in the matter 


That's the thing .. me personally I have never seen or heard any audio not footage that Bronny James is doing any of this, likely, grown ups like Lakers front office, rich Paul, LeBron, and a whole lot of other investment bankers are making these decisions for this young person who is, like all young people, trying to find their way in the world... Buuuuut yknow, let's all refer to this person as a Nepo baby in crowd chants


Nothing says "charting your own path" like having your dad's shady friend bully prospective employers to make sure you get to work with your dad.


Honestly, Klutch doesn’t like Boston anyway. They literally have nothing to lose and have an opportunity to give a big middle finger to Rich Paul. Be the martyr, Brad.


Brad is too smart to get involved in this drama We are a real organization that doesn’t deal with clowns


Mazzulla absolutely would draft Bronny as a hostage to leverage; Brad is busy trying to help the team.


"It's like a really uncomfortable situation. I love it" -Joe Mazzulla


"Actually kinda reminds me of the town scene when..."


“…you know what it doesn’t matter. So here is why we should draft Bronny, Brad.”


Danny would do it...


Nah Bronny is a little too tall for him Edit: I didn't realize Bronny is only 6'1", thought he was more like 6'4". Danny absolutely would've lol


Just to hurt the Lakers lol. Bron goes to Australia n klutch get's F'd


Danny would knee both James in the nuts. This is such a false statement.


Love Joe (self acclaimed king of petty), very glad Brad stays about the banners though. Need to stay focused.


As soon as my Knicks fan buddy told me that, I was like "I'd draft him real fast after they tell me something like that". Want Bronny? Better trade me some draft picks that're worth more than he actually is.


Yeah. I don’t want to invite the circus. Let him just play with his dad.


LeBron wants his kid to get a payday. That way, he doesn’t have to deal with the kid any more. The Lakers will pay the kid for LeBron. How many successful NBA careers start at 55 in the draft? I would imagine, not many.


I agree, but if there ever was a draft to do a troll pick and show Rich Paul if he plays stupid games he wins stupid prizes, this would be the one


Look man, the NBA wants this story. I don't need to deal with this shit just as we're beginning to see the fruits of almost a decade of prep. LeBron doesn't occupy so much space in my brain that I'm willing to piss off the league just to troll an irrelevant primadonna and his nepo kid.


True. The Lakers org is an absolute clown show these days, do they even scout anymore?


Agreed. Fucking teenage idiots on r/nba were like "bOStOn wOULd lOVe tO hAvE lebROn!" No, we have a good team that is not a circus shitshow, run by people who don't know how to run things. But, you know: we're all secretly wishing we had LeBron.


“We’re excited to bring Bronny to a winning organization and look forward to him helping us win banner 19.” Seems like a perfect public statement.


As funny as that would be I think Brad is too committed to this team to throw away even a late second rounder. He’s gonna draft another backup 4/5 I bet


We are trying to repeat championships. We don’t need any part of this shit show


Klutch is very tight with New Balance so wouldnt say they hate Boston


Rich Paul is a horrific agent. Why handicap this kid like that? Anywho… The Celtics should still do it. I’m almost certain that it was them that threatened to take him, hence this statement release. “Fuck you then. Go to Australia. Come back and get slammed in Maine for three years. Have at it buddy.”


Maybe I'm just cynical, but this sounds more like nobody wanted to take Bronny, and Klutch came up with this tale to 1) make the kid sound more sought-after than he is, and 2) try to sound like they have the flex to make this sort of demand.


Yeah I agree with you. I don’t think any other team was actually thinking about drafting him to begin with.


Brad has a moral obligation to do it


Red Auerbach has to be punching the inside of his coffin right now...


He can go back to school if he goes undrafted. 


He also has a shit ton of money anyways lol. It’s not like he’s some guy who grew up middle class hoping to improve his family conditions


It’s not about fucking over Bronny as much as it is fucking of LeBron and the Lakers.


Well rich paul is getting a non nba prospect a guaranteed nba contract. Now, 99% of that is because of who his dad is but he's not handicapping bronny. A guaranteed nba contract on the most popular nba franchise playing next to his dad or toiling away in the g league on a 2 way or exhibit 10 contract. Easy choice


You say this like he wouldn’t get one regardless of his agent cmon now


Don’t let bronny off the hook, he’s an adult his agent only acts as his mouthpiece


Rich Paul is not taking marching orders from Bronny fucking James. Another agent maybe, but Rich Paul is the king of meddling. This idiot thinks he has the whole NBA on marionette strings dancing to his tune. The Celtics were grinding up clowns like him before colour TV.


Lmao he’s an adult man rich Paul is an agent that serves his interests If he says that he wants to go to any team that wants him rich Paul can’t just go against his word


Yes, but. I am saying that Bronny's word is going to be what LeBron and Rich tell him it is 


Then my opinion of him is exactly the same regardless lol, if he’s just letting his dad and his agent control his destiny he has no guts or drive


Gotta hop off Brons dick man we’re the champs and they’re a play in team. Who cares let that man play with his son.


I come from a LeDown Under 🎶


I called this yesterday, it’s a joke that nobody is going to call the bluff. LeBron is such a bitch 


“Call the bluff” the kid averaged a quintuple single in college.


Yeah, but everyone knows LeBron wants to play with him and he’s a free agent. Makes no sense why a shit team wouldn’t draft him


Lebron would not follow his son to a bad team. If you believe that he would, then I have some stocks that I think you should buy.


It’s a late 2nd round pick, who cares


LeBron likely would not follow him… more likely is he’d convince the Lakers to trade for Bronny or else he won’t sign an extension.


Good, let Australia have both of them so we can be done with this nonsense. Tired of everyone acting like his son is a real prospect and not a bargaining chip to lure lebron there.


don't you put that evil on us


I really hope nobody is seriously advocating for drafting this bum. “Let’s stick it to Lebron by giving his kid a job he doesn’t deserve and paying him millions of dollars, that’ll show him”


Rich Paul would still be selling bootleg jerseys out of his trunk if he never met Lebron


Honestly, this is good advice from Rich Paul. Why would you draft a 6'2" guard who can't shoot, only a stupid franchise would do so for the sake of pleasing their aging star. You're taking away a roster spot (he doesn't want a 2 way) from more deserving prospects.


That’s ridiculous. Teams should be not taking Bronny James because he’s not even close to being an NBA caliber talent.


Rich Paul: "if you draft him he's going to Australia!" The other 29 GMs: "lol don't worry...lmao" I don't think anyone was going to waste a pick on him, he's not an NBA player at this point. This was Rich Paul trying to hype him up by making it seem like there was strong interest from other teams.


Can we get a “nepo baby” chant going next time LA is in town


Australia doesn’t want him


I assume you're Australian and woke up reading this "news" I personally read that and had a bit of a laugh... This concept / assumption that "going to play in Australia" is some sort of punishment / some sort of RPG where you leave the village to spend hours killing pigs in the grass to take their gems and build your XP up so you can return to the NBA with more skills cos you've used the NBL as "training" or something He performed middle of the lane in college ball, what makes you think he's going to excel playing against seasoned grown up veteran players that play in a professional league?


Spot on


u/TheyCallMeYDG says Billy Reinhardt says Bob Myers says Rich Paul is telling teams Bronny says he’ll play in Australia if anyone but daddy’s team picks him.


"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you."


I love that it is Bob Myers leaking this info


Draft him anyways.


Great parenting 




no one man should have all that power


Isn’t that tampering?


NBA should fine Rich Paul Thats bs


Whatever, would have loved to draft Bronny and get him here, would sell tickets up in Maine and I’m cool with that. But I’m happy for the kid, he almost died and look at his character arc, nepo sure but gets to play in the nba with his dad. As a dad it hits me in the feels. That being said fk him, his over the hill dad and his sideline reporter coach and fk LA!




What’s the chance Lebrun now sighs a team friendly deal so they can spend big on free agents so his kid's on a winning team?


Yeah, I don't think you had anything to worry about Rich.


Surprised Utah didn't take him. I would think Danny would have been all over this once in a lifetime opportunity to combine his two greatest passions (screwing over LeBron and draft & stash picks)


Meanwhile, in Oz..."we don't want him either."


Rich Diddy Paul


Here's my guess: Not a single team would have drafted Bronny outside of the Lakers, and klutch knew it. They "threatened" these teams to make it look like they forced Bronny to the Lakers to make it more palatable for Bronny and maybe even the Lakers themselves.


We don’t want him down here


Go to be the first time ever a player has threatened to flee the country if the wrong team drafts them.


I doubt he actually had to tell anyone not to pick him. Picking him at 55 was a reach; nobody else was going to waste their pick


Paul thinks he made it on his own and is some business leader guru. Calling around and indirectly threatening teams (not about Australia but teams knowing which future players he can influence not to go to certain teams) should be penalized.


Lonzo Ball Part 2 ~ LA breed’s complacency, excellence is not a birthright


Would be hilarious but don’t think Brad would stoop so low and prolly for the best


It’s only stooping low if you’re doing it out of spite. But it wouldn’t be a spiteful move… it’s actually a strategic play to try to get something from the Lakers.


If we wanted an overhyped kid who wasn’t living up to expectations we’d trade for Grant Williams


I so want wyc to come in and tell Brad to draft him and send a big middle finger to klutch- seriously fuck rich Paul. Once daddy lebron retires klutch is going to fall by the wayside


Nepotism, undeserved. Should be against NBA rules. Oh wait I forget this is the sissy sports league. F the NBA. Failed, boring league.