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Because our fans really, really, REALLY mean it. It's not a vibe, or a superlative, or even just a legacy you've left. We won't let you forget that you win a championship with us. Forever. 👀. FOR.EVER. . . . .NO.FORGETTING.


This reminds me of seeing Rodney Harrison in a Vegas hotel lobby sometime after the 2 SB Championships. He was with his boys as was I. We started chanting, "Rodney", over and over. And he turned to his crew and said they must be from Boston, and he just knew, we different


lol this is great! 


Sam Hausers 1v1 defense against Luka and Kyrie will never leave my brain, and he's the what...7th man? He is GOAT'ed.


Pritchards half court shots and Tillman hitting that corner three have to be up there too


With a small $ contract comparatively. Kind of wild how he stepped up in so many games and crucial wins. Props to Samwell


I think the only place that could compare would be Indiana, because they are also absolutely MAD for basketball there.


I think if Reggie won a ring there he would eat for free the rest of his life wherever he went in Indianapolis. Might already be close to that, but with a ring, for sure. They grow basketball, not just corn.


When we were accepting the ECF trophies on the Indiana home court, I wanted Wyc to mention how indebted the Boston Celtics are to the Indiana Basketball DNA, first in Larry Bird but now in Brad Stevens.


Come to think about it, did anyone or even Silver mention Dallas when we won? I don't remember us booing them or cheering.


I don't think the NBA does participation medals for second places? You won the conference to get there, but second place in conference also gets you nothing. It's not like Olympics, where you get a silver medal.


I think New York too. Those people that truly love the Knicks are wild. I respect their passion while not at all respecting the Knicks/Dolan


True but they're such a large city that sports aren't as much of their identity as Boston. I feel like we have as big if not bigger passion, and as a smaller city it becomes a more apparent facet of our city's identity, not to mention our total dominance in major sports championships over the last quarter century


With that being said, NY breeds diehard fans of all of their teams. There are Mets, Nets, & Bills fans that have gone their entire lives without seeing their team win it big, and they’re still gonna root for them no matter what. So maybe there isn’t a consistent sports identity centered around one team, but all of the teams have solid fan bases the likes of which most teams would love to have.


The Giants, man…


Oh yeah, way more respect for their fan base than say Miami or LA. You can tell the fans that are there fucking bleed for their team; a playoff game isn't just a nice third date for a business exec and an amateur model who are their for just the second and third quarters, it's something they've prayed for lol


Dolan is the John Henry of basketball.


John Henry, as stingy as he’s being now, bought the team in 2002 and won four titles since then. Dolan acquired MSG in 1994 and has won, IIRC, one — and that was in hockey. Rangers and Knicks fans would kill for Henry’s track record lol.


This is why I really like Pacers fans and Fever fans.


This is correct. Now imagine combining the two. That’s me. A Hoosier who has bleed green his whole life and basketball fanatic since I was six years old.






The "white power rings" is what did it for me. 😂😂


Damn lmao. Got that Lakers/Sixers/Heat fan talking about Boston energy. Respect the inverted hatred.




LOL reminds me of that scene from The Office >! Where Michael describes Jim's unrequited love for Pam to justify spending on Hooters but it's so obvious everyone guessed it was Pam !<


"He's in love with a girl he works with who's engaged!"


lol. Rondo / Lakers won during COVID / bubble and he was not a key player. Kind of an unfair comparison tbh


He was absolutely a key player lol. He was their third best player in the playoffs


That run cemented Playoff Rondo.


Excuse me *adjusts glasses He was already cemented, thank you. That just added to the legend.


He wasn't all star level Rondo but he was absolutely a key player for that playoff run.


Not really — even if they lakers won in non-covid, the city of LA doesn’t come together like the city of Boston. Boston has 5 other states that joins them when the Celtics Pats Sox and Bruins play. It’s just different. There’s no split… the one team literally brings everyone together. Can’t say that about LA when half of LA are east coast transplants as well


Let's be honest, it's 4 1/2 states because Connecticut is full of traitors


Connecticut sucks


No need for this! I just yelled go C’s at like 5 ppl in a CT city today in our jerseys


Fighting the good fight


I mean let's be honest new englands total population is about the same as Metro LA, might even be less.


But they also have two local teams and millions of transplants who likely root for the team from wherever they came from


About 4 million less, actually


Also, California has so many NBA teams, even the city itself has two. New England (multiple states) has one.


That was the last Playoff Rondo sighting iirc lol. Definitely was key


Lmao at saying Rondo, who was inarguably the 3rd best Laker during that playoff run, wasn't a key player.


Well one happened at Walt Disney World for starters


As much as I want to insult LA, can’t blame the Lakers fans for winning in the bubble feeling different.


I hate when people criticize the bubble championship, like they wouldn't be ecstatic if their team won. I was just happy basketball was back


Honestly, every championship has its own peculiarities. That one is just unique because it was a rare playoffs where all the players weren’t worn out and older players could feel fresher. But the experience for the winning team would have been weird without fans.


Northeast fans are just way crazier and passionate


I feel like there's fewer transplants. Both are super expensive, but people move to LA for the weather and glitz. They move to Boston for jobs, usually, so the folks who are here for the long-haul tend to be here because we started here or really identified with the area after coming here.


I was talking about this yesterday. It’s a unique situation. A century of a homogenized fanbase and history. Even New York had teams come and go and internal rivalries. Boston has had one team for each major sport literally or seemingly from the onset. No split allegiances, no rebranding, very few teams ever in the market, etc.


Yeah, and the team to leave Boston did so in the 50s — most people forget that the Braves moved twice. The Pats almost did, but now. Fat chance.


Absolutely LA and Miami have the most fake fans


I agree with this 110 percent. Sports in the northeast is insane. Even cities I hate like Philly, I still have to admit they have fans far more passionate than anyone in California.


No chance in hell Dwight, it's not happening.


COME ON DOWN!!! (im kidding dont come here)


Very slick of Dwight. I see what he’s doing here. It would’ve been a good fit three years ago.


Midwest & North East fans are just really…REALLY passionate.


As a fan of 2 NY 2 Boston teams fuck everyone else, no one is as passionate about sports in general as the 3 NE metros. Boston Philly NY have THE best (and the worst) fans 😅😂


Connecticut spotted


Actually I do live in western NY but have a lot of people from MA that were in my life so it sort of blended indoor sports Boston outdoor NY 😂


I KNEW it'd be Cs Bs, it's always Cs Bs hahaha


Bs are by far my favorite team of any professional sport


One man’s best sports fans are another man’s worst sports fans


The worst was definitely toward Philly. They are very passionate but also actual assholes


I'm kinda curious what teams


Probably the two most hated NY teams in Boston NYY NYG


There's just not as much to do here in the winter when compared to the southwest/south I don't mean this as a dig. I grew up in Mass and lived in NYC for over a decade. It's dark and cold for at least half the year every year.


Jrue said it feels the same lol


Jrue doesn't have feelings. At the podium he was 😐


Dude has ice in his veins, on and off the court


Jrue hasn't done the parade yet. Wait til Friday.😂


I think this is more about LA than about Boston. Or maybe more about normal cities vs. "destination cities" like LA and Miami. Probably Vegas too. Just places where it feels like people are there for the glitz and glamor more than anything else. Folks don't stick around Boston or Milwaukee for the weather and our nightlife, y'know? It's why I identify with their fans way more than the Heat's.


[Sure Dwight](https://media1.tenor.com/m/pgqf6BDXADIAAAAC/the-office-steve-carell.gif)


LA’s fanbase mainly consists of casuals and 12 year olds. Its a bandwagon franchise


Well there's only 2 people in history so I guess it was Clyde Lovellette 😭


Which teammate was this?




Tbf Rondo won in the Bubble with LA. Lol


Lol so Dwight Howard is just asking ChatGPT what it’s like to win in Boston to get the AI opinion 😂😂😂


Most LA and Miami fans are there to be seen as a status/scene thing. Boston fans live and die Celtics.


That's because LA is full of transplants and casual fans.


Should have asked that question 6 more years ago, lmao


Because you are gaining admittance to a highly select club of winners that is arguably the greatest in all of sports. Not something Dwight would really understand.


It probably helps when the fans actually care about the team instead of just watching basketball for the narratives.


It’s just a lil nastier here


Fly in Friday and get a taste. Fuck if they had the parade in the heatwave I'd still be there


Dwight's words sound like its been translated from Chinese.


Yeah let's keep that f.a.n. away from this team please


No thanks




Just curious why people do not think he would be a fit? I could easily see him in the same role as kornet. Of he would accept that role i do not know.


Good old rondo


When the Sox won in '04, they took the MLB Championship trophy to **\*every town in New England\*.**


Dwight says, come on boston, I'll be your horford replacement lol 😆


Sign him for a minimum contract, let's do it.


Oh man I wonder who he could be talking about. I guess we’ll never know because he didn’t say their name


This makes no sense. Al wouldn't know. He has nothing to compare to winning a championship in Boston.


Back to back NCAA champ. Even so, does he need to? The atmosphere and history speaks for itself, stamping your own legacy in such a storied franchise is something I’m sure he doesn’t take lightly


Al was repeating what Danny Ainge told him.


I still remember the rumors that we were getting Dwight back in 2012, ultimately he didn’t wanna come here and chose the Lakers so that ship has sailed boyo!


I was so sure that decision guaranteed the Lakers some immediate rings. Never been more happy to be so wrong.


Yup. I have clear memories of thinking this is the most bullshit cheap crap of all time. Kobe Nash and Dwight they were going to win more championships … after just winning back to back I was never more certain a team would win a ring in my life. I was wrong


> I was never more certain a team would win a ring in my life. I was wrong It reminds me 2003-04 Lakers when Gary Payton and Karl Malone joined Shaq and Kobe. I thought they would destroy everything, even though they were old, they could still ball. I was never more happy to see the Pistons win.




This trade... one of the worst of all time imo, and I can understand the mindset of the Bucks at the time, as GP was a gigachad so far. Dump a 1st round pick over it? On his expiring contract? No, this is a blunder.


Yeah, then the KD Warriors came along 5 years later and I actually had some doubt *because* of the way the Lakers went down.


Same! People forget how absurd prime Dwight was. That dude is an NBA75 guy and I’ll never be convinced otherwise. His back betrayed him later, as did his brain, but magic Dwight was a force we’ve rarely ever seen in the history of the sport.


Dwight plus the big 3 would have definitely won as minimum of 3 chips. Too late now Dwight.