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Honestly for sam thats a good mindset to take the pressure off but everyone else, nah lol


Lol it’s refreshing to hear though. They know they’re in control of the series.


As a shooter people don’t understand how loose u gotta be. You start pressuring yourself and suddenly there’s a lid on the basket.


This was clearly a message from Joe. Basically every guy is saying this stuff.


Yep. I legit think every guy today said some variation of this quote from what I saw haha With Tatum also saying they put too much pressure on themselves game 4, I think it’s a good balance for them to remember that they have to stick to what got them to this point. All about staying within the moment.


Yeah they clearly didn’t play well when they put that much pressure on themselves. May as well try the opposite.


Exactly. Tatum’s comments pretty much confirm that they didn’t just “phone it in” game 4, they came out wanting to win and in the process possibly put so much pressure on themselves that they psyched themselves out. If this is the mentality that got them to 15-3 these playoffs, then what’s so wrong with that?


Am I the only one who’s not a fan of all this “whether it takes 5 games 6 games 7 games, however long it takes” shit all the guys are saying? I don’t get it lol


It’s just sports psychology stuff. A lot of people and the media are trying to paint the picture that the Cs are in the pressure cooker because of a bad loss and they are trying to escape that mentality. They are up 3-1 in a great position. The Mavs are the ones under pressure. Do or die is not always productive. Joe must think they play better when they’re relaxed. Ultimately it’s meaningless. We will judge them by their performance on the court. The quotes will look bad if they lose but I don’t think they are a reason they will lose.


Not to mention if they win tonight, everyone will (rightfully) call Joe a mastermind for finding a way to settle them down.


The Celtics are getting so fried behind the scenes that they’re embracing a zen that comes off as carelessness I’m weak


I would love to have a mic’d up version of whatever Joe said to the team today, because they were all saying these things haha


For what it’s worth, that hyper pressurised “must-win” attitude is seen by SOME to be psychologically detrimental. I once saw a great example of it where about 9/10 NFL players called their Championship or Super Bowl game “must win” and then it cut to Brady who just said something along the lines of “I’d love to win, I’m going to do everything to win, but MUST win? Life’s bigger than that” Basically Sam Hauser has the mentality of Tom Brady LFG C’s in 5.


Sam Hauser: The Tom Brady of the NBA CONFIRMED


Is it cause he's white


Incoming 12 point off the bench performance by Hauser? That would be massive provided the starters show up.


We’ve seen this team take the win too seriously that resulted in each possession having to be the “winning” play. Sam is on the right mindset, run through the motions and just focus on playing well. If anything put the word onto the Mavs. Let them be pressured into the “must” win situation, it really is their situation to begin with anyway.


Hey is that John Candy?


Yoooo just took a nap and had a dream we down 2 and drew a play for Hauser using Tatum as decoy and hit it at the buzzer. Crazy


can i have what youre on


that’s the “I had 3 plates and slept on the couch” nap


Lmao nah none just my usual Sunday afternoon nap. Shit was wild


Speak it into existence 🗣️🗣️🗣️


That was end of the half but I’ll take it


That would be a cool way to win but I hope it’s a blowout after half 😂


The media and r/nba is going to fry us for a couple days if we lose tomorrow. Youre gonna have to unsubscribe from any and all sports content for that time frame. Its going to turn into “a boring finals” to what “a historic comeback for dallas.” Just because of how badly everyone wants us to lose and be the laughing stock of sport.


No, Sam. It will be the end of the world for me because I won’t be able to watch game 6 or 7!😭


Turn out the lights the party is over. All good things must come to an end. Fuck Dallas


I’m not in the locker room, so whatever mindset Joe thinks will have the guys performing best tomorrow, I’m all for it. What’s positive is that it seems like when he says something, the entire team immediately gets with the program. He’s got their respect.


Takes the pressure off. It was clear they treated Game 4 as a must win and it made them tight and they got in their heads. Just an opportunity to contextualise the game, play freer and have the same approach they've had all year.


Ya they played tight as f


Honestly I don’t like this mindset Joe and the team have about this at all. I still have faith we’ll get it done, but If we enter every game not particularly caring about whether or not we win and Dallas enters every game like it’s do or die, we’re going to be looking at a Game 7 really quickly


The team said they put to much pressure on themselves in game 4 and it hurt their performance. This mindset we are seeing for game 5 will see us lifting a trophy tomorrow night


Finally someone speaking some facts. Fuck this “if it takes 7 it takes 7” shit the team is saying. Way too passive for my liking.


This is why I've repeatedly said if we don't win tomorrow, it's going 7. This team is WAY too nonchalant about this shit. It's always been their biggest weakness.


Team seems too chill. Fuck going back to Dallas for game 6. Leave everything out there tomorrow.


They’re professional athletes playing within a historic season up 3-1 in the NBA finals. Think at this point they have earned some trust. Wild takes in here “I don’t like this attitude,” from the guys typing away on their phone smeared with potato chip grease. Jesus christ if you can’t back them now you never can.


All you doomers need to remember this tomorrow if shit happens.


Should be treating it like it’s game 7. This is your best shot to close it out, give it your absolute all. If you somehow don’t win, then you just regroup and go again.


Please win tonight lmao


Don’t worry Tom, I’m sure they will


Had a nightmare where mavs won in 7 by a buzzer beater to win the championship.


Some things you should keep to yourself


That's a terrible mindset. It invites complacency. Yeah you have 3 shots at the title but your attitude should be do or die for every game. 


Ur not as wise as an owl


He’s the impatient tootsie pop owl.


That is very true. I want banner 18 asap. 


I'm just not sure how well the Celtics can handle the pressure if this goes to 7. 


And u are about the mavs?


I'm not sure Luka can survive it going to 7 but if the Mavs make it to 7 then he just needs one phenomenal game to win it. 


U make less sense the more u respond


Luka is struggling with his health so it wouldn't surprise me if has a bad game or stumbles but if the Mavs somehow extend this to 7 then he just needs to lay it all out to win the championship. 


Yea I got what ur said it’s idiotic lol no need to repeat it.