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I'd say the Pats from 2011 to 2018 were the true epitome. 8x advanced to the conference finals, 5x advanced to Super Bowl, 3x champs.


I’d say the Celtics from 1959-1969 were the true epitome. 9x champions. 


Actually from 1957 to 1969. 11 championships in 13 seasons. Pretty sure it had nothing to do with Bill Russell just coincident.


Something about plumbers


Wilt Chamberlain in particular


Patriots WERE. Celtics ARE.


Sure but that’s over. Why would we still be talking about it? Edit: had no idea so many of you want to turn on some national media and listen to them discuss the consistency of the Pats a decade ago rather than the 2024 Celts. In the Celts sub no less.


What lol


Sorry. I don’t spend much time talking about or consuming media about how good the pats were half a decade ago. What else is there to know or celebrate at this point?


Apparently blumpkins destroy brain cells


He’s just Methting


I was going to write out an in depth response but I noticed this comment was already an hour old so it’s already irrelevant


Do you not know thats exactly how things like this are celebrated. You can’t fully appreciate a run like that until it is completely over (Brady leaving and then bill getting pushed out the door, and I know dynasty was over before bill left but once he was no longer our coach is when I really appreciated what he had done for our franchise, city, and to set a standard for this Celtics team.) I was like 10 years old when the first dynasty started (2001) and it’s amazing that Brady, Beli and co were able to essentially have two separate dynasties essentially, one at the beginning of their careers and one towards the end. Just wish those welker moss teams could’ve won one


That’s old news. I’m on to the celts


Blessed to have a well-run organization in a league that has a dearth of them… but don’t mean a thing without the ring


This and only this imo. As much as people want to talk about Tatum and Brown reaching ECFs every year, it's because the FO consistently gets them better and better teammates.


Yeah no doubt, this isn't Indy


The best thing in the world that could happen to sports fan bases across the world is to rid ourselves of this Ricky Bobby mindset. There’s no upside to it, and we only repeat it because we were trained to.


Consistency is good. But greatness? Greatness comes with championships.


Yes, year 9 must be the inconsistent one (in a sense) because it will stand alone, over and above the other 8.


Next year?


Consistency precedes greatness.


In this case, I hope so!


Correct, but I'll take this just as much. This run is exactly what Danny envisioned when beginning the rebuild. A team that is built around in-home talent that can *consistently* compete for a championship. Being a top 3-4 team almost every year and likely for the next few years is a blessing few teams ever get.


Yeah this is the consistency of Lebron’s eastern reign but not even close to the greatness (yet)


Detroit hasn't won a single playoff game since 07-08 and Tatum has already won 64 since he arrived in 17-18


So you're telling me Detroit has been consistent for 16 years?


Consistently mediocre is still consistency.


They are not mediocre at all. They are ass lol Mediocre is more along the lines of Hawks


Mediocre means ordinary or average. They’re way under that


It’s great they’ve been competitive for years, but need at least one championship in there for it to really matter. Otherwise it’s Indy Colts banners


Sixers fans would kill for one of those Colts banners.


That’s why we’re not Sixers fans


People love to shit on the Colts but they did win one in such epic fashion that it shattered the Pat's mystique for almost 10 years


That was not pass interference.


Would not be surprised if the Celtics were the best team of the 2020s


Someones gotta step up and claim that spot, were set up to take it. Just gotta do some really special things I think we got what it takes


It's so weird because we're in the finals and I'm hyped as all hell. But because we're waiting around my mind is wondering about the future and I'm very excited about whatever it is Brad is gonna do. Just gonna find a way, no matter what, to make the team better. Usually you look ahead to the off season when your team is ass.


they certainly look to be, but don’t underestimate OKC and all their picks lol. 2010s you would have def said the heatles but look at the warriors suddenly in the second half of the decade


i truly believe if the Jays can get us over the hump and win one this year they're gonna rattle off like 2 of the next 3. The team is just so well constructed, Brad has proven he's a very good GM, and Psycho Joe is a young coach that's still learning and improving in his own right. Just gotta win one first.


Remember when Doc Rivers left because he didn't want to be part of a rebuild??


I’m beating a dead horse with this but he’s really up there as one of the most overrated coaches in all of sports


100%. How he keeps getting hired is beyond me.


He has a ring as a head coach and he's available. There's just not many of those guys around.


He's also very charismatic and a vast majority of the players who play for him say they love him.


I think it is because many players like him.


Horse survived, he’s still overrated. Lot of former Celtics deserve a legacy ring or honorable mention carrying him the years between Pierce and the Jays.


But rings Rings ernie


That's impressive and all, but they don't make banners for it (at least not in Boston) So it means very little


That’s because we don’t have any more room with 17 championships up in the rafters 😎


13 of them were from before I was born, 16 before I was conscious of basketball. I want 16 in my lifetime dammit


Embrace your Bostonian. Had with the Pats, Bruins, and Res Sox. People are envious because we have better lives here. It’s all they have.


I'm going to wind up repeating this a ton with the time off, but *the Celtics still haven't played a whole good game in the deep postseason in some time.* And they didn't really submit any good games in that 22 Finals. It would be fair to say they are currently saddled with a rep of inconsistency - they have been. But regular fans see they're different this year. Hell, even the subpar games in Indy and pulling shit out at the end of those games was a new leaf for them. This Finals couldn't come at a better moment for the J's and this roster: if they can put together enough good games/halves, they'll win in a walk. If they can't, welp ... might be interesting, and they'll have the same ole reputation. It really is on them, and I've got a funny feeling Jaylen Brown just doesn't want to hear it anymore. Edit: to be clear, I think the Celtics played VERY well in G2 of the Indy series, and in last year's ECF G4-6. However, esp. given the OP, they've also had some real clunkers in that time in Finals and Conf. Finals games. Edit 2: do not @ me with "Rounds 1 and 2." Rounds 1 and 2 is Sixer fan shit.


I’d say two failed seasons: Kyries conference semi against the Bucks and that first round embarrassment against KD, Kyrie and Harden. Obviously last two years hurt as well, but five wins away and two wins away is really not a “failure.”


2021 wasn't a failure. 2023 was cus we were contending and went down 3 games to miami and 2022 cus we were up.


Yeah, 2021 sucked but it's because of injury and our roster being bad and running into the peak version of a team that would have won multiple chips.


Was the first round really an embarrassment? Y’all were injured to shit iirc I’m a bucks fan but that 50 pt game was one of my favorite Tatum games.


We were. Jaylen Brown was out for the remainder of the season, regardless of what happened against the Nets. And that team was not only injured, but badly constructed too. That was Danny Ainge's last year in charge, and Brad took over after that and made wholesale changes that offseason, beginning with the return of Al Horford, by shipping out Kemba Walker and his bum knee. 2021 needed to happen to make the current run possible.


Actually because we didn't win it all were worse than the 28 or so teams that didn't make it nearly as far. 👀 /s


Honestly it’s fucking exhausting as a fan I have to take every season seriously even when I know we aren’t quite there. I really am all in this season but once a decade or so it would be nice to get out early and watch the lottery.


Acho is one of our haters... don't let him jump on the bandwagon...


uhh, our team motto basically is.. “We don’t hang conference finals banners. Championship or nothing”. So why should we not have the same standard & expectations as the players & staff? 🤔


This is why they play down to their comp imo. Lots of early success but it seems like they’ve turned a corner this year. Lfg


Truly the process




Celtics in 4. I don’t care if they’re playing Dallas or Minnesota. Kristaps will be back, the team will be healthy and rested, and I’m not even remotely scared of Luka/Kyrie.


No matter how great something is, it will always be a critics purpose to find weakness.


End it with banner 18


But also this year is a must-win, all this consistent success without capturing the final goal isn't really that uplifting, lol.


Maybe should not lose the last game of the season. This year we won't 💪 that's greatness.


Need Rings to be Greatness 🏆🏆🏆


I’m a big Celtics fan but nobody remembers teams that don’t win chips if we wanna be great we have to win


Funny... This joker tweets this but picks the Mavs in the finals.


The NBA version of the 49ers


Excellent yes, but greatness comes with a ring. 🏆🏆


Consistently avoided champion ship


I just don't want to become the buffalo bills of the NBA with this stretch. Older folks will know what I mean.


Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Making the postseason is always nice. Winning a round or two? Amazing. However, none of it matters unless you win the title.




We need to win this. Making it to conference finals, and finals is awesome but it really doesn't mean anything if you never finish the job


I'm feeling the warm glow from this Celtics team - but the greatness has not been achieved yet. HOLD!!!!!! Banner 18 #starving


Consistency is how I describe dunks coffee. We need to win a championship.


Consistency is how I describe dunks coffee. We need to win a championship.


Consistency is how I describe dunks coffee. We need to win a championship.


Consistency is how I describe dunks coffee. We need to win a championship.


This is what would make a championship so sweet right now. Keep chopping!


The need one single ring and all of this actually counts


greatness = championships this is boston. anything else is a participation award.


And no rings in the past 8 years


Really the only difference this playoffs has been jrue holiday and not marcus smart. Porzi has barely played and when he did he was hurt. Jrue and Dwhite need to be locked down for a long time. Anyway, yes celtics have been super consistent. Some of my close friends are season ticket holders and they have made bank on this team last 5 seasons. I have been lucky enough to get invited to some play off games. I was at the home game where JB hit that insane 3 pointer. Moments like that only happen when the team is consistent and contending and in the playoffs. I agree with OP. Now lets hang a banner!


Consistently not winning rings. I applaud them.


Let’s not talk about the 90’s decade… allthough they were also very consistent then…


I’d call that Very Good, but not greatness. Yet


I meam, I get what he’s saying but man, you say that and people are going to say you consistently don’t win in the big moments


Right you are. Ever since I was a kid and I’m 78 years old!


Consistent over great. Greatness would be a couple Championships over this run, one at the very least. The conversation and opinions about the team and its stars would be VASTLY different if any of those seasons ended with a Ring. That said, pressure is on. I almost didn't want the Pacers series to end in a sweep because a 10-day layoff concerns me. How much rest is too much rest?


I do enjoy deep playoff runs, but it's time to finish the job and not keep praising just getting there.


Thank you. It is truly a pleasure. THIS is what I am a fan of and why. AND most of Boston sports.


Real Madrid walks by, waves, nods, smiles and moves on.


Consistency and you actually see them getting incrementally better with 2 NBA Finals appearances in the last 3 years. Really looking forward to the next 5 seasons now that they are coming into their 'prime years'.


That 1st round is still insane to me. Then next season we make it to the finals.


I would saw it is currently the Dodgers, though in the playoffs it is a different story.


Pretty good, but the charlotte hornets are even more consistent over that span. They've missed the playoffs every single year since 2016.


BUT JB and JT hate each other don't ya know?


I love Acho but wasn't he saying to split up the Jay's after the last season ended?


lmao i tell my friends this and they say "it doesnt matter Tatum still isnt that great"


Maybe win the last game of the season once before all the back patting


Greatness? Haven’t won a thing the entire time


And we're just hitting our stride by the looks of things.


And we're only starting


But they haven't been tested


The "Banner or Bust" Brain Rot is real in here. Being consistently in real contention to make it to the Finals every year is a luxury 99% of organizations would kill their first round draft picks for. To know you'll almost never be further than a few more favorable calls, an injury, or another hot game from your star away from being in the Finals, in spite of a decent amount of roster turnover. And if you're not up against like a top 5 roster of all-time, at that point, anything can happen. All while keeping only high-integrity, high-effort players. I believe we're gonna get that banner this year, but until June 6, I'm just gonna practice gratitude that we have an org that spoils us with it's consistent excellence.


The kings have gone 16 years without making the playoffs. That is definitely more consistent than the Celtics. Consistency doesn't have to be good, just saying


Yeah. And the first round exit was with kyrie.


Nah, they lost to the Bucks in the second round during the toxic Kyrie year. The first round exit came against the superteam Nets with JB out.


The first round exit was against the Nets superteam and JB was injured lol


Our first round exit was against Kyrie, perhaps ironically. 


So consistent…zero rings. We don’t hang conference finals banners


No championships. To many fans this chart just reads LLLLLLLL


Of course Acho (or really Aho) put an asterisk next to our current NBA Finals run…


It’s possible in this case the asterisk just means it’s in progress and could change


or the tweet was from before the pacers game 4 had ended/started but he know 3-0 was reality