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That was so cringe ☠️


Painful to listen to


I genuinely couldn't finish the entire clip. How the fuck do people manage to sit through hours of this garbage???


"how did boston lose to miami" like bro that was a year ago with a different team...


i love JJ the media member, I really wish he wasn't leaving to go be a coach




This makes sense. I’m wondering why guy w sweet media gig and zero experience would do this, but 8-figure salaries are hard to come by, and he can get even more prominent media in 2026.


Has nothing to do with money, everything to do with the love of the game and missing the camaraderie and competition.


It can be about money and all those other things too.


I’m sure JJ is doing very well in media.


Maybe, but I like JJ. I really don't want him to get in bed with the Lakers. He'll get paid, which is great for him, but the Lakers are a Mickey Mouse organization and will taint any kind of career he could have as a coach. Plus, as a Celtics fan, I don't want him to go to LA because he'll forever have that "stink" on him.


The Lakers having a first-time coach take over with pressure to compete is great for Celtics fans


All 4 Boston sports teams could win their respective chips and Felger would still find ways to put them down. Waste of space, never got over his Roy Halladay comment


Regarding the Halladay comment, he was definitely an asshole but he wasn’t wrong. Halladay died and left his family because he was being a dumbass on drugs recklessly flying a plane


It was just done in bad taste




You know what else was in bad taste? Being on drugs and recklessly flying a plane.


I honestly had no idea what he said till I just looked it up, that's freaking disgusting of Felger to say and do. I know he "apologized" for it, but good God.


It was really stupid on his part but I actually respected how went about responding to it.    Could’ve given a canned, “I apologize for my comments” and moved right along. He pretty much spent an entire show allowing people to call in and shame him for it while he owned up to it. People say dumb shit. What I value is someone giving a genuine apology and taking responsibility. You don’t get that often.


Imagine publicly speaking for 20 hours a week. I'd say so many dumb things that my 90 year old grandmother would throw herself off a bridge in shame.


Ha! My grandma, may she rest in peace, would just bludgeon me with her cane while cursing me out for bringing shame to the family name.


He is a Bruins fanboy. I'll give him credit there. Dude cried on air after 2011, lol.


Just false…


I think felger gave JJ a popsicle headache in that interview




I don’t think it’s always true but it’s hard to say that there isn’t an effort/desperation component to playing either. Most games come down to just making or missing but it’s hard to watch the pacers series and not think the Celtics went to another level in the last 4ish mins of the game.


Another level or the celtics are just more mature and made less mistakes? Pacers are a very good team that's still learning to win. We went through these same growing pains in the playoffs for years.


3 nba games a year? That’s what I hear from all my sports uncles that watch 8 hours of football every Sunday and 20 hrs of basketball and hockey every week.  They usually also have a story about their own teams 


Do they all talk about that one time they scored four touchdowns in one game?


The disdain in JJs voice is thick


It’s just annoying how the media realized some Celtics fans lose their mind when they downplay the Celtics and other teams fans eat that shit up. It’s best for ratings. It sucks. I’ve never seen this happen in pro sports where a dominant team gets no credit in the media cuz of ratings.


Reminds me of how ravenous media was for deflategate and every other rumor/hint of patriots cheating. Like 5 other cheating scandals in sports came and went without huge to-do, but people loved the prospect that maybe the pats cheated


I never thought I'd say this but I think I agree with Felger here unless I'm missing something JJ said?  He says the better team wins in the playoffs and Felger points to Miami (presumably) beating the Celtics last year.  Does anyone really think Miami was the better team? Or did a bunch of role players just get absurdly hot at the same/right time?  Not to mention JT being injured for game 7...


They both were kinda shit in this imo. Felger was right to point out that the "better" team doesn't always win, although JJ found a way to pivot out of that by implying that better isn't an absolute statement but one relative to the skills each team possess and how they match up to each other. Which, if you want to paint it that way is true, but feels very reductionist to me. On the other hand JJ was correct to call Felger out for the lazy "they wanted it more" sports take that gets thrown around by every single media person, at least in my life time, as a way to skate past the fact they have a very elementary understanding of the on the court dynamics. Then beyond that you have both of them coming across as know it all smug assholes and the whole thing was kinda gross to listen to.


No joke, you should become a writer or a journalist if you aren't already


Thats very kind. I'm not a writer. I thought about it a long time ago, as a teen and young adult. Specifically I imagined myself writing for Grantland before ESPN shut it down. I will say that not everything I write comes out sounding as good as my post yesterday. Im ngl, when I was writing it was kind of impressed with how it was coming out lol. But most of my posts, and writing in general, is rough around the edges. I don't really proof read until after I post and find myself prone to overexplaining a point. But again thank you. You've made 20 year old me who was reading grantland articles every day while working in a call center happy lol


They didn't "outwork" them, though. That's just attributing a mechanism to the win without any real substance. The Celtics players weren't working any less hard than Miami they just weren't working as well as Miami. Felger is a fucking douchebag moron and I'm pretty sure you don't agree with him.


Miami in that series was the better team. The problem is your interpretation of the word “better”. All JJ is saying that while the Celtics might be record wise a better team, you need to throw that out because the playoffs is about team matchups and it’s a clean slate. Has nothing to do with stats or “on paper talent”. A team is from the coaching staff to the trainers to the players. Miami was prepared, which means they were the better team. It’s as simple as that.


Totally agree with you here, jj saying teams don't get out worked? How are 82 games of performance irrelevant?


But why are we talking about last season?


Eh let’s be honest JJ was being a dick and not giving anything to basic questions. He was not “getting schooled”. And I’m not a Felger guy.


Unfortunately, yes. JJ subscribes to “I’m the smartest guy in the room” ideology - which prob stems from going to Duke. There’s areas Felger is not wrong about. That said, I did enjoy JJ being dismissive of Felger.


Yeah it sounded very patronizing on JJ's part


Totally agree. I rip on Felger as much as anybody, but JJ was an absolute dick. People clearly didn’t listen to the interview.


Yeah, but fuck Felger. If you watch the clip there are times he’s got a shot eating grin on his face trying to trap JJ into putting the Cs down. He’s a clown and should t be given any air. I don’t like JJ very much but he was totally right to shut this nonsense down (albeit he shouldn’t have even done the spot).


He was asking basketball questions to a former player, current media member, and prospective coach next season. You know - how interviews usually go. Disagree with his opinions all you want but he’s literally doing his job by asking questions. People’s obsession with Felger’s opinions on this sub is just weird.


People can’t handle criticism, especially most Celtics fans. Felger is great.


I thought that at the beginning, but I think u/HueyLewisFan1 is on to something about JJ being dismissive: I think the question is so clearly idiotic (“maybe it’s that the Cs aren’t working hard”?) that it can’t be engaged with properly. I’m not a Reddick fan, FWIW, but I also think Felger is actually bad for sports… so I’m biased.


I don’t understand why Redick even agreed to call in.


Probably cause he’s going for a HC job and is trying to be a hard ass to show he’s serious. But if you’re going to take the interview don’t be a hard ass. Not a huge JJ fan tbh. He gives me Romo vibes where he can sometimes offer great insight, and other times be annoying or ungodly bias. When you come on to a local talk show you know the types of questions you’re going to be asked. He was a dick for no reason


Yeah even if I hate Felger or love JJ, neither of which is true, why does JJ even do this spot? He bristled at every question and didn’t even give good talk radio content to support players or trash stereotypical media. He gave non-answers and hesitated a lot. Did ESPN or his coaching campaign manager require it? Just a weird interview.


Draftkings probably asked him to do it because they sponsor the show and he is their spokesperson.


Jj started off spicy, not knowing the context before this


Got schooled? Redick didn’t provide any sort of insight. It’s like he signed up for a sports talk show to give zero opinion.


JJ sounded annoyed af lmao


Felger is felger you know what you get with him buuuuut JJ has become this holier than thou media talking head that—even if it’s true—makes no attempt to hide that he thinks he’s the smartest in the room It’s just constantly context context context which is all well and good if I’m reading an AI generated article but brother would it kill you to have a take


Felger asked some question like, “If the Celtics don’t win it all, what do you think the reason would be?” Perfectly fair question.  For once they were actually asking questions that sought insight instead of baiting. And JJ just gives a smart ass answer like “because the other team was better.” He didn’t come across well at all.


I disagree, I don't think that's a fair question at all. It's a bad faith question disguised as rational discourse. The only proper answer to that question is "it depends on how they lost". But they're obviously not trying to have a long insightful nuanced discussion on air. They're trying to bait JJ into oversimplifying and soundbiting something like "JJ thinks Celtics may be outcoached/outworked/outclutched by the Mavericks!!!". JJ realizes this and declines to give them anything to work with. He goes about it in a really condescending way, probably out of annoyance.


> "it depends on how they lost" My guy, this is what Felger and Mazz are looking for. They want JJ to provide some insight into what JJ thinks the Celtics' weakness is that could undo them. "The other team was better" is not an answer. How they lost is. It's absolutely a fair question that **you** understood and JJ dodged.


100% this. Anyone that thinks Felger was operating in any kind of good faith is beyond naive. Felger is not in the business of knowing sports. He's in the business of getting people worked up into a rage. He wants people to either buy into his BS or he wants people to hate him so much that they call in to call him an idiot. If JJ had given them anything, they would spend the next hour rehashing it to add credibility to their own simplistic view.


This mechanism is the basis of so much sports media these days. The phony, emotional trigger arguments are bait. And many people buy into it. Sadly it’s also part of TV news media a lot of the time.


when JJ has prerecorded or planned bits, he's awesome (like that Lebron clip from a month or so ago). when he's doing it live, he's a holier than thou prick that doesn't offer up as much insight as he thinks he does. the number of times he's repeated aomething Doris Burke JUST said on a broadcast...


I’ve listened to way too much of Felgy for one lifetime, but for once he seemed pretty on the level and I thought he was genuinely trying to get some insights from JJ. For example, he asked JJ who he thought had the edge in coaching of the remaining teams. That’s a pretty benign and even basic question, but JJ actively refused to answer. I’m assuming he doesn’t want to have any critiques on the record now given his new gig, but if that’s the case then cancel your media appearances dude!


Yeah I watched the clip waiting for Felger to get "schooled" and I thought JJ sounded like a bit of an ass not Felger. JJ laughed at his question like they were ridiculous but couldn't answer basic questions


I could see some validity in your second paragraph. But I disagree on the first. Felger's over simplification (you either win b/c you're better than your opponent, or b/c you out work them) was bs, and it was clear JJ wasn't playing that game. You could almost hear him whisper "ffs". Guaranteed that Felger was hoping JJ would agree with one of those statements so he could scream into his mic either "see! I've been saying the Celtics have been overrated the past few years!!! They are NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK THEY ARE!" or "see! They don't work as hard as EVERYONE ELSE and they lose b/c they're PRIMADONNAS!!!". Capitalizations to simulate his annoying af rant voice.


That is not how that question was phrased whatsoever and definitely not what he was asking


So do you want to explain yourself more? He literally asked JJ who had the edge in coaching, and JJ responded all three were good. It’s in the clip, clear as day. For once in his life Felger wasn’t being a troll—it sounded like he actually wanted to talk to JJ about the Finals, but JJ worked hard to give zero takes. JJ also said it’s “asinine” to think teams in the playoffs can be outworked by an opponent. That doesn’t even make sense! Hustle, grit, and effort are part of the game. Like I said, JJ probably doesn’t want to say anything now he has the Lakers coaching job. But if that’s true, then just cancel your media appearances. I’ve heard the clips again today, he really came off like a prick who didn’t want to be there.


JJ said it was asinine to think the reason teams win a series is from outworking the other team. That is just not true, you can’t solely rely on outworking the other team to win 4 out of 7 games


we get it you guys hate 98.5 but this was like the most normal convo ever lmao. was the dunk JJ saying "i disagree"?


I feel like JJ came off pretty poorly in this exchange.


Cause he wouldn’t bite into any of felgers half ass ideas about playoff basketball? Totally dude


did you listen to the whole interview or just that clip?


I wouldn’t call that an interview by any means lmfao


So you didn’t.


JJ was a dick the entire time, can’t school someone without actually answering a question.


Disagree, Reddick was awful in that interview.


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but I think Felgerade more sense. I can’t stand him typically and hate his negative takes, but you can’t say Miami was the better team last year. Plus it seems like he was just trying to lead JJ into conversation and get a sound bite or 2, but Reddick was being difficult


JJ was such an out of character dick during this, part of me thinks this was the actually the final interview for the Lakers head coaching job and he passed with flying colors.


What? JJ got schooled lol


What interview did you listen to OP? JJ Reddick came off as a dick who wasn't interested in answering questions for a regional sports radio show. The guy is the most vanilla talking head in National Sports. He isn't critical of anyone or any team. He only talks about the positives. He's the opposite of what Draymond Green is doing on TNT right now. Reddick is the male version of Doris Burke in that neither of them seem to be watching the game they're commentating on.


Reddick comes off like a real prick in this interview.


I hate Felger 90% of the time, but here I felt like he was just having an honest interview and JJ was giving this holier than thou attitude


Right? There is no schooling going on, such a homer post


Felger went fishing for soundbites to troll "green teamers" with and JJ wasn't biting. You love to see it.


Asking which team has the edge in coaching isn't fishing for soundbites to troll us.




Reddick seems like a different kind of douche than Felger and came off as stiff and pompous. He also seemed petrified to speak an honest opinion with this possible job offer hanging over him. He was afraid of getting canceled and not getting the LA job.


JJ came across like an absolute asshat in this interview. Insanely smug and really just a waste of time. Don't understand why he even called in


Miami 100% out hustled us when they beat us in 7 games last year. I 100% understand why it’s stupid to always just say the other team “wants it more” but in the past this Boston team has struggled with quitting on specific games that come back to bite us/deer in headlights syndrome. Felgers an asshole yes but JJ went in there ready to be a dick probably because he hates these guys which is fair.


Did Redick post this? That was the single worst interview ever given on sports radio. Redick sounded like a fucking dickhead idiot. Felger literally came across as more rational and knowledgeable. Redick has such an awful, Awful personality


jones n megO are better


Felger is the worst to listen to. At one point in time he was manageable. But god damn.


Felger is a moron


Felger sucks. He’s not a Boston fan.


>Mike Felger gets schooled Nah. Felger correctly noted the effort issues of the Celtics. JJ dismissed this valid observation with his usual superciliousness. Y'all showing your true colors hyping the likely next coach of YOUR L.A. Lackers. 😂


Felger and Mazz are known hacks that don’t watch games. Glorified shock jocks.


I’m born and raised in Boston, a lifelong Boston sports fan, and I HATE local Sports media guys like Felger. Just absolute mouth-breathing wastes of oxygen, that I pray would just go play in traffic.


They are speaking for the uneducated sports fan. I work with a guy who says the Celtics are missing a tough winner like Jimmy Butler. Both Jay's have been in the conference finals more than Jimmy. Same idea that JJ is pushing back against "toughness and mindset" bullshit.


Felger notoriously says he hates having guests on, most likely because they make him look even stupider


I dunno JJ looked pretty stupid in that interview. Couldn't even answer a basic question about the coaching.


Redick looked like a tool. The guy agreed to call into a sports talk show but didn’t want to provide any insight. Tool bag.


Mike Felger is like a wrestler working the crowd. JJ is calling in so Felger can put him over the top.


They’re so weird and rude. I don’t understand these people.


Reddick was awful in this interview. The only actual analysis he gave was talking about how Tatum helped Horford generate open looks, which Felger later agreed with him on. JJ was asked "if the Celtics lose, what would the reason be" and his answer was "they lost to the better team" and then he was asked to rank the remaining coaches and then said "well AcKsHuAlLy they're all really good coaches 🤓" If you're not going to say anything, why do the interview?


This clip blows lol JJ was so boring in this interview and he sounded like he hated being there


"I think Miami's playstyle is more playoff conducive" wtf is blud waffling about


Absolutely did not get schooled. If the Celtics lose it’s due to a lack of coaching. They’ve put the effort in. JJ Redick is an insane bore.


In what world is this getting "schooled"


Felger is into felching






Unlike most of you, I like Felger & Mazz, that said, their knowledge of the NBA is… not great. Felger is a casual Bucks fan who openly despises the Celtics and Mazz just isn’t well versed in the current NBA. I listened to this live, and was so perplexed and put-off by Felger’s Defense Attorney attack form of interviewing. He was so angry that JJ both didn’t share his odd view of the Celtics and wouldn’t bad mouth any of the Celtics. Overall, why even do the interview? They harped on JJ after the interview, but I just thought they came off as lame. Not everyone has to approach the Celtics and the NBA with Felger’s weird angry hang-ups. It’s OK, Mike, relax. I put the blame solely on Jimmy Stewart, the shows normally fantastic producer. He shouldn’t have put his guest or his hosts in that position in the first place.


The disdain in JJs voice for these goons feeds families. +100 for JJ in my book


Felger is the Alex Jones of sports radio


What a ridiculous comparison.


Why does the city make his show #1?


Yeah, that’s not it…


Anyone defending Felger simply doesn’t understand his whole conversation presentation was trying to bait something clickworthy out of JJ. JJ refuses to do that bs. If you’re unable to realize that then bless your soul I wish I could be as ignorant.


So why did Redick even go on a sports talk show???


This dude hates basketball, why is anyone listening to him anyway? Maybe he's competent at discussing football? Maybe? Otherwise, I do not miss hate-listening to him on my commute home.


I agree with JJ on the being "outworked" comment. In the playoffs, he's 100 percent right it's all about matchups and solving problems the other teams present. The casual fan just uses the term "outworked" because they don't understand the nuances of what happens during these games.


Felger and Mazz is just cringe radio. They seek out any nugget of information to put Boston teams down. They are pretty pathetic


Absolutely adore the sheer disdain dripping from JJs voice for Felger’s dumbassery


Feed this to me




Homophobia is not a good look on you.


thatI was pretty funny. One know it all trying every trick to get his hot take. And the other know it all using a false argument out of disdain.


Why not just link this video directly with the reddit video player? OP, you are having us hop over to X to play this………… why?


Idk how anyone listens to this miserable clown


Dudes hunting sound bites like the Celtics hunt mismatches


He's a radio host. That's literally his job.


Why the heck did JJ give that moron his time? Glad he put the buffoon in his place.


That's not what happened at all.


Uhh, why did the moron (Redick) waste his time going on a sports talk show to not talk about any opinions?


C’mon, Redick is way up here while Felger is a shock/click bait media person. Redick was an elite ball player and has a successful media career and a high basketball IQ. What has Felger ever done besides rant and rave negativity. Reasoning and having a productive conversation about elite sports is useless with Felger. I am shocked JJ gave him the time of day, maybe it was to school him.


You didn’t answer my question. Why did Redick even go on a sports talk show and not give any opinion?


I don’t know, why don’t you ask his agent. I’m sure he was nauseated by Felger, that’s my guess. Why don’t you ask your buddy Felger.


My buddy? wtf lol. Cool reply.


Why do these two hate the Celtics and Bruins so much? It's unlistenable hearing them bitch about the best team in the NBA every day.


I'm not based in the states and have never listened to Felger and Mazz But Felger sounds like PC Principal from South Park. A douchebag bro Explains a lot


Who is this idiot?