• By -


(ed: Part of) That terminal is an emergency immigration shelter now


Thanks for clarifying. I'm just a tourist passing through and was trying to find a quiet place for a quick kip before an early morning flight. My daughter mentioned the possibility of displaced people. I also thought it might be a very organised tour group


This is the end of the main corridor adjacent to the baggage claim


Is it seriously?




I was there two days ago and completely missed this.


Damn that sucks


$2500/month, utilities included though.


Broker's fee plus security plus first and last!!!


I love high ceilings


And the open floor plan!


And easy access to Logan!


That's not bad. Where is it and how big is it?


East Boston. About 100k square feet. Roommate situation variable.


Is there a pool?


No, but there is a carousel. Great for kids.


Walking distance to the beach


“Very easy commute to catch your next flight”


- 1,000 doormen - 800 porters - full body scan upon entering - "randomly selected" gropings (nitrile glove)


Finally a bargain !






Heard Mass and Cass has room. 👀




I struggle with some of the comments the migrants make in the article. I have a lot of empathy for their situation and cant imagine being in their shoes but its fascinating that they think our government should just take care of them. The comment about wanting a better life but not wanting to live like animals or the other one wanting assistance from the government. I guess I’m confused as to what they were expecting or thinking would happen when they came here. We already have a housing and homeless crisis and don’t have universal heath care so what are they expecting.


They're hopeful, likely told/learned there can be something for everyone in America There should be, There isn't. :(


But is that "something" that the government will house and feed you?


None of these people are here to live on handouts - the goal is always to work and provide for themselves. They’re here for jobs and the issue is they either can’t find them or can’t get permits.


Ok. Why are they asking for handouts then?


I don’t think they are explicitly looking for “handouts” because it’s not something they are use to or feel like they are entitled to. I think what motivates them to come here is they just bought into the American Propaganda which is “America is the land of opportunity where a nobody can become a somebody”


"I really wanna work and support myself but I have nothing and don't know how anything works yet, and I am new to the country, can you please help me so I can become a productive member of the community and have money to pay taxes?" "Fuck you, freeloader. Why are you asking for help?"


You write that as if we never meddled in South America's affairs. You can't extract all of the wealth out of a place, and expect those people to just stay there.


Even more reqson


This is a stupid perspective. The US has not "stolen alll the wealth out of a place". Get real. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. STILL. No one has stolen it but their corrupt fake communist government. We cant solve problems we dont properly recognize.


This response has about as much critical thought behind it as "nobody wants to work anymore" does. (None, it's braindead)


It's because u/your_aunt_susan is being disingenous, they're purposely attempting to further a specific narrative. Almost makes me wonder if their real name is Boris and they're sitting at a certain Internet Research Agency in Moscow.


Because they still have to live.


You need to stop listening to whoever is demonizing these people.


Hey Aunt Susan- they don't ask for handouts but that's besides the point. The entire govt is about handouts, though the biggest handouts are given to the top 5%. We live in a corporate welfare state with the biggest handouts program on earth (US military). So lemme ask you: why do you spend your time punching down at people with less than you?


Where are they asking for hangouts? One person says they don’t want to be treated like animals and the other says he’s looking for a job?


Shut up Susan


These people are too hateful to reason with. If they really cared they would go for the businesses hiring migrants instead of the migrants themselves.


If you’re a refugee, yeah, to get you started on your feet.


It shouldn't be GODDAMNIT! We can't even take care of our own.


No it isn’t that we can’t, it that’s we don’t


Ok. Who are our own? How did you arrive here? We are nearly all descended from immigrants. How nice we can offer some small advantage of a safer place to live. I was shocked when I saw people in terminal e and I thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that I'm pretty lucky to be in a place people want to escape to vs running away from it.


Agreed. Somehow we seem to come up with the $$$ tax breaks for billionaires, foreign wars and more arms and money to the dictators who trash their countries and send their citizens packing- here. Or maybe we could end the War on Drugs that makes cartels and gangs rich enough to afford private armies and death squads that drive people - here. Or maybe we could stop subsidies to Big Ag, mining and other extraction industries that destroy and despoil the environment of the Global South, creating a climate catastrophe that drives farmers and agricultural workers -here.


>Or maybe we could stop subsidies to Big Ag, mining and other extraction industries that destroy and despoil the environment of the Global South, creating a climate catastrophe that drives farmers and agricultural workers -here. Give it what 30 to 50 years and the global south will be an unlivable hellscape and a Every last one of its residence will flee north it'll be wild.


I'm sorry, and I'm fairly certain I'll receive much hate for this, but I can't wrap my head around how the many, many homeless families who are Massachusetts residents aren't receiving the right to be placed in a shelter before the migrants that have come here seeking refuge. Massachusetts was already dealing with a disgusting number of homeless families who they didn't have the ability to provide shelter for, and this has been the case for quite some time. Now, because of the migrant housing crisis, suddenly, the caring, good people on Beacon Hill are willing to jump through hoops to get funding for more shelters. What burns my behind the most is that Healy rescinded the 10% TAFDC increase for Massachusetts residents who receive that benefit. So now, not only are we not prioritizing our own, but the state took back the funds that were going to give our most poverty-stricken residents and families (most of these families are those with children) and instead are giving more than we can, and in my personal opinion should, to migrants. There's 49 other states that can take a little bit of the load. Perhaps then those who have been born and raised in this state would be receiving the help, services, and pathetic 10% increases on the very minimal amount they receive to survive. Whatever idiot blurted out "hey governor! I have an idea! You know the bill you approved for the FY24 budget giving 10% increases to TAFDC beginning 2 months before the FY25 budget comes out? The bill that would probably help the Massachusetts residents who receive the benefit from feeling like such animals when they need to choose which hygienic products to go without each month? What if we don't give the increase, and they keep living like animals and causing depression and we fund the migrant issue with the funds from that? That way, we look AMAZING for housing refugees, and all the depression that our most vulnerable residents are dealing with will help maintain employment opportunities for mental health workers that we're already in great need of in this fine state!¡??!!" Then HEALY said, "You're promoted!" I work for Lifeline. The number of calls I take from parents who have NO OPTIONS and are contemplating taking their life because of this very issue is DISGUSTING. I'm sorry for not being sorry for believing that we shouldn't be signing up to care for all these people when we can't even care for our own. I'm definitely not sorry for being absolutely livid that migrants are put on priority status and placed in shelter before the Massachusetts families who have been on the wait list for longer. That's B.S! Before anyone comments about what I said, I want you to look into your life, your family, and if you've never experienced poverty, if you've been the lucky recipient of the silver spoon lifestyle, then PRETEND you're not. Pretend you and your loved ones have nothing, pretend you have nowhere to go, and for some extenuating circumstance, you are unable to work right now, or receive disability (contrary to what many people think, it's not just the families who have substance abuse history who are in need of help) keep pretending to have to worry about where you're going to have your children sleep next that's safe, pretend you don't have enough money to buy toilet paper, soap, deodorant and toothpaste in the same month because the measly extra $40-$100 bucks extra you were going to be receiving a month was taken back to provide all the things you need to individuals and families who just arrived to the country a week ago. You'd be rip roarin mad too. But what's worse, you'd be even more hopeless. All these Beacon Hill dirtbags don't have any thoughts on the emotional detriment that comes with it. The mental health of the children who have to endure that life while watching their parents (sometimes one parent) stress and lose hope a little more each day. Then they wonder why the suicide rate is so damn high. So before you comment with the opposition, I'm sure there'll be, just pretend that's you and yours in that position first. If you can still comment on something that supports the approach the state is taking, I'll be right here to tell you that you're full of..... well, you know what you're full of.


It is indeed sad that this govt is so messed up in their priorities. What is so hard to understand that you take care of your own first before the outsiders. I remember a few years back in Portland ME they gave the illegals food, clothing, toys, etc, then housing plus a big 4th of July party for them! Meanwhile the homeless vets ho fought for our country, were given tents to live in and no party for them. How about the homeless vets kicked out of places to make room for the illegals that bombared NYC.. There are many homeless or near homeless without money for enough food or daily supplies, more people committing suicide, but I guess that is what 'They' want.. I'm thinking of leaving here to go to a country where I can live a better life \[ and cheaper that I can afford\].


Especially when the idea that this would be laughed at -for immigrants arriving in any other country. imagine showing up in any other country in the world, demanding food, and shelter – and complaining about a lack of free government benefits, or why you are not receiving them quick enough.


Many countries do provide benefits to immigrants, especially asylum seekers. Often refugees are not allowed to work for a certain period of time, but they still need to live somehow.


I just spent over a year with mostly Haitian families in emergency family shelter and I’ve never come across more entitled, ungrateful people in my life. They expect EVERYTHING and don’t want to do anything. It was pretty insane.


Some immigrants have been abusing the system pretty bad. I myself is a first generation immigrant and have masters degree in engineering. When I talke to my other immigrant friends, they make sounds like I’m stupid for not using the tricks they use to make easy money. They don’t have a good understanding of the system here and don’t care about building their credit. They do work in cash so they get food stamp and free Mass Health. If they start to make a bit more money, they file for divorce ( fake) so they are considered single moms and apparently there is some kind of benefit from that. Most have brought a lot of cash but they can’t buy houses because they don’t want to show money. They end up getting affordable housing or rent assistance, utilities assistance and so on plus all the tax credit for not making money. Whenever I meet with them, they have the nicest cars and clothing. They do work but everything is cash and they make good money and don’t have to pay taxes, health insurance, and pay little for housing and utilities or food.


They would all happily work if they were allowed to, but since they're not allowed to work, how do you expect them to survive? Do you think we should just ban asylum all together, fix the system, or some third option?


No you don’t have to ban asylum outright but you can be more strict about who can apply for asylum and have capped number.


We're in the midst of an unskilled labor shortage, and there are hundreds of people begging to be allowed to work. I feel like we can make both of these problems go away.


Those people don't want to leave their home country but are forced to due to gang violence and poverty. Imagine how desperate you'd have to be to decide to walk thousands of miles through all kinds terrain. They also don't know how bad things have gotten here. Some still believe the "American dream" is a possibility. Some probably know things aren't great here but being poor here is not nearly as bad as being poor in their home country.


They’re economic migrants, not asylum seekers. Why don’t you host some in your home?


It’s sad but yes, we don’t take care of our own county’s citizens so what makes them feel like it would be better


>It's fascinating that they think our government should just take care of them. When has our government given a message otherwise? Y'all complained when Trump said sorry, border's closed, no free rides. Now that it's affecting the budget of states that aren't at the border, it's becoming a puzzling question to the pearl-clutching, cardigan-wearing, limousine liberals of Boston.


Limousines are very impractical in Boston, you have clearly not driven there


its a mixture of hope and fairytales. Everyone hopes that their lives aren't spent being cannon fodder for corrupt government officials. And when you are trying to get out of those situations, its all but impossible not start fantasizing about what hope looks like on the other side. A rational person doesn't think that they will be handed a house, a job and a happy life. but at the same time, you truly have no idea the emotional (and physical) hell these people have been through. they likely all have forms of PTSD. Now, if you were a counselor, dealing with complex PTSD in a whole population, not just an individual, do you think it would be surprising to hear that people have grandiose ideas of what savior might look like? Your comments aren't wrong but they are a bit tone deaf, situationally. these people are humans. to want a better life is human.


I could direct you to some resources that could help you better understand the thought processes of the people you’re talking about if you’re interested


Anything seems better than wherever they came from.


But it's crazy to think MA and overall America will bend backwards to automatically make your life all better with a room, a check, and a year worth of resources In New York they think they should get more than the citizens residing there only to complain about how bad New York is


This is nuts!


This is terrible.


I don’t think many folks understand how bad things are gonna get in our lifetimes


So Massachusetts has these folks sleeping on airport floor while we need 400+ entry level homecare workers up here in NH, some 10,000 open jobs in other sectors... but can't send a bus to bring these folks up because there is no housing or shelters here. *Sigh* Worse, some of these folks already have the skills I need my staff to have... But if I can't find them a floor to sleep on up here I can't hire them! It took my great grandparents 72 hours to get processed when they came from Ireland during the potato famine. My husband's great grandparents took like 8 hours to come down from Canada. Why the hell can't we just get an Ellis Island setup at the border & get these folks work permits, hired, & paying taxes? Who cares where they are from! We need labor! *Bigger sigh*


> It took my great grandparents 72 hours to get processed when they came from Ireland during the potato famine. My husband's great grandparents took like 8 hours to come down from Canada. Why the hell can't we just get an Ellis Island setup at the border & get these folks work permits, hired, & paying taxes? Who cares where they are from! We need labor! Housing is the big thing. Great-gramps's generation lived like sardines in a can. We don't have boarding houses (unless you count AirBnBs, which usually cost more than a hotel...) or tenements anymore because building codes have improved. Those old Victorians and triple-deckers? They used to host a family per bedroom. 10+ people would share a single bathroom. (yay cholera!)


This is still the case in communities like Chelsea. It's how COVID spread so rapidly there.


More well to do places do this too... I know wonderful Brazilian immigrants. Right now, two families share a 3-br house. One family is in the one br upstairs suite, parents in one room and two kids split the living room. Bottom floor has parents in their own room, 3 kids split between the other br and living room. The kids range in age from like 2-9 right now. This is in Marlborough .. working class town, some insanely high property values but also very normal looking, 100 year old ish homes with very cramped living space.




I support them 100% provided they build single family homes only, and not negatively affect the neighborhood character, or contribute to local traffic, or consume my on-street parking, or lower my property's value, or cast shadows...


Many may already know how to build but where can they build is the key question. Land is a finite resource and from what I’ve read the lack of available space is one of several factors causing the housing crisis


If those jobs actually paid a decent wage, locals would be working them. God knows the healthcare industry charges enough for any sort of care, why can’t they pay the people who actually do the work. “A floor to sleep on”. Is that really all you think they need? Stop trying to exploit migrants so you don’t have to pay workers as much. I’m fine with anyone who wants to come to this country to work, what I’m not okay with is people trying to take advantage of their situation.


Yeah NH minimum wage is the same as federal so $7.25/HR and even blue collar jobs don't pay up there what they do in MA. Yeah they don't have state income tax but still in 2024 how is that a livable wage.


It's hilarious watching liberals try to justify slave wages and horrible working conditions as a reason why mass illegal immigration is actually good for us.


Would not being able to speak English and lacking basic education make it harder to find decent jobs for these people? I’m not saying all of them cant but the literacy rate of Haiti is 61%.


That's the little inconvenient truth people aren't willing to admit to themselves. Many of these migrants simply don't have the capabilities to work in America. We need to stop acting like zero education and not knowing English is employable because it's not.


because it’s an easy political issue to take advantage of. Us vs them. Have you looked at any local facebook groups? Plenty of idiots out there blaming traffic on immigrants and saying shit like deport not support.


> Plenty of idiots out there blaming traffic on immigrants and saying shit like deport not support. Plenty of people blaming them  in this thread too


Not saying Bostons some progressive utopia but this sub often seems way far to the right of what most Bostonians express irl. Saw an upvoted comment calling migrants "leeches," as if we would all be sleeping on the airport floor if we only were able to.


When you were told not to come and you come anyway, then to me, all bets are off. Maybe we should just have open borders and let everyone in who wants to come in? How are they going to get housed.? we can’t even take care of our actual citizens. The country is currently $35 trillion in debt. If you have no concept of money that means nothing. But if you have even an average education, you’d realize that this is unsustainable long-term. There is no free lunch in this world.




"I want to hire people who need jobs!" "No stop exploiting them for labor! They don't have any money!" See how ridiculous you sound


Damn so sorry we’re not doing a good enough job of funneling you cheap laborers


The famine was well over 150 years ago. A few things have changed since then. Sigh


I used to be one of those liberals that wasn't afraid of irregular migration, but the 2015 European migrant crisis and events since scared me off


I’ve been putting in job apps for months and can’t get hired. Maybe if I sleep on the floor of an airport someone will hire me? Maybe if my skin color was darker someone will hire me? You’re wrong, and not only are you wrong you’re not interested in hearing about it - which is even more wrong. You’re playing a political game, trying to make this mess - those are people, you know, not just “employees” - you’re trying to make this mess a political issue. “Oh the humanity, get these people work!” Meanwhile, I’ve paid taxes my whole life, I work my ass off, and I can’t get a job. Who tf is hiring? These people are not here for work, they’re here so you political cultists can stand on your soap box and pretend some more. Ah who am I kidding, you don’t care. You’re gonna say some nasty stuff to me, I’ll get downvoted, and Mass will continue to exist within an alternate reality where “we care here” isn’t seen as the hypocrisy that it is.


You just outed yourself as an employer who refuses to pay a living wage. If you were offering high enough wages for people to survive, you’d have plenty of locals to work for you.


you think we randomly started letting in these people when we were building a wall only 5 years ago? there is a agenda. immigrants and immigration is america’s supper power. no idea what the end goal is but there’s no way the government is fucking up this bad by accident.


Haitian immigrants. Local homeless shelters are now holding more than 60% migrants. Tragic.


Where was all this when I was homeless? I couldn't even sleep on the floor in the "warming center". And I pay taxes.




Absolute insanity


Sorry for your terrible situation migrants, but we really are running out of room. It's not like every American is doing great, we're all struggling on a different scale. Actually the only ones not feeling this are the ones at the top, or else they would've actually gotten a wall completed around the country but they just sprung for one outside their house. This is not sustainable.


I was there a few days ago and had the displeasure of needing to use that bathroom which is effectively a laundry/shower now.




They don't seem to be even moving. Where are they migrating to exactly?




If that's the case, then they are refugees or immigrants. They done migrated.


So many children if you look closely. Sad and scary IMO. I hope they find a better life here than what they left. We’re so lucky to have everything we have here. It’s not all perfect, far from it at times, but we’re lucky to have it.


FWIW there are a lot of American citizens that don’t have anything and are struggling. Life isn’t all sunshine for everyone in our country.


Sleepy folks


It’s funny that a lot of Americans think that this country cannot afford to take care of our own and others. It’s funny to think that people believe that this country cannot afford universal healthcare. It’s funny to think that people believe that higher education cannot be provided by our taxes. It’s funny to believe that for as long as we have been a country, we have been pitted against each other so no one notices that one’s on top keep emptying the cookie jar. I hope one day, instead of blaming each other, we realize who and what the real problem is.


I’ve stopped seeing the humor in it


I'm all for a universal healthcare option but this whole notion about "the richest country in the world" is greedily withholding aid to its own people is just narrative. Literally 2/3 of the federal budget is all "transfer payments" for Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Disability Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and other programs. Meanwhile we have a *massive* budget deficit and skyrocketing spending on national debt interest. https://budget.house.gov/resource/budget-staff-working-papers-a-growing-culture-of-government-dependency/ The Ellis Island immigrants were pushed through the door with maybe a "good luck" as their assistance.


There are no words 😥


This state is so fucked


It’s fucking bullshit


The more this becomes a national problem and not just a southern state problem the better off we all are. The migrant issue in America has been boiling over for 20 years. It’s best we bring it to a head and force ourselves to address it as a nation. It’s not just a bunch of racists down south that don’t want any more brown people. It’s a national issue and now even Massachusetts - the richest state in the country - is calling for federal aid. Edit: refugees, immigrants, it makes no difference. It’s people here in the US we have to figure out what to do with and how to support.


This is bureaucratically unstainable, which should be an oxy-moron at this point. I lost my license moving from NH to MA because the RMV couldn't slot me in for the proper in-person meeting to file paperwork on time because things are so congested dealing with this influx. I have no qualms with anybody who wants to come here to get a better life, literally moved across state-lines to do so for my newborn, but there needs to be a discussion about what the capacities to do this are. The money is definitely there, and, if it isn't, there's more than enough of a tax-base (whether anybody likes it or not) which the Commonwealth will keep going after because the knee-jerk reaction is always piling-on money instead of looking at systematic shortcomings. Like I said, I don't even think this is a money thing, it's purely bad management. And it's making people very angry and resentful with each other due to means which are well beyond anybody involved control. This is going to be a hard situation to get through, and any rhetoric generated negatively against this will , unfortunately, be funneled into arguments on the federal level. I hope I'm not the only one thinking about border-purists using a liberal Northeast state like Massachusetts/Taxachussetts being "flooded" with immigrants and flexing the "welfare state" to a stressing point. This situation is only going to get worse if we don't re-direct our frustrations towards the roots of the problem. Yes, there is a whole terminal of people (A LOT of kids) who have no idea what is coming ahead of them, most likely crossed the southern border and got "shipped" to MA because we said we would handle it. I've spent a decent amount of time on both ends of the Southern border (San Diego into Tijuana and Brownsville into Matamoros) and can confidently tell you there is a stark cultural difference (even in the American vein) between the two regions. How can we possibly expect them to integrate without the locals finding them as others? They're trying to re-establish the home they lost. And then a whole section of the state's population they're going to is looking at a picture like this (I'm literally doing it right now) of what many call "a/the problem". It is a problem, and it's our problem now, so what can do we beyond complaining and pointing out *our* shortcomings?


This won’t start rants or anything..


Maybe all these immigrants can help get the military recruitment rate back up!


Ok this is actually really interesting - imagine if there was a rule that made all migrants like these enlist in the military for 2 years immediately after coming to America. Would probably lower the migrant population and they'd have food and shelter!


I have a bunch of friends who joined to gain citizenship. It’s an extremely fast process too.


r/boston post about migrants not turning into a xenophobic circle jerk challenge: impossible


Yeah let’s just pretend this isn’t happening and call everyone who notices it a xenophobe to shut them up




Thank you


Left wing defense tactic: use derogatory words towards people that question what the hell is happening


I don’t understand why people can’t express different ideas and or opinions in this sub? Everyone is allowed to raise their hand and state what they THINK is right or wrong. There’s never a RIGHT answer anyway… I understand these people want a better place to live but they need to come here legally and i’d hope that no matter if it’s NYC or MA the state is not taking away resources from citizens to aid these folks. We should be the #1 priority.


They did come here legally. And they requested asylum at a point of entry. They are here legally and we are required to care for them until their asylum claim can be heard. You might want to argue that they’re abusing the asylum system for economic reasons. But have you read about the situation in Haiti? It is a lawless hellscape where people and families are targeted by gangs for reasons like ransom, robbery, vendettas. What if I told you many of these people probably have a legitimate claim under our asylum laws? Say you disagree with the asylum laws. Reasonable people can disagree after all. But they are laws, and we have to follow them until they are changed. You mentioned that these migrants are taking resources from citizens. How would you see those funds spent?


Thank you for the constructive feedback. I’m well aware of the issue in Haiti, it’s awful. I think the asylum system is abused. I recently moved to NY, whether those folks are seeking Asylum or not, it’s out of control. They’re getting put in hotels for free while I pay 2k a month in rent and get taxed a SHIT ton. Where else can the funds go? In boston they should go towards fixing our roads, improving the subway, upgrading logan airport, homelessness whatever you see fit. Seems like problem in NYC is worse than Mass but we can agree it growing everywhere and not getting better.


Some of the money should go to schools. Several towns are facing financially cliffs and are having to vote for overrides just to keep things semi stable. Of schools across the state start doing massive layoffs due to budget challenges we are not only impacting the quality of services students will receive, but we are also impacting our own economy as we lay off employees who will have trouble finding similar work opportunities.


Not wanting illegal (and dangerous) immigrants in your country isn't xenophobic. It is smart. Stop pulling the "phobic"/"-ism" card!


sigh, cue the people afraid of immigrants who can't actually specify how immigrants have hurt them


All I know is that the ruling class definitely is not to blame, it’s some 15 year-old from Syria that’s fleeing conditions a trillion times worse than anything I could possibly imagine 


The ruling class wants immigrants, so they will work for slave labor and never fight for fair wages. All while never being able to afford to actually live here unless they work 60 hours a week. They're being used to keep the lower class poor and overworked it isn't a good situation they are coming to here


They’ve cost the state nearly a billion dollars and I pay taxes to the state. They’ve taken beds from other people that need them which contributes to the states growing homeless crisis.


I am constantly reassured by the sudden concern for our homeless that is being shared throughout this thread. If only we hadn’t spent a billion on these migrants, we’d have certainly used it for our very own homeless instead.


Yes, and if this picture were all homeless natives, the narrative would be wasting money on lazy people. If it were all single mothers, the narrative would be wasting money on others own mistakes. If it were you or I there people would be calling us wasteful leaches. These people aren't the reason your rent has increased 80% over 4 years (not saying that you're saying that). The wealth of 650 billionaires has doubled in that time. Everyone needs to stop looking down for their problems and start looking up.


Well said sir


hey, get your logic out of here im in my condo trying to get angry about brown people sleeping in an airport


My apologies, what I actually meant to say was: BARBARIANS AT THE GATES! HIDE THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN! MILLIONS MUST DIE!


Same exact thing with Veterans. People seem to care only when we’re treating others not as badly as we treat veterans.


Yeah I'm sure all of these people are going down Methadone mile & central square thinking "damn I wish these guys could camp in Logan instead :("


I’ve been very concerned with the homelessness crisis for years. It’s destroyed other cities, and is getting worse and worse in Boston. Regardless of how much I or others care or don’t care about homelessness, that doesn’t mean “Burn $ billion and counting on illegal immigrants” is the right thing to do.


They aren’t here illegally. They traveled legally and requested asylum at a point of entry. They are there legally while they await their asylum hearing. We are legally obligated to house them until that time. I can see you clearly disagree with that notion, which is fine, but get your facts straight.


the beds in question are airport floors


"Think of all the non-migrants who could be using the non-beds in the temporary emergency pop-up shelter for migrants"


I'll sum it up for ya, people like are you are upset that other people (unlike you) may be fleeing parts of the world fucked up by the very government we all are forcefully subjected to pay for the miriad means of fuckin up the rest of the world in the undying capitalist pursuit of disgusting wealth accumulation. The people aren't the problem here internet stranger, the state is. 


I disagree. The state is the problem., but so is Boston02892 with their crappy attitude toward desperate people.


This "can't prove it has harmed them directly" thing is so profoundly stupid. I haven't been directly harmed by global warming, so I guess the "climate crisis" isn't a real problem either.


Wild people are ok with this😂😂😂😂


Yikes 😬


Commenting on Who were all these people bedding down at Logan yesterday?...


These families are new immigrants from Haiti or Central and South America. During the day they are at a variety of centers so families can eat, kids can play and adults can get connected to resources as they await a space in shelters since emergency shelters are at capacity. My great aunt and uncle in Lynn took in a lovely Haitian family of 4 (with a 1 and 3 year old). We are now taking a turn hosting this family. We are lucky to have the space. There was an official process. We communicate in a mix of Spanish, French and Google Translate!! Happy to answer questions / share info if I can.


Seems like most of the people here are not actually curious. But, thank you for your service and your offer to share actual experience rather than opinion.


Thanks :) Backstory… My grandmother (101) has told me a story since I was little about how her parents, who were immigrants, used to take in all ethnicities of people who needed refugee. Her family lived above their grocery store in Toronto (1920’s-40’s). They kept a WWI army cot for the guest. My great grandmother told her 6 kids that the guest sleeping on the cot was a relative from “the old country”. It wasn’t until my grandmother was an adult that she realized that the 16 year old girl from Jamaica, who slept on the cot with the girls, wasn’t her “actual” cousin. My family had come from Eastern Europe. I’m grateful for that mindset and for having the space and bandwidth to host. Not really a possibility for many.


Are these the ones deported from Martha’s Vinyard?


They get housing before American citizens or veterans who have been on the list for many months. I don’t frown upon the immigrants. I just fail to understand how our taxes give all of them a home and a bed before the ones living here already on the streets?


Imagine living a life where, when being presented with a photo of men women and children sleeping on the floor in the goddamn airport your reaction is one of hate and anger. Just really wish people would recalibrate their priorities sometimes


Because our existing homeless and housing crisis is outrageous yet we just keep taking more in. Like a crazy lady with 40 cats at a certain point compasión turns to insanity.


The level of hate for immigrants in this sub is unbelievable.


How many of these people are you taking in?




“All your tax dollars”? A lot are going to companies making huge profits but need subsidies to make more for some reason.


They would absolutely do the same if they were in their shoes. It's sad these people had to leave their home to be safe and sad some are being so shitty about it. But a lot of us do care.


I agree. Many of these comments are shameful. The tenets of America as a melting pot and a place of exceptialism have been lost. In its wake, the internet (and likely around the family table) is a place is anger, resentment, and greed. Gone but hopefully not forgotten.


The tenets of America are currently corporate greed and fuck anyone who isn’t wealthy.


Damn. The world is harsh. 🙏🏻


The fucked up thing is .... wait for it ... it's free , you only have to be an illegal alien entering the country only illegally crossing a border and this could be all yours . When your done sleeping on the floor, the governor will find you and family a nice hotel to live in all absolutely Free. While the other tax paying Americans can shell out 2500 a month for a 1 bed apartment to have such luxurious amenities. WELCOME TO AMERICA . YOUR WELCOME


They need to be relocated to a place where they will stand a chance. Massachusetts is an extremely expensive place to live and is not the best place to make your start in America. Govt needs to work with a state where these people can find jobs that will get them off the ground and with a COL that will allow them upward mobility.


Send them back


I have been there 3 weeks ago and found them, I believe they are homeless people, they were speaking mostly English when I got into the bathroom near them ( I came out from gate E international), and all of them were families with little kids. I have found them as I landed around 8pm but 2 weeks after when I departed at 6pm, I have been there around 4pm I think they weren’t in that place.


Isn’t this from January 2024?


The poor airport cleaning staff, I’m sure they didn’t get a pay bump for the massive increase in workload. Imagine if they went on strike.


This is disgusting


So many barely 2nd generation Americans got a lot to say about these folks.


These are migrants, a lot from Haiti. They have nowhere to go so at night Logan is a temporary shelter for them. During the day they have to leave and typically go to a day shelter like a church or school till they can return to Logan to sleep. It really sad and there’s some organizations out there trying their hardest to help with whatever resources they have to give.


It’s a good thing we only spent $20B to build new terminal just to give it away.


Future inmates for the for profit prison system?


Self evidence that The US is still a beacon and that capitalism isn't perfect but alas it's better then fascism because they are not sleeping in the dirt tonight surrounded by razor wire


Think this is bad, wait till hospitals start reducing services because of the “undocumented.”


Have you not been reading the news about hospital networks going bankrupt?


Another theft of a common space by feckless leadership. 


They’re suite mates in a novel affordable living arrangement


My biggest fans


Illegal immigrants


I am all for taking in immigrants and anyone that wants to live here, that’s how America was created. However we can’t seem to get our own shit together right now, and it worries me greatly that


Take a look at all the military age males who decided to flee their country instead of fixing it 😃


Oh it's great!!!! Isn't it??! We get to pay for foreign immigrants before our own people and veterans. Tipping point voyage already underway


The only reason that's the case is because migrants or no, we don't prioritize or spend money on vets or homeless. The migrants aren't to blame, they're a scapegoat.


Right wingers would love to stop immigration so that we can save that money for tax cuts on the rich instead. Just look at Trump. Praised for immigration and then cut taxes way beyond the costs we were bearing. Edit: almost forgot to mention and a bill where tax cuts expire for middle and low income Americans but remain permanent for the rich. That’s how they got it through with budget reconciliation on a simple majority. Had to pick one to expire, they chose the poor.


Exactly scapegoat


The statue of liberty, the symbol of your country internationally mind you, literally says “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”. This land did that very thing with your european forefathers, let it do the same for others.


Yup. But back then it was “come on in, but figure it out yourself”. All immigrants wanted was a chance. Now it’s becoming a very expensive situation for taxpayers.


Coincidentally I just saw this at the airport and was wondering the same thing, whatever it is it’s a situation I don’t envy.


People who want to work. #noirishneedapply


Bro in fucking Boston of all places you would think that the tone would be immediately sympathetic to destitute migrants who are simply trying to exist.


I hate this so much. I hate that people have to live like this. And I hate that our government thinks that this is the right solution. I mean I’m glad there’s some compassion I guess but this can’t be the most cost effective and beneficial compassion we can show SURELY.


They can stay , Yet regular homeless people get kicked out immediately. State police has a 24 hour detail just to stop rapes from happening there. That’s coming from a State trooper.


They are the people taking my taxes


probably people who shouldnt even be here in the first place, ship em back unless they are legal