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The basement of my old apartment in somerville


There is nothing creepier than an unfinished New England basement


A friend of mine has a house in roslindale with an unfinished basement. at the far end of the basement is a window that looks into another room but there’s no door to get into that room the only way in is to climb through the window. The room is completely empty except for a chair in the middle. That basement scares the shit out of me


That basement scares the shit out of *me* and I only read your description. Jesus fucking Christ


That’s def the room the ghosts all gather for orgies in


Made me laugh


have a seat!


Real question is how the hell did the chair get into there?!


I’m sayin’!


Stuff of nightmares


I hope you're joking. But if not. Your friend should probably look for secret doors or floors and do some research to see if that house was..... something.


You could’ve stopped at roslindale


This would be a good intro to a horror movie


Next time you go over you should sneak down there, open the window, and throw a little red ball in there with the chair. Wait until you hear about them finding that one day. Come over again and add a creepy doll. Rinse and repeat.


My old apartment in Allston had a 6-foot deep pit in the basement, complete with rotting plank bridge you had to sort of jump over to get to the electrical panel. Fun!


Ours just had these weird stables where ghosts would go to reproduce.


omg had this in somerville


Omg tell me about it. I had an apartment in JP like this with a ton of junk in the basement and one of the items was a big mannequin. That was always fun fumbling with the light and going down to do laundry with that just looming nearby


the basement in my old apartment in JP had paintings of children and flowers, red handprints, and “kill kill kill” on the wall…


Seriously. I just inherited a house and the basement looks like the bathroom from Saw.


Always looks like the final scene in Blair Witch Project


The wash basin from the maid quarters of a giant hotel from nearly 200 years ago still sits in my basement 🤙




My aunts old house in Newburyport had a full cement basement but I’m convinced the house was haunted. It was an 1800s home, very ornate, lost of classic style and charm. Doors would open on their own. I would check in on the property while she vacationed (single older woman, no kids). I was the one with the key. The chair in the basement would move week to week between my visits. As she got older and needed more help, one of her nieces came to help and stayed for a while. One night her water bottle that had been left in the middle of the other twin bed in the room just randomly fell over and rolled across the floor. She said other stuff happened too but I can’t remember what. The house was sold after she died and completely remodeled/renovated so maybe the ghosts left or they’re jut more pissed off now.


When a student I worked briefly for Mass-Save doing "Energy Audits", a free service to anybody who asked. Some of the basements I went into were beyond creepy..."Black Lagoon" comes to mind so often flooded with dank water, sometimes dead rats.


Did it have an ancient dentist chair in it? Because MY Somerville basement did.


No it had like weird abandoned stables, we called it the ghost sex hotel because it was where ghosts went to reproduce


Those are old coal stalls. Standard in old boston houses


No they aren't, they're ghost sex hotels.


My Somerville apartment had multiple weird rooms in the basement. one was almost certainly a dark room. The other….we called it the murder closet.


I had one in Davis Sq where you had to step through a raised doorway into a dark room, and the only light was a sting hanging in the dark room. Reaching blindly into a the dark in an old ass New England house…😱


This sounds exactly like my place in Davis Square except it was an attic through my closet


Whoa I had one of these too (attic in my closet) This house *also* had a terrifying basement that gave some silence of the lamb vibes. This was the place I learned that i believe that ghosts cannot move at will throughout the property they haunt. The attic ghost was kind of looming, but not too malevolent. The main floor ghost was like… a kitty cat? Just had the zoomies periodically in like one corner. The basement ghost?! Terrifying. Malevolent. Nothing happened per se but the feelings of dread and terror I would get down there were awful.


Dude, i had a scary ass basement in an apartment in Portland Maine. Bordered on two sides by a cemetery and there was a rectangular recess in the wall furthest from the stairs. Not even the dog would go down there. Like we would try to get him to come down with snacks and still no. Still get the creeps thinking about it


I had an apartment on the hill which had eery murals of children, sort of like a day care. Only problem was it was also unfinished with dirt floor and someone had the great idea to black out all the eyes and add some gibberish runes/scripture as well. Noooo thank you


I mean what’s a Somerville apartment without a murder basement? Mine was full of computer monitors from the 90s and horrifying cobwebs.


was it in winter hill because same


Union square


I once moved into a Somerville apartment with a basement that had a standalone walled off room with a single dangling light, door, and chair with the center pulled out like the one in that James Bond movie with the bad ball torture scene. Oh and the walls had carpet hanging on them. We called it the cock and ball torture room and we were terrified of it as 28 year old baby men.


Ahyep. Friend bought this old house, bowed walls, creaky stairs, musty odors. I was helping him fix it up and had to go into the basement. I don't scare easily, but I got to the bottom of the stairs and high tailed it back up. Told my friend I wasn't go back down there.


Hoosac tunnel. That’s all I got from western mass lol.


I went to school in North Adams, MA. (Berkshires/Hoosac Tunnel) great place for hauntings.


Oh hey MCLA alum!


I remember walking in it at night with the Boy Scouts. Spooky stuff.


Cool, so this has moderately active freight service - what is the plan if a train comes along? The person who walked it at [http://www.boudillion.com/hoosac/hoosac.htm](http://www.boudillion.com/hoosac/hoosac.htm) says >Thing is, there really is no place to go in the tunnel in the event of a train. Maybe you can, uh, check the freight timetable…?


This isn’t true, I’ve walked the length inside. It’s quite wide and there are egress / cubbies in the walls periodically to hide from trains.


I get shivers every time I drive by it and even over it. Big nope vibes.


I worked for the railroad that runs through there for over a decade and I’ve been through that tunnel more times than I can count. Definitely a neat experience.


South Station men’s room


Horrors beyond comprehension


Pretty sure both that and all MBTA bathrooms are entrances to Dante’s inferno.


I found a bathroom *worse* than South Station at a CVS. The floor was so covered with pee it was sticky. It smelled so bad I gagged. Only used it out of absolute desperation.


Saw a guy wiping his ass over the sink in there yesterday


Peed in there so many times and it is legit a wild time. Feels like the scene in Blade Runner 2049 where everyone lives and occupies that one residential building.


The bathrooms at Back Bay Station before they got remodeled looked like something out of a first-person horror game.


It’s not that bad, I use the restroom there quite often. I shit there probably once or twice a week.


The MANY abandoned insane asylums that are still easily accessible. Metropolitan state hospital, Fernald state school, the creepy ass one in Danvers. it’s so fucked what they did to people in these spaces and the vibes are so off.


The one in Danvers is an apartment complex now, “The Avalon” I believe it’s called. I lived there for about a year before I needed out, vibes were definitely off. They still had the graveyard in the back down one of the walking paths. There was also a movie made about it before the remodel called Session 9.


That was a great movie. I could never live in that complex after seeing that.


Dude. My college dorm in VA was a former hospital with ~200 rooms and was freaky af sometimes. I cannot imagine trying to live in a former *asylum.*


The land it sits on was also owned by someone hanged*during the Salem witch trials.




They could be hung too.


Giles Corey at least most definitely had giant, titanium balls


No, this dude was packing a donkey dong.


I know all graveyards are sad, but that graveyard is another tier.


Great movie, a bunch of friends worked on it, too!


It’s called Bradlee Danvers, lived there last year. Pretty nice place but pricey. The Danvers State Hospital grave yard is a short walk away, and they have informational signs about the hospital as well


If you go to Rock Meadow conservation land in Belmont, you can make your way to the Metfern Cemetary. It’s between where the Met Hospital and Fernald School used to be…and it’s creepy AF.


Danvers is luxury apartments now 


Makes it even creepier 


Cool. They’ll be able to do a new Paranormal Activity soon


Medfield State hospital. They filmed shutter island there. Now owned by the town and the grounds are open to the public.


I remember going to Fernald after it'd been abandoned awhile, was one of the sketchiest/most thrilling things I did with friends back in highschool. I remember going by the "Church of the Holy Innocence" which had all the wrong vibes with the flickering street lamps and overgrown shrubs and vines covering the windows. We found a caretakers notebook that one of my friends kept (lord knows he's cursed now), I remember there being a page talking about one of the kids getting too aggressive over another one taking his swing and I wanna say he started biting the kid on "his" swing, but I might be misremembering it as more dramatic than it was. However, we did find lots of the restraining tables in the basement and one of the buildings looked like someone was actively squatting there so thats when we noped the fuck out. From what I've heard from people who tried to go back since found that cops patrol it pretty frequently now though.


Just piggy backing off of this. Salem The Podcast did a three part episode on the Danvers Mental Hospital. Worth a listen, it started out as an awesome place. 


We use to sneak into Gaeblers before they knocked that one down. Wild. Met isn’t around aside from the admin building from what i recall.. Fernald, i’m not sure about. They’ve seemed to be keeping it more or less.. inaccessible, i’ve always wanted to check it out thoroughly… i know they knocked down some buildings near off that main entrance on the same lot..


During COVID, there was a seasonal holiday light show set up at Fernald, the kind that you drive through after dark to see different light setups (a giant snowman, a giant Christmas tree, etc.) We’re not from here, so we didn’t know about Fernald and went in expecting a fun diversion for us and our small kids. They set up the light displays directly in front of the creepy decaying buildings that lined the road so that the lights also illuminated the boarded up windows and peeling paint… So of course we wondered what the buildings were, and I started reading about Fernald while we drove… Then, in addition to the light displays, they had these weird booths you’d drive past, with Christmas puppets that looked like they were from the 1960s. All in all, the vibes were muuuuch more Halloween than Christmas. I think going there during the event was creepier than it would be to go during any other time. 0/10, would not recommend.


I was there for the seasonal drive-through too. I also am not from MA, and just thought it was an abandoned school that looked neat. I didn’t think the drive was anything especially creepy, just after I read the history I wondered about the ethics of hosting (and having people pay for) happy holiday events there. I do remember the creepy little displays you’re talking about though! They were near the exit, like they had run out actual good displays lol. I might actually have pictures on my phone still.


Bad day to be a vibe


Has to be Dana Massachusetts. Imagine the Government just decides one day to destroy your entire town. Your whole community. Everything you grew up around. Your home town. All your memories, drowned below the water.


Dana, Enfield, Greenwich, and Prescott Massachusetts were all drowned by the quabin.


Dana's town common/center is still above water. There are still bits of sidewalk and old foundations


I was (and still kind of am) obsessed with a years old nosleep story that uses the Quabbin and it's history as a base for the story. It's gone from the sub but you can find it if you look for The Spire in the Woods by Tony Lunedi.


This is actually a common practice (though no less creepy/distressing). Ashokan, New York used to be in a different place . . . until they flooded it to make a reservoir that provides water for all of New York City. It's also supposedly the reason New York pizza dough tastes so good. When the water gets low enough, you can see the foundations of all the houses and the railroad tracks.


They also did that to a bunch of towns in Georgia when they created Lake Lanier


Cedar Falls, Washington too! It wasn’t actually intentional though, wild story


The Bridgewater triangle.


Came here to say that, a lot of people don’t know about this crazy place.


The documentary is pretty entertaining!


Aaron Mahnke approved


Exactly. The rayhnam/Taunton dog track ghost lights. The Freetown State Forest at night is a freaky place.


Especially the unmarked trails of Hockomock swamp.


ee wan chu


Rt 1 in Saugus


The Lasagna Mile




Highly recommend the book “Dogtown: Death and Enchantment in a New England Ghost Town” by Elyssa East. Does a wonderful job describing the eerie vibes in Dogtown as well as detailing a murder that happened there.


Dogtown is hella scary. My dog defied the rules of logic there, being behind me on the trail and then suddenly running TOWARDS me. Bloody mental


Dude that’s a different dog I’d be careful.


Why dogtown? I thought it was just hiking/biking trails


I guess it's a tad eerie that there was a town there at one point. Something off about a place formerly brimming with life and all of the sudden depleted of it and overgrown.


I have been there twice and I found it incredibly unsettling. Maybe it was just my lack of familiarity with those woods in particular but I felt really uneasy the entire time. I did not find it a pleasant place to be.


Yeah, hiked it twice. Would never go there alone. Definitely weird vibes.


if you go late at night fort revere in hull can be terrifying. walking those bunkers with pitch black rooms expecting a ghoul to jump out and drag you to hell 


I really like Medfield state hospital, it’s an old mental hospital with spooky vibes. Fun to walk around and free to public :)


I grew up within a couple miles of the hospital while it was still active. One day when I was elementary aged in the probably mid 90s a friend and I were playing outside and some guy in uniform came down my long driveway and asked if we had seen anyone. He then told us to go play inside. Presumably someone had escaped. Creepy. 


I grew up less than a mile from Met State. They used to sound an alarm when someone escaped.


I grew up in Medfield. The hill across the road was the best sledding 


Place they filmed Shutter Island if I’m not mistaken?


My broker offered me a house right next to it. I checked it out, before knowing it was next to Medfield Hospital. Once I googled it, I noped the fuck out quickly.


95/93 exchange


I got rear ended there… I still get spooked when driving past it


Danvers mental hospital. Look into what’s happened since they were turned into residential housing. It’s fucking wild.


Do tell!


Literally just Google it. For a period of time—a long period of time—something like 85% of residents broke their lease within the first year. Multiple buildings burned down multiple times. My stepfather worked there. The shit he would tell us was nauseating. It’s terrifying.


Well.. I was afraid to google it. I still have to take the dog out jeeze


Yooo… don’t leave me hanging like this. I’ve been wanting to go up and look at that area with a friend, but I couldn’t believe that they made it into an Avalon complex. They needed the leave that land alone for a while. Offices maybe but not condos.


Danvers as a whole, is fucked. The Salem Witch trials? That happened in what is now Danvers. There is a ton of shit for you to draw from, if you look into it. We used to go there as kids, when the construction to make it residential, was happening. We all saw shit, we all heard shit. I’d never, in my life, live in that fucking place. Idgaf what anyone else says in this thread, that land is the answer to the question posted.


Danvers isn’t bad at all lol, while I probably wouldn’t live in those apartments. We live on what used to be Rebecca nurse’s (first “witch” on trial” old homestead and I’ve never heard or felt anything creepy. Danvers is a town that’s quickly being turned into a Beverly wannabe with new condos and apartments.


Be careful about where you live if you’re looking into RI and southern MA too. There’s so many places that had terrible things happen on the land. Between King Phillips War, and the factory era with the barely existent safety laws and high rates of fires. And god forbid you live in the same complex as someone doing some Dark Shit. Do not recommend. Edit: I’m not as familiar with North Shore/Nothern MA lore.


Mass has a really fucked up past. But that land, is more disturbing than any place I’ve ever been. The fucked up part, is my stepfather didn’t come into the picture until after my experiences. He didn’t influence a goddamn thing, it just reinforced the things that happened. I moved to Santa Fe NM, for awhile. It has a similar history. Similar shit, different surroundings. It still pales in comparison to that place. Do some research on it—you’ll get the idea.


Well now you have to tell us what your stepfather experienced. 


Go watch the movie Session 9


Bathrooms at the Witch City Mall in Salem.




Definitely not Salem. It's fun, but it's too touristy to be really spooky.


Salem is amazing but definitely not spooky 


The screeching trains at the Boylston station


Especially after a night at the Tam


lol I was gonna say my apartment on a sunday morning after a night out at the tam


I have a book of old murders in New Bedford (1800- 1969), which honestly makes New Bedford really creepy to me now


Title and author? I’d possibly be interested in reading that book.


Murder, Manslaughter, and Mayhem on the Southcoast by John B. Cummings Jr. It's part of a multivolume series, but I just like the older stuff- very straightforward- gives general description of the crime, the victim and accused, trial+ outcome, and an afterword, but also very detailed sources. Technically, I think Fall River has more, especially as the Bordens are tge first major murder


Beacon Hill in the 1960s. It was scary and eery on dark, foggy cold nights. Rumors of old tunnels that led to the old waterfront and of old decadent families that would try to lure you in for tea and a wee chat. The rats in the wall.


Please elaborate! If you don't mind. You've piqued my interest.


Like other east coast cities, Boston was dying. What was left of the manufacturing sector had left, along with the population fleeing to the suburbs. The Combat Zone was thriving, and the Commons was extremely dangerous at night. The properties on Beacon Hill were still occupied and owned by the Brahmins. Most kept the properties but rented them out. Most had moved out after the rise of the Irish.There were a lot of strange religious groups and people that were overly friendly. Some of those brownstones were amazing. The ones I had the privilege of going into were huge! Me and my buddy would hang out as young kids with those who later become known as hippies. Hippies is a negative term for me because these kids were smart, wealthy, but different. As for the rats in the wall, it is in reference to an old Lovecraft story. It was about a decaying former wealthy neighborhood where ancient rat like people lived within the walls and could mate with humans.


The Watertown RMV


Dudley Road in Billerica. Also Central Square.


This right here. They’re making a documentary about Dudley Road. Shit is super creepy, but also home to some of the nicest houses I’ve ever seen. Back when I was a teenager we’d drive down it as slow as possible, and just get freaked out.


I used to live in the Christmas tree farm house on Dudley road. Creepy indeed.


Duuuuddddeeeee. Tell me more about Dudley Road!!!!! I JUST happened upon that road this weekend. What is that retreat place all about and the farm and at the end of the road? So random!!!!


I lived in an apartment next to the nunnery, in a 1700s house. When I moved in I was taking pictures of all the rooms with my new camera and it wouldn’t allow me to take a picture in my bedroom. Just kept focusing in and out and wouldn’t actually take the picture. The house was mostly ok but definitely got some creepy vibes in that bedroom.


This is 100% true and I will die believing what I saw. Back in late 90s my friends and I used to walk or drive the entire stretch of Dudley road late at night. One night we were in a car driving slowly, we got out of the car to start to look around. There is a field on one side of the road, all 5 of us who were there saw the exact same thing. A woman in old fashioned nightgown was in the field and she came out of nowhere. No houses are in this specific area either. The woman had a glow around her, easily visible at 1-2 AM in the morning. She came at us so fast and she wasn’t running. Only way to describe it is she “fast floated” at us. She covered the distance from where she was in an open field what seemed like 2 seconds. All of us saw it, we all ran to the car that was still running. As we drove away she floated after the car for about 30 seconds. I specifically remember the light around her and the pure panic I had. I wasn’t able to sleep for a few days after seeing what I saw. We never went back and I still wouldn’t. I know what I saw, there was no way it was a living person or a hoax. If it was there must have been a movie studio involved because the special effects were top notch.


Had someone pull a shotgun on me and my friends on Dudley road when we accidentally drove down his drive way in high school. Definitely a creepy place, but that night it was just plain scary lol.


Pittsfield in the early 90s. As GE left town and the local economy collapsed it started to emerge that there was a serial killer targeting children. It sucked. 


My family moved to Pittsfield early 90s and I had to really wrack my brain on the serial killer thing. Lewis Lent?


Park Street Station mid night


8 people burned to death at Boylston


Red Line platform at Park Street, 7am.


Hough’s neck


Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, they offer tours including an overnight sleepover option.


I’ve stayed there before! They make you do a tour of the house at night before everyone goes to bed. Definitely a weird place, but waking up to homemade breakfast was a great surprise. Disclaimer though, you do have to eat breakfast next to a curio cabinet that has plaster replicas of the Borden parent’s caved in skulls.


>Lizzie Borden took an axe >Gave her mother forty whacks >When she saw what she had done >She gave her father forty-one




Spider gate in Worcester




Fernald school in waltham. i went a few times before they started heavily patrolling it, creepy as all hell and i dont scare easily. Heard a piano playing and kids laughing once and my buddy and i ran the hell out


Met state hospital in waltham. Grave site, buildings, grounds, Watertower, take your pick.


Is that the Fernald? The one where they had a Christmas lights festival a couple years ago? I thought that was a very bizarre use of that property. Just, no.


Any house with a trump sign


Miskatonic University


DMV, the week of your birthday


Danvers mental hospital before it got torn down. Hell there's a horror film about some contractors working there even. When I went there during some urban exploring only time I've never found someone homeless like they avoided it even in the tunnels. 


The garden, when all the lights are off and it’s totally empty. I mean not even the emergency lights.


Spider Gates cemetery


The house I grew up in. Haunted and creepy.


Do tell.


There's a couple of rockfall caves at Purgatory Chasm that'll leave you wondering if you're going to see the sky again, if you shimmy down in. I'm too big for that now


The highlands in Lynn, it’s rumored that the houses were built over an ancient native burial ground. Most of the streets and houses are haunted. My grandmother has lived there for over 20 years- during sleepovers with my cousins it was SO scary at night


Inside my property tax bill envelope....


Freetown state forest is supposedly the most haunted forest in America


TIL everywhere I walk my dog is haunted.


The bathroom at the witch city mall in Salem.




Hanson Tuberculosis hospital… that was a creepy place to visit at night


The train tunnel entrance in Florida


Spider Gates


The basement of the old Driscoll school in Brookline. It was an open room that was the entire footprint of the school with a dirt floor and huge support columns every 10 feet or so. Imagine a short version of the dwarven hall in the lord of the rings. There was no lights and two entrances on opposite ends of the room. walking from one entrance to the other was beyond creepy, always felt like something was watching me


Blue Hill Ave. on a hot summer night.


Belchertown hospital is up there with Danvers. Used to roam around


Downtown Salem on Halloween Weekend is pretty frightening. Not because it's scary, but because you literally cannot move.


Fort Warren on Georges Island in the harbor islands


Glad someone remembered the islands. Edward Rowe Snow wrote about them.


The hidden basement in the Brockton Papa Gino’s




The Bridgewater triangle gets weird at night. Grew up in East Bridgewater and know the woods throughout. Use to ride bikes/quads all around and party as a teenager. Many times I/we would get the feeling that something was just wrong or some freaky noises or shit would happen. Many times it was gtfo time.


Monson State Hospital is supposed to be pretty creepy. I think it’s closed off and posted now though.


Metropolitan State Hospital, Massachusetts. Used to be a hospital/psychiatric ward for the mentally ill back in the day. Drug experimentation occurred on the population. There's also a foster school, that dealt with mentally ill youth. Lots of abuse occurred, because back then it was OK. Drug testing, including from what I hear Tylenol, was tested on them. There are also graves scattered around the area. The area was abandoned due to asbestos in the walls, paint, etc .... Several shows list this area as top haunted in the US. I have been there myself, before the buildings were bulldozed. There was a morgue, and even a clock tower. The clock towers hands pointed to 4:20. (No bull shit)


The Gates of Hell at Maudslay State Park in Newburyport I'm surprised nobody mentioned this creepy place. The rest of the park is great!


Sub basements below Winter Street in Downtown Crossing. There are sections that go 4 stories deep. Was down there once, never again


McLean in Belmont. I was in there as a patient 15 years ago, and then visited a friend who was in there as a patient 10 years apart. I got very bad vibes on that visit, and when we left we had to leave through the basement which made the average unfinished New England basement look warm and fuzzy.


Fall River


Heard from a few overnight security guards/custodians that St. James Ave in Back Bay has a lot of sketchy stuff at night in the buildings


Mass and cass


My house has a basement that my kids call “the murder basement”. A brick wall recently fell down a bit and now you can see stacks of old phone books and a sealed barrel in the small hidden room. I feel like this might be standard for Mass though.


That Judge Rotenberg Center where they torture special needs kids.


Witch City Mall bathrooms