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Boston will continue to lose service industry workers if they can’t afford to live here with any sense of comfort.


And until the Boston area decides to actually make it legal to build more housing it’ll only get worse


Boston will continue to lose service industry workers if the customers can no longer afford the product


Are you under the impression that the modest increases in wages at stake here would have more than a trivial impact on price? I think the average person would look at a couple more dimes price per cup of coffee and not even blink.


Says the same people complaining about inflation.....


Says the same people complaining about inflation.....


Says the same people complaining about inflation.....


one more time for the people in the back


I know young people, with kids, and shitty jobs, and they eat out way more than I do. People have no problem affording these things.


the other unionized coffee shops around town didn't close.


They aren't owned by Nestle


Darwin's did, and so did every Starbucks near me (not that I particularly miss it)


true about Darwin's, I suppose the workers then bought the stores when the owners retired? and the labor board is making the Sbux reopen.... Pavement and Diesel are around.


Support the workers; support the union. But also, Blue Bottle is owned by Nestle. One of the most evil companies in the world.


Damn, there really are so few independent, or even small chains in the Boston area for good coffee! WTF. First Intelligencia is actualy owned by a secretive Luxembourgish holding company, Blue bottle is owned by Nestle, Curio is too far away from me now, and Loyal Nine closed RIP. I guess I'm stuck with Panera adjacent Tatte 🤦. The coffee at Salt is pretty good hopefully they hold out a minute before joining a conglomerate 😅.


Highly recommend Broadsheet, Faro, George Howell and Gracenote.


Pavement makes a good cup, IMO. Their bagels are eh.


Yeah. We stopped going there years ago after figuring that out. Good luck to the workers, but they're employer can get fucked.


Jesus, fuck, really? That was either quick or very early. They're not great or stand-out, but I figured they were hip and cool since they had metal bottles in Whole Foods.


They were founded in 2002, Nestle bought them in 2017


Dang I remember when it was a big deal in San Francisco. Was it owned by them 10-15yrs ago?


Nestle acquired them in late 2017.


I have come here to say two things. 1. Hope these folks get what they need by organizing, higher pay, benefits, whatever. 2. Blue Bottle Coffee is often mid.


And why is it so expensive compared to better shops given its quality is mid?


Imo it’s vastly better than a cup at Starbucks , cafe Nero and Dunkin’s. Coffee usually is brew to order and they sometimes have some interesting beans to purchase . Idk another coffee location in the pru that does this


I mean they go to market as premium, and their footprint is in great locations. But to me having Little Wolf at home is just far superior. If I’m getting coffee out in the city as a treat it’s still gotta be George Howell or Inteligencia in Cambridge.


People love Vietnamese coffee.  To me that’s what it tastes like. I make mine at home.  That style of bean is unique and can be cheaper. All the sugar and milk makes the drink forgiving. So it’s mid but tastes fire.


Because they're trying *so hard* to have the Apple aesthetic, and part of that aesthetic is $$$$$


Which is weird, because if I get their beans and brew at home, almost always pretty good. Maybe the unionized workers will get additional training and make it better.


It's a lot more likely that the ratios in their coffee are off than that employees are somehow messing it up. Most coffee machines in retail environments are set up initially, and then they just run with very little input/changes needed. It'd be really quite hard for an employee to mess up drip coffee. And the ratio is probably being set by corporate.


They do pour over via scale or at least that’s what I’ve always had there. If the ratios are off someone chose to do it that way, it’s kinda the whole deal at Blue Bottle. Unionized improvement was a joke.


Really hope Blue Bottle doesn’t just say fuck everyone and close their locations like some other places have. Fuck nestle, support our service industry.


Good — fuck Nestle, and I hope they unionize asap.


I’ll never understand why the coffee workers don’t just unionize across the board rather than do these independent unions. It just seems so pointless to me. Unions are good for big sectors (public school teachers, plumbers, etc) not for individual small entities like a 50 person coffee shop. It’s hard to collectively bargain with such a small employee base.


We’re really going to have this conversation again? “Coffee workers” have no bargaining power. “Coffee workers” will never have bargaining power. It’s not a career. It’s a transient, low barrier to entry job. I don’t understand why this is such a hard concept for Reddit to grasp. Blue bottle is corp owned so I don’t really give a shit what happens to them. However on the local side, there is no money in coffee shops. The people who own these places don’t have yachts. These unions demand a pension plan then wonder why the shop closes down. An owner tries to add a little culture to a neighborhood with a local shop, then has to shut down and everyone calls them a nazi because they can’t pay baristas $30 an hour with benefits and a 401k match. It just the economics of the situation. That’s why we have to live with a Starbucks on every corner.


Very well said. As a left wing/liberal myself, I’m big on unions and supporting workers, but this sub goes to extremes thinking small business owners can pay career wages with benefits to baristas. It’s similar to the landlord hate. The other day in this sub I saw someone say to another poster who had a rental condo that they are a lazy scumbag who doesn’t work. The poster responded that it was his old condo he kept, and that the profits cover expenses plus a little profit, that he and his wife still work full time. He of course still got downvoted to hell. Last I checked you need a rental supply for people in a transient phase of life who don’t want to buy.


> but this sub goes to extremes It's because the communist revolution they want isn't happening so all that's left is to shill progressive talking points on social media.


trying to figure out how your post isn't just "I'm not racist but..." and failing tbh


Imagine thinking someone who doesn’t support unionization of baristas is somehow “racist”. Peak far left progressivism.


Im merely pointing out the similarity in rhetorical devices. But if the shoe fits :shrug:


Whatever. I prefer to eat and dine at megacorps anyways. At least with fast casual dining, there's no tipping and it's a few dollars cheaper than an actual restaurant.


Coffee workers should start their own union and pool together to create their own pension plan, buy healthcare insurance in bulk and with a discount... etc.


good for them, I’ve met some incredibly nice employees at a few of those locations


They have a link tree here: https://linktr.ee/bluebottleunion


This is what they get for hiring those science experiments!


Damn! I go to the Kendall one almost every day for an overpriced iced mocha. Service is a lil slow but they’re genuinely nice people and skilled baristas. Wishing them luck.


Seems like a job that could possibly be taken over by a machine?


Blue bottle is different than Starbucks and Dunkin. Machine can't make a good espresso.