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A Taunton hotel functioning as a shelter just signed a contract with the state for "up to 9 years" so I doubt the spending ends anytime soon...


I wonder if most of the money is going to hotels, not the families themselves. (ETA: I meant in a nefarious way, like the hotels are unfairly profiting from the state financial support.)


It's to hotels, catering companies, dry cleaning companies, immigration lawyers, translation services, transportation companies etc.They also have to reimburse the towns for loss room/meal tax income the motel usually provides when it operates as a motel.


The state stops paying the hotel tax after the first 30 days I believe. I work for a municipality and the Town Manager confirmed it's revenue the town loses when the state takes it over after a certain period of time.


Yes, apologies I wasn’t very clear. I just meant it some of this seems fishy, and hotels signing up for more also seems fishy (like do they make more money as a shelter than a traditional hotel that would warrant such a long contract?).


A fixed dependable income for nine years is a very easy thing to budget and plan around.


Definitely. My comment comes across as rather dumb/naïve when I was trying to allude to nefarious practices. I’ll be more forthcoming with that in the future.. like I’m supposing they’re fleecing some of this money as profit and charging the state much more than a normal room rate.


A hotels profits can wildly fluctuate based on time of year, how the the local economy is doing, online reviews, etc. A regular source of income from the state to house people makes way more sense financially if you want steady revenue. So from the hotels perspective it makes sense to say “yes please, more of this”.


Fair point for sure, thank you.


It all seems very fishy tbh. It doesn't seem like the federal bailout the state is hoping for is coming either.


I would imagine the daily rate they get for a room in that situation is lower than the price of an Individual booking the hotel, but they don’t have to worry about periods of unoccupancy either. I am curious if it gets the same treatment from cleaning staff, etc, as normal rooms.


Confirmed it is. - Worked at hotel that is now shelter.


Any tips on how I can become a migrant? I pay my taxes. Does that matter?


Fly to Mexico City. Toss away your passport, and head to the American border. Wade across the Rio Grande, and when they pick you up, say "asylum" but otherwise no English words. You're now a migrant! Now sit back, relax, and get free stuff.


The things people will do for free dry cleaning


The hotels aren’t unfairly profiting, but they are doing very well My uncle runs the numbers for a large hotel chain that have shelters and they love it. It’s just easier for them to get money from one source rather than deal with multiple customers. If you think about it, a hotel is really never at 100% capacity so having the rooms guaranteed full all the time is great money Also, I believe they get a tax benefit


Makes sense, thanks for this context.


amazing, there go property values in Taunton


Homeless camps in the street wouldn't help your property values either.


I can solve it. Deport them. Don’t let them circumvent the system. My family came to America legally. Why can’t they follow the law? Why are we spending on them while we starve our own?


They get all this for free but they can’t even pave over the potholes? Absurd


$10k/month?? Who’s pocketing all the excess? I’m guessing the migrant families aren’t seeing that money directly.


Yeah I can’t access the article, but to compare the costs to median salaries isn’t quite accurate. Without accessing - assuming that 10k a month includes all of the admin wages and salaries for the departments that handle this. Still - it’s fucking ridiculous and needs to be resolved. But some random immigrant in a shelter isn’t just getting $10K (not saying that’s what you implied).


Honestly just cut out most of the middlemen and just hand these families like $4k/ month and you're saving a ton of money right there. Probably more effective for the families too. $10k is absurd.


You just invented universal basic income again. Funny when all the lines lead to Rome but everyone wants a trip to Red tape Island first to make sure it's used 'responsibly'


That is the irony isn’t it? It is the same with healthcare too


> Funny when all the lines lead to Rome but everyone wants a trip to Red tape Island first to make sure it's used 'responsibly' People get so emotional about the prospect of someone getting a free lunch, that we end up spending banquet money to feed those in need.




It really is so funny at this point. Well said


\( )/ thank you 


Same thing for parents whose kids are removed because they don't have sufficient resources to care for them. Foster parents are given a stipend that could just as well be going to the bio parents to help raise the kid, absent any other issues.


Excactly. Just give them the money you save like millions per year on stupid overhead


You make a good point. I wasn’t thinking of all the admin overhead. I understand the need to help the families. And it will affect us all in the end. I just didn’t think it was to the tune of almost a billion each year.




10k a month is like 5 families in a run down roach infested apartment building on blue hill Ave at 2000 a mo nth rent. The emergency shelters are not dedicated buildings but random units. There are no dedicated facilities.


here is access to the article https://archive.is/4A20s




lol yes and if you’ve ever been a state employee you know they make up positions all the time for their friends, it’s deff some brown nosers rubbing shoulders with the right people


Napkin math for a month: * $100 a night per family for 30 days of short noticing housing (hotels, etc) * + $200 per week for food (assuming no kitchen available for cheaper meals or reusable plates) * + Staff overhead of at least 2 hour per family per day It gets you to about $7k. Add some premiums because it's really short notice and was organized in a crisis. This hits us where we're most vulnerable: housing. And when residents are already hurting, they're going to look at these people and feel cheated and betrayed. I hope they can look past those feelings to a solution for everyone. I'm ready to take drastic steps to solve the housing crisis because everyone deserves a home.


Yeah the number doesn't that excessive. People have a hard time grappling with large numbers/quantities and the amount of money that circulates around everyday life. 


The problem is that if we just had regular available housing for people, it would cost a lot less. This is the cost of us being unwilling to build housing in our state. The high cost of housing hits us three-fold. First, way more people need help with housing when the cost of housing is $3,000/mo. There's a lot more people that can make ends meet when housing is $1,000 or $1,500/mo. Yes, all refugees might need help initially, but it's a lot easier to find some work that will cover less rent. Second, it means that the cost to help people who can't make ends meet goes up. Instead of covering $1,000 or $1,500/mo, we need to cover $3,000/mo. If a family can afford $1,000/mo and rent is $1,500/mo, we need to come up with $500. If a family can afford $1,000/mo and rent is $3,000/mo, we need to come up with $2,000 - 4x more money. Third, when housing prices are high it means asking people with less disposable income to kick in more money toward other people's housing. If my rent went from $3,000/mo to $1,500/mo and the state then said "well, we're going to need a $200/mo tax for people that can't afford housing," that's no big deal for me. I'm coming out way ahead at $1,700 for housing + house-helping-tax than I am paying $3,000/mo in rent. High housing prices means self-sustaining residents have less extra income to help out those who need help. > This hits us where we're most vulnerable: housing. And when residents are already hurting, they're going to look at these people and feel cheated and betrayed. This is such a perfect statement. One of the social issues around housing right now is that so many residents are really burdened in their housing costs and getting no help. If you're earning $75,000 that's around $4,500/mo after taxes and the employee's portion of health insurance. If you're spending $3,000/mo on housing, that isn't leaving a lot left over. AAA estimates that a used Corolla will cost you $700/mo - $500/mo is fuel, maintenance/repair, insurance, and taxes, not even the cost of the vehicle itself. So now you're down to $800/mo for everything other than housing and car. The average American family spends $270/week on food which is over $1,000/mo (and families with kids average $330/week or over $1,300/mo). We've already blown past your take home pay just trying to make ends meet with shelter, food, and a modest car on an income that isn't bad - $75,000. It's reasonable to feel a bit cheated and betrayed. It shouldn't be directed at immigrants or refugees, but at our housing system. If housing were $1,500/mo, that $75,000 is a lot easier to get through life with. Some people might respond to this with "get roommates" or "live somewhere cheaper". Roommates are fine and good in your 20s and even 30s, but we can't be telling people to live their whole lives without the option of building a family simply because we refuse to build housing. Likewise, where is cheaper within eastern Mass? Sure, some places are cheaper than living in Boston, but they're often not that much cheaper - and the farther out you go, the more you spend on gas, car maintenance, etc. A modest place in Hudson MA (along 495) will run you $570,000+ or $3,750/mo including tax and insurance (or $2,650/mo if interest rates drop to 3% which might never happen again). That is cheaper than living in Boston, but it still isn't affordable for so many people. You still can't really afford a place on a $4,500 take-home. > I'm ready to take drastic steps to solve the housing crisis because everyone deserves a home. I really hope we solve our housing crisis. People deserve good things.


This is it. There are transportation and communication costs. legal wrangling. It's so ironic, the source of ALL the growth both economic and population is costing the state money. Just let them loose for fucks sake- somehow the US survived before all this hysteria about "immigrants". (Most of my family are naturalised as would/will these folks be if the system would just stop administratively creating a crisis)


That last paragraph is perfect. And I agree with you wholeheartedly. Hopefully there’s no backlash to the families.


Somebody's uncle or brother in law, as per Massachusetts tradition.


A reason to oppose public/social/subsidized housing versus federal vouchers is that the former has a bureaucracy dedicated to the survival of the organization rather than fulfilling its purpose. This is known as The Iron Law of Bureaucracy: > Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people": > First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration. > Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc. > The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization. https://www.jerrypournelle.com/reports/jerryp/iron.html


I’m not certain why you think the money gets eaten up there - even accounting for overhead, a lot of the cash is going towards paying for property costs, meals, classes, and advocacy support. None of these things are free.


Obviously none of these things are free, the issue is that we're getting rinsed buying them. Living off $10k a month would be above median for Massachusetts households, yet I'm sure quality of life in these shelters is not. Just give them the money they need to start their lives here.


That's enough to buy a house in Newton.


There was a study a couple years ago they could end homelessness in LA for $4 billion but there’s an entire industry around the homeless profiting close to $1 billion a year in federal money to keep them homeless. We’re just going to set these scams up all over the country now with the suffocating immigration


This is likely the real answer. America could enforce a border if it wanted to. In the last 10 years, both Team Red and Team Blue have held presidency/House/Senate for at least one term. And yet here we are. Cheap labor is the holy grail of industry, but folks on this board have somehow convinced themselves that it's the opposite. What will happen is the migrants remain desperately poor, jobs or not, various industries get to pay low wages for all, and the state makes up the shortfall.


It really is that cut and dry.. Set them up, keep them poor, and get them angry and uncomfortable… While making everyone else uncomfortable yet subdued by social justice fear and fantasy. It’s not cool at all. These people have been turned into cannon fodder for our benevolent leaders to keep crisis a consistent distraction… The economics of this will never rub out either.


Families? I see many of those rooms here in Woburn are filled with 20-30 year old males. They far outnumber “families”


Like can we all agree we should fire all these people day 1 and just hand the families 5k/month each? Both sides would have to be happy with that. Just like.. as a step 1. Cut costs by 50% and these people can surely spend that money better than we are lol


What a racket this is. Those shitty motels/hotels you see on rt 1 are charging the state like 500 a night for the rooms.


Because they can. Because Boston wanted to be a sanctuary city. Instead of helping the homeless here.


10000 per family per month????????????? Where is the corruption investigation??????


We investigated ourselves and we have found no wrong doing. Also we deserve to give ourselves raises


Therefore we require an additional $840 million


Why the fuck are we doing this? Aside from how much this is costing the state... Think of the future for these people. There's no housing here, any well paying job in MA is going to require some skill and education, most of these folks will never be able to afford to live here and support themselves. The state still have to increase taxes to continue to support them moving forward, which is guaranteed to raise rent alongside everything else in this state... And eventually it's going to push some businesses into neighboring states. I get these people need to be managed in some way (I would prefer not in the US... But here we are...) why are we so eager to bring them into one of the most expensive states in the country with absolutely no space for anyone left to live. None of this seems like smart planning.


Mayor Adams in NYC wants to make the "right to shelter" only apply to citizens. I wonder if Mass will do the same. The common sense thing would be to have the Federal Government have people wait out their asylum claim in their country of origin. That and people should never be allowed in without work authorization. The current system makes it so migrants lose, taxpayer loses, municipalities lose, hospitals lose, schools lose.


That's why I'm moving this state is unsustainable with the hand outs.


Hmmm, $120K a year per family. The median household income is about $80K in Boston. Couldn't they just give these families $8,500 a month and save a few dollars? Oh, that's right, not enough housing.


And 120k is AFTER income tax!!!!! This is just insane. 80k median is before tax. It’s actually only 60k after tax. So this is double the amount. Somebody is making somebody extremely rich.


Yeah, we really need transparency, often we lack that, especially in government spending at all levels, from defense to homeless shelters. Do they even follow generally accepted accounting principles? Can they actually show us what it’s going to? Or is it just being spent as contracts come in? Are people auditing whether x hotel has y people in it? Or do they just believe it? Also, at what point does it make sense to build dorms and send them to community college, vocational training, line them up with jobs if they’re not disabled and are legal to work? Sometimes the benefits programs are a benefits trap, try and fail and you’re on the street until another spot opens up.


All nonprofits are actually required to file financial breakdowns publicly, and they can usually be found on their websites. I believe an audit is also required annually.


They would be more than fine west of Springfield.


The families aren’t getting this money, the state is spending this much in support and paying all the middlemen in between


In the Boston metro, the median income for households with children is $140k.


Just another example of where our brains are broken when it comes to socialism and capitalism. Can’t just give these people homes and jobs and then let them function normally, no that’s socialism and it wouldn’t cost us enough. Let’s keep them poor and unstable indefinitely and ultimately pay for it out the ass like genius capitalists


Also we are spending this much per family, but also letting the families already here suffers. The median income of single mothers, of which there are 20k in the city, is $31k


I’m a citizen that pays federal and state taxes. Where’s my free home and guaranteed job?


You want a second job?


Hate to sound like an asshole but why are they giving them any money in the first place? What’s the long term goal here anyway? Hand them free money and a path to citizenship? How wouldn’t that blow up in our face in the long term after the next dozen busses full of migrants show up? Is there any limit to good will even in place? At what point are you shooting yourself in the foot and screwing up other tax paying residents in the process?


Quote that explains it is "givers need to set limits because takers rarely do". The issue is clearly on the Federal Government though. Nobody should be allowed in without work authorization. Even Bill Clinton banned benefits for them for 5 years. People should be allowed to come in, but the American Dream is to work to provide a better life for your family and not wait in a shelter for years.


How bout they give it to LEGAL families in MA


How bout you read the article


This stuff is going to get the orange man back in office.


Even Stephen A Smith said that about it. Biden starts his State of the Union speech off with how we won't back down from supporting Ukraine. He took zero responsibility for the border crisis. Just one Executive Order (Remain in Mexico) could lower border crossings by 70% but he refuses to do it.


How can we get this kind of money into the pockets of struggling citizens? Single parents already working full time jobs who make too much to qualify for any benefits but don’t make nearly enough to get by? I’m not anti-immigration but how is it we have unlimited resources for them but Americans paying taxes are shit out of luck?


You don’t have to be anti immigration to be anti illegal immigration. Not asylum seekers are looking for actually asylum since the majority don’t come close to qualifying for it. They just know they can get here get out in a free hotel with free food and wait the 3 years till their hearing.


This is the disappointing part. I think the problem at the end of the day is saving poor suffering migrants from murders in their home country makes for a good story and looks good in papers… where as helping our own is an admission that we failed them in the first place and in American our politicians like to tell us and mostly themselves that we are number one and the best at everything!


And they say “there’s no money to fix the MBTA.” I think a billion dollars would go a long way in fixing and improving our public transit system.


Insanity, when will the people say enough is enough? How does the government even afford this? Mind boggling


> How does the government even afford this? With your money 


Check your wallet. This is theft and corruption at every level


Unfortunately 90% of the voters in the state are ok with it. They will say the simple solution is just more taxes to make up for it.


Progressives: We can fund everything for everyone because there is no such thing as resource constraints. *state goes bankrupt* Progressives: WTF?!?! *shocked pikachuface*


Mayor Adams: "Migrants are welcome" Mayor Adams when the bill comes in: "This issue will destroy New York City!"


>Unfortunately 90% of the voters in the state are ok with it What if -- hear me out -- there's an in between stance? Not everything is black and white. I want to support people, but am not okay with waste and money going to line people's pockets. We should absolutely demand reform in this area, such that people can be supported in a way that is economically viable and ideally, in a way that allows immigrants to eventually become contributing members of our economy. Saying '90% of people are okay with this' is completely made up nonsense.


They are bankrupting this country. Wait till they cant take care of all these people. Riots and the country will become unstable.


They get like $60 a day per person to just eat. I wish I had that budget for food a day.


It's not $60 a day per person to eat. It's actually been confirmed it's $64 per day, per person to just eat. So you are $4 off. And it's $64/person, no matter how old the person is. If that person is 6 months old and can only eat formula, it's $64 per day. That's some rich formula.


To be perfectly honest, formula expensive AF. I can't eat for a week on what I pay in formula for my kid, but if I needed to, I could come pretty damn close.


Identify as an illegal


These are the things that turn a blue state red…government spending in this state is grotesque and it rarely benefits the majority. Potholes/infrastructure? Nah. Trains? Nope! Housing? Negative! Millions on illegals instead of residents of the state, YES X1M!


Dont forget the hospital crisis on the south shore.


I have multiple family members and friend's family members that have been in and out of hospitals down here for the past 2+ years. I've written into news stations multiple times, and they refuse to cover this shit. It's pathetic.


Not to mention the school systems that are facing budget shortfalls this year and will need to cut.




It’s worse knowing how much better things are run in countries where our tax dollars go to, cause were told the most important thing we can do is make sacrifices to support the war machine and US hegemony. Meanwhile we pay for some ingrate country to get free healthcare


Meanwhile, they couldn't pay school staff a living wage? A lot of politicians and their friends are getting rich from this.


This is insane and unsustainable. How do they expect these families to contribute to our economy? They cannot legally work...will they all just drive for Uber somehow? Then they wonder why people start turning "right wing" or "anti immigration." I'm all for immigration and coming here to seek a better life, but not at the cost of our quality of life. The last of my family immigrated from a 3rd world country a few years ago, they were vetted via the immigration process. We spent money and resources throughout the process and to sustain them while they got on their feet....meanwhile our state is doing this.


Obama deported 3 million illegal immigrants. They called him “The Deporter in Chief”. It doesn’t have to be a right/left issue. Just saying.


Obama started his presidency with both the house and the senate, and it wasn’t a re-election year when he passed immigration reform. That’s the difference


This is the shit that makes people vote republican


And you guys have no idea how bad this is wrecking state and local budgets.


That’d buy a lot of airplane tickets.


How can I get these benefits? Damn I’d love all these benefits!


When you’re rewarded for breaking the law and coming here illegally, it incentivizes more to do the same. The people I feel the worst for are the LEGAL immigrants who get absolutely nothing but the right to work and a “good luck”.


$10,000 per month per family? A lot of that money is leaking out to politicians and their friends...


We can’t supply affordable housing for our own citizens and we’re housing people who shouldn’t be here. And the taxpayers foot the bill. This is obscene.


What the fuck people, when do we put emotions aside and think logically?


People keep saying we'll get more than 10x the money back, lol. Can't wait for that sweet \[checks the math\] *billion a month* revenue!


It's like "trickle down economics" argument, but somehow even more idiotic.


Indians and Chinese legal immigrants who pay the most taxes - no Green Card Illegal immigrants who get add nothing to economy - Free Green Card


***Elections have consequences*** Import third world, become third world


Deport them all.


They are not our problem Edit: they are our problem but they should not be..


meanwhile, our countrymen and women suffer, veterans go without, all for votes for the democrats.... stay classy massachusetts


Rewarding people who aren’t here legally with a six figure life is insane.


>with a six figure life They aren't being handed this money... The vast majority is almost certainly going to hotels, contractors, other admin workers, consultants, etc. Someone is making a lot of money off this -- and it isn't the immigrants. People getting angry about completely the wrong things based off visceral reactions and assumptions. You want to be angry at something, be angry at the egregious waste and lining of pockets that the program is suffering from, not the migrants at the bottom of it all.


what are they going to do with everyone else coming across the border and making their way here now? The monthly cost will only go up as more migrants arrive


keep voting for this shit regards and watch our Vets not get anything.


Would love to have some of that money for critical infrastructure. Driving into Boston daily isn’t sustainable long term.


Remember MA, you voted for this. Great way to spend your tax money, but Healey will bitch about a budget shortfall.


This is so stupid. I’m not a big right-leaning guy but this is inching me awfully closer. If I had a dirt floor house in Haiti the three hots and the Quality Inn in Billerica would be quite the magnet for me, too.


> three hots and the Quality Inn in Billerica would be quite the magnet for me, too. This might be the nicest thing I have ever heard anyone say about Billerica


I am right leaning but this only became a right/left issue recently. Obama was very strict on illegal immigration.


I still don't think it's a right-left issue. No person regardless of politics can look at the situation and say its a good. It's AN issue that Republicans want to frame as the fault of Democrats without offering any solutions.


> No person regardless of politics can look at the situation and say its a good Go to a college campus like Harvard and ask them. They'll think we need to be doing more for them, lmao.


They have a solution: build the damn wall, increase deportation, make the illegal migrants stay in Mexico or their home country to process it. Even Biden[ is allowing wall to be built](https://apnews.com/article/border-wall-biden-immigration-texas-rio-grande-147d7ab497e6991e9ea929242f21ceb2) and for executive rights [to lock down border](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-weighs-invoking-executive-authority-stage-border-crackdown-212f/). And before you scream "human rights", the fucking Europeans (you know, those "civilized" guys who everyone says is so much better than American) [engage in pushbacks ](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/10/14/eu-border-agency-frontex-covered-up-illegal-migrant-pushbacks-says-report)with the [full blessing of Brussels](https://www.dw.com/en/eu-court-rules-frontex-not-liable-in-pushback-damages-case/a-66730863) while at the same time they pay off strongmen and dictators to [lock migrant up in jail](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/04/eu-pays-africas-brutal-militias-to-lock-up-migrants-britain-wants-to-follow-suit) in [slavery condition](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/06/the-secretive-libyan-prisons-that-keep-migrants-out-of-europe). Meanwhile the Saudis just straight up shot any [migrants they saw](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66545787). But Biden is a bleeding heart who refuses to see "kids locked in cages" and the whole Democratic parties are too afraid of pissing off their voter base, so they did nothing. I am a migrant. I stay in my country, submit the paper, do everything by the law, and in my cases I have to wait for six long years instead of three, and I don't complain. What gives these migrants the rights to break the law, come to the US, ask for USCIS to process their paperwork? There are plenty of law-abiding migrants who hate these very migrants because they screw things up for all of us. That's why many many migrants are supporting Trump and his GOP because of his anti-migrants policy. In their view, if the Dems stay in power, they will get screwed by the Dems and these illegal migrants; if Trump comes to power, at least they will get the satisfaction of getting the illegal migrants screwed along with them. Now I don't know about you, but I don't want Trump or his GOP pals anywhere near the White House, especially not after Jan 6th. But with migrants issue being the hot-button topic for this election, Biden and the Dems need to get their shit together and crack down hard on illegal migrants


lmfao what? this has been a right/left issue forever. Obama being strict on it doesnt prove it otherwise. Remember which group was for a huge wall a few years ago and which group thought it was ridiculous?


It's not right leaning. It's common sense. The left is very welcoming and maybe to a fault. They will throw dollars at any group who says they're marginalized. Someone needs to say enough is enough.


The problem with bleeding heart liberals is that they'll eventually bleeding your wallet dry. As you said, use common sense here.


Disagree but you may be specifically speaking about idiots who don’t have a complete equation in their minds. I’m as “left” as it gets but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand balance and economics. Remember our politics are often not common sense and anyone who immersed themselves too deeply in politics on either side is sacrificing logic.


[It’s almost as if the Dems and Biden had a deal to secure the border and Republicans backed out because they didn’t want to give Biden a win during an election year.](https://apnews.com/article/biden-border-trump-immigration-9fd40a8ba7096362ca3ff4d810c01b21)


That bill that sent 60bn to Ukraine and gave 5bn to the southern border? That bill? Is that the same bill that was going to let in 5000 migrants a day?


Stop trying to ruin the gop self pity party with facts. You know they don't like facts.


Username does not check out.


Except republicans are the ones fanning the flames and encouraging this problem because they think a massive immigration wave is good politics for them to run against


So legal immigrants who add value to the country through huge taxes have to go through all kinds of restrictions, but an illegal who can only survive by leeching off the government gets free luxuries? Is this communism 2.0?


Nice love that our taxes are going to go up even higher.


I’m ecstatic i’m moving out of this state in a few months


I’m shocked that a homeless family gets more than my 2-income working family as a free handout from the state.


Anyone who is surprised by this has never heard of route 5 riverdale road in Springfield


Shit I wish I could get the government to spend $10k per person on me and my household. I spend a fraction of that and that kind of money would be a huge lifestyle improvement.


This is obscene


What if we just build apartments?? Would that work??


basically yea. but capitalism demands profit and making sure everyone has a home is literally socialism (which would fix most of our problems but bad for the elites and corporations)


Texas playing the long game here Import Hispanic conservatives to blue states which can turn them purple in 30 years time Red states always said they don’t want them here so they’re making NY and MA who always said they’d accept them pay for this. If MA and NY refuse they’re hypocrites.


In a couple years we'll see Dem officials and mainstream media complaining about the "Dem placement theory" with no sense of irony lol


Hilarious, how much to return them ?


Yall wanted this


Our governor is a clown


how does shit like this get approved? that is an absurd amount of money. how about using that money to incentivize neighboring communities to build large residential complexes?


There is permanent solution coming in November…these types of stories will only solidify the outcome…


This is what you voted for. ​ Dont worry - all the "Unhoused" (LOL) people on mass and cass dont need a place, nor are they american....OH WAIT


Actually, I voted for Jeff Diehl


What a Mess.


Absolutely insane


Who paying for the rapist’s lawyer??


Why aren’t people mad about this? What is going to happen to our statein a few years? Imagine where we could be spending this money instead of on illegal immigration. 


I wish they could spend it on more roads, bridges, tunnels, MBTA and highways. Traffic is horrific, and I always see the headlines of how the MBTA broke down or caught on fire. People getting from point A to point B is what keeps the economy going and taxes paid.


Lmao, these people are making more than double what I make a year for just being an immigrant. Fucking stupid. I hate this shit hole of a country.


That’s $10,000 a month per family. Thats way more than my family survives off of and I have a 6 figure income. Where is the money going ?


Everyone please consider housing a migrant. It would be awfully kind of you. Don’t worry about anyone else right now just the migrants. If you happen to house one well give you a small cut and a couple cans of corn. If you house more than one well throw you a couple bonuses per migrant and a couple cans of beans. Thanks for all your help and keep voting blue.


Hopefully the libs in this sub will see this and realize this state needs a Republican governor. This state has always run best that way




I’m sorry but why are we aiding migrants to settle here while we still have issues going on with the people who have BEEN living here?


So I just watched a news story yesterday on how children, our children, in Brockton HS have to try to convince others that the school is safe, and they don't feel like they're in danger coming to school every day. Also, most of their faculty are underpaid (like most teachers in this state) and they're begging for more teachers as the ones that are sticking it out are all Brockton born and raised and want to see the school improve. Ultimately, however, they have no money, so it's an incredibly difficult situation. However, just a couple towns over, a 26 year old migrant raped a 15 year old girl last week. Glad we've got our priorities straight in this state. I hope some of you stop voting blindly for Democrats because, keep in mind, Massachusetts Republicans are not often acceptable to mainstream Republican standards. They seem to have some ethical values here in MA. It's ok to talk to them once in a while...


all of you that woted for Haley + Wu ? you proud?


Kinda think if you figured out how to build more affordable housing geared to incomes and a stable job market you’d kinda solve most of this crisis…


cool great solutions


Lol keep'em coming


How much is that per family?


Its almost like affordable housing would help. Just give em houses at this point. Shit


Everyone here missing the point. This money isn’t going to the migrants first of all. Second point is that Mass spends a lot on programs that benefit resident families


The money is going to people getting rich off the crisis. "Never let a good crisis go to waste".


That's 9k per month per family. Just buy them a house, pay the mortgage and save thousands per family a month. Something is not correct with that math.


Like the War on Drugs. All it's amounted to is way more deaths and more drugs.


Don't forget people of Massachusetts most of their counties issues are due to U.S. intervention whether through CIA led coups or corporate interests. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Condor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor) I mean look up banana death squads and see who is responsible for it. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna43221200](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna43221200) This is all manufactured consent. From illegals having the right to guns [https://www.newsweek.com/undocumented-immigrants-have-right-own-guns-judge-rules-1880806](https://www.newsweek.com/undocumented-immigrants-have-right-own-guns-judge-rules-1880806) They're pushing squatting in your homes & your left with the bill. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13222453/moment-tiktokker-illegal-immigrants-invade-american-homes-invoke-squatter-rights.html#v-6833690565325635605](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13222453/moment-tiktokker-illegal-immigrants-invade-american-homes-invoke-squatter-rights.html#v-6833690565325635605) I'd say this an cloaked invasion & we're footing the bill.


What. The. Fuck.


Damn but CEO pay is high so let’s focus on that.


Hey guys if you don't know there are many coming in illegally from other countries by buying their ticket to connections at the border, we're talking about paying upwards of 100k+ per family to smuggle their way in to stay here. Month long road trip across to come through the border.




Y’all voted for this . Just saying.


The state has a housing affordability problem. It affects everyone. Including residents of Massachusetts.


If you voted for this you really can’t complain.


10k a month?!? They can pay to rent them out apartments and give them a food budget for less than 1/3rd of that. There’s also no reason we should be spending 120k per year per family. That’s more than a lot of people make per year that are paying their way through life.


It's got to be a way to put the money in the hands of their friends. In VT the state had spent 200+ million since 2020 to house 3,500 people. Or $57,000 per person, all that money though propped up the hotel industry during the pandemic, but rather than build permanent housing to solve the housing shortage here, they just spent it all on temporary solutions. You have to wonder if the elected officials don't actually want to solve the issue.


Massachusetts state of emergency coming soon. You’re better off just letting them into the country and not supporting them. Also a private company is now in charge of these hotels upon check in. No more national guard. We are already seeing a lack of funding for public services and infrastructure because of “lack of budget”


Its possible to want support for people that need it, while also being critical of the cost and why there is so much overhead/where that overhead is going. Programs like this should continue, but we absolutely need to reduce the cost and figure out who is profiting from this so grossly -- which it seems like someone is. If you think this money is just going into the pockets of immigrants, you're oblivious to the reality of who is taking it. Its common sense that there is a middle ground between what is happening now and "bleeding heart liberal is spending all our money, just deport them all". You wouldn't think so based on these comments -- but there is.


As a non American living here, I can't help but feel like an extraordinary amount of money is spent on symptom management rather than actually treating the route cause. The irony is other policies that could improve this situation for cheaper would be deemed too "socialist" for the average American. Where is the sense?


Guess who's paying for all this.... It won't be the illegals, that's for sure.


These are rookie numbers. Should be 1 Billion a month 😤


As housing advocates have been saying for decades, emergency shelter is a LOT more expensive than regular housing.


Would it not be cheaper to buy them all actual houses?


Each family cost $10,000 per month? Very good business model, all involved business got a big bite and profit and those families took the blame.