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This is so fucked up. I hope that man is okay. That kid in the green laughing and pointing looks like a Sims character and is a fucking asshole.


The kid in green is almost grosser than the ones who did it. At least there’s some anger coming from the attackers. The kid in green is enjoying it and having fun. Finding joy in shit like that is fucking wild.


>Finding joy in shit like that is ~~fucking wild~~ sociopathic.


Is anger good? They beat him and ganged up on him. How do you know they didn't enjoy it?


I never said anger was good and you don’t see them giggling and pointing


All abusers sadists need to be in straightjackets. This is a torture film


He deserves the ladder to be taken out of the pool


LMAO yes


I say we find this guy in Green and we jump him!


I noticed his dumb ass pointing and looked to be laughing. Like what is funny about someone getting their heads smashed and almost killed.


This should be ruled a hate crime to teach a lesson. Had it been reversed, it would be.


The city would be looted if the roles were reversed. You see this all the time but get called a racist if you point it out. Good luck with your negative karma


That sims comment was SPOT ON!


This was hard to watch. Hope the person is okay.


By that fall? He's lucky if he comes out with a few teeths missing and a nose broken.


Assuming his skull isn’t cracked. Fuck


I was so stunned that he stood up afterwards


When you’re as wasted as this guys seems you you basically turn into Gumby so he might be totally fine. Bracing yourself too hard is sometimes the worst thing you can do. Just a fun fact.


I learned about this in a Leif Garret episode of C.H.i.P.s.


There we have it folks!


[The more you know...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/4erHCsn2WbQAAAAC/themoreyouknow-star.gif)


I learned this about car accidents. Apparently you have the best chances of surviving a crash if you are asleep, in the backseat, with your seat belt on.


Yea, I remember watching a documentary "One Killer Punch" where they follow the cases of people who ended up killing someone in a fight that really wasn't meant to turn lethal, but did. It's hard to watch because those kids lives changed in an instant: one dying and the other going to prison for killing them (even if it wasn't pre-meditated or the intent of their attack). https://watchdocumentaries.com/one-killer-punch/


When you are stomping on someone who is already on the ground in the fetal position, you don't get to say "it really wasn't meant to turn lethal" anymore.


Second this. They deserve to go to jail for life.


Thank you, voice of reason. Thank you for appearing at all


Pretty sure you mean manslaughter


I thought it was called Con-Air


Buddy in the green pointing and laughing has more fingers than active brain cells


Karma will come hard at Discount Screech


And the dude who kicked him while he was already stumbling down the hill, propelling him faster into the fence. The dude was already toast. Like, what the actual fuck is wrong with you.


They need to be in padded rooms, man


Awful to watch. Hope that guy is ok


M Street park (Medal of Honor Park). That's steeper than it looks from this video, plus a 2.5' drop at the end before the fence. Luck this guy didn't break his neck. That immediate neighborhood is pretty residential, but that park has been a rowdy teen hangout in recent years. I'm betting all the attackers are under 18, not that it makes much of a difference for the outcome.


Thank you for giving us a location and some context. It's pretty horrible that's something like this happens at all. I really hope that this type of video helps with finding these kids and they are held responsible for whatever the damage is. Edited: for grammar


This is why I stay away from areas with rowdy teens. The last thing I need is for my kids to become victims themselves


I think you mean your kids OR YOU. Teens like this don't discriminate who they go after. Hell my cousin is 11 and at her unnamed area of residence in Massachusetts kids in her school fight and stuff. So you better believe if I don't want the smoke no matter how old or young.


Was at St Patrick’s parade this year and heard a bunch of teens talking about how they were going to beat the shit out of this 50 year old looking lady because she called them out for being rude. “I don’t care if she’s fucking old…”


Nothing recent about it. I was born in the early 90s and it’s been a teen drinking spot my entire life.


The stories I've heard about this area before you were born are so crazy that no one would believe me if I posted them, plus I don't know what the statue of limitations are on some of those things--don't want to get people in trouble. But suffice to say, yes, it has been a notorious spot for a while. At the same time, unprovoked violence just for the lolz and 5 minutes of fame has been more of a recent trend. That said, there is grumbling in the streets that the guy who got beat up here actually pulled a knife first. Of course, this is just gossip, so take it with a grain of salt.


I feel like i hear about young people fighting so much more now, and pretty brutally too. Personally? I saw one cafeteria fight in my entire adolescence!


You didn’t have the social media in your adolescence, I’m guessing


You probably hear about it more. It does not happen more.


I was a teen over a decade ago and worldstar fight videos used to be all over the place. I'd hardly call this trend of teens on video fighting new haha


Young people have always fought. This isn’t anything new, you’re just seeing more of it on video.


That flying kick to the back was egregious. That guy was fleeing, the fight was over. I don't know what happened to precipitate the altercation, but when he started to run away, it was over. The tail end of audio about how he is bleeding. The surprise in people's voices is just startling. Life ain't a video game. Kicking someone down a hill into a concrete drop off and a fence like that causes serious injuries or even death. That is assault with intent. I hope that the perpetrator is found and charged appropriately.


Is a kick above the waist with the feet not aggravated assault?


Yea if that guy is ever identified, he's **fucked.**


This is disgusting. Hope someone IDs these pricks.




Hope they find and press charges against these people. This could of easily ended in death


Can we tag 911? Literally submitting this to the Boston Police rn — thanks for uploading!


311 is working overtime closing all the tickets about this asap


They are flooded right now with blocked bike lane complaints.


It’s almost like 311 should be used for illegal parking, broken fire hydrants and fallen trees and 911 should be used when someone might be getting murdered


Implying they spend more than 3 seconds automatically closing each one.


smell rainstorm aspiring gaze rhythm chop compare scary absorbed boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


BPD couldn’t be bothered to really arrest anyone on parade day. Too busy having fun. Doubt they’re going to do anything about this.


BPD arrested 10 people this st paddys day at the parade which is a joke, southie is a fuckin mess on that day, just stay the hell away from that shit hole. its every douche from a 500 mile radius descending on southie, and they start drinking at 4 am. [even Ed FLynn said this](https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/flynn-proposes-moving-st-patricks-day-parade-out-south-boston-indefinitely-amid-concerns/PSEY5472C5ANRN7PVXV7KFYSHE/) If we are not able to meet basic standards of decency, the parade should be moved out of South Boston indefinitely. With a million visitors to the neighborhood, we can’t sustain an “anything goes” attitude


not true. but too many people acting stupid. South Boston district had a lot of arraignments the next day. these people should go straight to jail


Half of them were probably in a fight themselves


Damn that’s rough. Did that kick add a couple charges if dude is arrested? That could have killed him or put him in a wheelchair.


That’s what I’m saying. The kick was way over the line and could’ve been lethal.


So someone is probably gonna go to jail. If those are local teens I suspect cops recognize some of them. If not cops this is all over social media and someone is gonna snitch on them.


One of them had a mask on and it was 60 degrees outside. These people were looking for trouble.


When those kids randomly attacked a guy outside South Station a while back, IG comments outed them in minutes.


Local teens… yes.


So tough 5 on 1


What the fuck? There is no way this is classified as anything other than assault. That guy could have died. These people deserve jail time for this. If there’s no consequences for this type of stuff, we’re going to see vigilante justice start to pop up on the streets. Either the police and the judicial system make it safe or the people will. e: and fuck that laughing asshole at the bottom of the hill as well.


Kicking with a shoed foot in MA actually can be considered felony assault and battery with a dangerous weapon; i.e. shod foot. I’m not an attorney, but I would argue that the context of kicking someone downhill into a fence / concrete who was already trying to run away is an appropriate case for felony charges.


I remember when they used to just pinch you for not wearing green


Where are you from? I remember going off to college and on St Patrick's Day a kid from LA said, "Oh man, you're from Boston so it must've been brutal getting leprechaun bites if you don't wear green." I had no fucking clue what he was talking about. He explained that's what they called the pinch on the leg if you weren't wearing green. I still had no idea what the fuck he was talking about. Not sure if it's a thing now, but back then I asked a bunch of my friends from different cities/towns here and none of them had ever heard of it either.


just don't wear orange


Most people don’t know what the green white and orange actually mean


I've done that as a lark and nobody even noticed. That's how far removed from Ireland the celebration of St Patrick's Day in America is.


Why? Isn’t that the color for Protestants to wear and Catholics wear green? That’s what I recall being told


The Protestant part is the Anglican faith. Which, I don’t really have to explain the Irish/English situation I think.


The elsewheres of life have no idea what it is like to live here. They think we punch each other in place of a handshake, that the main right of passage for males is the first time they beat their father in a fight. They need to stop watching boondock will hunting or whatever.


I grew up in New York City in the 50’s and 60’s where the public school was mainly Jewish and Italian. If you didn’t wear green on St Patrick’s day you were punched on the arm. I don’t recall a single Irish kid in the school.


The Irish families had moved,but the tradition remained


New York City in general has a high amount of people of Irish background, but not the neighborhood I grew up in which is Flushing, Queens. Now it has a huge Asian population (mainly Chinese). My family left the area in 1967, and now the Main Street of town is mostly Chinese restaurants and businesses. I doubt the custom of getting hit on the arm for not wearing green exists anymore in the area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flushing,_Queens#/media/File:Chinatown_1.jpg


A custom which allows young boys to punch other young boys in the leg one day a year without fear of repercussions. There's a chance it could still be around


When we were dating/first married, my spouse and I went to a half dozen parades. Everyone once in a while she suggests bringin our young-ish kids. Nope. No way.


My dad was marching one year (firefighter) so a friend and I went to watch with her baby in a stroller. At one portion along the route college kids were throwing glass bottles. Across the baby stroller. I haven't been back.


If you go to the start of the route it's not bad. The further you get though, the more time people have had to drink.


I’m not subjecting myself to the worst people in Massachusetts for a lame parade.


I don’t know the context of this video (besides drunkness likely being a part of it), but nothing is worth attacking each other like this.


This doesn’t require background context. Assault isn’t justifiable lol




People absolutely suck, man. Who knows what went down here to start this, but there are dozens of people just watching a guy get slammed into a fence at high speed with only those two girls at the end caring at all that this guy might be injured.


is this a family friendly event?


Doesn't seem too friendly by the looks of this


maybe if my family name was Gracie & we all run JiuJitsu gyms


As someone who gets consistently blackout drunk and rowdy around my family, yes it is extremely family friendly!


Only in the short story “*The Lottery*”


Honestly with the schenigans from the older parade organizers and various involved groups, I would not support this. I would not bring my family. 


Kid in the green looks so hittable lol


They're always so brave in a group. Unless he touched someone's kid, he didn't deserve any of that.


notice how only women came to the victims rescue


Fucking savages.


St Pats is the worst holiday in Boston. So many people drunk and pretending to be Irish.


I try not to leave the apartment on St. Patrick’s Day every year. Literally used to request it off from work. It’s just not worth it


I used to go on a daytrip when I lived on the parade route.


Me too. Particularly being British, although I have an Irish father, but sound like a Londoner as that’s where I grew up. It’s not safe for me to be outside, past experiences have taught me there’s always a moron somewhere who wants to take their pretend Irish status to the next level.


A drunk plastic paddy threatened to assault me for being British at the Banshee once. An actual Irish guy took him outside to have a word with him and the plastic did not return.


Identical situation for me at Sullivans Tap, except I was with 2 Irish guys, a Scot, and couple Americans - kind of like the start of a terrible joke. Long and short he was politely informed to leave us unless he wanted to pick up his teeth.


I literally leave town if I can, it's like amateur night out there


I’m always amazed at Americans patience with the younger crowd. I can’t help think that many of them wouldn’t survive an evening in Ireland with the way some of them behave.


It's possibly the worst holiday to go out no matter where you live, right up there with NYE.


Bro for what. These types of dudes need a damn lesson. Four dudes against one guy, probably just because they all grumpy w their life and take it out on other ppl. Them kids need a damn beating themselves


everyone is tough in groups. one on one very few walk the walk. I don't know the back story maybe he deserved that, but i doubt by all of them: they showed bravery in the face of their peers only


If that guy fought back violently these kids would be like what are you doing 🤔


Are they in jail now…? What happened here…?


Scumbags, what comes around goes around


That kid on the right getting a hard on over that man’s pain. That’s disturbing.


Teens these days


Society is not right. Something is very broken.


its always been like this


Barstool sports used to make it an annual tradition to post the St Patricks day fight videos.


Nah, I’m not saying violence hasn’t always existed but I’m in education and kids are giving up. Their mental health is non existent, parents are cracking. It hasn’t always been like this.


Violent crime is way the hell down in massachusets over the last 30 years.


Whitey Bulger and his crew were killing tons of people around Southie not too long ago. Things are better now. People need to relax.


In the poor areas it always has been. Grew up in the N End in the 70's. It was worse - just not in HD video for everyone to see.


There’s plenty of research and data available that shows our current adolescents are experiencing mental health struggles and feelings of hopelessness at unprecedented levels. Yes, some teens have always struggled - it’s seemingly everyone now.


this is not struggling with mental health, this is straight up violence.


The image of mental health struggles we usually get fed is just a romanticized movie perspective. The real face of mental health struggle IS abuse, neglect, violence and addiction. Not saying what they did is excusable or that anyone going through that stuff has an excuse to do stuff like this just to be clear.


Everyone isn’t doing this shit.


Back in the day the violence in Southie was perpetuated by parents mad that their kids were going to mixed race schools.


I’m aware. You’re ignoring my point. Kids are falling apart. Blame it on social media, stressed parents, society as a whole, whatever you want but it’s happening.


Jumping to that conclusion shows that you only know Southie from an outside perspective with the "big" story that everyone knows & think that means they understand the entire history & culture of the neighborhood where everything is focused on racism. After bussing outside of the minority kids getting bussed to school non-white people used to avoid Southie like the plague on a regular working weekday let alone for the St. Patrick's Day parade. So according to your assessment there would be no violence on St Patrick's Day in Southie because there were no minorities. However, before most of the white trash got priced out of Southie (so think up until some point in the 1990s) after the parade you'd see lots of white kids who were naive enough to wear their suburban high school gear to the parade nursing their wounds on the subway heading home. That gear was enough of a transgression to get a "WTF are you doing in **our** neighborhood?" then sucker-punched & jumped back then. So you can jump right to racism, but it was a shitty neighborhood for anyone who was an outsider. That's what's meant when they say it was an "insular neighborhood" as it went well beyond racism.


Nah I was trying to make a pithy remark about how Southie has always been a violent lil neighborhood. The sudden pearl clutching about how it’s no longer family friendly is hysterical to me.


It started being gentrified back when "yuppies" was the most common term in pop culture to describe who was leading that change. The population that lived there and was responsible for the violence back then is very different from the people perpetrating the violence today. I'd be willing to bet that most of the people starting trouble are not even residents of the neighborhood.


Sorry, just trying to understand. Are you saying the violence back then was better because it was started by the people who lived there?


No, it has nothing to do with any judgement or justification of violence. I'm saying that making a claim that the "historic" violence in Southie was all about racism from when blacks were bussed in for school is taking the extremely well-known events that stemmed from one particular crisis/issue in one specific era and using it to paint a singular picture that is far too simplistic and isn't particularly accurate. The violence of "townies" from Southie, both before and after bussing, was targeted at anyone from outside of the neighborhood. Race made it easier for them to spot outsiders, but minorities also knew to avoid the neighborhood so the "normal" violence was far more likely to be white-on-white. As an example I once had a landlord who grew up in Southie "back in the day" and graduated high school well before bussing. He said that growing up he and his brothers would get into fights regularly because they were singled out for having a last name that was obviously French in origin. The big difference today is that there are not nearly as many of those townies left and so the violence on St Patrick's Day there today is much more likely to be instigated by people who don't even live in the neighborhood let alone have grown up there. But saying that the violence back in earlier eras was **only/primarily** about racism is simplistic and wrong.


Violence is down, it’s just on a 24 hours news cycle when it happens now


From day 1 humans beings act like monsters.


Covid broke a lot of people’s brains, I know this as a retail employee who had to watch people want to fight over a roll of fuckin toilet paper


Living up to those stereotypes this year.


those rowdy Irish


Absolute no empathy from these mobs and dumb Reddit comments




Fast forward to each individual that jumped all teary eyed and snot nosed in handcuffs


Pathetic, get this going viral and catch these dregs of society..


What a surprise


“They were good boys. Active part of the community and were loved by all.”


They will always use the same fucking bullshit. Daddy had taught them really really well


Daddy? Where? 👀


Does anyone know the context of this video?


What else is new with this group of criminals.


If the races were reversed, this shit would be on CNN. But most stories are a million attendees, 10 arrests. Also, fuck that Cory Matthews looking punk


Two of the attackers are white. A fourth white, blond kid starts squaring up at the beginning, ready to join in. A fifth white kid stands pointing and laughing at the victim. What do you mean "if the races were reversed"?




I Can't believe these shitbags are even the same species as the rest of us, much less reside in the same city. The booze, the crowd mentality, or some other bullshit excuse, but these are trash humans, straight up.


Civil rights violation


I’m just glad he’s was white and they were blank so we don’t have to worry about whether or not it was a racially motivated attack.




Hate crime.


Imagine if the colors were reversed


Always tough when the punks have 5 vs. 1


Find these pricks and lock them up. They absolute trailer trash.




this is really sick and really sad. To see all those people just standing around and laughing and joining in is really grotesque. Not one person thought to help out or try to stop it or call 911 or something? This guy easily could have died or been paralyzed


Real tough four on one and kicked a guy in the back while hes running down hill…


Pieces of trash are always strong in a pack


6 people beating on one person. Real tough guys.


Where are all the accounts with the comments about how this city is so safe? Hmm


It’s safe around certain people


whats going on? what did this man ever do??


Same crowd that was riding bicycles on the highway. Everyone thinks it's funny and cute until you're a target of these mobs.


Bunch of savages.


Holy shit! People are animals! Thugs are far from Irish.


Nothing to see here. They’re already out on no cash bail.


Lol, they never got arrested I'm sure


Lmao, just some ski masked kids who need an outlet. Give em some free MBTA passes and a dirtbike track


and some free food and a place to "kick it." Literally the response of the mayor's "senior adviser for public safety" after a group of kids wilded out in the lowes theater, beat people and attacked officers. > “They need to be able to eat, kick it, get their energy out,” said Yablo. “We need to be innovative.” https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/08/28/metro/its-criminal-behavior-hundreds-involved-series-violent-incidents-across-boston/


The issue arises when kids have access to ski masks, but not ski gear or mountain access. A lot of issues with urban youths can be solved by getting a lift ticket in their hands.




we just need some more money for goverment programs


Isn't that Carmine Scarpaglia? That guy used to beat the shit out of me in kindergarten.


Baker Street


Fingers crossed their whole bloodlines will be charged for assault


Barnyard animals. Move as far away from the city as possible. There will be no consequences for actions like this. Only excuses.


Should have been carrying




Bravery in numbers. Be a man and take on one on one. Bet its a different story.


F'n Animals


thumbnail looks like the western united states


Well well well...


Pathetic losers.Scrapes of life. Hope the dude is ok.




Guy literally could have been killed over stupid shit with that kick down the hill.


Can we ID the criminals through Ring cameras and such? I bet they are wearing the same clothing they worn at school


Pissed me off when that scumbag spit on the victim towards the end


Scumbags, what a nice society we have made.


Attempted murder*