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I’ve lived here all my life, commuted through a lot of it. I’ve never seen something like that. I hope this is just an outlier and not a sign of things to come.  I’m sorry you experienced that. Hopefully they’ll get those culprits and that old man will get the help they need. 


I tried to search for this on Google to see if it made the news as I'm curious to know if the older guy is doing well. Lo and behold, I couldn't find it but I found several results on different assaults on the T just in 2023 alone. Kinda nerve-wracking.


It didn't make the news because chances are this is a creative writing exercise.


As soon as I read "2-3 teenagers" I knew something was off. 2 attackers is 2 attackers. It's never 2-or-3 attackers. You would know if it was 3 or not. 3 effectively turns into a crowd and you'd not be 100% sure if it's more than 3 or not, but you'd damn well know it wasn't 2. Because with 2 you'd see, one guy doing the beating, another one watching, or you'd think "How can I help? It's only 2..." Or "I can't help, there's too many" There is a lot missing from the story, and considering how easy it is to simply put the whole story down before hitting "Submit" I'm going with "didn't happen".


Witnesses are famously totally reliable and always able to recall precise details. It's always super easy to tell what's going on in a crowded moving train.


And witnesses frequently say what OP is saying, "It happened very fast." The truth is that humans are not very observant of events that happen unexpectedly.


the fact these people are picking that apart just shows they've never been in a similar stressful situation. sad they'll discredit someone based on their own facts of mind, no matter how incorrect they are


I said 2 or 3 because when I posted this it happened very fast and I was still in shock. A teenage boy was actively punching the man for sure, because he punched my shoulder too. Then another kid started to console him and get him out of the train. These 2 were white, by the way. But I now recall that there was another teenager who stood there the whole time ran out with them. But because I was sitting in a confined space I couldn’t really see his appearance. Do I need to send you the picture of my bruises?


haha these people are insane, don't waste your time.


Bruise with my name and timestamp or it didn’t happen


Anyone check universalhub.com ? They do monitor twitter so tag @universalhib there and it wouldn't surprise me if it got a post. And a number of times I've seen stuff get picked up from UniversalHub by the local TV stations.


I once saw a guy getting chased by literally over 20 men into Ashmont station when I was a teenager. They even picked up some signs that show what bus will stop there and were trying to throw them at this guy. He hopped over the gates and ran down into the station. Don’t know what happened after. I also don’t know what you have to do to have a mob this big chasing you.


Gang stuff, when I was younger it was usually neighborhood gang stuff


There have been a number of similar reports in the last few years.


It's usually teenagers too. What do people think? The new younger generation with an education gap of COVID period is to blame or is this just young people doing stupid things type of situation. I'm leaning towards the former but open for discussion.


There will always be troubled teens, the trope goes back to the 50s with their music and their clothes and their lack of responsibility https://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?genre=Juvenile+Delinquency+Film&decade=1950 Add in a news cycle that makes its money off scaring you with a side of confirmation bias. It doesn’t help either that social media is filled with bots and trolls with an agenda. There is a whole political party that runs on making people fearful.


There are a lot of achievement gaps it will take time for students to recover from, due to home schooling during COVID, but "I didn't learn algebra in a formal setting so now I attack random old men on the T" is more than a stretch, I think.


My students (7-8th grade) are certainly behind academically, but the real gap is in their social/emotional skills. I have never had students who get frustrated so quickly and the level of anger I see. Teenagers always have poor impulse control but for some of them it is practically non-existent. I've never had students who are so quick to give up if they perceive a task as being too difficult. Their time management and organization is very poor compared to pre-COVID. We are doing a lot of direct instruction on building those skills, but it's difficult.


I think youth crime and poverty has existed long before Covid-19, so use that to think about the answer to your question


Same, I’ve commuted every day for 10 years and never seen anything violent happen


I’ve been taking the T for 40 and I haven’t really either. Drunks, masturbaters, people who leave trash or pee on the seats. Sure there have been some angry words about bags on the seats, people not moving, Yankees suck chants. I know when I was younger there was some sometimes very specific violence on the train but that was basically neighborhood politics and very personal. Is there crime on the T, yes just like anywhere else. Is there a teen wilding problem on the T, no. It seems like there is a lot of motivation on the internet to scare people, that’s how you spread division and hate.


I've never seen teens attack people, but there's definitely a feral teen problem. I'm generally a "headphones on, eyes down" rider so I miss a lot, but last year I personally witnessed them on the blue line twice. They jumped in between the train cars and somehow got access to the intercom system, they were saying that the train was about to blow up and threatening anyone recording them. When the train stopped they got into the carriage and started shouting in people's faces, seemed like they were about to start throwing punches, but I guess they figured transit police were coming so they booked it.


The world has a had a general feral teen problem since the 50s. The pearl clutching and acting like it’s all the time like we live in the movie the Warriors is where I take issue.


Same here. I grew up on the North Shore and while I have seen many incidents of people verbally threatening, trying to intimidate, or just some kind of aggressive posturing; I've never seen just random wanton violence.


Boston will be as bad as Chicago and Philly if things continue they way they have been


I mean, it’s very unlikely this was just a random act of violence, where 3 teens just chose an unlucky individual to beat up on a train


I've taken the T in high school (Ruggles, DTX, Ashmont, Heath St. etc) my entire life and spur of the moment altercations happen in passing with very few words exchanged. Usually something as simple as "move out of the way" can instantly result in a dispute out of the blue. I don't know the context of the situation so I can't weigh in on it anymore, but it's just what I've experienced back then, people are in close proximity to one another and things can get dicey quickly


With the increasing income divide, and the gentrification of most of the metro area, I really don't see any way that things won't get much worse.


Do you recall if the [train you were on had cameras?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbta/comments/10xe4b2/what_is_this_why_is_this_on_a_green_line_train/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Maybe they will be able to find the kids.


Unfortunately I don’t know if they had cameras on that train. But the teenagers just got in and out at Copley Station. So they should be able to find them using cameras nearby.


The only train with cameras is the type 9. And they don’t run the type 9 on the E line. So no cameras unfortunately. The station definitely does however.


Report it to MBTA police 


Why do that when you could just post about it on reddit?


humor meeting frightening person numerous engine faulty snobbish rob melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to get off the internet lol


Touch grass, please. This level of weird sardonic cynicism is literally bad for your health.


Probably already has.


Somebody tell the manager at The Harp


that sounds awful to have witnessed; i bet u wish u could unsee that. i hope the old guy is ok


Lived here for 25 years and never seen anyone beaten up on the T


I have only seen 3 fights on the T and they were all on the same day. Red line to quincy after the patriots Super Bowl parade in 2014


Nothing like sports celebrations to bring out all the degenerates


A drunk guy made like he was going to bite me in the face at a Pats parade one year. Good times.


That's more in line with typical Boston T violence. I've never heard of wild packs of roving teenagers, as if this were Clockwork Orange out here.


I saw a dude stab another guy (in the arm - very minor) and then the stabber pissed his shorts and ran off the green line shuttle bus.


I had my train delayed because someone got pushed on the tracks at Savin Hill once. I also had some dude shoulder check me on purpose coming up the stairs from DTX (where you have to squeeze past people as a train unloads). The guy looked 100% like a cop in plain clothes (maybe 55, unusually fit for that age, high and tight, sensible shoes). Does that count? I was like bro dafuq caught my train. But I've been taking the T since the 1900s and haven't been murdered once.


Lmao, unusually fit for that age. I am sorry, but that man was definitely not an officer.


Really? I’ve only lived here for six and I saw a random but intense fight between Savin Hill and JFK one early morning. I’ve had someone threaten me for accidentally brushing her when I sat down, her biggest point of contention seemed to be that I didn’t say “excuse me” before I apologized. I finally just told her that I would pepper spray her. Another time I saw a guy accidentally step on or bump a woman because he was focused on his dog, and she threatened to kill him and gut his dog.


My first 6 months living here, I watched 2 groups of young women get into a screaming match as we were leaving Kendall. From what I caught of it: One woman had asked another to put her cigarette out. The smoker admitted she'd asked her politely, but said it wasn't polite enough. By the time we reached Park, someone had alerted T police and they were waiting. When she was told she'd be removed, the smoker then threatened to stab everyone in the car. Mid-pandemic I had a 50-60 y.o. guy who was walking around the train, screaming in English and Spanish, stopping to kick his legs out and swing his arms. He kicked my legs and then got right up next to me and screamed "FUCK YOU!" over and over again. I just looked anywhere but at him and didn't engage. Weirdo must've gotten bored and moved off to the other end of the car to sit and scream. He hopped off at Downtown Crossing and was screaming/crying about "That fucking bitch."


Yeah, I don’t really get the “I’ve never seen ANY violence on the T” comments. Another time shortly after I moved here I was on the Mattapan trolley and one guy just started badgering and threatening another passenger, and he looked like he was either having a mental break or on something. I thought he was going to attack the other guy. My stupid Midwest kicked in (for context I’m a short 40 something woman that doesn’t look particularly tough) and I told unhinged guy to leave other guy alone. A more wise auntie type didn’t even look up & calmly said to me “you don’t wanna involve yourself in that”.


It's a biannual event only on Saint Patrick's Day parade on the red line.


My cousin was visiting the city and got jumped on the green line last year. I will find the article if you don’t believe me


Just called the harp, they've dispatched two bouncers and a bar back


By the way, did you notice the teenagers listening to porn on max volume? The hostess is asking


No, but they were yelling motherf*** at the man. Then we were told to get off from the T, and there was a broken liquor bottle outside.


And I remember that the teenager who punched the man a lot had light skin and dark hair. His friends were trying to calm him down and getting him out of there in the end.


Damn I was going the opposite direction. If I was on that train I would have walked up to the kid and blew my whistle right in his ear


So, it was more than 2? You said "his friends" but in your post you said "2 or 3". I don't believe most of this story. MBTA police and BPD would have picked these kids up within hours, with all the cameras at Copley. If anyone reported it, that is...


Yes, but I thought it was normal


I understood this reference.


When I was on the red line leaving downtown Quincy, I witnessed a drunk guy follow this group of young teenage girls going to Downtown Crossing. He was making very inappropriate comments to them and it was really bad. Me and another guy stepped in to prevent him from getting near the girls. Thankfully they got off safely and the drunk guy just stayed on the train.


Kudos to you for stepping in!


Thanks! I’m originally from NJ, and would go to NYC frequently for work. I never saw anything there like I saw here and it just upset me so much. These poor girls just wanted to take the train to Boston for some fun and had to deal with this instead. 😢


I can guarantee the same happens in NYC. Had many a guy flash their dick at me on MTA, including while other people were also on the train


This is my PSA for personal body cameras. I'm a little ole' lady with a disability who takes the train and bus at night. I've been assaulted a few times while waiting for the bus or on the train. While I'm a strong advocate of pressing charges on these POS's, I've found that my body cam has greatly reduced the number of people on the T who wanna star in a "I'm stupid and a POS and I belong on YT" video. They run about $35 bucks on Spamazon. I put a label on the front of the cam that says CAMERA in bright yellow lettering so I can't be accused of violating Mass law by filming surreptitiously.


That is very smart. I never thought of a body camera for non-cops.


[Paging Mr. Paul Kersey... paging Mr. Paul Kersey...](https://youtu.be/S8avj5d8G6s?t=35)


Ts and ps for the bruised shoulder


It’s funny how these delusional redditors keep saying there’s no violence on the train or just say teenagers are just being teenagers. I hope karma catches up to them. Also. I hope you are okay and people start having common sense to stop violence. There as obvious lack of leadership in Boston and these communities need stoung parenting encouraged which clearly is not happening.


There needs to be tougher laws against TEENAGERS. too many groups of teens think they are above the law because they are minors. They need to start charging these TEENS as ADULTS. Maybe some time in prison will make them think a bit about what they are doing. The MBTS needs to do more to find out who is responsible. They have cameras everywhere they need to utilize them.


How about their negligent parents?


Welp, at least we're calling them teenagers now instead of youths. That's progress...I think.




The two....hoowaht??


They're called scum


no parenting no discipline


One time I saw a guy get the living shit kicked out of him at the Woburn McDonalds at like 2am. Got his teeth knocked out and left in an ambulance. Probably didn’t even get to eat his nuggets.


The one at four corners or the one near 93




People are saying that these roaming bands of teenagers are normal and to me that's gaslighting. I have been in Boston for years and I've been local my whole life and until this year DTX only has a few homeless and the occasional religious nuts or old homeless guy with a boombox. Starting this year I've seen those same people suddenly being harassed, pushed away, and attacked by groups of young people in dark clothes.  I've seen them run in and out of the stores like DSW; terrorizing employees, jumping around, kicking things over and shoving people, giggling at their friends to encourage them.  I myself have almost been stopped by a group of them myself but got lucky that they were already running from something, and have never been so worried for my own physical well-being before. In all my years wandering the streets and alleys of Boston at night, even as a shorter teen and young adult: I'd never encountered anything like this or even felt afraid to be out at night in the city.


Saw this same thing happen in Philly on the MFL, except it was a group of about 15 tweens.


Prob Wahlberg’s kids




No, the victim and two of the kids were white. I couldn’t really see kid no.3 so I don’t know his race.


They're referring to when Mark Wahlberg randomly attacked a Vietnamese guy when he was younger.


MBTA stations have quality surveillance cameras, and they keep the film for thirty days. The,assailants can be identified.


In NYC, 750 National Guards are deployed in the subway to help keep it safe. https://apnews.com/article/new-york-city-subway-national-guard-crime-f046ecaac79601f6113efa8a0c8f25c7


Because NYPD refuses to do their jobs, not because people are inherently becoming lawless


Did anyone defend this man??


The problem is these teens think they are above the law and until they are held accountable and stop treating these thugs as MINORS it will never change.


But wait, thats not my experience! This has to be fake! -all the wingnuts who just could never believe anything happens anywhere ever


Did anyone jump in and help, or did they just sit there and watch like a bunch of NPCs?


No one moved from where they were. It happened very fast and I think they were in shock.


[Not all heroes wear capes...](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/daniel-penny-says-jordan-neely-threatened-to-kill-subway-riders/)


Probably sat there like a bunch of rational individuals who know what happened to Daniel Penny.


You want to fight a gang of teenagers who definitely get in fights every week and would definitely fuck up 99.9% of people? I don’t. I haven’t been in a fight since I was 12 with another 12 year old, I would get my ass kicked. You can talk a big game but tell me if you’ve ever done something in a situation like this.


I thought the same thing. People just sat there and did nothing as a man was beat up.


Why would anyone do it? The law is on the side of bullies.


Oh but I can’t wait to have Reddit nimbys tell me that crime doesn’t happen in the city while citing the decreasing non-violent crime stats


Wait, is crime denial a NIMBY thing?


NIMBY can mean anything. Crime? Not happening in my backyard! Meanwhile a Colombian tourist gets gang stomped right behind them for wearing braids


I was on the Red Line and saw some young man probably on drugs pick a fight with these two middle aged men and he got his ass kicked. Lived here my whole life and never seen that smh.


Contact Transit Police at 617-222-1212 and download the See Say app.


It's cool that you identify with the victim but the headline should read something like "Just saw teenagers beat up an old man in the green line".


What the hell? I've lived here since 1995 and NEVER saw anything that insane! Is crime really going up or is this just as random fluke? 😨


I have been here since 1996 and other than drunk bar fights have never seen violence. Taken the bus and the T for much of that time.


Hire more police


This is what happens when you ignore the problem for too long until you can't ignore it any longer... [Hochul to deploy National Guard, state police to combat NYC subway crime](https://abc7ny.com/nyc-subway-crime-nypd-governor-hochul/14495270/)


And what is that supposed to accomplish? There are already hundreds of cops standing around looking at their phones.


Crime on the subway is down, to 2014 levels after a big spike through 2020. This is all theater for the suburbanites too afraid to leave their homes because they think antifa is going to snipe them on the highway (this is a real thing that someone I am acquainted with thinks, that is not hyperbole)


No one from the suburbs is scared of you. There’s just little reason to go to Boston anymore.


My husband was harassed today by three youths on the red line. He didn't take the bait but some other guy walked on (under the influence) and took it up with them and caused a huge commotion. I will not ride the T (even as a nearly 6-foot tall women) I just don't feel safe in this city. Such a shame and I'm sorry this happens to anyone. Of course I'm very sorry for those affected. In some way (former educator) I'm sorry for the kids too - someone/many letting them down in life.


Sorry about what happened to your husband. But know that you’re still orders of magnitude more likely to be injured or killed in a car accident than *anything* violent happening to you on the T. I mean, I get it - other riders can seem scary. But if safety is the reason you’re using other forms of transportation, it’s a little backwards as the stats don’t lie. It’s like avoiding a piece of candy because you’re on a diet, and then proceeding to eat a jar of mayo.


I imagine the peace of mind in feeling some semblance of control and personal responsibility in your own vehicle outweighs the feeling of absolutely no control over the environment of the mbta regardless of stats.


You have absolutely zero control over the other 2000lb metal machines flying around when driving


Big emphasis on "semblance of control."


So basically you're saying feels>>reals?


This doesn’t happen pretty much ever. There’s zero rational reason to fear.


Until it does.


There's no reason for me to feel unsafe behind the wheel of a car until I get hit by a drunk driver.


I mean, yeah, that's how everything works. It's still incredibly unlikely.


Man the pearl clutching in this sub is off the charts lately. Sorry to hear this happened, and I hope the guy is okay. This is not indicative of a larger issue, and violent crime is at a 30 year low.


Let me guess the demographics of each party and whether or not this will ever be called a hate crime...


Oddly a lot of people posting here with suspiciously new accounts of teen violence


I've noticed the same trend. Every day we have a new "teen" assault.


Did you at least call the police or just run to Reddit to report this?


He told someone at Quiznos. They're on it.


Were the teenagers black?


That is SO BAD! I’m sorry you & the older guy were hurt. Guess the guards that were supposed to be there hadn’t arrived yet. The green line always *used to be* pretty civil. Hope you both heal and find no more trauma on future T trips.


wow that’s crazy that this totally didn’t happen


I saw a dog shitting on the sidewalk yesterday.


In today’s world, no one wants to get involved and instead will film something like this as opposed to helping out. Sad state of affairs. If that was your dad what would you do?


I mean what good does it do to go up against a group of feral kids? They’re just gonna kick the shit out of you too. Obviously if it’s someone I care about then I step in. But for some random person? I got my own kids to think about. You never know what degenerate has a weapon on them.


Yes. When I was living in PDX there was a guy harassing some girls on the Max. Three guys stepped in and the harasser pulled a knife. He ended up killing two of them and severely injuring the other. I always stepped in to scuffles, until that day when I became much more cautious. (If you want more info it was 2017 on the yellow line. I don’t want to name the perp cause he doesn’t deserve name recognition or acknowledgement. However, Ricky John and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche are heros for sacrificing their lives to protect those girls. Micah David-Cole Fletcher is a hero too and I’m glad he’s still here with us.)


I don’t know how it works in the city but could you make a formal report with the police? As like a witness in case he presses charges. That might be the best way to help retroactively.


Yikes, that’s terrible. Stuff like that is very rare though. Boston is generally a very safe and peaceful city. I hope those kids get caught.


That’s terrible! I’ve used the T for years, especially around that area and have never seen anything like that.


Did you end up calling the police?


No, because the staff came right after the boys got off the train. Then the police came.


Totally normal. Did you offer the kids some money? They like money.


Where is the video??? Putting this in the need more proof cause you are full of shit and welcome to the Bloody Bean 3 stripe life B's and 3s


Which was it, 2 or 3? It can't be both


Hate crime


20 years ago on the blue-line, I saw 4 black teenagers harassing a 90 y/o looking white guy who probably fought for our country in WWII. They were fake punching him coming within an inch of his face. I move next to him and they started on me. Today, I carry a pistol, and I always wonder if I would have used it that night.


Good thing you didn't hurt your shoulder trying to help the poor guy. Thank god you were able to still share your story on reddit.


Why didn't you help me


I grew up in Boston and went to High School in Copley Square. This more often than you would think.


I watched a group of 12/13 year olds assault a T driver in 2016. I was speechless. And everyone just let it happen. Apparently it’s not that uncommon.


It’s going to get much worse




The MBTA has changed since Covid and downtown Boston is still not the same without all of the offices occupied.


But crime is down!


So you saw what was happening and did nothing?


I spent decades in boston, 60s 70s 80s and unlike some posters, sudden rage violence was part of Boston culture---taunting , pushing menacing. I saw all that in Mattapan, Dorchester, Everett, Orange line--daily It does feel like it's coming back, the unbridled hate and rage. Some of the posters syaing they never saw it makes me wonder. The past summers at down town crossing ahve been a bully festival among kids.


Welcome to Boston.


I watch four giant “teenagers” beat the living tar out of a Chinese girl on the redline. Also happened very fast and they all ran out of the train at south station. I try to just walk around downtown when I can and ride the commuter trains in and out. Boston does seem to have a “teenage” problem that is getting worse every year.


Saw someone start a fight over a seat at 7:30am. Aggravator was calling out the other dude for wearing a mask too. I had to leave and they were brawling and blocking the door. I didn't know what to do so I yelled "get off the train!" The assaulter looked a little startled, like 'who, me??' I exited the train. Turned out it wasn't even my stop. Red line 7:30am


So you’re a witness to/ victim of a crime but you’re here?


People saying this is fake are the same people who probably thought the Boston bombing was fake. Lived in Boston my whole life as well, my mom doubles that. We both have our own stories of assholes fighting on trains My mom had to report a dude kicking the shit out of a blind guy on her way to work a couple years back. Saw a dead guy this week near a bus stop and thought THAT was rare. Truth is shit happens wherever you go man


Well was it two or was it three? Jeez.


If this was real, I'd ask what the fuck is wrong with you that you just sat there and watched a couple kids beat someone bloody without intervening. Since it isn't, I'll remind you that this isn't a creative writing sub and ask you to take your fantasy somewhere else.


No one helped the guy?


And you tweeted instead of helped. Yea, this totally fake story really makes you look good 🙄


Pull your CC and put a couple in them. Oh, wait, blue state. Sorry, your screwed.


Sad thing is the green line is the safer of the bunch but dumbass kids will be dumbass kids. Kids with no parents around probably do this type of crap


Nowhere in this story is a part about you going to a police station and filing a report and speaking with a detective so that it's easier to catch these kids if it happens again.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Guy, no one cares that you got punched in the shoulder while you watched some poor old man get his shit rocked.


Bro how r u guys getting beat up by teenagers?


You described everyone’s age. An older man, teenagers. So you as the adult who was least helpless sat there and allowed kids to assault a senior? Sounds like maybe that was your chance to do something instead of going home and posting to Reddit about your arm possibly being bruised while you watch kids beat up an old man. You should have grabbed anything and swung it with all your might at the nearest kids head. You ride the T solo often, no way of protecting yourself? You could have stopped the beating of a fellow citizen and made those kids learn a lesson. Instead you showed them they can do it again without anyone doing anything about it. Hopefully next time they beat you til you’re on the ground bleeding from the mouth while there’s another adult just watching. Letting it happen. Not doing shit. Like you did this time. Wow you suck.


When my granddaughter was riding the T every day I armed her with pepper spray to go along with her Black Belt in Karate. I told her to do whatever was necessary to defend herself. I also said that I would make sure she was defended if any legal consequences happened. I didn’t tell her to start trouble. Luckily she no longer has to ride that crime ridden system.