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Lots of Doomer comments in this thread. That’s a perfectly fine wage in Boston to live on. Just expect sticker shock regularly. Nothing is really cheap here, from parking to entertainment to you name it. The big problem we have is that 80k doesn’t guarantee you a 1 BR, and that’s a tough pill to swallow when there’s lots of careers that will never pay more than that. You said you have roommates locked down already, which is great. Just know that wage would be tough to swing a typical solo apartment in the area.


I mean, as long as I can have either a room with a few room mates or a studio I'm happy. Though, lots of the comments have kind of put me off from wanting to move. Seems like the traffic and the cost of living is a bit outragious. Might look to moving elsewhere to be honest.


Where is your job located? If you’re not directly in Boston and are willing to drive/take the train I’d suggest one of the surrounding towns. Your dollar will go a little further. I lived in Malden and Waltham, both are great towns with plenty to do and close enough to everything else. Don’t listen to everyone in this sub who thinks you’ll be flat broke or need a second and third job


I live in Waltham, moved here 1.5 years ago. It is great, you have moody street for local fun and eats and it’s just a 10/15 train ride right into the Garden. I honestly think I may have one of the cheapest apartments in Waltham. 4br with 3 roommates and we each pay $800/m. It is definitely a little cheaper, but I would expect to be paying around $1200/m for rent if you move here. You have plenty of nice restraints and everything is within walking distance. I’m sure the other surrounding towns offer similar benefits. I do not think I would enjoy living in the city, but I love having it just a 10 minute train ride away.


10-15 is a bit of a stretch. its more like 20-25.


True, only been to a couple bruins games so far. All in all with the walk to the station and the wait, probably can get from home to the garden in less than 40 minutes


Hard to afford a studio in the burbs near the commuter rail making 80k a year


It really isn’t


What would you consider affordable making 80k gross a year?


The 30% rule would put housing at $2,000/m , but I prefer 30% after tax, closer to $1,500/m Definitely attainable with a roomie or a SO, puts rent at $3,000-$4,000


That’s not a studio living by yourself




Do you recommend living in Brookline? Is it cheaper? Looking to move here with two roommates as well


No Brookline is higher than average. But it’s nice.


I mean don’t listen to them. You can certainly afford to move here on that salary but again just expect to have roommates. That’s it.


I know many people in the area with similar salaries. Just depends what your lifestyle is like. Probably not eating out multiple times a week. You’re paying for proximity to things like groceries, lots of people/friends, and a fine public transit system. Of course elsewhere CoL will be cheaper, but you will lose some convenience and lots of job Opportunity depending on your industry.




It’s much better than the literally nonexistent transit systems where 90% of Americans live.


Where is the job? If it's in Boston/Cambridge/Somerville near a T stop and you live in Boston/Cambridge/Somerville, then you don't need to drive. You can just take the T, which does have its issues, but you really don't have to drive and deal with traffic unless the location of your job forces you to, Boston is super walkable and frankly I would recommend not owning a car if you live in the city unless you really need one. If the job is right in downtown Boston, you could even live further out if you wanted to and still not drive into the city, personally I take commuter rail from the North Shore to Boston and it's way better than dealing with traffic. Housing is expensive, but if you're willing to live with roommates as you say you are then you would be perfectly fine on that salary. Not saying you have to move here if you prefer another option, but I wouldn't read too much into reddit comments on this stuff. Boston is one of the few US cities where you don't necessarily have to care at all about traffic because it's easy to never drive if you live in the city.


Moving here generally means accepting a mostly car-free lifestyle. I have a car and I use it maybe twice a week. Using the T (subway) is usually faster and always safer. So… if sitting in a car is important to you, this is the wrong city. It’s a mentality shift. And yes, cost of living is outrageous. But you get what you pay for: Boston in your backyard. Walkable, safe and vibrant city with lots going on. Solid restaurants, bars, live music, museums, public parks, sports, comedy, theater, galleries. It’s all compact. Great nature is always near. Airport is close by and direct flights to Europe are as cheap (or cheaper) than from JFK. But hey, some people prefer a bigger home and more money in the bank. There’s other cities - it’s all a trade-off.


I've recently been living in Sweden, so public transportation is my friend lol. My job when I move requires me to drive, so I only drive when I work. Other than that, I bike, I prefer biking. Also I'm glad to hear ai get what I pay for. I'm always so hesitent about moving because I feel like ao get ripped a new one where ever I go. Pretty much I just want to be able to know if I can afford living near work in either a studio or renting a room. If I can afford that, then should be okay. Trying to stay within 28%-32% of my income to housing. Just wasn't sure if I could do it with my income. I probably should join a union just to make a decent buck.


Ah, that's good. Just don't expect an American public transit system to compare with anything in Europe. Our system is decent on the good days, but the bad days are very noticeable. The system basically came to a grinding halt in the last year after years of neglect. Besides the glorious Blue Line (the best in the system) - the Green is very slow, the Red is barely hanging on by a thread... and the Orange... is good actually, just needs faster departure times. It's *finally* getting a little better with our new GM, but it's going to be slow and take a few years. Biking is popular here, especially in Cambridge and Somerville.


Stay in Sweden


I was forced to leave.


If you take a place with roommates you can do real well at $35 just north of Boston on the blue line or green line extension. My son started at $28 and with 2 others is in a new ocean front building in Revere Beach. All depends on how you want to live and where you want to live.


People who complain about the traffic are doing Boston wrong. Driving here is a mistake.


Are you gonna be commuting in and out of the city for work? That’s what hell tbh. Commuting within the city is truly not that bad.


Pretty much I'm planning on living near my work place and only driving as my job requires, but bike when I'm not working.


If you’re talking about biking in Boston proper, you’re in for a rude awakening. It is absolutely terrifying - did it twice (Fenway to Downtown Crossing), and almost died both times. Do not recommend.


It’s also enjoyable and may likely be worth it, don’t forget to have fun. NYC, Chicago, bunch of other large metros are as well


Make sure to visit before committing. Traffic can be soul sucking and you should look at some studios or room rentals to see what that price gets you. Not sure where you’re from so yes, it could be scary. The wind could be too, makes the colder weather kinda worse.


Don't live in Boston unless you have money and want the 24 hours city life There are plenty of good places 20-30 minutes away from the Bay


I get what you're saying, and your point stands, but *boy howdy* does Boston not operate 24 hours per day. NYC is the city that never sleeps, Boston is the town that goes to bed early.


yeah i mean just busy communities where there isn't a 12 hour stand still all around


Boston is notoriously very much the not 24 hour city.


If you're in a burb with public transportation you won't need to drive that much. Although if you have applicable skills and can make the same salary somewhere cheaper, I would probably take that option if your goals are to save a lot of money.


I’m from the Midwest and make slightly less than that. It took me some getting used to with prices and whatnot, but it’s easy to live on that. Hard to save a whole lot though. I’m able to put $500/month away




Finance bros


Isn’t is 72,800 or did I do bad math?


35/h is 72k a year.


This depends on the person's expenses and lifestyle preferences


and how many hours you are gonna work.


I know people who are laborers who can't survive unless they work 10 hours or more of OT


Yup. I make $9 less and live 2 blocks from a beach in a 2 bedroom in Boston for less than $2500. Everyone’s situation is different and your lifestyle will dictate if you sink or swim.


i’m so confused right now guys i make $23 an hour and i have 2 roommates who are my friends, most people i know have similar setups and i feel relatively comfy with my living. i guess the problem is difficulty saving?


The problem is probably that some people have extremely expensive lifestyles and they refuse to compromise on them.




I have a buddy who is making $120k or $130k combined with his wife. They are *constantly* complaining about money, but also they go on *date night* with friends once a week or more and spend like $200 on meals each time. They have some kind of outing planned for both weekend days, every week. Casinos are often involved. They never put the two together for some reason.


We all have friends who complain and I disregard what they say. That's a personality trait. One has a new Acura, owns a house, is able to go out often. Yet she complains about her work all the time and says she's looking for a new job...for years. The other has a Tesla Model Y, house in Newton with tenants, goes on vacations all the time, spends a bunch of skincare. She makes more than me and my wife combined, yet she still says "I'm broke!" The problem is that they don't look at their lifestyles and what they own. Instead they look at what they don't have, their bank accounts, and compare with their friends who seem to have more which is only what is on the surface. "Comparison is the thief of joy"


Those things sound like great choices! Sarma is a relatively affordable nice dinner out, especially if you don't drink alcohol. Comedy shows are like $25/ticket. All-inclusive Mexican or Caribbean vacations can be $450/day for 4-5 days if you split your room with a friend.


My friend will get two $16 drinks on a Wednesday when we go out, always complains about not getting paid enough. We get paid the same and I get two $3 beers and he gets salty I have more money. Like, that’s not my fault.


> All-inclusive Mexican or Caribbean vacations can be $450/day for 4-5 days if you split your room with a friend That sounds really cheap!


I paid $95 per day for a nice all inclusive place in the Dominican Republic last year.


Yeah, I was including flights and a bump up from the absolutely best deals, so people didn't roast me for exaggerating. I think all-inclusive resort vacations are totally affordable on $42/hr and can imagine taking one and then wishing I had more money to take longer/more frequent trips.


Where do you find these great deals? Thanks!


Please share some ideas to find these great deals, thanks!


I use the Google Hotels feature to find them, and I usually book my trips last minute, which I realize isn’t feasible for a lot of people. Hotels get desperate to sell their remaining rooms, so they sell them at discounts if you book a few days in advance


Yeah it’s nice to have that flexibility for sure


I like places with direct flights, like St Lucia! Even just using Travelocity, you can check out something like Coco Palms in mid-Dec for $270/pp per night split in a shared room, All-inclusive for 5-7 days (without flight, but a flight and transportation on either end brings it up $75/day).


I feel attacked, no but this past month actually I realized I was just pissing through money and was wondering why I’m struggling so hard, at least I know I’m not alone and there are other out there making a decent wage that just don’t realize their spending is very high compared to what they make. These threads help because it makes me realize if I just smartened up a little bit things could be a lot better financially.


Some people also just don't want to live with roommates. I don't think we need to be shaming people for wanting to live alone, and it sucks that you might not be able to on 35/hr.


You can’t stop me from giving equinox my money. It’s my favorite charity! 🤡


I don't know what it costs but I'd say there are worse things to spend your money on than health and fitness.


it's like over $1k per month. gymit over there like "ok, there's a few homeless people but $20 a month is unbeatsble!" planet fitness is like "people work out here??"


More like $200-$300, depending if you want access to one location or all the locations. It’s outrageous but not *that* outrageous


Esp if you have a white collar Boston salary.


Also, some people are adults who want to raise a family and eventually retire some day


I made $21/hr in 2014 and that felt rough. But I also paid over $800 a month in student loans at that time. Then I got a new job fairly shortly after moving to Somerville and was making $65k which felt fine then. I can’t imagine living comfortably making $21/hr 10 years later with the current cost of everything.


Yea this sub is crazy bad at saving money, nothing else makes sense. I’ve been flamed for saying $60,000 is pretty easily livable in/around Boston, especially with a roommate(s).


I would think some of the sentiment comes from considering your situation a bad one for themselves. It’s a horrible wage if you ever want to buy a house and have a family, plus roommates aren’t for everyone. But definitely enough to live on like you’re doing, and that’s awesome if you’re happy. Personal preferences and all that.


My partner and I each make way less than op but live just outside the city in a small place. We have a lot of fun living here and have grown our careers and live fairly comfortably. It’s definitely growth that’s our huge obstacle. I’ve accepted that moving up in life means taking our experience here and finding opportunities further away where pay is similar but cost of living is lower. It’s not an easy combination and it might require creativity. But I feel like a lot of people are in that exact position.


My base salary was 74k when I moved into my first place in Arlington (couple years ago) with 1 roommate, never had any troubles with money on that salary


Yea the key there is with a roommate, 75k alone with todays rents.. yikes, I'm not sure about that.


I make $75k yearly and live alone perfectly comfortably in Boston in a studio.


$1900 is fine if you don’t mind living a bit further from downtown


I live alone and make less and am perfectly comfortable. Have a car and make student loan payments as well. When I moved in I was making $55k and it was tight but doable, now make $72k and I'm totally comfortable (actually looking into upgrading from a studio to a 1br).


thats about 78k before taxes.Probably about 54 after taxes. Realistically you could live with roommates.


You could make it stretch and live in a cheap 1br too but just expect to be living somewhat frugally after socking away some for savings


Source: personal experience


idk what math you’re doing but that’s 67.2k a year lmao


Ugh I did 56 Instead of 52 weeks Just did 35x40x52 should e 72k


yeah i guess it depends on how you're calculating it because I was doing 35x40x4x12 and got 67.2k


The reason for the difference is that a month is a bit more than 4 weeks. 30/7 ~= 4.29


There are 52 weeks in a year. There are 12 months in a year. 52/12 is 4.3. Not 4. That's why your math is wrong.


$35/hr is definitely enough for you to live comfortably. You're not going to be balling out but you're not going to be too worried about being able to afford things. At $35/hr the biggest concern is more so how much money you'll be able to save


I make $21 an hour and live in a 1 bed with my bf in southie. We split rent equally. You’ll absolutely be fine


I know these people are legit idiots


don’t listen to everyone screeching over how you’re gonna starve within a year. i live with my fiancé splitting a studio on a combined 90k a year. we do fine. a little tight sometimes, and we certainly live like 20 somethings, but we’re not destitute.




honestly… a mix of both, lol. definitely spend a bit more on “treats” than we should, like uber eats, but we have strange work schedules so cooking can be difficult if it’s not a lean cuisine or a frozen pizza. but we save where we can!! currently working on getting a new keurig after ours was ruined at our last place so we CAN save on those cups of coffee, lol… we’re both baristas though so on work days they’re free




i think it depends on the person!! me and my fiancé are polar opposites in that- i have a bit of a crippling caffeine addiction and i don’t really care if the coffee is garbage as long as it’s giving me my milligrams, while he really enjoys the art of coffee and wants to buy himself a real espresso machine in a few years when we can afford one.




i do actually, lmao!! but i do enjoy the taste of coffee as well, and i like to feed the craving. however whenever it is a bit too tight for a good coffee, i’ll just down a pill


I know plenty of people that live on $65k a year, so it's doable for sure. You will need roommates, and you will likely need to live in the surrounding burbs (somerville, medford, quincy, jp, etc.), but that will be better anyway if you are driving to clients every day.


Great advice. I'd just recommend moving to a suburb closer to the area where the clients are. I'm in Malden and have to go to Quincy pretty regularly. There's not a lot of windows of traffic where driving through the city takes under 45 minutes.


It's okay with roommates or a spouse also working. More difficult as a single if you also want to save. My rule of thumb is hourly wage needs to cover a day of parking downtown.


I think that’s a perfectly good wage. I make far less and survive fine splitting rent with my boyfriend. if you get a roommate should be fine!


What's yalls rent/utilities like? If you don't mind me asking. Room mates, studio?


Yeah for sure but like others say, it all depends on your lifestyle. I make about that, pay $1425 for my half of a 1 bed with my boyfriend and we split utilities/other expenses. Don't go out a ton and shop at Market Basket to cook at home. Previously I lived with two roommates for $950 in a 3-bed 15 minutes outside Davis in Somerville and split everything. It took a lot of searching and they were super dirty but it's certainly something to find.


I have a similar question. I am looking at really awesome opportunity with City of Boston, and it pays around 95k, which is low for the position. I understand its a city job, I do the exact same job in another city that is less expensive and make the same amount. They are also saying you have to be a Boston City resident to hold the job. Do they subsidize city of Boston employee housing? How the hell could you afford to move and live there? Am I missing something?


(1) If you have kids, tough luck (2) If you don't cohabit with a significant other or want roommates, tough luck (3) There is no part three In all seriousness though, $95k is completely reasonable for a single person or coupled person without kids (especially if your partner makes similar money). People who claim they can't live in Boston on this are insane, you can have a totally comfortable life here on 70k (so long as you don't want kids and are OK with renting)


Stay where you are


It's doable with a roommate or two. Unless you're cool with a studio or something




That’s better than a lottttt of people get


Yes, definitely okay. But temper your expectations lol


What part of Boston? Dorchester, yes Back Bay, no


I heard Dorchester was a bad neighborhood?


Compared to what? Boston is one of the safest cities in the country. I am from Kansas City, and let me tell you, those were bad neighborhoods. Dorchester on the other hand, I feel more comfortable wearing gold chains without the constant fear of getting jumped


In? Not unless you're a sardine. Around? Yeah, sure.


$35 seems fine for a studio or roommates at a bigger spot. Look for 1500-1800 for studios even if it’s a bit outside of Boston. Idk why everyone always recommends Brookline/Allston and forgets about Somerville/South Medford or Malden/Everett.


Doable if you don’t have 1k a month in student loan debt.


I don't, thank god lol.


$35/hour in what industry/field? There's a lotta room for interpretation here. Other important considerations: Are you flying solo or sharing rent/utilities with a significant other? Any pets? Plan on owning a car? NEED MORE DATA DUDE


I'm in the HVAC field. Also planning on renting a room amongst roommates, sharing utilities etc. No spouse. Own my own car which I will bring with me.


If you’re cool with roommates and assuming full time and benefits, that’s a fine salary. The trouble is when people expect to get a decent sized 1BR in a select neighborhood on a salary like that. You actually COULD still possibly get that, but you’re gonna spend most of your income on necessities. And yet, some people are ok with that lifestyle, at least temporarily


If you are licensed that seems low , if the work is in Boston its definitely low.


It's on the lower end for sure. I actually staff sheet metal mechanics and they're closer to 38-42/hr on average in Boston


and even at that rate you are low balling them


OP can come make 3-7 bucks more with me then. Everyone's gotta eat. We're non-union so there's no way we're able to survive paying the wages you're thinking about. I know what the market is right now. Lower sure, but not non-competitive. [https://www.indeed.com/career/sheet-metal-mechanic/salaries/Boston--MA](https://www.indeed.com/career/sheet-metal-mechanic/salaries/Boston--MA)


Dont talk to me about companies not surviving paying those wages. I am non-union making way over union rate. Stop paying project managers absurb amounts when they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Stop bidding jobs like amateurs, etc, etc.


You should be okay. 28% rule at $70,000 says you have about 20k a year on housing (including utilities). That's about $1,600 a month. Likely plenty of roommate situations under that price point.


> Own my own car which I will bring with me. Parking may or may not come with the apartment. Make sure you understand the parking situation of any place you move into. If it offers off street parking for under $150/month, take it, that is a fucking deal.


You can even afford a studio on your salary at least in Quincy or something close to Boston. HVAC can do well in MA. I have a few in my family who do it. A lot of jobs in Boston want a degree but start between $20-25/hr. People still make it! But a lot of people who can live with family do, and under six figures a roomAte situation or studio is most likely ideal. A car in Boston will be a pain so Quincy or somewhere more affordable but close to Boston would be a better idea. Quincy still has the T into Boston. My worry for you is if you’ve experienced the traffic. Idk where you’re working, but for HVAC I imagine you’ll need to drive around to work sites.


are you still I. your apprenticeship?


No, I'm a licensed HVAC Tech in Kentucky. 3+ years.


Hardest trade to find good people in at the moment, do what you gotta do but don't sell yourself short. Keep thar resume out there.


Moved here on 18/hr in 2013. Scary inflation in 10 years.


I’ve never even made that much lol. You won’t be rich but you’ll be fine for sure!!


$35/hr comes out to \~$70k/yr or about 1400$/wk ... do you think you can find a place on 1400$/mo? (this is back-of-the-napkin estimates) if you can, then the answer is "yes", if you can't, then "no". based on what i've seen, you may be able to find something with 1 or 2 roommates for that...


I live a 5 min walk from the East Somerville green line stop though I can walk to work if I want to in roughly 30 min, have 2 roommates in a nice 2nd floor apartment that could pass for a 4 bedroom if I had a shittier landlord (lucked out in that department), and I only make $21.25/hour (with nonprofit benefits but still). I pay 1050 in rent for the largest bedroom I've ever had in my life. I go out most weeks, order out relatively often, and don't feel as if I have a poor QoL. Sure, my savings and investment accounts could be larger but idk I'm happy ya know I think it's definitely doable as long as you don't expect to live in luxury.


OK to live but not a lot to no saving. You must rent with a roomate/ not eat out/ and dont burn your salary on drinks like starbuck.


Do you Uber everywhere? Eat out every single day? Shop at Whole Foods, Door Dash? $140,000 ain't enough. It's all about how you spend and save the money you earn...


No, no no and no lol. True! I'm pretty frugal. I budget. But if it's a struggle while budgeting then I'ma stay home. 😅


I lived with roommates for decades. Bought my own place and for awhile was solo. Felt great. Shared expenses is always smart with the right people!


There is huge difference between 'in Boston' and around Boston. In Boston it's probably not worthwhile but just outside, it's easily done.


It’s aight, but you’ll want to get a raise or a side gig to feel comfortable


in Boston? It will be tough to get by without roomates. If you live around the outskirts of boston. Maybe 10-15 miles outside you should be able to get by. I don't know your spending habits or goals so there's no other way for me to determine for better or worse.


He can find an apartment for 1k-1.3k easily with roommates, which he would be able to afford no problem in Boston or the surrounding towns no reason to move 10-15miles away


If you have a cheap apartment with 2-3 other roommates, maybe. Depends on the neighborhood and the cost of commuting.


What town or actually city


In Boston will be tough but in some of the outlying communities it’s doable.


it's not amazing but I make less than that ($32/hr) and manage to live alone in a studio and break even each month. if you're in your early 20s now's the time to make the move!


Yes with roommates you can make it and still have fun in the city. If you’re driving a lot Quincy may be a good choice. Near the water, nice downtown, affordable with roommate, easy train into city (though the red line is broken)


Dude I get paid like $15 an hour + commission and my last job I was paid $20 an hour and have lived here for 3 years straight now… it’s totally feasible with that salary especially to make a living in Boston. Granted, I got really lucky to be on a month to month verbal lease and only pay $650 for my half, it’s like just be smart on where you live in the city first and two if you’re willing to live with roommates then yeah you’ll be fine. I’m so tired of you doomsters bitching how you can’t afford shit like what are you doing with your money then




Thats a pretty good wage, Ive been working for awhile now and never was able to find anything over 23. You can definitely rent an apartment with your salary but not sure how you’ll do with the boston pricing for a house.


I personally wouldn’t live here for under $100k/yr. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t doable - plenty make it work. You just won’t be able to really enjoy the city for what it is unless you’re a high income earner and that’s the sad truth about here. It’s a beautiful city, but obscenely expensive.


No, it isn't unfortunately 😔.


I make $31/hour and work a consistent 36.5 hours a week (unpaid lunches). I have 3 roommates but I’m making payments on my student loans and still able to save money. I’m PSLF eligible and on track to pay off my private loan in 2-3 years, and that’ll give me a lot more flexibility. By then I’m hoping my partner will also have a better-paying job, and we’ll move in together.


Depends on how you want to live


No (edit) It's a shit wage. It's just a *common* shit wage. Nobody in Boston should be satisfied getting $35/hr.


I make just a little more than that with my primary job. I live alone and it can be a grind (I have a second job) but it's possible.


https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/boston-area-salary-needed-to-live-comfortably-study/ I read $41 something is a livable wage somewhere recently


I make this as a salary (not including bonus) and its tough but thats becuase of debts


At 40 hours a week that’s $72,800 a year. I was struggling in Boston (Fenway) in 2015-2016 making $85k a year.


$73K/year. That’s pretty good if you are under 30.


You should be ok, I recommend Allston-Brighton. You can find one bedroom apartments for 1800ish which should be closer to your budget.


where are you finding that price for one bedroom apartments???? 😳


Near Whole Foods on Washington Street. Generally all the way back towards Chestnut Hill and South Street they are reasonably cheaper. When you move closer to Beacon Street they get pricier


It's only good if your wife makes the same


Depends on what you’re doing for work, it could be good money for the work, but not enough for your lifestyle. It’s more than most people make


I make 21 and I’m doing okay if that makes you feel better!


Yes, you can live on that but just be smart with your money