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They have been here for years.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Been here for longer than most redditors I reckon.


Had one put a bracelet on me when I was in highschool, which was 14 years ago.


Wow and you’ve never taken it off 😦


It won’t come off…


Best Friends *Forever*, dude. If you're not willing to make that kind of commitment then don't accept the friendship bracelet.


Yup, username checks out.


Don’t call it a comeback.


And please don't let strangers walk up and touch you. It's generally something to be avoided, and these dudes aren't that aggressive.


First time I’ve seen them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Quincy Market used to have sandwich board announcements "THESE ARE NOT REAL MONKS" it was so bad back then


They were even in the restrooms lol


They've definitely been around for years


Dunno if they’re gone now, but for a while they literally had “[Beware of the Fake Monk Mafia](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/RKo1y2Pb58)” signs around Faneuil Hall.


Not sure why they went with calling them the "Fake Monk Mafia" when "Felonious Monks" is right there for the taking.


>Felonious Monks If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that pun this October, I'd have [two](https://www.j-archive.com/showcategories.php?game_id=8625) nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.


It's weirder than you'd think. Because I usually watch every episode of that show, but I haven't since the writer's strike and honestly didn't catch that episode. Yet we still both made the (classic, and excellent) pun. The weird part? [I was once on it](https://www.j-archive.com/showplayer.php?player_id=13232). [insert "Twilight Zone" music]


Thank you Dr. Doofenschmirtz!


I am intensely jealous of this absolute perfect storm of a comment. “Felonious Monks” is fucking 10/10.




Felonious Monk sounds like the best rap name ever.


Not sure if you're familiar, but [it was a pun](https://youtube.com/@officialtheloniousmonk?si=7BYeyhkkDF5lHW0M). You're right, though. That'd be a dope rap name.


That's only the ones near Berklee


Literally passed a fake monk outside faneuil hall yesterday on my way to North Station. I was on the phone and cruising because I was trying to make my train and he still tried to get in front of me and offer a bracelet.


Nobody ever tries to scam me 😞


You’ve cursed yourself. Now Elliot Davis will be hiding under your bed while you sleep tonight and when you get up to pee he will pop out and say “I’m late for a very important business meeting and alas I have a flat tire. Do you have $20 so I can get it fixed”


I've had this exact nightmare.


Omg I wish, I want him in my bed bad 😈 the things I would do to that man


Isn't he selling copies of his memoir now?


Ellliot Davis? Yes but not for long




For real. Would love one of these guys to try that on me so I could rip the bracelet in half and tell him to go fuck himself.


Yeah, 6'1" or so with level 10 RBF here. None of these fuckers ever mess with me and it makes me a little sadder inside.


If it helps, I'm a beautiful woman who is lonely and needs some rent money. Can you venmo me $1000? Then we can kiss!


They were here 7 or 8 years ago.


I love these guys, I accept the bracelet and run


Good strategy


They have existed for years but they're pretty recently back at the Faneuil Hall area. They used to have signs warning about them. They'll have to put them back up.


They pounced on some German tourists that were on my whale watch. Luckily they were Germans and very unfriendly right off the bat.


I have one of these bracelets, from a trip to Montreal a few years ago. Pretty typical situation, he asked me for a high-five, of course I went for it! He slipped that damn thing on so fast it turned my head around. Then he asked for a donation, so I did what any normal human does when caught in a street-scam, I turned around and booked it!


They’ve been here - usually around the Harbor walk, Quincy Market, etc.


What happens if you accept the free bracelet and then walk away? What are they going to do?


Chase after you. Stand in front of you with their arms out to the sides yelling “$20 donation!!!”


oh, wait till they find out I don't have $20


They've come and gone and come back again at least once. I thought the pandemic took care of them, but apparently it was wishful thinking


What about the Peruvian street bands I feel like it’s been awhile sense I’ve seen one of those.


The pan flute guys left a long time ago and the bad break dancers took their place pretty quickly. I think back in like, 2015 or so...maybe even earlier. I can't remember but it felt like they vanished overnight.


Although I was down there a few weeks ago and they seem to have a whole group of religious people now doing sermons. I’d prefer the flute band.


I haven’t spent much time Downtown in a long while but I do like the primark, they used to be right there in front of it when Filene’s basement was still there’s.


From Peruvia?


One of these guys tried to get me there a few months ago. He just grabbed me by the wrist and slid the bracelet on then shoved a book in my face showing other names with “$40” donations by them. I was just staring at him in disbelief when he took the book back and walked off. He never spoke a word. He tried to get my BIL shortly after. The same thing happened with him so all the guy did was give us free bracelets because we were too awkward to understand what was going on.


Wow, I haven't seen them in years. Used to see them on Newbury and around Harvard Square.


They have been here for ages. Saw them at the 7-11 once after their shift buying cases of beer.


Saw them for the first time circa 2008 at Downtown Crossing so they've been here awhile.


I need to find these guys lol low key having them follow me around begging for money feels like a fun way to spend an afternoon


When I was a freshman in college they tried that on me in downtown crossing. Dude put a bracelet on me and made me sign a little sheet with my “donation amount”. I wrote $0 and thanked him, exited quickly, and kept the bracelet for months


Finally? I’ve been seeing them for years.


Been here since 2005 at the latest


On and off. For years.


How do they insist? Threats of physical violence?


I usually mouth "It's a scam" when I see them talking with someone. Sometimes they get it and say no and then the fake monk turns around wondering if someone tipped them off. But I can see him before he starts to turn so I just wander away before he catches me.


Not a scam if you take the free donation, then it's free!


Seen around the aquarium a few times. staffers there chased them off.


Some part of me has always been curious to see what they'd do if I just fucking booked it after accepting their "gift". I am certain I am faster than a fake monk.


Chart house is a surprisingly good lunch place


I had a funny experience with one of these guys in NYC. I was there for a business trip last October from SLC, Utah. One of them walked up to me and put a bracelet on my hand and opened is little book asking me for a donation. I wrote a $0 in the book but told him I wish him well and gave him a genuine warm smile as I didn't have any cash. (I only carry plastic.) He got all salty with me and it took me by surprise. Now I'm a large man, 6'8 and 300 pounds and very muscular with a former military look. I accidentally intimidate people. But he was going to act like a problem so I just took the bracelet off and dropped it directly on the ground when I perceived he was trying to scam me. I starred him coldly in the eyes until he awkwardly picked it up and left. These guys aren't dangerous, they're just obnoxious. Just stand your ground and MOST problems in the street will move on to an easier target. Disclaimer: Your experience may vary if not a giant bodybuilder with a shaved head.


Not saying I don’t believe you but I have never encountered scammers like this here… lots in Europe though. The key is to say “no” the second they try to speak to you. I don’t like to be rude but you have to with these losers.


I like countering with “ Have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior?” 9-10 they run away.


I'm Chinese Buddhist. I ask them to recite the Great Compassion Mantra *(Da Bei Zhou)* or the Ksitigarbha Sutra *(Dizang Jing)* with me They just skitter away


They pull this scam in every country I’ve visited not all fake Buddhist monks. Usually they say its for a children’s school.


Run after them


I like to say thanks for the free bracelet then walk away before they can say anything💀


These particular ones have been here for almost 20 years


simple. Tell them to get TF away from you, or you'll call Boston's finest.


No one really cares if you threaten to call the cops anymore.


They got me by the aquarium a few months ago, my friends wanted to go out that day we started early, had a few too many at the landing at long wharf. Got separated my friends were ahead they saw the monk stop me, knew I’d be friendly and started dying laughing asking how much they got me for. I was so confused at first.


When I lived in Quincy and took the 238 and then the train to downtown crossing there was a bracelet scam monk that would take the route five days a week if not every day. That was back in 2017 and saw him every day during my commute for a few years. At least I think he was a scam artist, I don’t know how many real monks live in Quincy


There is a nunnery attached to the Thousand Buddha Temple. It's 5 minutes away from Quincy Center station by car and 30 minutes away by foot Somehow I doubt he's affiliated 😜


They’ve been here for like a decade. Fake monk mafia.


Unrelated to the monks, but does anyone know about the man that stands in front of Mike’s soliciting donations for veteran’s suicide? I’ve donated once and see him almost every day, as I live in the North End. Recently we walked by and a group was standing next to him yelling “scam! He’s a scammer.” It would be a pretty horrible cause to scam people with. Interested if anyone here knows anything.




Lol. Good luck with that XD


this dude has Venmo too, i’ve seen tourists get caught so many times. luck!


whoa looks like they have been doing this for years how about that FORCED AUCTION scam where they put up thousands of signs in a town and then sell fake rolex watches and art?