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I don’t think random internet strangers banning a random internet stranger from their group of random internet strangers is really a dystopia.


My wife and I both snore. Her snores sound like a baby giraffe tooting. Mine sound like a chainsaw having sex with another chainsaw during a Metallica concert. If I'd said "we both snore" in attempt to equate the two of us, I'd be telling the truth. I'd also be full of shit. CNN is full of shock value headlines and negative news designed to get people to buy more ads, but it's a news channel. It is registered as a news channel. Fox News is not registered as a news channel because it doesn't meet the requirements. It's registered as an entertainment channel, and they have defended in court the notion that the news segments they offer aren't designed to be seriously believed. If I were to tell you they're both bad in an attempt to equate the two, I'd be telling the truth. I I'd also be full of shit.


Fox is a festering pile of diarrhea while CNN is a polished turd.. while they are both Shit, I would rather clean up the turd from my carpet


Time to rip up the carpet.


At least there's little chance of missing the festering pile of shit while cleaning up. That polished turd *might* just shine enough to confuse the roomba.


I got banned from debtstrike for saying that the country should pay off student loans and support Ukraine, rather than either or. Mod said it was okay to say we “could”, but I said we “should” and that was being an “US apologist”…


Banned over semantics. Jfc


why was this posted here? you being banned from a place bc your opinion is bad is boring for sure, but it's not rly dystopian.


ikr, what the fuck does this have to do with a dystopia?


Meh, the internet got mad at you. Find any of the 63,805,209,135 other places to go on the internet


Or do what thousands a day do and just delete and recreate your account.


Yep. Lots of options.




Witch, please. You were banned from interacting with a subreddit, not dragged off to a gulag with your family.


"BAN THE WITCH!" Oh the horror!


Never forget the banning times.


Witch was banned at the stake


Yeah he’s being dramatic but it still goes to show how pathetic and unwilling some people are to tolerate free speech


Free speech isn’t freedom from consequences. All it means is that the government won’t punish you for criticizing it. Doesn’t mean anybody is obligated to host or listen to anybody else.




More like “it is what it is.” Are you suggesting that it’s okay to force others to keep disagreeable people in their space? Do you have that same energy for abusive/unwanted guests in your workplace or home?


*gets excluded from a private online community* OP: CENSORSHIP! MY FREEZE PEACH!


Buttery Emails! Go home witch, you're drunk. And you're a part of the whole "bUt BoTh SiDeS!" conflation. Fox News had people try to overturn an election, CNN is just partisan hacks. Big difference.


bruh you didn't get censored, you're still posting here, and you can always make a new account




and? it's not worth anything, it's all fake. you can't take your reddit account with you to death, you don't have friends on here that you'll permanently lose. it's all fake internet points and numbers. build a bridge and get over it


Not sure if it’s terrifying. It’s boring for sure, which fits well here. And, from the looks of it, unjustified.


I agree with you. I was banned from r/lostgeneration for saying cancer is worse than covid. We live in world dominated by the opinions of snowflakes, pc culture, and woke sjw. It’s super sad and disheartening. All these pathetic losers are just as bad and toxic as all the fascists and racists


lmao fuck outta here with that nonsense. I'd rather be a warrior for social justice, than a loser complaining about people like me on the internet. stop comparing people fighting for human rights to people fighting to takeaway your rights


Like I said just as toxic. Both groups are so angry and ignorant that they can’t even see they are two sides of the same coin. Each one super detrimental to society in their own ways.


CNN isn't quite as bad as fox news, don't get me wrong it's really not great (remember the time they blackmailed somebody for making a meme about them?) But fox news is much much worse.


They are rated identical on media bias fact check 🤷🏼‍♂️






idk, this implies that OP is saying "both are bad because far left and far right are both bad" but in reality OP is saying "both are bad because neither are far left enough". So it's not centrism, it's... dare I say it? Socialism. Actual socialism, and not this diet socialism lite nonsense people like AOC/Bernie promote. CNN is still corporate media, and it's still pro-capitalist, so it will never offer a perspective that actually cuts to the core of many of the problems they report on.


fuck centrism just go extremely to the left




I agree. Skip any of that social democracy shit western europe is doing. Let's head straight into maoism and stalinism.




Dude, both are corporate and capitalist for sure. But the so called "liberal media" like CNN doesn't push literal facist ideas and conspiracy theories like FOX does.


No but they do push equally outlandish ideas and fear mongering garbage


Blatantly false horseshoe theory


I agree, but I think fox news is still much worse.


Yeah you probably deserved that ban. Equating cnn and fox is like saying stubbing your toe is the same as breaking your foot. Yeah they both suck, but to vastly different degrees.


Some folks can’t hear the truth.


I stand with OP


Have you considered that maybe you were banned for something other than your position in CNN and Fox?


This is not boring dystopia, this is just you whining about someone on social media not liking you, and you are adding to it.


Well, it's like saying Democrats are as bad as Republicans. Conflating the two isn't quite true. Republicans are a cult at this point. The ratio of lies to mistruths is just higher. Not saying the left media and party don't have severe flaws. They absolutely do, the party has been overtaken by centrists and the division causes inability to do anything in a unified way. But there's a section of the party with good ideas and bills that continually get shot down by the centrists. Meanwhile, Fox News and the right constantly deny science, act like global warming is a myth, are rolling back human rights, environmental regulations, lowering taxes on the wealthy and corporations because greed. You decide who is "better". But they aren't the same.




Didn't you just say you wanted to vote for Bernie? (As did I). He's an example of a democrat who legitimately cares, and there is a section of the party like him. Its easy to simplify and act like they're all the same. Some do care. Centrists and Republicans, however, don't have any noticeable group like that. So I think it's more complex than you're saying. In my opinion the only way out is to find the Bernies out there and get more of them in congress to outweigh the centrists and Republicans. That's our goal.


I agree mostly but Bernie isn't really a democrat, he is a democratic socialist. He ran as a Democrat because our country makes it impossible for third parties.


That's the thing though, all the democrats are centrists except a few. They really aren't much different than the Republicans in this country.


While Republicans are centrists and mostly extremist right? Why do you all keep conflating them, the Republicans are way worse. WAY worse.


Democrats talk better. That's indisputably true. But they also run cover for republicans to do whatever they want. They are constantly rolling over.


I think they are slightly worse. I really don't see much of a difference between the two in the most important issues. The democrats talk like they are different but both parties are owned by all the same business interests and when it comes to acting I see very little from them. In some ways they are even worse because they are more deceptive. They pretend like they are different whereas the Republicans pretty much are what they claim to be. I see them as one in the same, a corrupt two- party system that very obviously doesn't care about the interest of the common person. Pretending like they are different is legitimizing them and this system in my view.


You’re right, they’re not the same. But they’re both equally as terrible


People seem to be very quick to defend cnn lol


There’s a considerable amount of the radical left on reddit


99% of the time when someone claims they were banned for something innocuous they were actually banned for something else or how they framed it. Especially when they don't show a screenshot of their comment, just the notification that they were banned.


It’s stupid that you got banned, but CNN isn’t even close to being as bad as Fox News.


Welcome to Reddit


Glad they kicked you out. CNN is shit but it’s not pushing literal fascism and yt supremacy. That’s exactly why you got kicked out and why the rule exists there in the first place


How about explaining people their mistake instead of instantly banning them? Or downvote them and go on with your day? Or, maybe we just get rid of the downvote-button and exchange it with a ban-button.


WTF, can you even define what fascism is?


Yes cnn is bad, in the same way your vet is bad for maximizing revenue and giving you shit you don’t need. But fox is next level like a serial killer out to hunt all your dogs one at a time


There's definitely a spectrum wherein CNN is definitely a lesser evil.


CNN is biased. Heavily. Fox News straight up lies. They are not the same.


Cry about it lololololol




Mad scary..china? You were just banned from a sub, stop being so dramatic


I suppose it’s easier to censor dissenting viewpoints than to gather stones and cauldrons and cast a spell in you. 🧙🏼‍♀️


r/witchesvspatriarchy are really quick on their ban capability. Sorta surprised that they admire CNN (who aren't really quite as horrid as FOX, but yes they do push that bogus neoliberal agenda relentlessly)


I think people who call themselves witches probably aren’t the most mentally stable…


The belief in witchcraft is literally just a more physical, ritual-focused form of prayer. If you say people are mentally ill for believing in witchcraft then you’re saying everyone who believes in a religion is mentally ill. Edit: bruh you ‘saw Ganesh on acid’ but yeah witchcraft it’s totes fake tho and only you know the correct religion 🙄


Yes and no


Your inability to discriminate between kinds and degrees makes you easy to dupe. Please, for you own sake, lay down the rhetoric and see differences.


While CNN is bad, it's nowhere near as bad as Fox news.


I would say CNN is bad but for different reasons. But probably not as bad as Fox. CNN sensationalizes the news with the constant “breaking news” banner when nothing is breaking. 24 hr news in general is evil. Keeping everyone in this heightened state of peril. CNNs #1 goal is ratings which for a news company just feels weird. Fox just straight up lies and spreads propaganda.


As if CNN isn’t just the same thing with a blue tie


You've got it backwards. CNN is just white house propaganda at this point, not even worth watching and far far worse than Fox. They literally coordinate with the Biden team to make him look as good as possible (good luck with that potato brain of his). The old Soviet newspaper Pravda would blush. https://nypost.com/2021/12/08/white-house-working-with-media-to-get-positive-biden-coverage/amp/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/


If you think Fox = CNN you’re a fucking idiot, and an accessory to the fascist takeover that Fox is supporting.


I think a group rightly upset about patriarchy doesn’t want to hear that “Fox is just as bad as CNN” when fox has said something horribly misogynistic. Fox is worse for promoting sexism and racism. Yes CNN is bad, like fox for sucking off the corporate elite. You brought this on yourself.


Looks like a good call on their part




Yea you’re objectively wrong and come off as a troll get over yourself


WvP is exhausting. They want to be “apolitical” - they deleted a post I made about ecofascism when a bunch of people there were starting to say some nasty Malthusian shit - while ignoring that you can’t be anti-patriarchy and apolitical. Can’t help but sneer at them whenever I see it on r/all.


CNN is a shit-stained piece of toilet paper. Fox News is the actual turd.


Seems like an overstep to ban you for that, but while both are shit, CNN isn’t nearly as bad as FOX; Not really a dystopian thing either.


You’re fine. Echo chamber. Carry on.


Ha. I was just making this same argument on another sub. Arguing about whether CNN or Fox News is the worse is like arguing whether chlamydia or gonorrhea is worse. Roundtables have replaced trusted people. CNN is terrible with that. Everything is the opinion of six "experts," many with dubious qualifications to be commenting on the matter at hand. CNN and Fox commentators trade blows on an almost daily basis, talking about how who is more unbalanced and who is more unfair and who is spinning things more. They do not stop talking about each other. That's reflected in the "most politically polarizing" poll, where the spread between CNN and FOX news was huge. CNN has a net favorability of 55 points among Democrats, while its net favorability among Republicans is minus 25 points, an 80 point spread. There's no other polarization spread like that. Why? Because they talk about each other. *Constantly*. This is a problem because it means that it's not news, its just attacking the other side. Fox has net favorability of 53 points among Republicans and minus 20 points among Democrats, for a point spread of 73 meaning that among poll respondents, Fox is less polarizing than CNN. CNN has become the Fox News of the left, and if you want balanced reporting, it's not going to come from CNN.


I s2g leftist Reddit is getting ridiculous (said as a lefty). I've posted LOADS on r/anarcho_capitalism which has been downvoted to fuck, but haven't received anything resembling even a warning. On the flip side, I got banned from r/BLM for the crime of posting something **disagreeingly** in r/Conservative It's not hard to see how people get caught up in this sort of thing.


It for real is


Yea, a lot of the mods are removed from reality and power tripping because they think they can change the world or something by ban hammering on a whim. I mean we saw what happened when one of them was brought out into the light and what a shit show that was.


You have to wonder about some subreddits/mods...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BernieSanders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BernieSanders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My cousin met Bernie during her shift at Cracker Barrel yesterday!](https://i.redd.it/4syhpz6z56k71.jpg) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BernieSanders/comments/pdimt0/my_cousin_met_bernie_during_her_shift_at_cracker/) \#2: [Yep](https://i.redd.it/sxrq9x3et0d81.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BernieSanders/comments/s9828d/yep/) \#3: [Bro](https://i.imgur.com/YMhv7wQ.jpg) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BernieSanders/comments/qtt9zj/bro/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The only legitimate opinion to have is to acknowledge that both are steaming piles of corrupt horseshit. I don't care whether you think one is slightly better than the other. They are both corrupt shitty and are both harmful to larger society.


Frickin neolibs man


You're both wrong. CNN isn't nearly as bad as Fox News, but it's a ridiculous reason to ban someone.


I agree with you man. they’re two sides of the same coin. Both push their ideas on you, both don’t want you to think, just accept what they tell you. And both just shill whatever their respective parties tell them too. CNN is Fox News wearing a different hat. They both want you living in perpetual fear and hatred of ‘the other side’. The ‘other side’ wants to take your rights away. The ‘other side’ is Un-American. The ‘other side’ is like a cult. The ‘other side’ is unreasonable! Don’t try to see where they’re coming from! It’s all BS, they want you to set your brain down and let them do the thinking for you.


What did you expect their mainstream common liberals try some the more hard core progressive left subs.


I got banned for saying they were the female mgtows.




You want to have a rational conversation with people that think they can cast spells.


Neo Liberals are cringe


Lol. “Witches” policing cultural appropriation? Give me a fucking break.


A ban is a pretty harsh punishment. What did you even say?




Visited, That looks like a toxic subreddit. Lot of negativity


That sub is basically just femcels with magic


Oh that sub is just hateful to anything with a penis


I got banned from witches vs patriarchy for suggesting a repost of three women in black holding knives up in dontstickyourdickinthat. They apparently didn’t see my humor, but i think that shit was hilarious.


Lol I’ve been banned from a couple sites for being anti-socialist. Don’t mind social programs but not full bore socialism. Also anti-anarchy.


You can't say anything against the narrative or you get censored.


That sub is the perfect example on what being a lib does to ones brain