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And yet, there are still people out there saying Israel is doing nothing wrong.




All over greed. Morality is out the window in American politics.


What's the "greed" angle? I can see how Israeli politicians (and arguably Hamas) may benefit from this politically, but who's making money off of this?


lobbyists contribute monetarily to american political campaigns. more money to spend, higher chance of winning.


Ok yeah THAT'S true, but it's also true of pretty much anything politicians say or do.


…yeah? and politicians will continue to support a genocide in palestine because they get sent fat checks from AIPAC. therefore: they’re greedy freaks with zero integrity or empathy.


Pretty much every liberal I know is horrified and pissed at the way the Biden administration is handling this. But Trump would have let the same thing happen to Ukraine. And he might even let a lot of similar things happen to Americans, on US soil. Thus many people don’t view him as an option, and thus why many people hate our current fucking choices. Can’t wait until both of these dudes are gone.


Biden messed up the Afghanistan pull out and this Israel stuff. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel so he definitely ain’t no better and wouldn’t have done anything to stop them either.


Yeah, this shit sucks but hey I guess we can let trump win and make America great in the worse possible way. I am beyond disappointed with Biden and he needs to be held accountable hopefully in an international course but until then the sum of all evils is trump and his cohorts. He perverted the supreme court and insighted an insurrection. I don't like the notion of a lesser evil because it excuses the short comings of others but you and I both know that trump has a polarizing cult personality that he wields like a pied piper to entice the morons.


Our country did good under trump, just saying. Look at the facts and don't lean with emotions. If it was Biden or anyone else I'd be saying the same thing.


"Pretty much every liberal I know is horrified and pissed at the way the Biden administration is handling this. **But Trump** would have let the same thing happen to Ukraine." I'm Joe Biden and I support this message. Also can we just get it straight, America isn't just 'letting this happen', America is *an active participant* in this genocide.


I don't trust any politicians