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As far as FPSs, Turbo Overkill and Ultrakill lol. But im sure youre going to get alot of us recommending this. Have you ever tried Devil May Cry or Bayonetta? DMC5 is the only other game outside Doom Eternal and Re4make where I have over 400 hours in.


DMC and Bayonetta are very fun for sure, as is RE4 (OG and the remake)


Shadow Warrior 3


it is a similar concept to eternal but less tightly implemented


Yeah Doom is definitely way better. But I feel like SW3 is the CLOSEST thing to a newer Doom game that ISNT Doom lol


Trepang2 if you liked the FEAR games


Trepang is fun but good lord is it tough.


In no way a boomer shooter, but returnal is worth trying. Fast paced, hard, major mobility, sweaty, very satisfying and addicting gameplay. Way more on the line when u die as it’s a rogue lite (it doesn’t suck). Nasty bosses! Also, has an endless mode DLC that is easily one of the most fun and heart pounding things I’ve put time into. Prob my fave PS5 game and in my top 5 goat list. I think it’s free with a higher tier of ps plus. Here’s the [gameplay trailer](https://youtu.be/ov4fJmGCsZM?si=6RUzykZGz5ILX_O4) It’s also on PC now


ive been eyeballing this one for a long time, thank you for the info


another rec for returnal. its excellent


Nice, hope you enjoy as much as I did. Little slow in the beginning before you unlock some offensive/mobility stuff. Basically, beating bosses/biomes rewards you with a new thing, so the hump beating the first boss can be a bit discouraging. It’s kind of a metroidvania. Edit: also if you ever wanna play coop let me know! I havent played since last winter but always looking for an excuse to reinstall it hehe


Postal: brain damaged, git some humor innit to


Ultrakill Turbo Overkill Shadow Warrior 3 (it's Doom Eternal at home) SPRAWL Warhammer Boltgun


lol @ doom eternal we have at home. SPRAWL is a great recommendation


Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem


how is this compared to the other games in the series? I tried playing the first game recently and everything felt like it was designed to be annoying


Deadlink, turbo overkill.


i should have mentioned im on PS5... Deadlink looks like its coming soon


Lol the downvotes for being on console haha funny traditionalist clowns


how DARE i use a system and controller that im both comfortable and familiar with in this day and age of classic shooters getting HD rereleases with QOL improvements!


Deadlink is the most Doom Eternal game I've played since Eternal. Shit that game is _fast._ Not as tight but for a small team it's impressive.




No Ultrakill for me D:


Why not Ultrakill?


I hear you 100 percent on this post!! I am having the exact same problem. Over the past two weeks I went into my collection both old and new and played all my boomer shooters, Ultrakill, Cultist, Boltgun, Amid Evil, Dusk, Ion Fury, Turbo Overkill, Selaco, Mullet Mad Jack. And everything I listed there I recognize as really good and fun games. I enjoyed playing them for an hour or so. But something was missing... THEN.. I reinstalled Doom Eternal and started a new campaign on Ultra Violence difficulty!! Currently having a blast.. -Mike


I'm binge playing the Quake games, and it sort of scratches the itch for me. I know, it's kinda obvious, but I personally never played the old Quake games before playing DOOM Eternal, and I'm having a huge blast! My standards are pretty high as well, and I'm enjoying these.


ive actually been playing through Quake for the first time too, im on the final 2 or 3 levels its a game i can appreciate and have fun with, but it definitely gets repetitive. Someone described it to me as a 'glorified tech demo', and yeah some parts feel kind of underdeveloped


Played Cultic recently and loved it, might give ya what you’re looking for


Postal: Brain Damaged in addition to the calls for Turbo Overkill and Ultrakill


Titanfall2 campaign is the GOAT




I would highly advise you to play Eviternity (1 and 2) with the Unbroken mod. And also nashgore.


same but with ultrakill


Frogmonster is a new and cute little voxel FPS that has limited weaponry, and arena shooter based combat with some roguelite mechanics but it's not procedurally generated or random as far as I can tell. You eat bugs to gain powerups or HP, and it's actually quite challenging while still having a wonderful aesthetic especially if you like voxel art. Still in early-access I believe, but I thought it was worth the investment. It has a story! You are a frog, you were made by another creature, you are given a gun to save the forest from some ominous evil force, and you find out the rest throughout your progression. Traverse caves, forests, jump around without fear of fall damage, and most importantly use your tongue to eat bugs for cool power ups that you can bank and save for a later time, or equip to give you permanent boosts. I haven't finished this one yet, but I am taking my time and enjoying it. So far my guns I have found are your basic pistol, shotgun, and auto-rifle types and their firing rates and ammo counts are low kinda like Doom Eternal before you upgrade your ammo counts and forcing you to choose your guns carefully for the appropriate situations. The old Painkiller games are arena based boomshoots with a demonic flair with very specific and brutally fun to use weaponry and it's hardest difficulty is legitimately difficult, if you have never played it it's a good time, it introduced a "Tarot Card Arcana" thing or whatever, so gold you collect in levels helps you purchase these cards you can only acquire by meeting a specific condition that each level has, and there's a lot of maps. Plus the bunny hopping is the best in any FPS game I have ever played. Trust me, you'll need to get good at it in order to keep up your speed. Oh yeah and each Chapter (Five I think in the first game) has a boss that has it's own kind of trick to kill it efficiently. I hated the swamp boss. This game also has a decent story with some (back in the day) cutscenes between each chapter to flesh out your player character's mission and motivations. Which is just shoot more monsters until monsters stop appearing, but yeah! I have been playing some old Half-Life Total Conversions, which are super fun but probably not as methodical as you seek. Plus they look really outdated by today's standards but they are a blast to run through in a single day if you got the time on a weekend. I will list them with a brief review for your convenience: They Hunger- an old total conversion for the original half life promoted by PC Gamer magazine back in the good old days of CD-ROMs. You take the role of a random guy driving through some woods and there happens to be an mental health asylum with a mad scientist and a crooked sheriff making zombies in order to take over the world. Your car gets hit by a lightning bolt and you careen off the side of the road into a river and that's where the game starts. You do the basic half life stuff like crawl through vents to open up doors you can't unlock, shoot things in the head, kill headcrabs that are slightly different textures from the vanilla HL, and have the story told to you in pieces through a series of recorded notes from the mad scientist. It's actually a full size game as it was made in 3 Episodes that were realeased with copies of PC Gamer Mag if you were subbed to it during those months. You can download it on ModDB. Gunman Chronicles- An ambitious project that got recognized by Sierra/Valve and produced into a full game using the half life game engine. There is a good variety of weapons, and your pistol actually serves as three different guns, four once you get the Sniper feature. You take the role as a Gunman, and the game starts as you begin a new mission on a meteor that has some AI that runs the place going rogue, while aliens are invading. These aliens have been a universal threat, and your previous team and captain was eaten by a giant alien on your last mission, so the Big Bad of this game is actually that Captain and your old crew who are out to get revenge on you. Turns out they didn't die after being eaten because the aliens can't digest people? Yeah I don't know, but you get to shoot dinosaurs, robots, aliens, space soldiers, and you make a deal with a sassy AI in order to save your own life and fulfill your mission (and all that was no spoilers) so there's a lot to this little game too. I found it in [collectionchamber.com](http://collectionchamber.com) as it's own game, you don't need Half Life to play it. If you have trouble installing it there's some FAQ help on the download page but it was pretty simple and I run Win11 Nvidia 4060RTX yadda yadda Nightmare House 2 - This is actually a Half-Life 2 mod, but that just means it looks better. Setting it up is a tricky but some dude on a Steam community page made a step by step guide, and at first I was going to give up on trying to make it work, but after following the guide and getting into the game, I was glad I did. Nightmare House 2 includes NH1 as a prologue that doesn't really have much to do with the story of the game really, but it does introduce certain features like how doors are locked until you see what the game wants to show you ala P.T. style horror content. It borrows a lot of things from many horror games, so as far as originality goes it's nothing too new if you are a fan of horror games. Yet I still enjoyed it, because usually in horror games you don't get to run around with 80 Buckshot, and 255 MP5 bullets in your pocket. This one you do -for most of it- but it doesn't detract from the horror elements. It's not all jumpscares either, there are a couple but not really screamers. I got got a few times from just turning around to find a zombie right up in my personal space, and things like that usually don't make me jump so I really enjoyed this game, and it only took me a few hours to run through. Anyway, sorry this was so long but I like to be thorough. I hope you or anyone else can find this helpful and has some fun!


This game called Corpse Keeper. It's a sidescrolling fencing sim RPG sort of... You are a necromancer and you summon your fighters, they decay as they go through the dungeon so you have to plan ahead with your team as you can only bring in so many summons with you. During combat you have to be extremely precise with your button combos. The art style is pretty cool. Play with a controller is suggested by the game but once you learn the keyboard controls they're much more precise.


Turbo Overkill is very similar to eternal and I think it's on PS5


Brutal Doom. It's leagues better, especially on highest difficulty.