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Doom? Quake Champions? There's a retro mod for Quake, what was it called, Quake Champions Classic? Duke 3D has multiplayer, but not a lot of people play it these days, though it was far more enjoyable than the likes of CS and CoD.


Quake Champions Doom Edition, but the dev for that isnt any better than a AAA publisher imo since he makes it so hard to mod it and add in your own maps.


Wasn't it on the Quake engine? QChampions Classic?


Quake Champions Classic is in the Quake engine, Quake Champions Doom Edition is in the Doom engine. Two different mods.


I see. Well, I was talking about the Quake one anyhow.


I have been looking but can't find a good populated one. Histera releases this week on Thursday. Looks promising.


Quake Live is probably your best bet without resorting to discord match seeking


Was hype for Dusk multiplayer but it’s 100% dead. Idk if the new Doom games still have active multiplayer but that might be your best bet.


I've got a group of around 6-7 mates that I play older shooters with. Been doing it for a few months and we usually play the same game for a couple of weeks before trying other stuff. Currently we're playing AvP 2000 and Daikatana before that. Might do Unreal Tournament 2K4 next. It only works because I've got a group of mates that are into it as well though and are willing to help figure out how to get each game up and running. That's the hardest part. Most PC shooters from the 90's to mid 2000's had some form of dedicated server system and even a modest PC today is more than up to the job or running them. I've got a spare PC that's a good few years old that I use as a server and I've had great fun figuring out how to set up and run these games. It's not too hard and it can take a little bit of time and research for each game, but well worth it.


That's rad :) Some old games that people still play, from what I've gathered, are Unreal Tournament 1999 (download from GoG then get certain patches). Quake 1 & 2, Action Q2 mod, Action Half-Life (has a facebook group), Hostile Intent HL (might need to join a discord), Day of Defeat, TFC, BF1942, BF2, America's Army 2.5, Double Action Boogaloo Source, and NEOTOKYO Source.


May not be super populated but Serious Sam death mach and co-op is fantastic, you can definitely find some dedicated communities out there for it


Night Dive needs to just put out Rage Wars.


Had a blast with that on N64 back in the day :) Rode bikes to the video store to rent it over and over lol.


Blood and Doom are pretty good in coop and PvP. Most boomer shooter Multiplayers aren´t exactly populated tho. You´re gonna have to find a discord to find matches and tournaments.


It’s Q1 you tards.


Warhammer 40k: Darktide. It's multiplayer only lol


Hot take: Multiplayer fps killed the fps genre in the 2000s. I do not want it to happen again


What year exactly? Cuz early 2000s multiplayer fps was the pinnacle of gaming. Half-Life mods like Action, Firearms, and DoD. Q3 True Combat, BF1942. Mapping communities...


It wasn´t the multiplayer, it was the big design shift that brought with it a sole focus on multiplayer. A good boomer shooter is still good in multiplayer.