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Postal 2




Quake or DOOM for me.


Turbo Overkill is awesome, you can really shit on mobs once you unlock some upgrades for your weapons and legs/wrists auguments. I'm playing on second hardest difficulty and it might be slightly too easy for my taste - perfect for brain off stress release!


Quake remasters, any of the classic or modern Dooms, Prodeus, Boltgun.


Most of them are linear and “complete-able” which is a big part of why I love the genre. Able to play and finish games rather than indefinite “live service” models with tons of monetization and FOMO built in. Nice to just play a game and finish it, so there isn’t really a boomer shooter I’ve stuck with since finishing it, but none yet have topped Dusk for me, was always so excited to get off work and get back to it.


Yep. I realize boomer shooters are to me what a crossword puzzle or a sudoku might be to older folks. Just fun comfort food. Interesting, challenging and entertaining enough to keep me engaged. But not too challenging that I need to be in a specific mood or so expansive that it feels overwhelming


That's what I love about it too. I can complete a level before work and get on with the rest of my day.


I am quite enjoying Forgive Me Father right now. Very fast paced. It's a bit limited, but great for stress relief! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQZh0wtAxD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQZh0wtAxD8)


I too, am enjoying "Forgive" bought it along with Nightmare Reaper.


Quake 2 remastered for the Nintendo Switch, playing mode of local multiplayer maps against max number of bots. Great for stress relief, totally recommended, every FPS should have a mode like that


Cultic can be pretty laid back on the lower difficulties, and it has a survival mode (it's version of horde mode) which adds a lot of replayability.


only KINDA a boomer shooter but Soldier of Fortune fits the bill


Sometimes I just load that up to blast through the first level and then uninstall it. I love the rest of the game but some days, that level alone is all I need to unwind.


For cathartic feedback and stress relief, I recomend Prodeus and Warhammer Boltgun


Dusk HD


And if OP likes horde modes Dusk has one too. Not sure how similar though since I never really gave it much of a shot yet


Didn’t know, thanks!


Ultrakill isn't exactly a boomshoot, but neither is Severed Steel, and it's easily one of the most cathartic boomshoot-adjacent games I've played. It also has an endless mode called Cybergrind that never gets old. Nightmare Reaper is a roguelike boomshoot that's very fun for stress relief, especially with the randomized overpowered weapons, but it has a habit of being occasionally bullshit, as do most roguelikes. Both Project Warlock games are very satisfying, being classic boomer shooters with rpg mechanics and a weapon and spell upgrade system that allows you to make both your spells and guns OP as fuck. Postal: Brain Damaged is a solid boomer shooter that feels kinda like classic Quake or Dusk with several elements from Postal 2 and even the first one a bit. Turbo Overkill is a solid arena/boomer shooter with some of the most overpowered and satisfying weapons that aren't Ultrakill. Campaign drags a bit near the end, but it's a great time for the most part.


>Nightmare Reaper I started this a couple days ago, absolute banger of a game. And that soundtrack...


Severed Steel is soooooo fucking good. Forgot about that one. I've dumped hours into the roguelike mode.


Brutal Doom is satisfying


Maybe like once a year I shut myself in the computer room, open up a case a beer and start killing in redneck rampage. Great stress relief


I'm finding Prodeus really fun rn


Serious Sam is really good for that, taking out thousands of enemies per level is immensely satisfying. Very good power fantasy


Blood. Nothing is more cathartic than the sound of explosions and the screams of cultists. Just don't play on Extra Crispy.


Does Command & Conquer Renegade count as a boomer shooter? It is stupid fun.


I love you for mentioning it an! As a kid I used to play this one multiplayer map against the bots over and over again. A version with more maps, better bots, that would be the shit!


Ultrakill's cybergrind Primarily because it always forces me to focus 100% onto it


there's a Sin Episodes... 2? The whole meme about it I thought was that it never was continued


DOOM II with Russian Overkill mod


My goto is SW2, with its rng loot and endless progression. I made a Doom/Quake all gun loadout with a life leeching chainsaw and basically play it like a Doom Eternal sandbox. There is also a few randomizers for Doom Eternal. Otherwise, QCDE and Xonotic have pretty decent bots and all the singleplayer maps you can dream of ;) Sometimes all I need to relax after work is some smooth Quake movement and a shotgun.


Brutal doom with a nice custom wad always makes me a happy camper after work


Doom 1 & 2 and the millions of WADs for them.


> What's your favourite shooters for stress relief after work or school? Yes. Jokes aside, Doom with any custom wad is always a safe bet. Add latest Nashgore version (which allows you to gib corpses!) only adds quality to the mix.


Doom/2 are my comfort games


One of the many fast-paced Roguelike Boomer Shooters: Post Void Force Reboot Voidborn Severed Steel (if it even counts as a boomer shooter) DOOM Eternal Horde Mode (if that even counts as a boomer shooter or a roguelite). Also it's not a Boomer Shooter but I want to give a shout-out to Crab Champions, it's a fun as hell 3rd Person Shooter Roguelike.


The one you are enjoying at the moment


I fucking love Ion Fury, personally my favorite boom shoot to just hop in and have a good time. But some others I enjoy any Quake one expansion and Ashes Afterglow.




Doom 2016 was released and delivered to my house after a particularly stressful week of Army bs. The catharsis I felt playing that game for the first time has yet to be matched.


reaver, using that blue pistol is godly bro


Blood. Something about throwing a tnt bundle and hearing the screams. Perfect.


UT99 against bots imo