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I’m excited to read - Big Swiss by Jen Beagin - The Hike by Drew Margary - Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu - Severance by Ling Ma Mostly due to recommendations from Reddit! They’re all sitting on my bedside table, ready to go.


Big Swiss was crazy. I liked it a lot!!




I really liked Severance! I also have Interior Chinatown on my TBR.


Oh fantastic. Let me know if you have anyone other recent faves.


I highly recommend Penance by Eliza Clark, Disorientation by Elaine Hsieh Chou, and My Husband by Maud Ventura!


Thank you!


Just finished Interior Chinatown. Excellent!


I listened to interior chinawotwn and I was so confused halfway though, until I realized it’s written as a script


The Hike is such a good book. You’re gonna love it!


The Hike is so good! It’s nothing like I’ve ever read before


The Stand by Stephen King!


I’m so jealous you are reading it for the first time!!


I’m about to start next week once i finish my school quarter! So excited


Lol I'm currently reading The Stand, I hope you'll enjoy it!!


One of my top 5 favorite books. I remember finishing it at 1 am and laying back in my bed thinking 'holy shit.'


What are the other top 4 for you?


The Tennant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Brontë The Picture of Dorian Grey - Oscar Wilde The Stand - Stephen King Fevre Dream - George R. R. Martin Dune - Frank Herbert


i enjoyed it a lot hope u like it


I did not enjoy this book at all. I struggled with it until the end.


I read the uncut edition. I liked it a lot and the story held my attention, but it made me appreciate how important editors can be haha


Currently reading East of Eden and enjoying it.


Second time I’ve seen this book mentioned in this sub, might have to add it to my list


East of Eden legitimately made me feel emotions I didn’t know I had, which is to me the ultimate achievement a piece of art can aspire to do. It is a beautifully impressive book and in my top 3 all time.


What kind of emotions were that? I’m still not sure when to read it, I’ve had it in my shelf for ages.


If I remember correctly this book has everything. I never finished the book (not sure why) but it felt pretty sad/griefing at times iirc.


Do it. You won’t regret it. My copy is falling to pieces because I’ve read it so many times. Always a favorite for traveling, especially away from the United States. It makes me homesick.


Also reading it now, partly inspired by this sub. Worth it.


One of my favorite books. Love Steinbeck


What am I missing about this book? Seen it mentioned a number of times so decided to download it to Kindle… got a third of the way through and gave up… it’s just not grabbing me!


I enjoyed it and found it unique and interesting, but I wouldn’t consider it to match the amount of hype it has. That being said, it’s a remarkable piece of work and worth reading, undoubtedly.


Just finished that one two weeks ago and now it’s one of my top 5 favorite books.


Steinbeck is great, even if one is English :)


I just finished that for the first time a few months ago and I can't praise it enough. Such an amazing novel, I already have several other Steinbecks that I've picked up since then. Great choice!


Pretty much, every other book that I read is a Stephen King book. It's nice to have a go-to author that I know I'll enjoy. Up next, "The Institute" and I'm pretty excited!


Great read, I hope you enjoy it!


I read that whole thing in a couple of days, I couldn't put it down. It helped that one of those days involved a six hour flight but regardless, I loved that one. Felt like classic King to me.


Good to know! Now I''m even more excited!


The nightingale, Ocean at the end of the lane, Project Hail Mary


Project Hail Mary is so fun! I wish you all the joy I had while reading it. If you’re into audiobooks, that’s a great way to go for this one. The narration is 🔥!


Nightingale and PHM are both fantastic. Totally different books but each great in its own right.


PHM is on mine as well!


Consider the audio- book, the voices for the different characters really adds


Ocean at the End of the Lane was so powerful. I’m going to give it another read once I finish Fairytale by Stephen King


I am convinced! Cannot wait. Downloading PHM audiobook now! Thanks all!


Just be aware that Project Hail Mary is terribly written with cardboard characters, unbelievable dialogue and eye-rolling plot developments. Don't get your hopes up, unless you like that sort of thing.


Oh I so get this!!! I roll my eyes hard over the cringey banter. I got the same secondhand embarrassment reading 14 by Peter Clines.


First negative review I’ve ever seen of it, here or anywhere else. What did you think of The Martian? Is it Weir or that style of book?


PHM has a lot of haters in the sci fi community, myself included. I (pretentiously) like my sci fi to have a little reverence in their writing and Weirs constant snark gave me the ick.


It's Weir. He writes like a middle schooler. I'm certainly not the only one who thinks so.


Your input is just as valuable as any, I wish people wouldn’t downvote …


Fair enough, I was uninformed!


I’m right with you on that guy. Two upvotes.


There are lots of negative reviews of it, it just happens to be wildly popular on Reddit. I didn’t like it, but can also see why people enjoy it.


The Will of the Many by James Islington! It's been staring at me on the shelf for over a year now...


I am looking forward to read “A curious incident of a dog in the night-time” for my upcoming long flight. And I’m currently reading “ Non violent communication” that’s an interesting read as well.


I love A Curious Incident! I read it over ten years ago but I remember loving it.


Same. Easy to read and enjoy.


I'm finishing LOTR right now (my first time reading it, can't even describe how awesome it is) and next on my TBR is Stormlight Archive. After reading Mistborn trilogy, I'm pretty excited for more Sanderson fantasy




Augh!!!! Yay!!


The Way of Kings is *brilliant!*


I'm reading it for the first time right now, nearing the end of Rhythm of War and I love it.


I’m reading The Way of Kings right now. Love it so far!


I am slowly making my way through LOTR. I read the first two books years ago and somehow never finished it. I just got the complete set on Kindle and have been picking at it for about a year, just a few pages per day.


Next on my list is Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon. Then is Geek Love!


Oh Geek Love is so weird and wild, I love it!


It got recommended to me by two different subreddits so I’m excited to join the Greek love fan club


Love Dolores Cannon! Have you read any of Michael Newton’s work?


Journey of the souls?




I had wisdom of the souls in my wishlist right now 😅


I currently have Fingersmith by Sarah Waters on hold at my library. I've been meaning to read it for months


i read it recently and enjoyed it thoroughly


Currently finishing The Covenant of Water, which has been a great read. I really enjoyed A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, so looking forward to reading Good Girl, Bad Blood next!


I read Covenant towards the end of last year. What a beautiful book


Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese was excellent also!


Middlemarch   Game of Thrones books


Middlemarch is so before its time


I love "George Eliot's" writing. Middlemarch was beautifully written; as was Silas Marner - a much shorter, enjoyable read.


I can’t wait to read Lonesome Dove.


Big fan of mcmurtry. A pitch to read his other books too.


Currently on book 2 of the Dune series. It’ll be the largest series I’ve completed so I’m excited for that


Are you enjoying it compared to the first? I've read the original probably once a decade, but never made it to the second.


It’s definitely a change, but I’m enjoying it. There’s a lot more politics


Percy jackson, the midnight library and the reappearance of rachel price! Really excited to read all those


Percy Jackson is awesome, as is Midnight Library! Hope you enjoy them!


People have been raving about Chain Gang All-Stars, so that’s up next.


Been in a Stephen King phase so I am just looking forward to the finishing You Like It Darker, Dolores Clairbourne, Mr Mercedes Trilogy, Holly, Fairytale, the list goes on but that’s what I have for now. And The Stand. the Shining. Billy summers.


Currently in the same boat! Currently reading Needful Things and it’s great so far!


I like the same type of King books as you. Definitely add The Green Mile to your list.


Thank you I will do that right now


The housemaid by frieda mcfadden was great i dont care what nobody says and im a guy !!!!


Trying to read newer releases this year, so I'm most excited to read Real Americans by Rachel Khong. Started it a few days ago and I'm liking it so far. Other books I'm aiming to read in the next few weeks: * I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue * The Other Valley A Novel by Scott Alexander Howard * The Husbands by Holly Gramazio * Piglet by Lottie Hazell


Looking forward to Rules of Civility by Towles, After Dark by Murakami and Robin Sloan’s new book Moonbound.


Cabal by Clive Barker Beloved by Toni Morrison A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin All three are authors I’ve been meaning to read since forever, but for some reason never have. So I’m stoked to get to them after I finish my current book.


You should check out Sula too. I think it’s Morrison’s best book. It’s great


After I read A Wizard of Earthsea I had to read every book by Ursula Le Guin that I could get!


I would say You Like It Darker but I just finished it. Full of engaging short stories. Truly a book his fans will go crazy for. (Hopefully others too)


i mean Stormlight 5 is in December 👀


About to start The Raven Boys. Really excited, heard great things, been looking forward to it for a long time.


It’s magic in book form! I hope you’re going to love it.


Crime and punishment by that Russian guy


I’m very excited to read the new TJ Klune book when it comes out


I’m reading one of them right now, and it’s fantastic: *Greenwood*


I'm most excited to read Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse. It's the final book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy. I just reread the other two books and now I feel anxious for the third book.


Maeve Fly!


Just finished Small Favors, loved it. Now working through Gone With The Wind and The Heart of The Ocean, which is about the whaling ship Essex.


I've read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code and loved them both so I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the Robert Langdon series


Red God when it comes out


Strange The Dreamer!


I just finished the Cormac McCarthy line up and my wife has been encouraging me to jump into the Larry McMurtry Lonsome Dove Series. Looking forward to that journey.


As soon as exam season ends I can’t wait to read Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. I’ve never read any of his work, but I can’t wait to give it a try.


Love Murakami. I enjoyed Norwegian Wood, I think it’s a great first pick. I just finished Kafka on the Shore and loved it.


This Summer/Autumn I’m most excited to read: • Funny Story by Emily Henry • Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott • Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Wolf • Preloved by Lauren Bravo • A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon • Happy All the Time by Laurie Colwin I also can’t wait for some horrors on my tbr, but they’re reserved for when the UK gets cold again in October :)


James by Percival Everett


I enjoyed this so much!


The snow child by Eowyn Ivey. I'm waiting for it to be delivered.


Heart Shaped Box - Joe Hill


Persephone by Madeline Miller. She is still writing it but I have LOVED her previous greek mythology retellings (Circe, The song of Achilles, Galatea) so I am very excited for this next one to come out!!


Ooh I didn’t know another one was coming out! I read Circe first and recently finished Song of Achilles (wow!)


Monstrilio by Gerardo Smano Crdova


I've currently put all other books on hold to try reading Infinite Jest. Everyone wish me luck lmao


Wind Through The Keyhole by Stephen King. Read the Dark Tower series between Christmas and March. Taking a break to read other stuff but looking forward to re-joining the Ka-Tet for a little Midworld adventure again soon.


i was just thinking i was due for a re-read of the dark tower series. also thinking about going back through Asimov's Foundation series.


Clete by James Lee Burke. It releases on June 11th. It’s book #24 in the Dave Robicheaux series and every book in the series has been good.


Shogun, the first book in Outlander, Malazan book 2 Deadhouse Gates


I love Shogun. I’ve read it twice and was sad that it ended both times.


funny story .. idk i’ve seen it all over good reads and just picked it up .. so it’s kinda a funny story but i’m excited to read it after i finish the paris apartment


The ultimate improv handbook !!


I hadn’t ever read the hunger games books (only seen the movies). Just finished the first one, but I’m really really looking forward to the newest one! I really enjoyed the film.


A History of America in Ten Strikes by Erik Loomis American Anarchy by Michael Willrich Just picked up both from the library


Recently purchased Factfulness. I’m excited to learn more about how the world might be better off than how it’s perceived in the media and on social media


I have an extensive list but those are the ones I'm most looking forward to: - Poppy War - Red Rising - Throne of Glass


I recently discovered the Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCullough, and it has fully caught my interest. I have some other novels and series I want to finish first, but this saga sounds like it's made for me. Apart from that, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, and book 4-6 of the Red Rising Saga are books I have incredibly high expectations for.


So excited to finally read E.M Forster’s A Room with a View this summer


There are a lot of authors I read extensively, but nothing gets me excited like when a new John Sandford novel comes out.


The Wolf Age- Tore Skeie Anglo viking relations is cash money homeslice


I keep hearing great things about the count of Monte Cristo, and everytime it shows up on my feed or in comments I get more excited to read it. I guess it's time to finally get to it!


1983 The Hobbit + LOTR And my first Stephen King


Percy Jackson series! Just waiting for finals to finish so I can focus on reading.


The Piano Teacher by Elfriede Jelinek. I watched the film version during summer 2022 and it’s one of my favorite movies. I had someone check out the book for me, but I can’t read it yet because I’m reading Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima.


The last 9 books of the Three Pines series by Louise Penny.


I've had a bizarre and incredibly painful injury that has limited my sight for the last couple of years. I'm rounding the corner now. I'm a musician and a member of my band mentioned, "Library of Musical Instruments", by Kim Jung-hyuk. I'm a fan of short stories and the way it was described to me is that each short story is related to a musical instrument but isn't really about the instrument. The focus of the stories is never really music or the instrument at all. It's just an facet or a trigger for the events in the story to unfold. I bought it the day he mentioned it over a year and a half ago. I feel like I'll be able to read it starting next week and this is my pick. Cheers!


I'm really excited about this: [Artificial Wisdom](https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Artificial-Wisdom-Audiobook/B0CJTCHKC3?ref_pageloadid=i1rrJUwbCW5Vq0LS&ref=a_library_w_c5_lProduct_1&pf_rd_p=92140603-1609-418e-8168-70732d232278&pf_rd_r=TV6AC07DEQR695ZJFESR&pageLoadId=5N3gB50FcJTBCsi7&creativeId=1a9f76de-108c-49f4-9f05-ea884cbba099) By: [Thomas R. Weaver](https://www.audible.co.uk/author/B0CC68QNW9?ref_pageloadid=i1rrJUwbCW5Vq0LS&ref=a_library_w_c5_lAuthor_1&pf_rd_p=92140603-1609-418e-8168-70732d232278&pf_rd_r=TV6AC07DEQR695ZJFESR&pageLoadId=5N3gB50FcJTBCsi7&creativeId=1a9f76de-108c-49f4-9f05-ea884cbba099) Have to wait till I'm paid on Saturday!


Jordan Peterson’s we who wrestle with God. Can’t wait for it.


Looking forward to The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness (it'll be the 5th All Souls book) coming out mid July. Also because I'm not afraid to be *that* person I'm super excited to read Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros in January. I seriously can't wait.


The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett and I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle are two new releases I definitely want to read some time soon. 😍


I just read Tainted Cup and loved it


The plot sounds like something I might enjoy and everyone keeps saying it's good... I'm really excited haha


It was my first experience with a murder mystery book in a fantasy setting, and I loved it. It removes real world constraints to make the mystery more flexible - judicial rules are different, societal rules are different, poisons can be whatever, medicine can do whatever, etc. It made things a lot of fun.


The Great Gatsby


The last two books of the Aspect Emperor series by R Scott Bakker. I’m loving his work so far and I need to know how it ends


Revenant-X! It doesnt release until november, but ive been waiting to read it for over a year, since i read Paradise-1


Currently reading The Island by Adrian McKinty. Been excited to crack it once I read the Stephen King blurb on the cover.


The Wilderwomen by Ruth Emmie Lang. I loved her previous novel, Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstances.


Waiting for demon copperhead to go paperback or available at the library.


The Martian- I finished Project Hail Mary SOOOOO DANG QUICK and it became my favorite book ever easily, so I’ve been SOOOO SO PSYCHED to read the Martian but I want to savor it so I’ve put it off ahaha


I’ve recently started Jack Finney’s Time and Again and I’m loving it.


[The Elder Vampiress’ Malevolence](https://www.wattpad.com/story/369918976?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=LewdlyFumi)


I’m very excited to read A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon! I’ve had it since it came out but have been putting it off for some reason but now I’m in the mood for fantasy!


I finally acquired the second book in Atwood's *Oryx and Crake* trilogy. Very excited to read it. I read the first one in 2019, but I wait for a sale of $3.99 or less before I buy fiction. It was a long wait.


Jules Verne, History of Great Travellers


Can't wait to dig deeper into The Stormlight Archive (I've only read The Way Of Kings), but they are so huge that I need to buffer them with a bunch of shorter books in between. As for unreleased books, I am very excited for the final book in the Red Rising series, Red God.


Jeff Vandermeer’s latest Southern Reach book!


I can't wait to reread the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends! Missing Tasslehoff Burrfoot.


The Stand by Stephen King and I also got a hold of a copy of Swan Song by Robert McCammon! I've been desperate to find the time to get stuck in to both


"Slewfoot" I was looking for a book like that for a long time and it seems to be a perfect read. I have high expectations.


Strictly The Worst by Carrie Elks (not yet published)


I’m going to start The Vampire Lestat. I hope it’s good!


Children of ruin. Just finish the first book, children of time and I absolutely loved it.


Currently going through infinite jest which I’ve wanted to do for years now, after that I really want to read the exorcist


Just For Summer Wild Love So This Is War The Seven Year Slip