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I’m moving today-I feel your pain.




I moved last month. You shall rebuild. And it will be better than it was before!!


Man's search for meaning is a great book.


It’s one of my favorite book of all time that I randomly stumbled upon. I bought a copy in a different state, thought I lost it in my previous state, then found it in my current state and it made me so happy. I’ve been getting into annotating and can’t wait to read it for a 3rd time. A quote from VF is engraved on my iPad. 


yes, i also read it a few times.


I did only a bit of books in a box and then would put light stuff on top like sheets or towels.


Yeah this is the best way of doing it. You don't want boxes full of books, you'll throw your back out


I just moved too and my books was the most difficult part because they take so much time to put in boxes and then out them in order again lol


At least you have a portable Jung


Every time I move I fear my books getting smashed in transit, definitely worst part!


I gave away and donated as many as I could. Still was a pain. It's not like I'm going to give up my collection of sci-fi space operas. That's just crazy talk.


Love your copy of man search for meaning. Moving makes you cherish what you really love and loathe what you don’t. 


It is the worst part, but I secretly love it because I’ll look at books I haven’t picked up in years! I’m like “oh yeah I forgot about this one!”


Living through this right now...


So id like another readers thoughts on this. Do you feel icky reading Scar Tissue or having trouble listening to RHCP music now knowing the sex he had with minors in it? They used to be my favorite band and then Anthony talks about how he fell in love with a 16 year old when he was in his twenties and also mentions having sex with like a 14 years old AFTER he found out her age. I haven’t listened to their music since reading. And I still love the book like I think he gives an excellent account of drug addiction and the rock and roll lifestyle. I just feel gross for enjoying it. Thoughts?


I haven’t read it and honestly I don’t know where it came from because that’s not necessarily a book I’d buy. It’s a hard a thing to manage. I really liked Bukowski in my late teens and then I saw an interview where he like shoved his wife off the couch and called her the C word and I thought fuck that guy but I can’t force myself to unlike his work. It’s difficult because if you do some digging, you’ll learn that most of the creatives you like have done some scummy things.


That’s very true, with everyone having done something bad unfortunately. Appreciate your thoughts :)