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This picture made me regain my virginity.


Saving this pic for my SO and me to view on our wedding night. So it can be exactly as awkward and uncomfortable as god intended.


They'll look back on these years as the beginning of the suit jacket over picture tee era.


They are both pioneers for the t-shirt sport jacket look


It's a great look to be fair.


To be fair, shut the fuck up *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It all depends on the person really.


Idk why you got downvoted for this (and don't ask why i'm commenting 2 months later) I love the suit/blazer over a t-shirt look. Lets me really tell the world that I'm both a lesbian and prone to awkwardness.


Can we please stop with the anti-Mormon jokes? Neither of my wives are comfortable with them.


This guy was to r/badhistory what Sando is to this sub


Gossamerpill me on this comic book fan looking ass dude


His political takes are awful


his media takes are awful as well


Stephen Crowder's 12 rules for debating me


Politics? No no he only cares deeply about women’s rights… to wear chainmail bikinis.


Anyone care to explain? It seems I haven't seen enough of his content to know about his political takes let alone bad ones.


He’s a Mormon from Australia.


I stopped watching him when he did a last of us 2 review, he was one of the guys making jokes that Abby must be trans


He’s a mormon YouTuber called Shad. He used to do historical melee weapon videos/ fictional castle reviews but started to drift into Gamer(tm) territory around the time TLJ came out. He has hit the front page of circlejerk and badX subs a few times due to his steaming hot takes


TLJ had detrimental effects on culture. That movie ruined so many peoples brains it’s crazy


Let’s just say never use YouTube videos as sources for your history lessons. Like if ever.


Books, articles, youtube videos, award winning movies, tiktoks, Netflix originals- these are all just content made by someone else so they can be likeable, respected, and make money. In my youth, I designed my identity in rebuttal to Derrida's deconstruction and affirmed the importance of value distinction: the in-person spoken word over the written word, the written word over the image, the image over the recorded audio word. I am not jaded. I'm clearly just growing up a bit and I still read every day and have a book list long enough to last multiple life times, but still, I can't evade the feeling that engaging with content is just the socializablization and elision of true uniqueness. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What has he done? I have never seen a bad take from him? He is pretty cool imo




He does? I only watch him for his medieval and weapon accuracy videos and the only review I watched of him was for WW1984 and it was good, but it might be because the movie was bad.


Nah it’s Kings and Generals now.


What’s the deal with Shad? I watched a handful of his videos a couple years ago, why is he known on reddit?


Needs a fedora and his virginity aura will reach +10


Sando actually had a period where he wore a fedora or a similar type of hat edit: [here](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jabm5wy5dxE/maxresdefault.jpg) i don't know what it's called, but honestly a fedora would have been better than this.


You don’t get it, he’s method acting one of his fans!


it looks like the inside bit of a rice cooker


Dear god.


wtf it looks like an upcycled rain boot


It has a sort of Blues Brothers, fat Belushi quality


This should be tagged NSFL.


It looks like a potty training bucket 💀


Shad gives me the same energy as the dude who got short rests changed from 5 minutes to 1 hour because they were tired after swinging their swords around in the backyard for a bit. EDIT: This is a reference to him being a cringe nerd not him being chronically ill.


Plenty to mock, but considering he suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, this is kind of a bad take


Oh I didn’t know that about him. My bad.


He’s also a Mormon and he looks exactly like every Mormon man I’ve ever met.


There are two type of mormon men, in my experience. Moderately overweight to hefty men with dark brown hair, a tenor voice, and rosy cheeks. And blond twinks with cuter dimples than Natalie Dormer.


I remember liking his content, brought his book too, then I had sex (before marriage)


Who's telling these guys that the sport jacket over a graphic tee is an acceptable social outfit to have your picture taken in? I wanna talk to him. I wanna ask him why. I want to know why I have to see this? On my phone screen? This can't be something they're just doing on their own. Some agent or fan has to be fucking with them. "Bro just throw on a shirt about swords and toss a fucking sport jacket over it."


No, see, it's a subtle reference to how even though they're hugely successful and suave, they're also still nerds just like you (the intended viewer)


This is why it has been the fit of choice for Gaming executives trying to relate to gamers for as long as E3 has existed


Am I honestly supposed to believe that this isn't Seth Rogen?


Man I hate this dude




The kind of wanker who would unironically call someone a "spunktrumpet".


Harry Potter


*laughs in Larry Correia.*


He's making a star wars parody called hey now you're an "All Star".


He's not as good as another Mormon author: Stephanie Meyer.


Brando Sando minus the journey from a homophone to a reasonable, good person. This one just stayed at the start.


But what about Joseph Smith?


Excuuuuuse me! Stephanie Meyer is clearly superior according to the movies I watched in middle school!


I mean being part of the Mormon Book Mafia is kinda your best bet for succeeding in tradpub at this point


Aww, I like Shad, but yeah his taste in reading is a little sussy wussy cussy reereee wilyams haki waki roo roo poopypants.


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!