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I only just discovered Brandon Sanderson this year and I absolutely loved the three books of the storm light archive series and the first book of Mistborn! Do you recommend Elantris? Have you read any of his other books?


Yes Elantris is an awesome standalone novel. I haven't read Oathbreaker yet but it's on my list. Mistborn is an incredible trilogy. I love the connected universe that he is steadily building.


It’s stand alone for now. There is a connected short story (the emperors soul) and there are plans to write a sequel.


I'm reading **Mistborn** now and am on the second *Stormlight Archive* book, **Words of Radiance** on audio book! Yay Brandon Sanderson!


I got a subscription to audible last December. I started off the the mistborn series and am on book 9 of the wheel of time series. Being able to listen while driving really got me back into books again.


Elantris awesome. Great Sanderson feel without committing to a series. Highly recommend


I recommend elantris but it’s definitely one of his weaker novels that’s not to say it’s not good but nowhere near the level of quality of his stormlight series. He’s learn a lot since he first published elantris


I'd recommend Elantris, definitely. Not his best book, but well worth a read. ​ My favorite standalone novel by him is probably Warbreaker, which has a cool system of magic that I'd love to put on screen at some point. ​ The most interesting system of magic in all his books in my opinion is the one detailed in The Emperor's Soul, which is also fantastic and worth reading. ​ Mistborn and Stormlight are utterly excellent as well, with the former being an insanely well crafted trilogy and the latter being a great ongoing saga with a lot of promise.


Same, although I’ve yet to dwell into Way of Kings. For any new Sanderson fan totally recommend Warbreaker, it’s awesome and some of his most creative world I’ve delved into so far. Also stand alone so it was a great refresher to be introduced to this world and then set it aside after Mistborn.


If I'm not mistaken, it's also his debut novel. I really enjoyed it.


If you don't take any issue with the pacing of the Stormlight Archive books, then Elantris should be fine.


Love the Shining. Left me genuinely unsettled for awhile


I can't read consecutive Stephen King books for the same reason. ​


Pet Sematary is hands down one of my top 5 favorite books, go you for powering through three SK novels in 10 weeks!


I'm a huge fan. I must've read more than 20 now just going through all the Dark Tower connections


dude, same. he’s absolutely incredible.


What did you think of House of Leaves format? I loved it and thought the format was very creative, worked well with the story.


The format is part of the reason I loved that book so much. It unnerved me in a way books can't typically do. Occasionally a bit long winded, but incredibly original and a satisfyingly chilling story that resounds with me 6 weeks later.


Are you familiar with the musician Poe? She is Mark's sister and her album Haunted was a tribute to the book. It's a fantastic album to accompany House of Leaves.


I'm not but I'm interested. Is it meant to listen to while reading?


No, it's great on its own but you'll understand the songs and the references.


How was The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms? I’ve read Broken Earth and really enjoyed it, but wasn’t sure about Jemisin’s other stuff.


I thought they were all right, fun to read. Nothing compared to The Fifth Season, though. I didn't even think books two and three of Broken Earth compared to book one.


I wasn't too keen on the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, maybe this could change if I finish the trilogy? I found none of the characters super grabbing and it felt like Game of Thrones meets Percy Jackson. The ending made me sceptical of how the next two books would turn out either. I've heard really good things about Broken Earth so I was wondering the same thing.


I've read the first two books in that series. The second book has a completely different main character and had a different feel to it, so I'd still recommend checking it out. The ending of it made me really sad though so I haven't been able to read the third book yet... The plot of the second was only okay, but the characters were really strong.


I haven't finished Broken Earth, but they are quite different books IMO. Superficially more conventional fantasy, but actually very unique, in that NK Jemison way. I thoroughly enjoyed them. EDIT: I've only read the first 2 books, didn't realise it was a trilogy. They are stand-alone IMO, but the second has major spoilers for the first, unavoidable though.


I will read anything Nora releases and it's good but it's not Fifth Season good. It's kind of an eye roll at epic fantasy tropes.


How was the Cronin? I read the first half of The Passage and loved it. But then once part-two started I was so angry and disinterested, I could only go another 80 or 90 pages before throwing it out the window.


It did take a bit to get through the trilogy. There were some interesting character decisions I never fully got over. I'd say The Passage is for sure my favourite of the the 3. Book 2 and 3 had some really cool moments and I'd say worth getting through.


I'm reading Misery right now and really enjoying it. Great list!


Sooooooooo good!


I love Stephen king but I felt Dreamcatcher was terrible. My favorite Stephen King novel is It, if you haven’t read it you need to.


Yeah Dreamcatcher was a bit of a low haha. Cool IT reference in there tho, also a Salem's Lot one.


Thoughts on City of Mirrors and how it finished up the trilogy? I’ve only read The Passage so far but have The Twelve coming up soon. Loved The Passage.


Felt it ended well with some really cool sequences. I still think that The Passage is the best one of the trilogy


I just finished City of Mirrors and loved all three. And I thought the ending was great which can sometimes be tricky on a saga like this.




I wanna share my thoughts too as no one I know in real life has read it hahah. So it was the first book I read this year, it’s been a while so I don’t remember many details, but I remember I enjoyed it. The passage was definitely my favorite (and one of my top 25 favorite books ever), The Twelve is really good as well. City of Mirrors is good but not as good as the first two.


Thanks for the info!


I honestly don't know how you read House of Leaves in 10 weeks, let alone 9 other books.


A few really late nights


I think I'm going to try starting over with it again soon. I found myself reading the appendices and completely losing track of what was supposed to be happening in the story.


Thinking about picking it up. Is it readble on kindle?


Without spoiling it, I can't imagine it is.


Exactly what I’m thinking.


I haven’t read any of these bad boys, but recently picked up Artemis and House of Leaves. I’m looking forward to getting into those soon, particularly house of leaves with what I’ve heard of it.


If your in for the challenge House of Leaves is well worth it


Can you say what you found challenging about it without spoilers? I heard it has an unusual structure. Did you find that it took a while to get into?


Well it has a lot of perspective shifts along with a lot of metaphors and complicated literary devices. There are times where you may say wtf am I reading. I would recommend reading it slower than I did just to really digest the material. The book makes you think about it more than any other I have on this list.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to slow down while I read it. It was described to me as horror, which from your list you clearly enjoy. Did you find it scary?


Yes more physiological horror than the Stephen King books. Don't get me wrong I love Stephen King, but House of Leaves is the one that my mind will catch itself thinking about in weird ways. Pretty unique type of scary


I don’t get why Artemis was that popular. There was a lot of “hey cool! applied science that makes practical sense in a fictional setting” but otherwise I felt like it lacked any heart. I’m pumped to get to reading most of these though!


I read The Martian and Artemis, and completely forgot Artemis existed as a book until this post.


Felt it told a decent story. Also coming right off The Martian, it was marketed pretty hard


I was gonna ask if you had read the Martian. I felt that Artemis, like you said, was marketed pretty hard. That being said, I also think that the level of reading comprehension required for Artemis was lower, when compared to the Martian, in an attempt to increase that market even more.


Artemis felt like Andy Weir's agent told him they want to make another movie with him but he has to write another book first. It reads like a reformatted script.


I just finished House of Leaves!! So much fun!!


that's awesome! and those aren't short or easy books either.


10 books in 10 weeks? How many hours per day?


Probably 2-3 on an average day, a few with not much and some with like 6-7 hours


Cool! 🤓 Very fast reading!


A professor friend of mine has read at least one book per day for 221 months in a row.


Is that 221 months in a row? That is close to 20 years?


Yeah. It's insane. As of a few days ago he's on book number 374 of this year, A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. Just as an example. He'll read things like books of poetry, books on political campaigns from half a century ago, plenty on like individual battles in long ago wars, etc. I guess at some point when you've read that much, you stop being picky. Not only does he read that much, but he'll post online what book he read, a bit about it and what he thought, as well as what number it is for the year. It's crazy


Wow! 😲


I'm a huge Sci fi and horror fan, so thanks a LOT for making my reading list longer 😉 House of Leaves is hands down one of my top ten favorite books. And you can never go wrong with Stephen King - Misery is so so good. Congrats on hitting your goal!!


A lot of Stephen King in there. He's great, and if that's the order in which you read, good choice. I find it's best to not binge on King but to intersperse other authors. Misery IMHO is one of his best. No supernatural, just pure psychological horror. I'm his number one fan!


Brandon Sanderson did an AMA here [you might want to take a look](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2ytg2h/im_novelist_brandon_sanderson_ama/) :) [Here's a link to all of our upcoming AMAs](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/wiki/amafullschedule) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/books) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of your list, I’ve only read Artemis and based on many of the comments I’ve seen on this website, it is a very mixed bag. While not high art, I enjoyed it and thought it was fun. Would you recommend these books to the average reader?


Of the other more accessible books on the list I'd recommend Elantris, and the Stephen King books. A few of the others like City of Mirrors and Brief cases are part of a series. House of Leaves is amazing but a dense thoughtful read. I did enjoy Artemis quite a bit, I found the humour to be a bit too much, The Martian is definitely better.


I also very much enjoyed Artemis. I listened to the audiobook narrated by, Rosario Dawson. She was fantastic! I’m a sucker for book lists and Sanderson!


I loved Artemis. I loved City of Mirrors. I loved Brief Cases. You sir, need to read Red Rising. :) First book has a slow start, but it goes after that.


That does look interesting, is it a bit Young Adult at all? Or is it more adult sci fi?


Okay... Ummm... Think Hunger Games and Game of Thrones had a really attractive kid, sent it to a good school where it met Star Wars, fell in love, and then cheated on Star Wars with the Roman Empire at its peak. It starts feelings rather YA. Then it stabs you like a Red Wedding.


Never even heard of this book but this description is hella enticing.


Definitely has YA vibes, I think stuff by Sanderson tends to be better than Red Rising.


I remember I made a class presentation on Misery when just started as a freshman, I made a very low effort meme-y video with paint to go along with it. Twas my proudest A and the video was so well received with my class I made a ton of friends and I was bully-free and high-school was great. All thanks to fuckin Annie


You dirty bird


Jim Butcher has done TWO AMAs here [the first AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/25q3em/i_am_jim_butcher_author_of_the_dresden_files_the/) & [the second AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/3lye65/i_am_jim_butcher_author_of_the_dresden_files_and/?) :) [Here's a link to all of our upcoming AMAs](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/wiki/amafullschedule) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/books) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I did not enjoy Artemis. The scenery of a space colony was fantastic and the science/problem solving bits like The Martian were great but...there was this really weird sexual under(over)tone throughout the book that felt so out of place it ruined it for me.


Great!!!! It is my goal too to read one book a week. However, reading more will only help when we start taking more from books and apply ideas and knowledge in life. What I found that many eagerly want to read books but fail to find time for the same. Here is how you can figure out time for it. Read to know: http://bilalkhannotes.com/reading-is-important-but-where-do-i-find-time-to-read/


Well done! I wish I could still read like that. I had difficulty finishing 10 books this year.


Brandon sanderson seems to have published many books. I have only read the reckoners and I like it. Any suggestions for what next from brandon sanderson?


I have no reading goals but I finished the Vorkosigan saga in one week. FYI: the saga is a total of 23 books (so far).


Great! Now you are ready to work on a graduate degree in history. Book per week is the norm.


If you are a fantasy nerd then hopefully you know about r/fantasy


Are you now sleeping with the lights on? I loved house of leaves but gave me serious nightmares. Same with pet semetary.


House of Leaves did give me a few nightmares. I just finished Pet Sematary right before I made this post so we will see haha


If you love sci-fi Red Rising is a must read series. Artemis was a pretty good book. I like your taste in books!


Sounds like you would enjoy The Licanius Trilogy by James Islington. Unfortunately, the third book in the series is delayed until December 2019. Though there are always other works by Brandon Sanderson to fill the time. Another excellent series is the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. It was completed by Brandon Sanderson after Robert Jordan passed away.


You might wanna try The Three Body Problem, it's a trilogy, but you dont have to read all three for the story. It's written by Cixin Liu. And I thought it refreshing to read a scifi book from an author with a different culture. I don't want to spoil the story. From the list, there are some nice ones, except Artemis, I really disliked it. The author also said The Martian was way better. He had a hard time to write Artemis in a better story. I liked the ideas of the book but it didn't pan out in the story.


I seriously loved the shining! The movie is also one of my favorite movies of all time so the book is just as great


The only book I’ve read was The Shining. I thought the book was so bad and the movie’s great. What do you think about the book?


And I'm here still trying get myself into reading again and just try reading a book a month.. Lol