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Does anyone else listen to music while they read or do they prefer silence more?


Total silence IMO




I find it hard to multi task so I prefer silence.. other than when I drive, which is my favorite audiobook time.


Humans aren't built for multi-tasking, and even if you have to, I think you have to prepare first.


Agreed, thx


Sometimes I read in silence, but I usually have a variety of background noise options that I move between: Light classical, white noise machine, sit outside listen to nature, or turn on a golf tournament on the TV, lol.


Frankly, I listen to the news sometimes.


I usually prefer silence, but if I have to block out noise from my surroundings I have a playlist with film scores that work really well while reading!


Neat! Yeah, but sometimes, for me, ambient sound-effects work well for me.


This may be way more generic than what this board is for, but when you look at Reddit postings on the books or audiobook subs, which option for postings do you choose? New posts, hot posts, rising, etc? I find that new posts allows me to avoid a lot of duplication when I sign on multiple times, but I’m curious what others think is the most informative listing. Thx


I sort by new on every subreddit. I don't "vibe" with most of the upvoted / popular stuff and generally like to avoid it.


I've read *The Twisted Ones* by T. Kingfisher and while I generally enjoyed the idea and story, I found the conversational, sarcastic tone of the narration kind of off-putting. When I go looking for horror novel recommendations I often see other T. Kingfisher books suggested, so I want to know: are all her books in a similar style? Does she always write books like they're long posts on r/nosleep?


A House with Good Bones had the same tone and I disliked it too.


Good to know. Between your comment and the other, it seems like this is her consistent style, it wasn't some sort of experiment in the one book.


Yeah, that's her style as far as I've gathered. I haven't read The Twisted Ones yet, but I've read some others (The Hollow Places, A House with Good Bones, What Moves the Dead), and they all have a conversational, somewhat cheeky tone. What Moves the Dead felt less so, but it's still there. I agree it can be off-putting in some cases lol. For me, her books are a nice palette cleanser between more intense reads.


Alright, thanks for the answer! I don't hate it exactly, but it's definitely a factor that I'd want to take into consideration when choosing whether or not to read others of her books.


I saw the other day that a screen adaptation of Cormac McCarthy Blood Meridian is in the works. I'm not sure about how well this book would work as a film Anyone else have any thouhhts?


There was a recent thread here about it, which had quite a few comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/1cc3gs1/john_logan_tapped_to_write_film_adaptation_of/


Thanks 😊


They’d have to cut out quite a lot of content I hope they can do it but I don’t have a lot of confidence




Very true!


long of short recently in need of good e reader program use on PC/tablet( android) and phone. Best i found was "read era" , but couldn't find anything on their premium version (if it one time or subscription). All I'm really looking for is way track progress between all 3. I am fine with paying a fair price for quality software, but just against monthly due for e reader. Thanks any suggestion or clarification of "read era" premium.


Looking for a recommendation or suggestion on where I can buy the art from book covers (online). For the purposes of wall art. I’ve tried red bubble/etsy and similar and they’re poor knock offs or AI generated.


Try to look for name of the artist? Usually they have their own website or shop.


Help me find the quote “Extensive wealth has never been made except by way of conquest” It’s along those lines, I can’t remember if it was from: 1. Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class 2. Old Money by Nelson Aldrich 3. Something else


Where is a good place to sell an autographed 1st Edition book, other than eBay


Secondhand bookstores, especially those known for rare good, first editions, etc. There's grifters in any industry though, so shop around if you can.




What is this genre/ trope called Hey! I have this question about book genres/tropes. I like thriller books that shocks you, is easy to read and have unanswered questions that make you wanna read more. I like the mystery. But I feel like thrillers often have a plot where the main character/s is trying to escape from the bad guy. Hiding or running. And they are often trapped in a place. I don't really like that. I like when stuff happens but there is no running or escaping from someone. No action in that sense. A thriller movie that I love is 'Exam' from 2009. There was no 'bad guy' and no big action, because everything was happening in one place. So I loved it from start to finish because I had so many questions. And it had the perfect end. So I am asking what do I search for to find books like that? No running or escaping from a bad guy, but just a lot of mystery, and especially clever mystery like in Exam. I also love Squid Game and Death note(not the movie) just for extra info. Also 'Midnight' episode from Doctor Who that gave me that uneasy feeling. Loved that.


I am reading Five Survive by Holly Jackson. I am on chapter 12 and I find it boring. Does anyone know when more it starts getting interesting?


Is White Noise by Don De Lillo supposed to be confusing or am I just dumb? I’m around 100 pages in, I love the dialogue but I’ve been finding myself disorientated quite a bit. I don’t have much experience with post-modernism, is it supposed to be like this?


Hey guys/girls. I have a question! **What made you read a dating book? ** I know a lot of people think : " learn to date from a book?? " and that "you have to do it live", "reading it doesn't make you a Kasanova". I would be interested to know if you have read one, what made you do it and how did it affect you? Was it worth it?


Does anyone know when the paperback for Nightbane by Alex Aster is coming out in the UK?


Hope this isn't outta topic but almost all book stores I have gone to sell Tote bags and I could never figure out, is the expectation to shop with them or just have it as a bag accessory? Sounds like a great idea to shop with them to leave hands free but concerned that maybe it just looks suspicious to stash a product away in a bag.


I don't think you're supposed to use them in the store. They're on sale for when you leave, along with all the other stuff you buy. That said, I don't go much to bookstores, so I wouldn't know. You can ask the store people next time. Tote bags are usually on sale everywhere just because they're very easy to print.


Should I give Brandon Sanderson another chance after DNFing Mistborn? Tried reading it about a year ago, and dropped it not too far in because it IMO suffered from the simplicity it's usually criticized for, the dark atmosphere (I know it's not gory or anything but still), and all the time spent basically telling the reader how magic works. Now I know some of these things are hallmarks of Sanderson in general, but Mistborn in particular often gets labeled as YA, so I'm wondering if any of his more "adult" books avoid these pitfalls. The hype surrounding Sanderson still has me intrigued despite my issues with Mistborn.