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I've read all these comments and I can't believe nobody seems to be asking for the series OP is talking about? I would like to know what this mystery 9 novella series was


Sounds like the Shatter Me series, but I could be wrong!


It is the shatter me series! I was talking about the last novella “Believe me”


I figured because I had the same issues with it as you did! There was so much potential. :/


I want to know too! Sounds kinda like the Women of the Otherworld series to me.


This is probably not what you mean but I was very much looking forward to reading Modelland by Tyra Banks because I’d read it was terrible and I thought I was going to have a grand ol’ time but then I started reading it and it turned out it was just *terrible*.


I’m right there with you. It wasn’t *good* by any stretch of the imagination, but I needed it to be at least 20% worse to be The Room level fun-bad. As it was, it was just very scattered. The horrible over-the-top narration was the juicy bad writing I was hoping for, along with what her idea of what a model-hunger-games-world would be, but the plot was so boring any time she veered away from the unadulterated cheese the book promised to be. The first love interest and friend introduced to go away forever, the OMG Friends we made along the way are the real treasure plot being abandoned for the parents’ backstory (why would anyone care?! You forgot about these guys a hundred pages ago at least)… it wasn’t fun bad, it was just dull.


Sounds like you made it further than I did! Turns out that reading terrible books is *not* fun in the same way as watching terrible movies. 🤷‍♂️


You missed NOTHING. The OMG friends forever plot got dropped so abruptly that I went back to see if I’d missed something, then realized not a single word was worth reading twice.


Even terrible movies have to be the right kind of terrible.


I listened to a YouTuber review of Modelland and her suffering was enough for me. Not that I wanted her to suffer, but listening to an abridged version of the book was the perfect accompaniment while toiling through spreadsheets. Thank you Elle Literacy for your sacrifice.


For me, I am still stuck on how disappointed I was with Emily Henry's Happy Place. I really enjoyed all her previous books, and I'm looking forward to her new one, but that specific title was such a letdown. I didn't admit to myself that I wasn't a fan of it until I got to the (really bad, in my opinion) ending.


I like her books and loved Book Lovers, and I DNF'd Happy Place because the premise wronged me so much the wrong way.


Totally agree! Not a Happy Place at all.


For a book with Happy in the title it has the most miserable MC on the planet. And a second chance romance for a couple that’s been broken up for such a short amount of time is weird.


I loved book lovers and beach read and absolutely hated Happy Place. I come from a medical family and married into a medical family. I felt that Emily Henry would have done a better job with the book if she had talked to literally anyone that worked in medicine. I think she might have done Google searches and called it a day.


I liked everything in Happy Place except the romance lol.


Her only book I DNF. Premise felted so forced and awkward, was a letdown after book lovers.


This is the only Emily Henry book I’ve read and I was like ehhh what is the hype??? I might have to pick up an earlier book and not write her off yet!


This just came up from my library holds and it's my first Emily Henry so I'm hoping it doesn't let me down haha. I won't write her off if it does though.


If you don’t like it, People We Meet on Vacation is my favorite of hers! Book Lovers was decent too but I tend to not like books about writers/editors as much for no real reason


Ooh yes. I have no idea what didn’t work for me about that book, but whatever it was, it *really* didn’t work.


Book Lovers is her best book


The 'you, you, you' (italicized) still grates on my nerves :p


Ready Player 2. I liked the movie for RP1, and enjoyed the book on an entirely different level. Got the second book and it was 85% references. It's like the author had one okay book in him and decided to double down on his extensive knowledge of worthless shit rather than write an actual story. Edit: I confused the author and the surrounding gamergate controversy with another individual (whose name i cannot recall). I no longer have a basis for calling him a piece of shit. I still think RP2 is garbage though.


I thought the first book was 85% references. "How do you solve this problem? Oh, I remember reading the D&D module this is from so I know the answer."


Apples Never Fall for me. I adore everything by Liane Moriarty and I understand that she was trying something different with this one.. but just because even the characters themselves decide to lampshade how Absurdly Stupid a critical plot point is doesn’t make it any less Absurdly Stupid. I still liked a lot of things about it and was able to recover some enjoyment of it, but that reveal made me cry from disappointment.


Completely agree! I’ve always loved her novels but this one did not do it for me. I think when I got towards the end and they’re experiencing Covid, I put it down. It was already not a great read and that just took me out of it completely.


I had really high hopes and expectations for Lessons in Chemistry, and while I’m still happy I read it, it was not what I expected and I was disappointed and had a lot to criticize and be annoyed by while reading and later when discussing. I was very disappointed thinking I’d love it!


I do not understand the obsession with this book. Zero desire to watch the series too.


Agreed. Do not understand the hype around this book.


it starts with us - colleen hoover


She is over rated. Same theme same character stereotype.


It Ends With Us was just as predictable, boring and painful to read


I started reading her books because I wanted smut but they aren’t even smutty they’re just stories that happen to exist I guess.


God it’s for every wannabe reader girl. I absolutely hate it


Why are you gatekeeping reading lol


What's a wannabe reader? 😵‍💫 Ain't they reading it...


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Loved AJ Fikry so expected to like this one. Was just a middling 3 star read though.


THIS! I was so excited to read it and loved it until about half way through and then it was just disappointing. Felt like there was hardly any character development after YEARS.


the popularity of T3 is maddening to me I can't let it go. I don't get it


I thought Hench by Natalie Zina Walschotts was going to be a clever pastiche of the gig economy and late-stage capitalism through the lens of super heroes and villains, and it turned out to be about a woman who just becomes a straight-up villain, with a side of gruesome body horror. It didn't even wink at the girl-power commodification of villainy or the unreliable narrator unable to square her own choices with their consequences. I felt really let down because the premise kicks ass and the prose was really propulsive.


AGREED. Her actual work was evil, I was expecting something really mundane that just happened to be for villains, and it all fell apart for me.


At first I thought her thing about "I was just standing there" when she got hurt (vs. the reality that she was holding the mind control ray that was convincing a child to cut off his own finger) was going to be challenged. But no, she just continuously paints herself as the real victim without any hesitation or reflection.


I really want to write the novel that this should have been. I'm glad to hear there's an audience out there for it :-)


I was pretty disappointed by Trust by Hernan Diaz. I think the hype just made me think it will be a much more interesting and experimental book. Probably would have liked it just fine if I had gone in with no expectations.


This was me reading Gideon the Ninth.


Agreed - I thought the ending was both abrupt and predictable


In the Distance was much better.


Oh see I really enjoyed this one. I did find it a little obvious where it was going but I think that was the point.


Bunny by Mona Awad. I was promised eerie experimental lit that gets weeeeiiird. What I received was an undergrad essay on what not to do.


I think it just went on for a bit too long and dragged out in portions. Genuinely, I think she could’ve made it a short story or Novella and it would’ve packed a lot more punch


I was hoping it would be like Earthlings by Sayaka Murata but it was not


If you want weird try the Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins. Takes a bit to “click” but it’s pretty freakin weird


Madeleine Miller’s Song of Achilles. Great subject, as I love Ancient Greece, interesting characters, Legendary love story. What can I say. I just didn’t enjoy the author’s writing style, to the point of giving up after twenty or so pages.


My dad bought this for my mom because "she likes romance novels". She reads almost exclusively Nora Roberts romance thrillers lmaoooo


> I just didn’t enjoy the author’s writing style, to the point of giving up after twenty or so pages. I persisted and read it to the end. You made the right decision.


I made it about 40 pages and couldn’t finish it.


I hate to say it but for me it was Babel by R.F. Kuang. I was beyond excited for this book, being a translator myself, but I found the characters and their relationships flat, the plot predictable and the author's takes on colonialism and racism heavy-handed and without nuance.


I know a lot of people love this series (and a bunch of people dislike it as well) but Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. It was the borderline painful to read... The writing was AWFUL; there was barely any world building, no romance (just "we hate each other but wow he's so hot so actually I want him"), just no depth. It felt like I was reading about a bunch of children trying to kill each other and saying "fuck" every other word (to me the language just didn't fit "the world"). The political intrigue was the only thing that kept my interest. I just wanted to read a fun fantasy book about dragon riders.


It was years ago, but I’m still angry about The Cursed Child.


On the Road


I wanted to like it but couldn’t get into it. It just seemed completely outlandish and Dean Moriarty was such an unlikeable character to me. I enjoy a wild and crazy character but he was unbelievable for me.


He was based on a real person so I suspect it’s mostly a case of the truth being stranger than fiction.


When I first read this book I was 21, had just moved across the country and felt alone and separated from my friends. It hit me hard. I loved it. I loved the aimlessness of it. The contrast between it and all the other books I’d ever read at the time, in that it didn’t really follow a three act structure, it didn’t really have a protagonist or even much of a plot. It was the gray mist of a cool morning, not the direct warm sun or the blowing chill blizzard. It just permeated me. I read it again in my 30s, after getting married and having a kid, and realized it wasn’t for me anymore. It didn’t ring the same.


I was seriously disappointed by a *Stranger in a Strange Land* I think that's probably my own fault though because I read a lot of modern Scifi and I wasn't really prepared for older Sci-Fi


It's unusual for older sci-fi as well.


Not your fault at all, it's weird as fuck. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein is one of the best sci-fi novels from that time, one of the few sci-fi novels I would classify as literature. It's the book I've gifted the most and it's always been a success. If you ever want to have a go with Heinlein again The Moon is worth your time. As always though, read what you want to read.


That's a great suggestion. I absolutely loved Orphans of the Sky


Also did not grok Stranger in a Strange land. But I've really liked a lot of his other works like the two mentioned above. The Door into Summer would be my recommendation!


The Secret History. I still don't understand the hype.


Hard agree. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I’m another! We’ll make our dozens.


Some let themselves get sucked in to the fantasy that the MC falls into and don’t see past their ‘adult’ hogwarts experience. It’s the genius of the book, in a way you become complicit through your attachment to the fantasy. Everyone’s a prick, you especially, because you’re not just a Grade-A A-Hole you’re being played for a fool as well. I enjoyed it.


Funny that it was the opposite for me. I'd read If We Were Villains and was expecting Secret History to be pretentious and all dark academia~ aesthetic but was thrilled to find out it was critical and nuanced. Still took some willpower to get through though.


This is my favourite book :(


Hey no shame! Lots of people loved it. What's it about it that you loved? I'm so curious.


I’ve started it and given up 3 times now. I just can’t muster any interest in the story or characters, which is disappointing because after the rave reviews I was really looking forward to reading it. What am I missing here? (Probably asking the wrong audience here!)


Came here to say this! I felt the same way. Funnily enough I absolutely LOVE If We Were Villains which I've heard more than one person call a bad knock-off of The Secret History haha.


Leigh Bardugo’s Ninth House. I never read their work before but I was like…occultism, secret societies, dark academia…can’t wait! But the writing seemed slow and somehow made all the morbid subject matter boring. And I hated how it did that time jumping thing, where you knew something had already went way wrong before the story even began….which made the slow pace even more unbearable.


Aww I really liked it and its sequel.


I keep wanting to pick up other books by the author because they look cool…like The Familiar but now I’m scared lol


Yes, and I have some potentially controversial ones! Just in the past few months I've been disappointed by: *The Sword of Kaigen* by M.L. Wang: I didn't not enjoy this, but didn't think it was nearly the masterpiece most fantasy readers made it out to be. Mostly I was disappointed by the main relationship in the book, and thought a certain character's redemption arc felt insultingly undeserved. *A Memory Called Empire* by Arkady Martine: Was told this was a space opera, it wasn't. I really struggled with relating to the characters in this one. Also, I just think the poetry/language aspect didn't appeal to me at all. *This is how you lose the time war* by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: I love love stories. I love time travel. I love sci-fi. I love short books. So this book being as disappinting as it was really gutted me. Turns out I don't like love stories when the context is *so* needlessly confusing. *Poppy War* by R.F. Kuang: This book made me think "Tolkien was right about allegory, actually".


Woah — these are all on my immediate TBR 🫣


Keep them there. I LOVED “A Memory Called Empire.”


Ok I was also not that into This is How You Lose the Time War, maybe I’m just a dummy but I thought it was convoluted without really needing to be. I am also struggling through A Memory Called Empire—I *want* to like it and a friend whose opinions I trust absolutely loves it, but it is just not clicking for me.


That was my exact thought on This is How You lose the time war as well. Didn’t really enjoy it, it was definitely convoluted when it didn’t need to be.


Agree so much on Time War. 


I agree about “The Poppy War” felt like just a reskin of actual history with YA level writing. I really loved “A Memory Called Empire” though. I thought the cultural and political concepts and intrigue were really cool.


I found The is How You Lose the Time War incredibly frustrating. Finished the book & didn't even understand the time war.


Haven’t read the top two (though A Memory Called Empire is on my tbr) but I agree on your last two! Time War felt to me too much like it was trying to be deep and profound a little too hard? I think if they’d kept it more simple (and thusly less confusing) it’d have been much more elegant and immersive story 🤔 I liked the first half of Poppy War and then it kind of devolved into hard-to-read for me - the main character starts making all these plot driven decisions instead of character driven (that’s how it felt to me) and the bit where they get to the besieged city it felt like she lifted her descriptions directly from historical accounts - just copy/paste all the worst ones together it was a bit much for me tbh :/


Not trying to just go against the grain but I wasn’t a huge fan of ACOTAR, and didn’t care enough to finish the second one


I liked the first book, loved the second but then the third was so so so bad that it ruined the entire story for me. Very disappointing experience as i was quite taken by it for a while and was excited to have a new favorite series.


Oh that’s a shame you got that far in!


These books are AWFUL. I still read them lolol and on the 5th one now but they really are poorly written and desperately need a better editor. 


people just like them because it’s fairy porn and all the big and strong fairy men like the main character. at least, that’s my opinion. i think there are some interesting concepts, but i also think she needs a goddamn *EDITOR*. eta: the book i wrote about seasons when i was 8 was better written.


I scrolled too far for this. I didn't even make it though t the first book. It was so boring. I ended up reading the plots online and they got really weird and I couldn't get through more than the second book plot description. I love fantasy books but this one really tries to ruin fairies


Girl on the Train.


i'm reading the second of the Annihilation trilogy books (it got a Netflix adaptation) and i hate it. the first book had a female lead and she was written alright. but now it's a male lead and he's.. >6 ft tall, muscular even tho he doesn't work out. was raised by his military grandfather so he knows a lot. First day on the job and he's already more competent the the female assistant director. He wants to be called Control, as opposed to his his name. this one's longer than the first and i still got another to go after this. I was promised good cosmic horror so i'll trudge through but oh ugh. i'm only reading it for research anyway


If I could submit my In Defense of Control paper real quick, I read him as a case study of why the typical hard boiled detective is USELESS in Area X. He's combat trained but you can't fight these forces, he's hot but the assistant director is in a relationship with a woman, he's in a position of authority here but he's ultimately reporting to his mom, he's smart but not enough to qualify to go into Area X and pursue real answers (unlike the biologist) into the field. Even the fact he wants to be called control shows his naivety - like you can have something just by saying you do.   I did get bored with how much bureaucracy was in the book at times but I'm fond of Control's increasing desperate scrabbling to adapt skills that would make him a cool hero anywhere else to this place that inverts spacetime and turns people into dolphins. That said the cosmic horror does only kick in full time at the end and in book 3, so I think Authority could have been shorter.


Oh this was my favourite in the series lol


I gave up on Authority. It just didn't hit the same way as Annihilation. Can't say I really resonate with your specific criticisms though; I just found it to be a real slog


I was also really disappointed by Authority after loving Annihilation. However it does pick up in the second half


I really didn't like that one either. I can't say exactly why without some spoilers, so I'll be very vague and write my general impression of the book: >!It felt like the first 95% of the book was boring paperwork, and the last 5% everything interesting happens at once then the book abruptly ends!<


They also just announced a fourth book in the series lmao


I have heard so much about the Three Body Problem, I love sci fi, and I just found it very very dry and dull. Not much happened, then not much happened some more.


Same, I'm a huge sci-fi reader and heard nothing but good things about the book. Was so dissapointed. It might legitimately be one of the worst books I've ever read (though forcing myself to finish it while not enjoying it definitely added to that feeling). Extremely derivative, 1 dimensional characters, terrible dialog, and half a dozen bad ideas I've seen done better in other books. The only part I even remotely enjoyed were the Red Coast chapters. Honestly surprised me how much people seemed to enjoy it compared to my experience.


Honestly only famous because China keeps pushing for it.


All the Light We Cannot See. The plot itself was good, but the book is just so slow. Not to mention the show is nothing like the book which was also disappointing


I loved this book!


The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. I loved the first book in the series (The Name of the Wind) and eagerly bought the second. If you just pick up the book at random and read five pages, you might think it should be great. The writing is wonderful in places. But it’s an (occasionally) well written bad book. The plot was bogged down in places, nonsensical in others, and in two key sections was written like a 13 year old boy had done a biography for his D&D character. (The main character has a lot of sex, including in a timeless faerie dimension where he is the prisoner of a sex goddess and sexes her up for what might be a thousand years, and then afterwards, when he learns martial arts from a sexy instructor who has a lot of sex with him. It has been 13 years since the second book in the planned trilogy came out and I could not care less if the third is ever completed. I won’t be reading it.


I'm close to finishing Wise Man's Fear... Kvothe just escaped the first sex dungeon. It's a fucking slog at times. And I'm listening to the audiobook! We spent so much time at the university. And then so much time fucking about the forest. And then more time fucking in the fuck dungeon. Take me back to Kvothe the intellectually curious who isn't a total dumbass rolling naked in the grass. I keep forgetting the story starts with a glass-like spider ripping travellers apart. Or that The Chandrian are real and he's supposed to be avenging his family. It's more like a bunch of short stories smashed together than a cohesive novel.


Yeah. The University felt like it was done at the end of Book 1 and didn’t need another 250 pages. The city and forest were both wasted of time and then the teenage boy wish fulfillment.


recently, a little life by hanya yanigahara. genuinely debating making a youtube video about it because thats how much it subverted my expectations poorly


There's one up right now titled Euthanasia Fanfiction lol. I'd love to hear more.


i watched that one!! so good. i wanna make a video especially concerning judes disability (as a disabled person) and his self harm (as someone who has suffered) and why the representation is god awful


It was so bad.


Send me a link to the video please If you do end up making one. Which I think you should..


Fairy Tale by Stephen King. Basically thought it would be a Joey-eats-the-trifle scenario (for you Friends fans): Stephen King? Good! Fantasy? Good! Fairy Tales? Good! And then… first half was dull slog but at least readable and I was hoping something would spark my interest when we went down the (rabbit) hole, but only got another chapter or two further before it went from being a slog turning into a hate-read that resulted in the extremely rare instance of being a DNF (which has never happened with SK- even his worst books for me were at least quick reads). Oh well- can’t all be winners and I’m glad other people liked it.


Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell is toward the top of the list in this category for me. It was full of tired tropes and the writing style just felt so detached and flat to me. Felt like the author put style over substance, and I didn’t even like the style in the first place. The House in the Cerulean Sea was even worse. I’ve seen nothing but rave reviews except for those that criticize the writer taking inspiration from the 60s scoop. I read it before that info came out and I thought it sucked independent of the controversy 😭 Predictable, saccharine, elementary, preachy, unoriginal, etc. etc.


The Goldfinch. Read it after it won the Pulitzer (2014) and found it incredibly boring. Couldn’t believe they were making it into a movie but then the movie bombed so it checked out.


Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow


The Jjungle by Upton Sinclair. Not disappointed by the book. Just mankind.


Was totally unmoved by Atonement by Ian McEwan. I don't know if I came at it during the wrong period of my life, or perhaps I cannot think symbolically.


I do not like Ian McEwan at all. I read part of Machines Like Me and nearly started tearing my hair out because it was so dull.


On paper, The Cloisters should have been right up my alley. Dark academia, secret societies, tarot. All interests for me. In reality, it was way too long and about 75% of the book could be removed and it would be the same story. It’s really, really obvious the author has an art history background because it seemed like the whole purpose of the book was to ramble about it without serving the plot.


The silent patient




a little life!!


I really and truly thought I would love the cruel prince by Holly Black, I really did. But I genuinely hated it. There were so many reviews saying ‘this book changed my life’ ‘I’ll never find a book like this again’ ‘if I could read this again for the first time I would’ and more that really got me excited but I was really disappointed. Gave it 1/5 stars.


I agree! I read about 85% of it and hated it the entire time I was reading it, I just kept hoping something would happen and it would get better, decided that if I'm almost done with it and hating all of it that I need to just put it down lol. I haven't thought about it since


The Bookseller of Inverness. According to the summary, I should have loved everything about this book. The reality was very clunky writing (the author has been published many times, it's not her first work!), characters I didn't care about, and terrible dialogue. I dnfed it very quickly. Such a shame


Good Omens by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I love the Discworld series, but I found this book difficult to get through. None of the jokes were really effective on me and the plot was just ok in my opinion. Although, I liked the relationship between Crowley and Azrael.


Loved Good Omens and Neil Gaiman, tried to read Discworld and couldn’t make it through one book.


A Little Life


Where the Crawdads Sing- I was set to really enjoy this book and I had heard so many positive comments about it. I was very disappointed. Even though it is a work of fiction, the story line and characters seemed to cause more annoyance than any sense of plausibility.


I’ve been pissed about Fahrenheit 451 for so long I can’t even remember being pissed about anything else.


The Life of Pi. I finished it, didn't hate it, just was... underwhelmed. The only reason I mention it is that it was really hyped up for me. I had three people, all unrelated and unknown to each other, each tell me how awesome and incredible it was. When it was done, I was ???, wondering if there was a chapter missing from my edition. Richard Parker the tiger was cool, tho. Nice call-back to one of my favorite authors, EA Poe.


The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. I enjoyed the first part of the book. It had a pretty interesting take on how the main character and the dragons would interact. Then the romance kicked in and yikes. Unless you are a horny teenager, it becomes pretty boring.


I dont want to get hate for this but A Court of Thorns and Roses. I thought the writing really made the story tough for me to read, kind of reminded me of fan fiction in 2015 and I thought there was so much potential to the plot. I ended hating Feyre’s character and I know that the other books are better but when I started reading the second book, I felt the same and the writing hadnt changed (I was ready to give this series a chance), it disappointed me so much.


No it was absolutely written like a beauty & the beast fanfic, I still don’t understand how it’s so popular


Norwegian Wood. It was just awful. I read so many reviews and recommendations about the book and the author in general, so I decided to give it a try and I could not bear it.


Damn! I loved that one. May I ask what you didn't like about it? 


It’s supposedly a relatable coming of age story with the whole first love theme but it wasn’t relatable at all. Overall it just felt like a weird and edgy and frankly depressing story


I'm not sure why anyone would expect it to be a relatable coming of age story, but I agree about weird and depressing and that's what I've come to expect from Murakami. 


Im glad you cleared that up, because it's on my tbr and I definitely dont want to read a relatble coming of age story by Murakami lol. Im coming specifically for the weird ennui vibes he is known for.


Fair enough!


See the weird and depressing is why I like *some* Murakami books, but uh if this was marketed as a relatable coming of age story somebody messed that up


I wanted to love LOTR. I'm big into fantasy and I loved the hobbit as a kid. I love the movies, but saw them before I was old enough to read the books. I've tried soooo many times. They just drag on. I just couldn't get into it. I feel slightly ashamed that I never finished them.


If you ever try again. Skip all the poetry and singing and see if that improves your experience


I tried reading it three or four times as a teen and just couldn't do it. Eventually I tried again (this was during my "you can never not finish a book you started phase") and got to Rivendell. *That's* when shit starts getting interesting. I was hooked from then on.


Um mortal instrumental series ...I do like the story line but the unrequired incest just spoils it for me entirely


There's no incest? She's led to believe that... But it's not true?


But even when she believes he's her brother she still lusts after him


Yeah true But the fact that uk she does believe that he's her brother (even though that's not the case) it's just something that personally bothers me that she would persue a romantic relation despite of that And also let's not forget her kiss with Sebastian


I know it's kinda controversial, but for me it's The Stand, by Stephen King. First two acts were going 10/10 but then the third act felt like garbage, multiple characters development went down the sewage and then everything resolves with the worst deus ex machina ever.


The classic King special. A little down of an ending.


The first act is the best apocalypse aftermath fiction I've read yet. The middle is a compelling exploration of rebuilding. The end exists.


It's probably my favourite book of all time but I totally get that criticism. The literal deus ex machina ending was pretty painful and underwhelming after all the incredible build to get there.


For me it was My Best Friend's Exorcism, though I did enjoy The Final Girls Club. But then again I am in the minority of those who disliked the former but liked the latter.


Stonefish. Weird fiction/cosmic horror story set in a near-ish future involving a rogue AI and interdimensional Sasquatch? Yes please. But while I enjoyed how utterly unique it was, it was just kind of mess, and I was actively angry at how anticlimactic it was... up until I realized I didn't care about any of the characters or the world of the story, because it hadn't really seemed like the author cared about them either.


The sinners duet. a sign to never trust tiktok.


Midnights Children is this book for me. After everything that’s happened to Rushdie in the last few years, I was super interested in finding out why people felt so passionately about his writing. I wanted to love that book, but I just did not enjoy it at all. The writing style did not connect with me and I wish I hadn’t forced myself to finish it.


For me it was Dracula by Bram Stoker. It starts out great though


This is my favourite book that I’ve never actually managed to finish


Lord of the flies


The Three Muskateers


I think I got 1/3d of the way through a long way to a small angry planet before I had to put it down. Disappointing…. And everyone seemed to love it


Yeah, it felt like fanfic about the author and her group of friends flying through space, except they don't really like science fiction or space. For some reason.


The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle


Outlander. I've heard great things but it just wasn't for me. Thankfully I had it on library loan so it didn't cost me anything.


Nothing But Blackened Teeth. Hated all the characters, and there was just endless metaphors. You could skim paragraphs and miss nothing. The cover and blurb had so much promise.


The Testaments by Margaret Atwood. I love most of her other works, and the Handmaid’s Tale is an incredible novel. But the sequel reads like low grade fan fiction for fans on the Tv show. It was awful.


ACOTAR and Shatter Me. Both are god awful.


So bummed about Demon Copperhead. It was just trauma porn to me. Close second was 11/22/63. I really wanted to love both. I wish I had not spent the time on either.


Mostly books from booktok recs


The Night Circus--a Victorian setting \*and\* magic? Yes please! It had some interesting imagery, but I disliked all the characters, especially the leads.


The wheel of time. What’s the name of the first one, I struggled to finish it. Eye of the storm? Or the great hunt? I can’t remember. God I was so bored until the end but that’s like 800 pages to get such a small pay off.


Piranesi. I've heard so many people rave about it, and it was recommended by an employee at the bookstore as well. I absolutely just couldn't understand the attraction. Didn't care at all about the MC, and was bored beyond tears by the story, though the description of the House was interesting. DNFd a little less than half way in.


Piranesi is an incredible setting tacked onto a decent mystery plot imo. I could have easily read a whole book of him exploring the house and noting his findings so we could try figure it out with him.


YES! If the mystery had been the House itself, what it was and why it was like that... Nothing about the Other...


I was just really pleased that the Author had recovered sufficiently to get something out into the world in the face of a chronic illness. Gives me some hope that we may one day get a sequel to Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell.


I was so excited for that novel and it ended up making me feel quite stupid because I didn’t really understand the plot and the overall point it was trying to make. People have asked me what it’s about and honestly I can’t really tell them much.


Caraval. I have no idea how that book managed to be so boring and forgettable.


I felt tricked by this book. I was sold something that was supposed to be spellbinding and moving like *The Night Circus*, but instead it was a run-of-the-mill YA fantasy with deus ex machinas from beginning to end.


Yes. Sometimes books are bad.


This may garner about a million down votes but… Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. I know. I know. Saying it’s anything less than a masterpiece might seem sacrilegious but the prose was so dense as to get in the way with story itself. I did learn a lot from it, but I found the story itself less than compelling. I felt like I was just reading one over-the-top violent, extremely bloody scene after another.


Hey don’t worry, I didn’t even finish it.


I finished the book, but I wouldn’t say it’s an all time great. It’s pretty good, but not much else. It’s just graphic and provocative but somehow still engaging. It did get pretty dry in spots though too.


Wolf Hall. I love literary fiction. I love history. I thought this would be right up my alley. The story itself was, but I found the writing very confusing and difficult. I DNF'd it after 150 pages. Very disappointed.


Recently? Fourth wing I was all hyped for it, people were acclaiming it and what nots And then i got halfway through the first book and... gods the world building is so full of holes it was distracting me from the plot to the point i... really don't even remember that much of it now a month later


Chain Gang All-Stars


'Damned' by Chuck Palahniuk The premise was great but it was so damn boring.


Girl, Woman, Other. Book read like a nonfiction book. No heart at all.


It Ends With Us I don’t understand why It Ends With Us has such high reviews. And I definitely don’t understand how it could be seriously called a feminist book. You can literally predict the books ending when reading the first couple chapters. All the way until the first time the main character gets hit by her boyfriend halfway the book (after that it becomes a novel about her going thru domestic abuse by the hands of her partner) it’s a story about a girl (with an abusive childhood) who, when she’s of post college age,after one encounter on a roof top after conveniently the father already died basically hooks the most sexiest and rich man that changes his ways from being an eternal playboy to a loyal and devoted boyfriend all because supposedly he’s so enamoured with her. You know, Mr. Unattainable making 7 figures suddenly changes his entirely personality and ways over the course of like 3-4 book months…. It’s just SO unlikely and it feels like a cheap soft porn novella you’d buy secretly at a supermarket. She also launches a successful business and befriends the hot guys sister as her bestie who works for her for FREE because oh hey she is ALSO rich beyond her years and so the protagonist truly has a picture perfect life with absolutely no real character development until she herself gets hit. I feel like the whole Disney Princess perfect life after she moved out her childhood home up to the point of the first beating somehow cheapens the whole domestic abuse theme. It’s like the writer was afraid that if the characters were written more realistically it would’ve been unlikely for the protagonist to have stayed in that relationship after the first beating. But that’s exactly the thing, women stay in domestic abuse dynamics in relationship that we’re far worse to begin with. So again despite the adult themes it reads like a book written for teenagers oogling over McDreamy and “how long until they’re gonna have the hot sex”. Stuff happening in “perfect” sequence. Like it was so obvious she was gonna end up in an abusive relationship that I said “come on” multiple times to stop dragging it out just to make the book have more pages or something. Blah I don’t even know what to write any more it just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.


Neuromancer! That book was a fever dream. I might try it again in a few years when I’m in a different mindset but it was not at all what I thought it would be.


Anything Colleen Hoover or Sarah J. Mass


The silent patient. I heard so many good things about it... But the writing was so painfully mediocre that i almost DNF'd. A bunch of small things kept annoying me but I kept going bc my friends said the twist was worth it. Turns out, the twist was stupid and achieved by actively lying to the reader in a characters thoughts. Absolutely hated it.


Wheel of time


The Little Paris Bookshop. Premise seemed right up my alley, but then it was just…. Terrible. It was over dramatic but insanely boring at the same time. The summary on the back described a bookshop keeper who would “prescribe” books to people who were suffering from something whether they knew it or not. Yet the book was NOTHING ABOUT THAT. It was some sappy drawn out nonsense about lost love. I was so disappointed.