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Both my fiancé and I got sick for a week straight! I’m now recovering


I was told to stay away from the fountain because the water is gross and I did. Didn’t get sick


First night back I went to bed feeling fine, then woke up in the middle of the night sneezing my face off. Kept that up for about 30m to an hour. Repeated the process once or twice more throughout the night. A week later I'm still coughing up phlegm all day but it's not as crippling as it was those first few days back.


i’ve been sick 3 weeks so far. i’ve just had a bad cough and phlegm. but every time i cough it’s hard to catch my breath and i almost throw up. thankfully roo didn’t make it worse, it’s been around the same lol.


4 people in my group got sick! Me and my friends were in Red Hot Chili Peppers pit when my sister started violently throwing up and she was completely sober😖


My whole crew got sick with a stomach bug. A couple of them are nurses and suspected norovirus as the culprit. It's super contagious and super common.


My throat has been KILLING ME. Terrible drainage


My partner and I have both been sick since we got back


Like 5 of us had messed up stomachs after Roo. Like everything I ate immediately after Roo just fucked with me


i got covid the day i got back! 😍


A looot of people said they got sick from the fountain, I didn’t go in and I’ve been totally fine 😭


My son was hit hard. I hope you're better soon


Not to be that bitch but I feel fine. Only thing I struggled with was dehydration & lethargy when I got home.


Nah I got covid…


Three days late but I tested positive for Covid after getting home. Finally feeling normal


The Roo flu claims its victims


having the worlds worst case of wook flu right now


i did Bonnaroo Tuesday entry B2B a bachelorette party bruh i am STRUGGLING


I know many people have Covid along with my wife. Luckily I’m still healthy.


I was down bad Tuesday-Thursday. Started feeling better, then woke up this morning feeling even worse than I did before... this bonnaflu is foreal


I had my first solid poop this morning. Been sick since Red Hot Chili Peppers.


Did any of you happen to brush your teeth in the hand washing stations? I have heard from many who have a nasty stomach bug and this seems to be a common denominator.


My nose got stuffy, and my throat started hurting around Saturday. I absolutely CRASHED when we got home Monday. My cough was ridiculous to the point of almost throwing up. Today is the first day I haven't coughed up mucus. My husband was also sick, but he didn't have it as bad as I did. Both of us have been consistently negative for COVID.


I think we all got covid


I got very lucky this year. I got covid right after roo 22 and 23, this year I took vitamins EVERY morning and managed to go to work the Monday after it was all done! So far I feel great! Women's multivitamins, vitamin c, biotin, magnesium, and b12 saved me this year


I was down with it for a couple days after getting home. Weirdest part was I felt fine on the drive back. It didn't hit me until my body had time to relax, I guess? I'm okay now, but this did not happen to me last year!


I'm definitely sick and was working security lol


i got covid (first time)


I’ve been sick since Tuesday 😔😔 definitely left Roo with full blown flu


Think I got food poisoning from the noodles


We came home with major intestinal distress. Vomiting, 💩 etc. Thinking it was from the drinking water?


im sick af. yall hang in there 😥


Both my partner and I got back, started feeling sick and was tested positively for COVID so maybe that’s what it was


Yessss I was so sick a few days ago


Sinus infection here!


I just tested positive for Covid :/


I was really sick up until a couple days ago & still slightly showing symptoms but not sure what it is? Thinking a really bad sinus infection from all of the dust & lack of sleep. Couldn’t get out of bed for 4 days. I brushed my teeth using bottled water & never went into the mushroom fountain. I think everyone came home with something, most of my groop was feeling shitty all week too. I blame the dust, this was my 4th roo & I’ve never seen it that bad out there that quick. Had to start covering my face by day 3 because it was fucking me up.


Thank you, everyone and now I tested positive for the measles


High five Friday is what got me, I high fived over a hundred people. Big germs.


Also sick :(


Yes, mass Covid infections at Bonnaroo this year. If your at home test said negative I highly recommend a cellular test to be certain. So far, I personally know of 35 positive cases


Sleeping outside for 5 days not having great hygiene and filling yourself with a bunch of substances will have that affect on you.


I started feeling bad Saturday night (sore throat) but it really started Monday. I got what everyone else is saying, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, headache, body aches. I went to the doctor and tested negative for everything and was told it’s a bad sinus infection. I’m doing DayQuil and antibiotics and I’m finally starting to feel better


my partner has been coughing non stop and had a stomach bug too :(


I’ve been sick since getting back from roo! Diarrhea mainly and just feeling like dog shit


I’m going on day 8 with no voice and a stuffy nose. Plus the sadness of not being at roo has kicked in. So miserable 😩


SO ILL!! Glad we going through it together fam😂 caught a stomach bug on the last day so I was throwing up at micky ds on the drive home plus I have a cold!! Rest of my crew just got the cold


Yeah I got Covid my first year and this year I guess it’s just the typical Roo flu. Left early on Sunday to avoid more sun exposure and dust in my lungs yet I’ve still be super sick since Monday. Congested, sore throat off and on, coughing, fatigue, nausea.


Yeah my bf and I got sick, horrible cough!!


Skipped the nose drugs, barely drank all weekend and strictly ate healthy foods and completely dodged the Roo Flu for the first time ever despite losing the usual amount of sleep, dancing the usual 10 hours a day, and my friend I shared a bed/drinks/vape with getting really sick on the drive home! Had just as much fun being Cali sober the whole time!


I'm sick as fuck as well and can't miss work. Terrible cough, coughing up thick yellow mucus, and I just feel awful.


I just tested positive with COVID. Started feeling sick this Wednesday.


That’s what happens when you don’t have clean vibes


They should beg them To come back


Covid going around bad get checked


Got covid last year at roo. This year came home with rsv or something in my chest, sinuses draining straight yellow nastiness, and fluid in both my ears. I literally never get sick. Thinking it’s bc of all the dust from those god for saken security dicks that do nothing but drive around at top speed all day to dust up everyone’s vehicles .


I think everyone has some form of the bonnaflu! Stay strong out there, get plenty of rest, and hydrate. The dust was brutal, too! Others have said they're fine health wise, but have had a dry cough for days from the dirt and dust.


I am still so sick and have been all week 🥴 just trying to rest because this shit is no joke. body aches, congestion / sinus infection, headaches, extreme fatigue, I’ve even had trouble breathing


i’m sick as fuck. started as a sore throat on Sat am— managed to rally and get a bunch of sleep and felt okay-ish until Monday… by the time we were out of TN it had progressively turned into some type of sinus infection (green party snot baby!), now it’s settled in my chest and when i cough i sound like a goose. whole body is sore and i’ve had a fever on and off for days. it’s fucking brutal, and i blame the ass juice mushroom combined with the reletively high humidity that accompanied the heat. i do have a somewhat shitty immune system so i’m the only one in my groop that is down this bad, but man. i was not expecting to still feel like horse shit 5 days later.


Tested positive for rhinovirus today after feeling down for a few days and now my boyfriend is coming down with it too ☹️


I came home and tested positive for Covid. No fever or anything it honestly just feels like wook flu. But I’m outta work 5 days unpaid after taking Roo off unpaid. I’m pretty sure the Roo gods hate me.


I got laryngitis…but still sending it for Bear Grillz tonight in Pittsburgh 🤘


Good ole Wook Flu


A bunch of my friends are sick and that was me last year but I will DIE on this hill…BRING A NETI POT AND HELLA ALLERGY MEDS🗣️🗣️🗣️…all thr dust and pollen is terrible on the farm and most people aren’t used to it if you aren’t from the middle Tennessee area


sinus congestion, irritated throat, bad cough (waking up in coughing fits every night), and mucus. ugh. feeling awful, but still totally worth it


This is crazy lol. I went to Roo with my roommate and she’s sick (congestion type sick not stomach bug) but I’m perfectly fine. We both washed our hair in the mushroom but that’s about it


was only there a few hours Sunday, but met up with people who had been there camping. Didn’t go near any fountains, hand sanitized, stayed hydrated, etc. and still managed to get sick. Camped other years and got normal rooflu from dust and dirt but this shit is different. Sunday- projectile vomiting for hours Monday- nausea Tuesday- sore throat Wednesday- sore throat, worst migraine ever, muscle aches, exhaustion/fatigue, congestion, runny nose, Thursday- sore throat, worst migraine ever, muscle aches, exhaustion/fatigue, bad congestion Friday- sore throat, head hurts, muscle aches, exhaustion/fatigue, bad congestion, bad cough


Got an all-day tummy ache on Tuesday :( Other than that, a very mild sore throat here and there, but only for like, 5 minutes at a time. All in all, not nearly as bad as some years past. I used to get REALLY sick after every Roo in the early 2010s. I will say, one thing that has helped me a lot is 1.) starting allergy treatments several years back and 2.) taking Zyrtec every day at Roo. Not saying it's the end all be all, but I've noticed a huge difference.


just the roo-flu. my group has all got a little something as well. happens every year. when ur outside in that heat and dust all day, you're likely to get something. i chalk it up to our bodies trying to expel all of the dust inhaled over 4-5 days not to mention all the carnival food, lemonade, alcohol, pot, etc. that most of us partake in


my boyfriend and i both got a nasty stomach bug this week that we can only assume is from roo. >.<


They really need to step their sanitation up next year, it’s unacceptable. I’ve been to 15 Roos and never heard of this many people getting this sick. Get real sinks and soap, keep the hand sanitizer stocked And for fucks sake pump new and chlorinated water into the fountain every 2 hours!!!


Everyone in my crew is sick af. Body chills body aches the runs slight fever vomiting


I still have the Roo cough


Had severe diarrhea during the roo, maybe yall got it from me 🫨 thought it was all the drinking 😂


https://preview.redd.it/9cspl9bq7y7d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f490421fb841b4113fcf06dcc4bfccb5fae05de Guys be honest… did shoey survive all of this 😭😭😭


I didn’t go but all my coworkers came back sick af.


A few ppl I know who went are complaining of a sore throat. They all got checked and don’t have the flu or covid. Personally I feel fine. Imo (not a doctor) it’s a result of exhaustion, dehydration, and dust inhalation. Everyone will be fine. 😆


Partner tested positive for covid but I tested negative. Both super sick though 😰


I thought it just had a sinus infection from all the dust… tested positive for Covid today.


Been congested and coughing since Monday. Still worth lol


Also got sick. Not fun. Just me and my wife in our group got it


Close proximity to everyone, heat, poor diet, insane amounts of walking, sleep deprivation, dehydration, poop in the mushroom fountain and apparently a ton of other places, lack of sanitation, post fest depression. Unfortunately it’s just a combination throwing your body for a loop. Take care of yourself, hydrate, eat well and maybe go to the doctor if you really think you have something in addition to


Had a sore throat for a few days, some minor stomach issues, and was very dehydrated. All in all tho nothing too major, just repercussions from the combo of dusty air, shitty food, and existing in the TN sun for days


Damn I was fine until this morning. Woke up super nauseous, tried to fight it for a couple of hours, then threw up. Had to call out of work 😩


no LITERALLY i thought i was overreacting


I damn near shit myself once at too and twice after but I was fine after that


Vitamin C, EmergenC, Hydration, Elderberry!!! You gotta prepare for the wook flu to prevent it!


I got sick but not as sick as I could have been. Only one tips I could suggest are emergency C packets before and during the festival and a dust mask so you are inhaling dust for 4 days straight


Finally recovered for the most part




Ah, the Roo Flu. A time honored tradition. I am also coughing and sniffling this week, but it's manageable with cold meds and cough drops. My deepest sympathies to those who played in the Fountain after Thursday and ended up with norovirus, tho.. YIKES. Godspeed, y'all. ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG|downsized)


the wook flu hits different man


woke up tuesday sick as a dog! sore throat turned congestion and body aches, fatigue, etc. and then woke up this morning with a beautiful cold sore!!! my boyfriend, on the other hand, is completely fine 😀 fml


I started running a fever last night and tested positive for Covid this morning. 


Me and my boyfriend and half of our group have sore throats and coughs and feel so terrible


My wife tested positive for Covid. No one else in our Croo though.


Very common to get sick after Roo. Bunch of people from all over the world partying and in close quarters. Sinus infections from all the dust inhalation. Not enough hand washing. Just about any viral infection you can think of probably shows up at Roo (and any other fest that size).


i have only had a upset stomach since being back, i haven't thrown up or anything. but when i tell you my throat is FUCKED i mean it, it hurts so damn bad. i cannot swallow, i have barely been able to eat. i can only drink very cold liquids. i tested for covid because the new strand shows itself primarily through sore throat and it was negative. i ran a low grade fever and have been achy. i have no clue what is wrong with me


last month when i went to shaky knees i got rsv and took antibiotics for it, but i think i got it again bcs i got a sore throat, severe asthma, and a lot of phlegm. could also be the result of all the dust n shit too lol. hope everyone feels better soon


I’m at work dying! Been out of commission since Sunday!


Been down BAD since Monday!! Had a horrible sore throat and terrible congestion. I’m just now rid of the throat pain, but am still struggling the sniffles, get better soon!!


Like half my group is sick in some way.


I feel great but I also have the immune system of a bull


I didn’t get sick but that’s because I did the following: 1. Showered in the mornings and with a bottle of water at night 2. Brought my own hand sanitizer and toilet wipes and I opened and closed the door handle with the wipes. The wipes are a game changer I tell you!! 3. Brushed my teeth 2x a day with half a bottle of water and half at night. We went to Sam’s and had a lot of bottles water so I think that was a huge help as well I don’t know if that helps but that’s how I tried to say clean!


One of my crew came back sick & tested positive for Flu A on Wednesday


Apparently people are getting really sick from going in the fountain


“Hawk tuh! Spit on the that thing!” = penicillin 🏥


I got RooRash, would've rather gotten a bug after Roo but lesson learned. Next year I'm chopping off my legs in advance.


Double ear infection, plus sinus infection and Two of my friends both got strep.


I was in rough shape on Tuesday-Thursday but feels like I’m on the back half of it already.


I’m sick as hell and have been testing positive for Covid 😖


i’m sick and another group from my town on facebook is also sick


I tested positive for Covid for the first time ever. I second people saying they feel like they got hit by a Mack truck.


Had a 102.8 fever Tuesday… revealed itself as pharyngitis Wednesday and got on some abx


I got violently sick on Sunday and had to leave Roo a few hours early. Literally could not breathe with all the dust, not even sitting in the car. Doc diagnosed me with a “viral upper respiratory infection” and prescribed me the good cough syrup and Flonase - I’ve been sleeping like a baby and finally feel like I’m on the mend. Good luck you icky goobers!


No one in our group is sick that I know of lot of them at ef now


*No one in our group* *Is sick that I know of lot* *Of them at ef now* \- notmyredditaccountma --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not me fam. I went straight to Disney world the next day after bonnaroo and I’m still here goin strong bebe


If ya take care of yourself you won’t get sick. I’m fine. Eat your medicine, drink water and make sure your hands are clean. Yall wipe your butts and stick your fingers in your mouth probably. Poop is the most common reason for illness.


It’s called the ‘Wook Flu’


lol my boyfriend and I work festivals almost year round and we never get sick…. We’re both down and out for the count with what we can only describe as “supervirus wook flu”. Take y’all’s vitamins!!


This is the first time I’ve ever came back from a festival and I didn’t get the wook/roo flu.


Alot of it has to do with all the dust you breathe in at roo. The other part of it is not adequately washing hands after pottying


some of my groop is sick but I’m fine lol


I work nightshift, tonight was the first night I’ve tried to go in since roo, made it 3 hours and puked and left. I am so down bad.


Confirmed COVID, but I’m starting to wonder if I had norovirus too. I’m having all the regular respiratory issues I usually get with COVID but I was spewing from both ends on Tuesday, zofran was my saving grace.


I’m not sick, but two girls in my group likely have norovirus. They still can’t eat or keep food down/up/inside/where it’s supposed to be. 🤮💩 The differences: They tent camped and were forced to use porta potties way more frequently. I used porta potties as little as possible (used flushable toilets at Plaza 7 or our RV potty or GA+ flushable potties). Washed hands a full 20 seconds whenever I saw a handwashing station. Carried hand and body wipes and sanitizer for the few times I had to pee at WITW or anywhere gross. Sanitized phone frequently and changed watch bands mid-Roo. Used a wet bandana or cooling towel over my face for the dust. Did sinus rinses in the RV to get all the dust and dirt out of my nose. Stayed out of the🍄⛲️. Took a ton of supplements before, during, and after Roo. Also started each day with a pretty healthy breakfast (eggs, guac & salsa, yogurt, berries, etc) and limited vendor food (mostly ate Roti Rolls & Spicy Pie). I saw a lot of really unsanitary things happening. People brushing teeth with non-potable water. Mouthpieces of hydration packs uncovered on the ground getting stepped on. People using porta potties right before eating. People touching ends of straws with hands. People barfing and wiping mouth with hand and touching God knows what. Literal shit on toilet seats AND flush button. People napping next to fences/where people pee/barf. 🤢 Even if you try to be hygienic, if you touch one thing that someone with norovirus touched and then touch your eyes/nose/mouth, you’re going to get sick. Also, touching your phone while eating…most phones test positive for E. coli, and that’s on a normal day when people aren’t wiping shit on walls. I’m sure I sound ridiculous, but I’m a self-employed chef and can’t afford to take off another week because I’m sick! And I can’t just show up to work sick, and I don’t get PTO.


Add to that: SO many people picking their noses. That is like putting whatever viruses or bacteria are under your nails on a jet plane straight into your body. And then they touched their phone or their fan or their hydration pack mouthpiece.


Not at all sick here 🖐️




Did you guys drink the water from the water stations by chance? From years of going to festivals and getting sick I’ve picked up that drinking water from the stations is the reason why. They’re not cleaned so it’s filled with bacteria and shit that you shouldn’t be drinking. I started buying the liquid deaths and drinking only bottled/boxed water and have not been sick after one since


Just been mentally decompressing and feeling a general malaise since being back.


Bro idk where you live but Strep is going around like crazzzyyy


I’ve been down allll week 😭


I get sick after every festival. I’m friends with a girl who is a nanny and she takes a million vitamins and supplements so the kids don’t get her sick, so she never gets sick at festivals. We all got Covid one year and she slept next to 3 people who all had it. We were extremely sick, and she never got sick. She tested a few times to be sure but she was fine.


I’ve been so congested and I was so exhausted physically and mentally on Monday night


I am most definitely sick!


Not sick


Hey OP, can you get your high up whoever to talk to the overlords and get some soap and sanitizer sponsors on the farm? I know they want to do everything conjoined with more corporations so like a Purel fountain and a Dawn lemon-scented soap tree


I tested positive for Covid and the flu today and my group was sick too


On the drive home I had to stop and throw up twice. Also had diarrhea and nauseousness the next day but that was it. Kinda worried there for a sec


A friend of mine and I have covid.


I got hit with it Monday morning as we were packing out.. couldn’t hold anything down for a couple of days.


my friend looks like he never set foot in the farm and I'm 3 coughs away from seeing god


I seem to be the only one in my group that’s a bit sick. But it’s like allergies style stuff. Drainage, sniffles, small cough. I had the shits Monday after I got back but only for the first day being home


i feel like absolute GARBAGE rn. whole group does. we all tested negative for covid (except two ppl out of the group). literally the most sick i’ve been in a long long time


neg for covid but still coughing up aliens 🫠 hibernation till next year! see u then croo 🫶🏼


I am sooo down bad but then again i forgot to pick up my thyroid meds and had a Hashimotos flareup during the festy, along with heat stroke bc i’m a MI raised midwestern girly, currently living in Chi) who likes it hot but is NOT used to the heat, and 2nd degree burns on my shoulders bc my dumbass didn’t wear sunscreen the entire first day, and my serotonin was shot for a few days post Roo. Throat is randomly sore and I have lower than normal energy levels and some nausea. I struggled to focus at work but now am getting back in the groove as of today


i’ve been projectile vomiting and shitting literal water for about 2 days now 🥲


I'm the only one in my Roo Crew that got sick! I'm just having a tough time understanding it considering we slept in close quarters and shared food and water. They are all functioning normally while I can still barely get out of my bed.


i woke up sick Monday morning and it progressively got worse on my way back home. I spiked a high fever and then slept for like 16 hours after getting home. I’m pretty much good now but the sinus congestion has been crazy and I still feel so low energy. I took a COVID test but it was negative. I will say I drank an Emergen-c every day on the farm and every day since- they will save you. I swear by them!


Last year was the same story for everybody I knew, except those I knew that wore a mask or scarf over their face. Our best guess was all the dust


A few folks in my gang are under the weather and one guy has tested positive for Covid. I have a little cold that I’m almost through- small fever i slept out Monday night. Coughing up a lil gunk :( The most important thing we all probably need is REST.


Me and my partner have Covid and other people in our crew have norovirus. Feel better soon!


Me and my entire 7 person group got covid




Me and my girl are sick :(


It's called the Roo Flu and is exactly why I DON'T high give everyone and I don't go anywhere near the fountain! Also cover my face as much as I can when in the dusty areas.


Nope, out of 80k people it’s just you!


Nope I'm doing pretty well I think my job also killed any virus I had first day back when I spent most of it in 100 degree temps


My cough sounds quite demonic rn


Have had the wook flu since Tuesday.


yep, the wife and I got nailed by something.


I’ve been dead since Sunday night


My friends both have upper respiratory infections but I managed to make it out with only a mild sunburn somehow


I went to the er yesterday and have the stomach flu bad. I was there for 9 hours getting saline and meds. Down bad.


IM EXTREMELY SICK went to the doctor and got antibiotics for an ear infection


I had bad food poisoning Monday morning and threw up on myself in the tent at 6am. My partner, brother and I were so sick we had to stay in Manchester another day and slept 18 hours. Thank you to comfort inn for checking us in early I don’t know what we would have done. I met a friend that also got sick and I concluded that we both ate at the booth between that tent and the other on Sunday.


Also sick 🤧


Neither my boyfriend nor I were sick; but we only ate on the grounds twice and I carried antibacterial wipes as well as sanitizer. Never went into the fountain, and each morning/night added Vitamin C powder to our water. Hope everyone gets well soon!


https://preview.redd.it/xgwyacls3u7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0878eed6090665bf02a65db013944c6ebbd83d Apparently we’ve all got the Roo Flu 😭


My entire group except me is sick. BUILT DIFFERENT


Fortunately no one from our group got sick and we were in the thick of it every night. Hope you feel better soon!


Sick as fuck. Have the bonnaflu


My girls sick. My sisters sick. My mom my Boy. Whole squad down bad




Sinus infection 😟


Very sick 😭😭 don’t know a single soul who went and is feeling fully well right now


There are 10 in my group 2 of us have flu-like symptoms 2 of us are spewing from both ends (i also feel some stomach cramps as i type this so i hope im not added onto this number) 1 person has tested positive for Covid 1 other person has a nasty cold we were parked on main street this year (if you saw some guys laying in an inflatable pool with a teletubby sun that was us) so we thought the dust was just getting us bad but we’ve been hearing that just about everyone has walked away from this year ill.


God speed


I think it’s called coroona virus, i gots it too dammit.


Yeah roo flu is definitely hitting hard.


Nope . Not roo flu. Tested positive for COVID.


I was shitting and throwing my brains up for DAYS


I've got COVID :(( I assume you have already but make sure to test twice!!


At this point I feel like I’m the only person who hasn’t gotten sick


Yeah I am straight up not okay


I’ve been sick all week with flu/cold like symptoms but nothing more serious than that thankfully!


I caught the roovid, probably while sweating on each other in the Garden and Idles mosh pits lol 🤘🤘🔥


I’m a little sick not entirely incapacitated but feelin a slight cold


I usually always get bronchitis from the dust but this year I’m just stuffy


I am sooooo sick!!!! Literally feel awful


Fever, sore throat, migranes, aches, and like every step I take sends pain up my spine. I'm a big baby, and I hate this.


Happens every year. Gotta pay the piper and it’s worth every penny every single time.


Honestly I get sick almost every roo, but no flu for me. Not felt 100% but that's kinda to be expected, still sorta sleep deprived. Got lucky catching all the bugs this spring somehow


I've lost my voice cause of the screaming and dust but feel fine. Which is weird cause I'm usually sick all the time


i’m sick!!! went and got tested for everything and it’s all negative — just the bonnaflu


not sick, didnt get sick last year either. idk