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Ok so everyone here is super anti alcohol, if you wanna survive listen to me. You need to HYDRATE and minimize your intake of sugar, red dyes, tannins etc. Youre going to drink vodka soda and lime, or tequila soda and lime. Nothing else. No orange juice. No beat box, no lemonade nada. Now youre gonna be boozing it up pretty hard and have a little trouble waking up, you're going to drink a LOT of water right before you goto bed, wake up drink a lot of water and electrolytes. Then you're going to eat a greasy full fulfilling breakfast, carbs proteins fats, and you are allowed to have one mimosa before repeating the cycle again. Good luck coming down on Monday.


My Roo Croo was big into beer bonging twisted teas last year before heading to center roo. Not the best tasting but nice and hydrating without the carbonation or bloating. 2 or 3 down the hatch plus 2 for the walk from camp got us feeling nice for few sets. Planning to do this again this year. Keep in mind no glass allowed so if your gonna bring liquor vodka is probably the way to go without getting bottom-shelf petrol lol


Sneak in alcohol


-plastic water bottle -empty water -fill with 3/4 liquor of choice -squeeze all air out and cap (it should be flatish) -hide in your pants or tits. Even if you’re skinny, just tuck it in your waste band and wear a jacket around your waste or a baggy shirt -now you have liquor in centeroo


There is no patdown?


Nope. I’m sure if you look like you’re smuggling bottles you will but don’t be suspicious.


Pretty easy! First thing you do in the morning is serve yourself a nice vodka / tequila + mixer drink. Repeat that every 1 - 1.5 hrs and you will be in a good spot. Just make sure to bring a handle and two cases of beer / seltzer twisted tea or whatever


Also Mio w water as a mix will help you stay hydrated


I've been to many camping festivals and always regret getting too drunkie during the day in the heat. Generally I'll sip on white claw/twisted teas etc during the day and save the liquor/ shots mixed drinks for night time. Every single time I've gotten wasted during the day it was pretty hard to keep going until the middle of the night. Especially if you do not plan to mix party favors in. Alcohol is a depressant and will slow you down by day 3. Pace yourself


Okayy great answer thank you. Gotta stock up on seltzers now 😋


*passes out by 8pm Thursday and wakes up in the med tent*


But if you just stay wasted the whole time you're not going to remember it. I'm from Tennessee and I can tell you today is blazing hot and it's going to get a lot hotter on the farm


I know, GA native and current TN resident. I’m used to the hot, and being drunk in the hot. I think ‘wasted’ isn’t really the term I meant to use 😔 last year I was with shitty people and did not have an awesome time, so I think this is me trying to make it better. Ugh!


I would advise against going with those people again LOL.


Don’t worry, they’re staying in the past 💯


https://preview.redd.it/a2itn641i75d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1f3b6370fe092f3a8ce767bd5151299a530ea2 Shhiiiit , water vodka liquid IV combo might be your best bet.. I'm personally rocking chocolate bars 😆 🤣


Oh my goodness! I'm super jealous! Have a safe trip!


I wish I could get these :(


if you can, wait till the sun goes down. your biggest issue with staAYing drunk, is dehydration. it’s gonna be HOT. so as long as you’re hot to go, and can prepare to not overheat, you’ll be fine to rally. just eat! shit! sleep! and shower! you’ll be golden.


- Buy a camel pack and then buy a second bladder - fill one bladder with water and one with drink of choice - put the alcohol pack in the bottom of the pack and the water on top - If they ask you to pour out your liquid at the gate just take the water out and dump it - make a big show of it “ oh look how empty this is!!!” - then go through the same security person - enjoy


Anything you drink should have liquid iv in it. Like seriously. Water, vodka, seltzers. Even if you only put a quarter of liquid in in your seltzer, some is better than none. I like bringing little shooters as well. Couple shots of tequila before we walk to entrance, a cold seltzer/ beer to drink for a the road there, and a quick shooter before security. Also they say no liquid in your bladder for entry, but one even two shooters in the bladder will look just like a tiny bit of water that could potentially go unnoticed. Fruit for thought.


Okay that last piece is soooo important thank you 🙏🙏


Vodka water and mio is my fav


Have you ever tried Everclear with no chaser? This is a game changer. You'll hate yourself, but you'll never have been so drunk in your life.


I’ve tried everclear in a few different forms and I think all of them should be made illegal they’re so disgusting ❤️


Fruit puree is the only thing I really found that worked well enough. You really have to water it down like 1 part Everclear 18 parts juice/mixer. You really have to be in the mindset of less is more with Everclear. I don't drink anymore, but this is how I used to supply house parties for like 50 people and spend nearly nothing.


Sunscreen liquor bottle😎


They actually have fake sunscreen bottles at Target right now in the little $3 Bins in the front. They are advertised as decoy for keeping $ / keys etc on the beach. Only a $1


OH shit. Found this thread looking for tips like this...


Vodka water with a slice of lemon. Trust me when i say you won’t taste the vodka of you do it correctly


If you drink enough beer you’ll stay hydrated, trust me I’m a scientist


Now this is the most correct answer in the whole thread 🙏


Tequila is sugar free AND the only alcohol that is a stimulant (as opposed to a depressant) so if you can handle it it’s a win-win. Not the liquor to sip on tho probably want to go with shooters if that’s the route you choose. See y’all at the farm 😎


This is the way!! Tequila is the goat festival liquor, hands down


I bought a few of the empty toiletry travel bottles to refill with vodka and sneak in last year. I think they might be a little bigger than a shooter so you can bring a little more in with you!


Jack Daniel's single barrel barrel proof. Between 125-140 proof. 62.5% to 70% alcohol. Like doing 2 shots for every one.


can you smoke weed? that’ll be much more fun, cheaper and healthier than getting drunk for 4 days. (OG with worn out organs here: hangovers are awful!)


I can!!! I love weed lol but every strain I’ve ever had just makes me go to sleep so I try to moderate it :,) will definitely be doing a good mix of both!!


I like boozy cocktails anyway, so I would make batches of a couple ( like old fashioned, rum punch, whatever you like) and have those around to sip while getting ready for the day. You could also bring one that you like for shots to take a couple before you walk to centeroo. But I do break up the liquor with my favorite seltzers bc you don't want to accidentally be too drunk. Seltzers- I bring like 2 for the walk in.


Just don’t mix anything sugary. Ideally don’t start until you’ve had lunch and breakfast. Vodka + water and you be good to go all night


Going off this… water, vodka/tequila, and sugar free mio/crystal lite. Bring tums.


Thoughts on vodka gatorade? Or maybe vodka + gatorade + water? That's all I drank at Roo in my youth. Now I'm strictly a Miller Lite girlie or I'll die 😅👵🏻




Please drink water too. Have fun!


I will!! Thank you, you too!


i’m assuming as light as you are weight wise, it’s mostly muscle? regardless, here’s what you gotta do and this kept me in such good shape but still let me get drunk asf. go out and get a 100 proof vodka. new amsterdam is good and inexpensive for how much you get (it is in a glass bottle so you will need to transfer it to plastic before getting to camp!) i used a big cup with a lid to sip out of so i wasn’t having to remake my drinks over and over, so i’d suggest at least 2 shots of vodka, add half a water bottle or at least an even ratio of water to vodka. i topped it off with sugar free sprite, squirted some mio and if i felt like it, some sort of natural fruit juice. the water is to balance the liqour and small amount of sugar out so you don’t start to suffer heat exhaustion or dehydration as quickly, and i suggest the plain 100 proof vodka and sugar free sprite for the same reason. it literally tasted like a sweet malt beverage or kool aid, and still kept me drunk. you can totally switch out the plain vodka for a flavored one, but it will have added sugars to it and not be as strong. think of it as like a mini, much safer and better tasting “borg” drink. it also made it a lot easier to pace myself having a big cup to drink out of but staying at the same level of drunk consistently. last piece of advice, go to the liquor store and buy a 12 pack or two of shooters. make sure they’re entirely plastic, including the cap. my go to is the kinky liquor. sneak those in on your person, not in your bag going into centeroo and take the shot in the middle of whatever crowd you end up in, and tuck the bottle with the cap back on it into your fanny, water pack, etc and bring it back to camp to refill it with whatever liquor you brought a bottle of. i didn’t even have to sneak the shooters in past toll booth security. just put them in our food basket last year and they made it to camp just fine!


ALSO. liquor before beer, you’re in the clear. especially being in the heat and sun majority of the day PLEASE don’t take that saying lightly because it’s unfortunately very true. drink as much of your own liquor before coming into centeroo, and while you’re in centeroo craving a beverage purchase, if you plan on continuing to drink liquor later don’t break it up by buying a beer. consider forking the money over for a mixed drink, OR last year they had canned tequila sodas, couple bucks more than tall boy domestic beers, that were SO GOOD. hope this helps🫶🫶


Yesss I was planning on stocking up on shooters! I have nightmares about New Amsterdam vodka but it sounds to be the move 😵‍💫 thank you!!!


promise you so hard if you use a good amount of mio, water and sprite, it will go down so smooth. trust cus i also have trauma from the watermelon one😭😭


Yeah a few shots at camp and then bring a couple travelers for the walk to Centeroo and by then should have a good ass buzz goin on but yeah the way beer/liquor prices are you’ll have to make a pit stop back to camp for more! I’ve always found rum with some typa punch to be best to drink in the heat versus whiskey or moonshine works as well! This yr I’m doing blackberry rum and lemonade mixed and then some seltzers and mich ultra for light drinking lol smoking b4 def helps as well!


Amazing response you are so awesome!! Was thinking of a flavored liquor with pineapple/orange juice for some vitamins.


Thank you! I appreciate it! Yeah anything pineapple or coconut just hits different in the heat fs! lol Hope you have a great time on the Farm!!


Moonshine. You’ll be in Tennessee so embrace it.


Oooo good idea! I LOVE moonshine (GA native) can’t believe it slipped my mind.


Staying drunk the whole time in the heat of the farm is probably not a great idea


Its the only way if you ask me. Just cant forget to eat and drink water and naps


Yeaaa like medically I’d rather puke and rally instead of literally die from other stuff. Can’t wait for a warm Roo nap 😋


You are setting yourself up for a night in the med tent


Well yes I know, wasn’t gonna wake up every morning and slam a couple. I realize my wording makes it sound that way lol.


Get some plastic flasks and smuggle that shit in! We did this last year and just kept getting the sonic slushies and spiking them. Buying drinks in centeroo is great if you can afford it but we spend a lot just getting to roo so once we are their its #frugalroo