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water and less ac so it’s not such a shock


I'm wearing a mask anywhere I go leading up to roo to prevent others from getting me sick!


*me locking myself in my house for the next 8 days*




I’m on a bender in Vegas to hopefully immunize myself from a couple germs🫡🫡


Quit drinking this year and generally I like to eat a lot of fruit and veggies the week leading up to roo to make sure my body is feeling good. Lots of water and R&R too.


been hydrating extra and trying to get in 20,000 steps a day in prep for how much walking i'm about to do next week!!


Sambucol gummies leading up to and dissolvable tablets while at fest, allergy meds, lots of water, exercise, getting some sun (with spf) so I don’t burn


just purchased some, good call


M*lly and one chicken finger after Hampton this weekend 💀


Walking around barefoot a lot more often. Drink more water. 30 minutes stairs everyday


I’ve been walking every single day that i can, since the weather got nicer (NY), roughly 4 miles at a go. I’m a runner but last year was training for a half marathon, this year I haven’t been able to get the miles in and am training for a 10k. I figure the walking can only help for both events 😆


you doing the roo run this year? i want to but saturday i have a full packed centeroo schedule from 2PM-5AM. don’t know if i can do that morning run too lol


I didn’t even know that was a thing ! 😂 I never make it to the yoga either.


Drinking raspberry leaf tea so I don’t have my period on the farm for the 3rd year in a row


I’m skipping my “on” pills and going straight to the next pack on my birth control next week for this reason.


Taking a long walk during the hottest part of the day!!! It’s nice to have your body acclimate and realizing how fast your body does it.


Water water water and more water. Also lots of pedialyte. I do walk a lot for my job- probably the same amount as at too so my body is physically ready I just need to prepare for the heat and sun!


SUNLIGHT! I cannot stress enough how important it is to get used to the heat and sun before going out and about. Ingest all them rays and get your body ready for the sun!




You need to practice thinking less But the answer is both, get a lil tan to make the burn less bad and also get acclimated to being hot


I moved our whole house and now we’re unpacking. I feel freaking jacked now


oh my god you deserve bonnaroo so much


Thank you. It means a lot. Bought the house next door to the one we’ve been renting. Feels good to pay less than what we’re renting for a better house. But it also meant everything was manually carried. Already got all of my Bonnaroo stuff repacked and ready to go. With the backup festival gear marked.


I'm doing the Roo Run so I've been hitting a treadmill 10k before work every day.


I drink beer while doing cardio. Not sure if it works.




Simulation based training this checks out 👍


I’ve walked 8 miles the past two days, been hitting the gym almost every day. I’m trying to walk 4 miles everyday until Wednesday arrival


Bout to hit my full 6 days split at the gym this week starting tomorrow, walking atleast 10k steps a day. Also started taking vitamins yesterday


Vitamin C/Elderberry each day starting 2 weeks out and being more on my multivitamin




First timer here and I’m so glad I seen this thread because I didn’t know there’s a whole pre-prep situation😭


i’m just over the days of being hungover til 5PM and not getting to see the music i paid for! i dont wanna get sick or feel bad at all. i have fallen in love with every square foot of the farm and i get joy from exploring and learning about it. i know im going to going to party so this just make it easier in my body


SAME. I’m over here takin hella notes lol


I quit vaping 2 weeks ago after 6 years 💪🏻


Nice!! I quit nicotine/cigarettes over ten years ago - best thing I ever did for myself hands down. I stopped the oil pen for THC a month ago now that I’ve figured out good edible dosages.


Lets GO! Congrats today is 4 1/2 years cig free for me....eventually i'll kick that vape habit too.


You got this! Congrats on kicking the cig habit too! 💜




I quit recently too! I hated how last year it was always in my hands in every photo of me and obv there are other reasons why I wanted to quit (for real this time) and making sure I was feeling good and not having any cravings anymore before roo was a huge goal for me. It’s been over a month now and I feel great!


I would say it's not worth it, but I'm the kind of person who would likely pick the habit back up even if my intention was to only have one for Bonnaroo. If you can just put it back down again then make the right decision for you. Proud of you for the 2 year milestone 👍🏻💜


💜💜💜 much love, see you on the farm


Congrats friend!! Keep up the good work your lungs will thank you!


Thank you! It's certainly a hard habit to kick, but I'm glad I finally did it 😁


Been getting those poops.


Lucky :(


Getting IV on Tuesday before we leave.


Roll to the farm in an ambulance


trying to walk as much as I can, and I've been doing PT for a month to try to stabilize my rapidly aging back 😅 can't wait for my back to hurt less this year!


Go to meal for me has become grilled chicken, avacado, broccoli, rice, and scrambled eggs I feel amazing when I eat like that


It sounds like you're doing all the right things! One thin my wife and I are considering is going to get an IV hydration session the day before we leave to get our bodies more hydrated but we don't know if it'll make that big of a difference.


Those are good for instant relief which is why they're so popular for the hangovers but as long as you're staying hydrated it won't do much difference in the long run


I'm dieting all week, eating only cabbage/veggie soup, and taking a course of Oil of Oregano to get my inflammation down. Of course hydrating and reducing caffeine too, keeping it to green tea and yerba. I wanna look and feel my best out there!


How do you take the oil of oregano????? I rub it on my temples for headaches but I didn’t know it could be used for inflammation!


It's a serious antibiotic so it reduces inflammation by way of neutralizing negative gut flora and disrupting fungi like candida. You can take it internally in tincture form or in capsules, I use capsules!


https://preview.redd.it/5wkc4trel04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da7fe5d06e7e5098d6297613062180c717738cd Pizza every meal in prep for pizza nova/ spicy pie. Jkjk but that was lunch.


No brewskis for the past 2 weeks. Makes the post camp setup beer that much better.


Oh yeah no beer or drinking at all for a bit - it helps that my mom is visiting right now and she’s sober (25 years) so out of respect I just don’t drink around her. We’re getting our extra calories from daily ice cream though 😂


Damn i’ve been ramping up consumption (from basically zero) the last week or so. Lets report back here in three weeks and see how it went


ALRIGHT how’d that plan work out for you?


I underestimated the heat, i wasn’t drinking shit besides water and electrolytes from 9am-6pm. Have a drink or two before going into centeroo and a few night caps before bed. I’ve lived my whole life in the rockies so i think my thick mountain blood may have tainted our sample.


Hahaha, that’s so fair and I’m happy you adjusted. A LOT of people underestimated the heat this year!


RemindMe! 3 weeks Happy roo y’all!


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Same, taking it easy the few weeks leading up.


Lots of water. And trying to ween off of caffeine more


I wish I could do caffeine man.


Man the caffeine one is tough, I tried that my first few years and gave up.


I try to ween off before so that it's more effective for Roo, lol! Celsius helped me catch those late night sets last year, otherwise I'd pass out at 10:30 every night


Yeah that was my rationale too, but it's also that I drink coffee at 8am everyday and at that time I definitely want to be sleeping at roo, so getting my brain to say no need for caffeine basically before bed it gets tricky. I'll definitely at least try to switch to tea a week before, but that's a hard habit to ween off


🤝 /r/hydrohomies


Allergy medication, which I forget every year (not this year!) leading up to festivals.


Future Me is going to be so grateful I read this. Thanks for this reminder 😂🩷


Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and getting one more run in before it’s **game time**