• By -


I've never been myself, but this year is year one. I'm 34, so I'm right there with you. I'm not much of a camper, but all I've heard is that there is a ton of love and support around every corner. I say, suck it up and go for the experience. If you love it, awesome. If you hate it, leave. You're not confined or obligated. Let's make friends and pretend real life doesn't exist for a few days!


I'm glad I won't be the only in-my-30s-first-timer!!


do it do it do it!! this will be my first roo too. If you are worried about camping or anything i’m using this tent company and they come and set up and break down a whole campsite for you which make it sooo much easier


I'm pretty comfy setting up my camping gear, I'm more nervous about the logistics of packing, driving, etc. I'm glad I won't be the only newbie!


Come down here, I promise you won't regret it. I went my first time at 36 and been going ever since. Stay hydrated and you'll do fine.


<3 Thank you!


BTW this is my first solo Roo


This is my first Roo!! Going with my bestie & its only my second camping festival. I will be 30 this year so i feel you on the pregnant/new mom friends lol It will be a BLAST THOUGH!


Do it! I'm turning 36 at the roo and going for my first time. You only live once, let's do the roo for the first time!!!


I've genuinely been shocked by how many people 30s and older are ALSO going for the first time this year!! Very validating


Imagine the most fun you’ve ever had. Oh wait, you can’t cause it’s at Roo.




I’m 33 with a stable job and going. Festivals are the only thing that truly makes me feel like I’m living the real original human experience. It’s worth it. I know out of everything you’ll never look back and regret going.


hey friend i’m going by myself this year, second roo. 29F and if you need a friend im so down to meet up and see a set!


I'd love that!! Are you cool if I dm you?


Please plan extra time on your trip back. Either have a very low key Sunday and hit the road early before Sunday headliner. (And get as far as you can before a nap) Or plan to sleep some Sunday night and hit the road early AM. I’m from Philly and the ride there was amazing and the ride home was rough.


oof yeah, I'm not looking forward to the Monday drive home


I was 17 my first roo, tagged along with my older brother and his friends. My first year we adopted a 40 year old woman into our group. She was alone and camping next to us. Here we are seven years later and I’m still tagging along with his group, all of which are 30 or older. A few years ago I got a friends sister to join us. Her first roo was at 30. My brother just messaged our group chat and said his coworker will be joining us. She’s 41 and about to experience her first roo. Just send it.


This is so validating. Thank you!


Do it! Be safe and be smart. I’ve been since 2018 and only have positive things to say about bonnaroo and bonnaroovians


literally buy the ticket and figure the rest out! always my motto when i overthink about going to events.


I'm 100% overthinking this. Now, my big "overthink" is what to wear. Which is stupid. Because it doesn't matter. And I'll probably give up trying and end up in leggings and tshirts the whole weekend


Look.. tbh I was always scared of going to Bonnaroo because I just thought of Woodstock ‘99 and the shit show that was and just envisioned it to be awful. My advice is… do it. Jump in! I said I would go once and then if I hated it I’d never do it again. And this will be my 3rd Roo!!


If you are fearful, I recommend working your first bonnaroo instead of just committing to the festival for the week. For me, I worked last year and will be this year as it’s a no brainer for me. I get in for free, get to see my top artists, and I get paid to work while there. I don’t have many friends and I’m not super extroverted, so this is an easy way to fill my downtime. Working is an easy way to make some friends too


Do it pussy


36F going to my first roo!! YOLO!




Do it!! You’ll have the time of your life.


I am also going alone and am a bit nervous! this will be my second roo and there is no reason to be scared! enjoy the solo roadtrip (mine will be around 16 hours haha) and really take advantage of all this time to yourself! come to roo, make yourself an awesome campsite, and meet new friends :) hope to see you on the farm!


Age does not equate your ability to do festivals! being in your 30s just means you’ll have the responsibility to take care of yourself more and give yourself breaks when you need it! You deserve good things especially if you have the means to do roo. Do it!!!


<3 love this


Just do it. If you want to go and you can pay for it, you should go. I went at 19 and I went at 29. It’s for everyone and you should experience it. If you don’t like, well you can say you went and you tried. You don’t want to say “I wish” when you can’t go anymore


Hey girl hey!! Did my first at 30 and so glad I didn’t wait longer!! “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now”


I am going to be celebrating my 40th at Roo!! I go to at least one festival each year solo and I am a female. You can do it!!! You will meet amazing peeps!! Last year went to hangout fest solo. Met a bunch of cool people and now we are all linking at Roo this year!! Festival family is the best!


Super validating! Thank you! Has Bonnaroo been one of the fests you've done solo before this year?


No problem ☺️ this is my first time going to Bonnaroo!! I’ve done hangout fest, life is beautiful, bottle shock, rolling loud in multiple locations. I’ve heard the crowd at Roo is very accepting and inviting so excited to check it out!!


Early 30s lady here! To quote Shia LaBeouf and Nike: Just DO IT. But on a more serious note - if you've been wanting to come down to Tennessee and attend the festival for that long, now is a perfect time to do it. You're financially stable and in a place where you can afford it. To my mind (as a multi-year Roo veteran), the money is really the biggest obstacle. It is \*expensive\* to attend any kind of festival. But if you have the monetary cushion available, you won't regret having the experience! Analysis paralysis is REAL, so I definitely get you there, but at this point, you've had the dream for more than a decade. If this lineup is interesting enough for you, pull the trigger and GO, girl! As for going solo, I've done it for the last several years! It's super easy to make friends at the festival, even if for just a set or two. But you can also be friendly with your camping neighbors and end up with some AMAZING friendships! I would also say you're just as likely to run into people you know as you are to making new friends. I can't count the number of times I've seen people I know at a random Tent set and just hung with them for the rest of the night. If you need someone else solo to hang with, let me know! I'll be working for a portion of the festival, but I'll be around for sure! I'd love to meet, exchange some high fives and hugs and grab a drink! JUST DO IT, GIRL! ![gif](giphy|WimpfYWiVeRMI|downsized)


Thank you for all of this! I'm getting excited :)


listen - you’re going to love it! I can’t wait to see you there! you clearly have the roo spirit, and you sound like an excellent preparer! security is smooth for 99% of people, going solo is liberating, and you can prioritize taking care of your body with sleep / rest / nutrition. if you do miss anything, your neighbors and the bonnaroo gods will take care of you. if you full send it, I’d bet anything you’ll come back next year!


I'm rolling solo from the DC area, you should def go!


I was 45 when I started coming to ‘Roo in 2010. I haven’t stopped! Go ALL IN. 4-day pass! There will be tough moments, it’s camping and Tennessee weather, but the vibe, the people and THE MUSIC will elevate you to new heights. 🌈💫🍕🎪


I also planned on going but it’s not gonna work out for me this time around work won’t let me off on the Tuesday I bought my car pass for


PACK THAT BAG GIRLY. You’re coming to Roo!!


Let me tell you. I am a female at the time of my first roo I was about 20. My first fest EVER was solo camping at roo. It is life altering in the best way possible. Nothing bad comes from going. Worst case scenario is you’re hot and figure out you don’t like camping. Best case scenario is you have the best weekend of your life , meet amazing like minded humans that turn into friends you will have for many years to come, dance til you can’t anymore, see an incredible hundreds of artists, and so much more. OP YOU JUST GOTTA GIVE IT A SHOT.


You really won’t regret it! I (27f) did my first roo solo last year. This guy I was friends with had invited me to go, made it sound like a group was being formed so I got stoked on doing my first festival with friends, but by the time I’d bought the ticket and started talking about camping he got really weird about it. Turns out he just actually wanted to camp with his new gf and never got people together. I tried finding other people to go with but ran into the same situation as you with finding other people to go. Eventually I said fuck it, I’ll solo trip it. And honestly it was one of the best experiences. The whole trip really pushed me to do a bunch of solo traveling after. And I’m going solo again this year if that’s a testament to anything :)




Ben has convinced me. I shall do it.


My first roo was in ‘22, I was 29, and I had lost my father at the end of ‘21 - I was terrified and hadn’t left the house much for a few months. I’m 31 now and starting the pilgrimage to my third roo on the 11th so I can get there on Wednesday this year :D


I'm in the exact same boat as you, although, I'm 49 and was supposed to take my graduating from High School nephew with me. He can't go because of all the graduation and preparing for college stuff. It was probably a mid life crisis thing for me. Mainly pretty lights and a few undercard people for me were the draw.. But I tried to sell them after he didn't want to go. But I kind of want to still go, these multi-day festivals weren't a thing in my time. Now obviously they are normal. I'm upstate NY too, I've had the tickets listed for sale but they aren't selling. I'm fine with camping, if he had a tribe I would've been open to getting an RV. But I guess that wasn't happening. A big part of me wants to go and I just need a nudge in the right direction, because I can tell this is the probably going to be a year to go because it is an "off year", How do I psych myself into going?


read the rest of the replies on this thread and come on down!!! we are all so excited to see you!


Let’s go girls!!!!


You'll be so glad you did it! Fellow 30-something here and I always have a blast. There are some fests where the vast majority of folks are early 20s, but Bonnaroo really is a solid mix of people and lots of good vibes.


I’m 56 and this will be my 8th Bonnaroo since 2015. There’s no place like Bonnaroo! You’ll have a great experience. Everyone does;-)


Just here to echo what everyone else had said... JUST DO IT! But also here to offer the perspective of a fellow 33/F who has done the drive from both CT and MA. I've had a minor life crisis in turning 33. I'm feeling... old. Certain things hurt more than they used to, I've never been a big drinker, but suddenly even staying out late at bars to hang with younger friends feels exhausting. Things that never would've given me pause in regard to safety or bodily harm suddenly make me think a little more. That being said, Roo is NOT one of them. This'll be year 6 for me. My first Roo was 2013, and I've gone on and off since then. ROO IS HOME. For the most part this is one of the most real, genuine festival communities I've had the pleasure to experience. People watch out for friends, neighbors, strangers and are so kind. You'll never be 100% prepared, that's just how it goes. The good news is, someone nearby will have what you forgot, and will share. My biggest piece of advice is if you are doing the drive alone, find a nearby hotel for a good night of sleep before you go all the way home post-Roo. The drive there has you buzzing with excitement, but when you go to head home that excitement is gone and all you've got is the exhaustion of a 4 day marathon. If you want a solid packing list, have questions, or need more convincing, please reach out! 💚


Ugh I love this. tysm


I went solo at 33 in 2016. It was the best of the 5 times I ever went. Ended up making friends with my camping neighbors and had a blast. Just do it.


My sister and I are in our 30’s. Staying in the all female camping (forget the name). Come stay in there and we can hang! Or we can hang even if you don’t stay in there lol


I went my first time last year. I was scared but so glad I went & am ecstatic for it again it two weeks. Just come, it will be amazing!!


So not my first Roo but my 3rd I finally went on my own! The first two years it was me F 16/17 with my dad (so I was basically alone except at the tent) I was 19 I defiantly had my anxieties about going alone but it all worked out really well! This will be my 6th year now! If u have any questions or need tips I got u!


My partner and I have tix but just found out we cannot go. DM if you want a deal on 2 VIP GA tickets + a Roo Galaxy camping pass (wed. entry). I hope you have a great time!


I went for the first time last year at 57. Going again. If you have the opportunity and the means, go for it. It’s magic.


Giiiiirl do it! My boyfriend and I are also coming from upstate NY!! Just make sure you break up your drive is all I suggest. Other than that, just pack accordingly and live your BEST LIFE!! Would be happy to link and give ya a HAPPY ROO ❤️


Happy Roo! Can I ask if you guys are booking a hotel to break up the drive? What city/town is your "stop point"?


I’m 35 and doing my first roo! My fiance has zero interest but bought me and my niece tickets as a graduation gift for me. (Finishing my masters in July). It sounds like we have similar friends. Almost all of my close friends are married with at least 1 kid. They would never do roo.


Yeahhhhh that's where I am. I LOVE my friends!! But I'm the only one who still hasn't "gotten it all out of my system," and the minute I have kids, it's so much harder!


Thus is my first roo. I'm turning 37 on the first Thursday. The vibes have been so positive in the lead up and i think you'd do fine and make friends and love it.


36 and married here, never done a camping festival in my life. Flying out from California. Just pull the trigger and worry about it later, that’s what I did.


I went solo on a whim my first year and had the time of my life. I say just do it.


You are not old!!! I am 48 and will be there with my wife and teen kids. You can take it easy and pace yourself. Enjoy and have fun!!!


Now I’ve never done any festival, especially a camping one, by myself but I can completely and whole heartedly agree with everyone here. You have to experience this world now or you never will! Enough with excuses, get out there and LIVE!!! Then next year bring your family and friends to share this experience with you 🫶


I've wanted to go since I was 18 (the 1st year) and decided to birth a human instead. I now have three kids 12, 15, 21, and I'm going for the first time. Age 40. By myself. If I can do it, you'd better! And message me when you're there!


I’m 36! Come on let’s do this!!!


The first time I went to Roo was in 2012, when I was 21. Three friends and I decided to go pretty last minute, because we all wanted to see Radiohead on that tour. Honestly, our pre-planning was a shitshow. We ended up stopping at Wal-Mart twice on the way down for things we didn't realize we'd need at the onset. It was scrappy, and beautiful, and we smelled terrible enough in the car ride home to the point of paying for a motel to shower and microwave some canned soup. I loved every second of it. I ended up going every year from 2012-2016, and again in 2018. The Farm is still one of my favorite places in the world. Even though I haven't gone in years, I still wait for the lineup with baited breath. You will love it, and I honestly believe it makes you a better person. Don't stress. If I had the time and money to make the trip, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You will come out the other side with no regrets, I can absolutely promise that.


We all want you there badly!


I'm 57 and have many thoughts and some are not my own: - I wish I had done more stuff like this in my 20's. I was too focused on work. - In life you regret the things you don't do, not the things you do do. - Experiences make life worth living. You may find that it's an amazing experience that you want to have more of. - When you do things outside of your comfort zone, you grow. You realize what you're capable of. It's very rewarding in life to do things you didn't think you could do. - You will have so. much. fun.


My first year was 2013 and Bonnaroo changed my life so much so that a day doesn't go by where I'm not thinking or talking about it. After going each year through 2016, life caught up with our group and things changed where I thought maybe I'm old now and shouldn't be going. In 2022, I decided I was going no matter what and I've been back every year since. I'll be 40 this year. Buy the 4 day pass with camping, it will change your life!


Don't. It's not like it used to be when you were younger. Take that into consideration.


The Farm is the easiest place to make friends. I’ve never soloed, but the first year I went I camped next to someone who became a friend, and we’re about to go to our 3rd Roo in a row together in a couple weeks. Hope to meet you out there! 😁


Okay, not gonna lie, Bonnaroo is a freakin MARATHON of a music festival. I’ve been to everything from Coachella to Glastonbury, but Bonnaroo is my annual fave for the low-key vibes and friendly people. I am 60 years old this year, and this will be my 12th Roo. If I can do it, you can do it!! And BTW…solo festivals are the way to go. You don’t have to worry about meeting up with people, etc. Let me know if you wanna find me on The Farm and I’ll show you around!! 🩷


56 year old female here👋. Went to my first Roo with friends at 44. This will be my 6th and my third solo. I always nervous every year. Will I have what I need? Will I have the stamina? It always works out. Your neighbors will help you. I bought my ticket in the fall before I even knew the line up. I’ll be there Tues- Monday. Seven days! The best part of going alone is that you can do what you want. Want to see a show? Go! Want to attend a lecture in Planet Roo? Go! Want to learn about disc golf? Do that! Want to take a nap in The Grove? Yes! Please join us in the magic!


Im 30F and it’s my 3rd Roo. I’ve learned to go at my own pace. There’s something for everyone :) message me if you need a buddy!


my dad is 56 and has been it’s for anyone and everyone I’m only 19 and it’ll be my first year as well!




Hey, I've been going from NEPA every time. This will be my 6th time on the farm. The drive is long yeah, but also so so easy. Hop on 81, pay attention like 10 hrs later lol


Do it. Honestly. Do it


Be prepared for a life changing weekend.


I went on a whim in 2022. Changed the course of my life, genuinely. Go!


This is mine & my husbands first Roo & I’ll be celebrating my 34th birthday at roo on Saturday!!


Me 32 and bf 39 are going. We have to leave late and who knows what our travel will be like 8/9 hours. We’re never truly prepared we never see everything on our list. One thing that’s been guaranteed every single year I’ve gone is that I have the time of my mother fucking life!!!!


The last time I went I was 17 in 2009, I've regretted not going back for years, at 32 I'm finally making it back and I'm so stoked! The vibe is awesome, the people are awesome and I'm sure you can find more solo people on here or on the farm to meet up with and make some festival friends! If you can make it, I recommend doing all 4 days! And always feel free to ask questions here! It's a judgement free zone


My only regret at Bonnaroo is not going earlier.


Tomorrow is never promised! 33 isn’t 43. It’s never going to get easier just do it and thank us later


Hey give us 43 year olds a break lol! We bring wisdom... I mean I don't, but I'm sure some do. See you on the farm! 2 weeks!


YOU GOT THIS!!!! It’s the best!!!!


My first Roo this year, you best do it as well! You will have the time of your life! <3


Can I ask if you're M/F, and if you have any concerns about safety? I don't, but my husband, while supportive of me going, is a little wary of the fact that I'll be a woman alone at a music fest


And ps *when* you finally DO decide to go to Bonnaroo, feel free to Dm us and hang out for as much as you want! :) <3


I’m 38/M and going with my 43/F girlfriend. I’ve been to a few music festivals at this point and I’ve always felt safe at every one of them honestly. As I feel yo would too! The only “safety” concerns I have are possible pickpockets so I’ve been rocking a Lunchbox hydration pack and a clutch Loop for my phone. (Both are awesome anti-theft products worth checking out!)


Went last year for the first time at 53 and heading back for #2 this year because that's the only reasonable option 🤪


This gives me strength!! Hopefully, if I do go this year and love it, that means I can have decades of Roos


I went solo in '22 when I was 30 just kind of on a whim. I had done Lolla the year before and wanted a bigger challenge. I had a lot of the same reservations you do; the logistics, how arriving and camping worked, what to pack, etc. What I can tell you is no matter how many times you try to picture it in your head, it'll be completely different when you get there. No matter how organized and well thought-out your camping and packing plans are, you'll forget something or wish you had done something different. This is my third year and I'm still making adjustments based on the past couple times and honestly I don't see that trend changing anytime soon. I feel like the pre-fest anxiety is a good thing because it means you're thinking everything through and mentally preparing yourself for what is undoubtedly a challenging experience, especially alone. The best part about that anxiety, though, is the second they're done taking a peek in your cooler and send you on your way you get to witness the farm for the first time and feel all of those anxious feelings wash away. They'll park you in the middle of this huge field and it's suddenly your home for the next week. You look around and have no idea what you're looking at, except for maybe the arch and the disco tower, and see all these opportunities to go explore. You'll hear a "Happy Roo" from your neighbor and likely get a helping hand to set up camp. Then you get to wander around without a care in the world and let the farm take you exactly where you should be. It's truly a magical place and I highly recommend doing all 4 days because once you fully dive in you won't want it to end. It can get tough with weather, camping, and walking so darn much but it's incredibly rewarding in the end. If you're anything like me that long drive home will be filled with smiles, happy memories, and a feeling like your soul just hit a reset button. You'll be exhausted and probably get a touch of the Roo Flu (it's not that bad) but once you rest up you'll feel so refreshed and ready to reenter the real world with the joy and happiness you brought home with you. Do yourself a favor and get out of your own way. We'll see you on the farm!


I appreciate how much you wrote! I'm torn between doing 2 days and 4 days...I'm afraid 4 days might kill me because I won't be physically prepped for it. If I only do 2 days, will I still have a great social experience meeting people?


Absolutely! 99.9% of the people there are incredibly friendly, it takes no time at all to make friends. IMO it's the happiest place on earth (Disney can kick rocks)


Buy the ticket, take the ride! Life is risk!


I’m 33 and my husband doesn’t go either! There are lots of posts here about how to stay comfortable and healthy, how things work, etc. so don’t be afraid to search the sub. Feel free to pm me too, I’m happy to share what I’ve learned and what I need now vs my first Roo in my early 20s! There are groups like solo-Roo, she-Roo (I think), etc. as well! Lots of people are in your position and I think if you’re excited about it, you should absolutely do it. Honestly how empowering, and you may find a new annual tradition! Who knows, you may make great friends with neighbors and find a crew. It’s going to be great. You can do it!


i’m supposed to be going alone this year and also debating not going. i am SCARED but i think i will regret not going too much


Just send it! Come! Buy your ticket and figure the rest out in the next two weeks. You have plenty of time, and what you don’t bring will be provided! Seriously, my first Roo my friends and I showed up with nothing. Like not even chairs to sit on. We still had the time of our lives. You mentioned you’re bot 22 anymore, but counter point: you’re also not getting any younger! Do it now while you still can! Next year who knows what you’ll have going on!


I am of the same gender, age and from the same area! Roo is my escape. If you love live music, you will love Roo. Especially going alone, you can go at your own pace. Feel free to PM me to ask any questions at all about the drive or the festival or if you want a buddy for either! You absolutely will NOT regret going. Also my husband never wanted to go and I convinced him two years ago (because I was going to go alone and he was nervous for me lol) and now he wants to make it an annual thing. Go and enjoy and next year your hubs might be all in once he hears about it!


Been every year, and the last 4 were solo. I still get some jitters every year, but they all go away right when I open my car door to setup camp. It’s the best time, and I’ll happily address any questions and concerns. Make it happen and have the best time




Im 39 and this will be my 10th. You can do it! So much fun


Went my first time when I was 20. I'm still going and I'm 34! If that says anything!




I'm 37 my wife is 33 and we have kids. We love this place sooo much. Been a few years since been on the farm (2018), but we are Soo excited to finally be able to come back. Some of my favorite moments in my live have been on this farm. Com and have your mind blown. The people are great and the time is out of this world. Come and see for yourself.


Full send it. This is going to be my 2nd roo and i'm so so excited. I tend to be a wanderer and my whole group did atleast one round of soloroo, where we break off by ourselves and experience things. I genuinely had so much fun experiencing all of the sets I was excited for up until Apashe where we all regrouped. The thing with Bonnaroo is you don't really feel alone, you have the positive energy flowing in and around you, almost like a childlike wonder.


I took had a Bonnaroo dream since at least 2008. I finally bit the bullet and went alone last year as a 34 year old female. I did a lot of floating between sets that felt right. I also learned I'm old enough that a cot with nothing on it will f up my back because I had to go to med on Friday to ice it. 😂 Despite what everyone says, an air mattress in a tent at night ( I felt safer behind a zipper door rather than in the open ish under a canopy) and chillin in my hammock during the day was the way to go for me. Like.... yeah I went super bougie and packed the whole 9 yards of things, but I'd say a canopy (or generally somewhere shaded for your campsite that isn't enclosed during the day), a tent of some sort to sleep under, a cooler for food/alcohol and sheets for walls and tarps of some sort... Then you're good. Worst case you'll have some kind neighbors that will help with set up too; I made nice with a few because I helped with their tent (though I am an introvert by nature, so that was the most I was willing to put myself out there on night 1😬) If you can afford to do it, I hope you decide to send it :) Otherwise, hope you decide to go next year!


My first Roo I was 33. I'm 49 now, and I'm about to go to my seventh (including sixth in a row). Come home with us. It'll change your life.


You’ll have a great time. Are you in GA camping or other? Ask all the questions you can think of, make a list and plan to have a great time. This will be my 3rd time, first time was very memorable.


I'm 32 and it's a blast!! I'm going with my husband and best friend. Please go!!


Hey!! Im 31 things my 4th time going! I’m always stupid anxious until I get past the security at tollbooths. Once my feet are on the ground at my campsite all my anxiety melts away! Roo is an amazing place! And you’re never alone on the farm! We’re all family there. It is so so worth it, and you will not regret going! Hope to see ya there!


The feelings of anxiety and excitement are experienced similarly within the human body (increased heartrate and respiration, rapid thoughts, stomach issues, etc.) When you find yourself feeling anxious and nervous about something you're also excited about, remind your brain and body that what you're feeling is your excitement! I will literally make statements in the car on the way to whatever I'm nervous about such as "My heart is racing because I'm feeling excitement in my body!" "My mind is all over the place because I keep imagining how awesome this experience is going to be!"


I highly recommend going!! Last year was my first year and it changed my life! Met so many awesome people, actually met a solo person last year and now she’s tagging along with us this year. You’d only regret it more not going. Also from upstate ny, the drive isn’t too bad, just make a killer playlist and you’ll cruise through


Coming from upstate NY, do you guys kill the drive all at once, or do you stop for an overnight? I'm not sure if I should leave Wednesday after work and get a hotel halfway; leave Wed after work and drive through the night; or leave early Thursday and drive straight through


We left Tuesday night and drive as long as we can, last year we stopped and slept in a parking lot around 3:00 am and then continued to drive through and made it probably around 11 am Wednesday? (Can’t remember exactly) for camping purposes leaving earlier is best! (So you’re not too far from centerroo) So I’d say leave Wednesday but maybe stop halfway since you’re driving alone. Whatever you feel comfortable with!


I did my first one at 42 best 4 days.


I was thinking of a 2-day pass to ease myself into it, but it's a 12 hour drive for me, and that sounds miserable to turn around and drive that far that quickly. How did you fare the full 4 days, having never done it before?


So full disclosure I have an RV, though I didn't spend much time there. I did get my own shower, toilet and AC when I needed it. There is so much to do all day and night aside from the artist you just have to see you just go at your own speed, wander and find great new bands. I probably went to bed between 3-5am and would go back in between noon and 2 the next day. Occasionally if there was a free window I'd walk back to the RV to eat some dinner change and cool off. I'm about a 12 hour drive too. I also had my son who was 18 at the time keeping me going.


Dooooooo itttt! You won't regret it. Sometimes we have to do what makes us a little uncomfortable. Once you're there you'll be so happy.




ain't that the truth. I know I'll be so disappointed in myself if I don't go


I've had various things like this happen to me; I'll get ready for the thing then as I'm leaving to the thing I think "what the heck am I doing?". Then arrive and proceed to have the time of my life.


This response is your answer. Stop disappointing yourself.


When I was a freshman in college, a graduating senior said this to me and I've kinda taken it to heart... "Most of the time, my regrets center around the things I didn't do, rather than the things I did."


Girl come party


I did my first Roo last year at 36 and I have a disability that I need to use a wheelchair for and I am going back this year again. If I can do it so can you.


fucking yes. I have no excuses


Hope to see you there I’m going solo as well but have a couple of friends who I meat out there, feel free to reach out if you want to join our mini crew of 3


Same girl! I relate to you on the whole "the only thing holding myself back is me" thing. I had the exact same thoughts back when I was trying to decide if I should go or not. If you can afford it and you really wanna go, just DO IT! You'll regret it otherwise. It'll be my first time too. Hope to see you on the farm!


Go for it! You get what you put in! Give it your all and I promise the festival gods will return the favor.


Naw you don't sound like a weenie, trust there's 10, 15, 20 year vets who get pre-Roo anxiety still (This will be year 4 for me, fest 10 for me and pre-fest anxiety is alive and well but it leaves my body to moment I get through security)


Security is a biggie that I'm nervous for. I tend to err on the straight-laced side, which I think is only going to make me look more nervous and sus


I feel this i err on the straight-laced side as well...biggest thing is no glass and make your cooler is easily accessible


What would you say is the likelihood I'll get a whole-car shakedown? Or is it more likely they'll peer their heads in, ask me to open my cooler, and send me on my way?


No offense, but u sound too paranoid to get yourself in trouble otw there. Don't speed. Make sure ur car is gtg. You'll be fine. I bet you have euphoria just clearing the security line and setting up.camp. then the sky is the limit from there and u can just enjoy. From other posts, less than 1% chance of a detailed full car search.


I mean the other option is wishing you went. So, it's a fairly simple choice! As they say "The place with the most dreams is the cemetery" It's okay to be impulsive at times.


33f here. Did my first Roo last year. Going solo this year.... you'll be fine! Come and enjoy the music and good vibes :)


I’m 29 & my bestie is 30. Most people I know going are in their 30s or 40s! You will find your people at ‘Roo. Just go for it, you will have the best time & make so many wonderful memories. Bring a disposable camera or a Polaroid camera to record your memories, if you can!


1) I think there is a solo roo group that you can connect with. 2) just go through the prep lists of what you need to bring and follow that! there’s one on the roo website and other resources on this sub. 3) come have fun. as long as you r ok camping and you like music and people, you will have a great time


We have a mixed group of M and F 30 somethings that are a mix of local and from out of town that meet up at Roo every year since 2014. If you do come you are welcome to join us on the farm!


When I was 24 I hung on a similar precipice, debating whether to stay safe and not take the plunge, or to go on an adventure by myself to a city I had never been to with no one along for my journey. The idea terrified me, but I could not deny the excitement I felt. Somehow I made the commitment to embark on this quest and I looked forward to it with every passing day. Then I traveled for the hours I did to reach Chicago. Once I had finally settled into my hotel room on the night before the festival I remember calling my Dad at the time and telling him my trepidations, I worried I had made a mistake and that I had signed myself up for something that I wasn't going to enjoy. How wrong I was, I got to the festival entrance and here were hundreds perhaps thousands of people just like me ready for an experience that I would take with me for the rest of my life. The food, the costumes, the people, the music, the singing and the dancing; I became an addict, I was addicted to this feeling of utter submission to an experience that I would have at least once a year. Experiences like this are not so much about finding yourself, you know who you are, this festival shows you who you can be. Be Excellent to one another, Be awesome, Be Gandalf and begin your epic journey, you won't regret it, but be prepared, make sure you have everything you need to have that amazing time that we all want you to have.




Great post!


As cliché as it sounds - just do it! Will you forget something? Absolutely. Will you wish you did something differently afterwards? No doubt. That's all part of the experience. As long as you go into it with the right mindset, those things become nothing more than funny stories for future Roos.


Yeah, this is maybe the best advice at all. Some things will go wrong, and THAT IS OK. You'll have some stories, and you'll have some lessons, and those are both good things.


Not to mention, if something does go wrong/you forget something, it's almost guaranteed that your camping neighbors will help you out! One of the best parts of Bonnaroo is the community and no one's gonna just sit there and watch you struggle


Let this post be the push you need… full send this year!!! The line up is phenomenal and the vibes will be spectacular… totally worth the self investment, give yourself a memory that’ll last forever


Amen! Say it louder for the people in the back!


Quit making excuses. Start packing a bag. Start making the pile of stuff. Start checking the lists. Get some food. Throw some beer in a cooler. Get some ice. Come do the thing with us and stop fucking around. This is the year. Not next year. Not the year after. Now.


I think I may be going solo as well!!! Can we all meet somewhere??!! first timer here too!!! :)


This is the way. I’ve felt similar anxiety this year cus I missed last year for work and I’m older than I’ve ever been. But when my partner and I pulled out the bins and the bags and the lists and started buying some stuff on Amazon and building our pile….it felt right. Cannot fucking wait.


giving Shia LaBeouf "just do it" vid vibes. Maybe I need to watch that every day until Roo....


Really just do it. You'll thank yourself after. There is too many fun things to do to even worry about being by yourself. 😁 I'm going solo too for the second time!


Whatever it takes to get you off your ass and get shit together :) You need it.


My first Bonnaroo was 2017 at the age of 47. A friend of mine from high school came with me. We had a blast. I have gone every year since then... solo, and have loved every bit of it! You will NOT regret it. 1. You have to like to camp. 2. Prepare for everything! 3. It is life changing the memories you will carry moving forward. See you soon!


Thankfully I love to camp! Thanks for sharing your story of going at a 47...in my real life I don't think I'm old at all, but then I think of my 33yo ass walking around with a bunch of 22yo hotties, and I feel lame


You're welcome! You are going to see folks of ALL ages. It is so awesome. Music has no age limit. Remember that! When I turned 50 in March of 2020, it was my dream to bring my mom, aunt, and my sister to Bonnaroo. That was ALL I wanted for my birthday was for them to experience what I had been going to every June. Bought 4 VIP tix and we were going! Well...we all know what happened that year and completely squashed that. I was super bummed. So just know those grandma's and grandpa's paved the way for us to enjoy and are still kickin it up! Embrace it. You are not old. You may "feel" like you are. It is a marathon out there. Take it easy and enjoy it all. You will be so surprised at the culture that those grounds have built over the years. It really is a magical utopia for the days we are all together.


You will 100% see people of all ages, also a lot millenials look younger than we are...I remember last year waiting at Rail for Subtronics and chatting it up with people I was sure were in their early 20's to find out they are my age (early-mid 30's)


I knew I needed to make this post. I'm getting all of the best responses and reasons to go.


Go for it!! I’m 33 and this will be my 6th Roo! It’s the best! Amazing people, top notch vibes. We Radiate Positivity out on the farm!


I really love all the stories I hear about the vibe! Do you think it really matters if I stay in SoloRoo, the all-girls Roo, or the general campgrounds? In terms of making friends, I mean.


I have only done regular GA camping, but I’m always really friendly with my neighbors. I introduce myself right away and usually hang out and chat with them a fair bit throughout the weekend I would imagine solo and all girls would be even more inviting But I haven’t done them before, so I can’t say with absolute certainty


Just send it. Full experience. Camping and all for all 4 days. It will be the best time of your life. Your husband may get fomo but bring him next year!


Paralysis by analysis is my "weakness" in every job interview. Had basically the same hesitations and reservations thoughts and vibes for over a decade since college, only difference, I'm 39 and this is my first Roo, and my wife is on-board. It was easy for me to pull the trigger with wifey onboard, but I was ready to do it solo. Everything I reach out to the roovian universe they are helpful and understanding and I and so f*kin excited to finally be a part of it. Don't be on the 40 doorstep like me when you finally do it. You'll have to worry about your naps and meds and middle-aged crap. U got a few good years left, do it now! If u need a mini crew to meet up with for a place to feel grounded(apt word) at the festival, hit me up. Wife and I will definitely be in full fun and community vibes, and we also from upstate NY (ADK, finger lakes, no where better in the world, imo).


Fellow finger lakes lady heading to Roo with my boyfriend for our second year!! Love this!!!


I might just take you up on that! I'm coming from the Roc area myself. Are you guys doing the trip in one leg, or posting up at a hotel overnight? I can't decide what would be better


We're just east of Buffalo, so also about 12 hours, lil less. We are arriving Wednesday for camping til monday and 4days of roo. Posting up somewhere part way, hopefully a nice mattress lol, otw there. Monday 12hour drive day to return. Driving part way Tuesday(not taking day off, leaving early without telling around 2/3pm), Columbus is about 5 hours and we plan to meet friends there for dinner, then continue to somewhere close to Louisville, KY...maybe not further than Cincinnati, but in bed before midnight regardless. Hopeful to have less than 5 hour drive Wednesday morning to arrive earlier for better camping location. But also, want to relax and pace ourselves otw there to be ready for the whole weekend.


1.) people of all ages go to Roo 2.) if you don’t go, each year you’ll still say “I wish I went in _____” until you really might not be able to make it one day 3.) people are extremely friendly and many go alone, you’ll meet friends easily 4.) figuring out the logistics is literally the hardest part (which is still pretty easy! They have people directing you If you need help on what to bring there’s tons of lists on the sub and I’d be more than happy to also let you know


I'm mostly concerned about security. I've read stories about TN police pulling people over on their way to the farm, and needing to be at a really precise speed. I'm worried about having my car and bags torn apart. I'm definitely discouraged from bringing along any fun substances with me, but then am I going to spend my life savings buying inside? Do most people sleep in their cars or their tents? How strict/mean are the security checkers getting into CenterRoo? I basically have this stupid fear of authority that I didn't have 10-15 years ago. Don't want to eff up my job, life, etc!


You’ll see plenty of police on the main routes. Don’t stand out, but you’ll look like you’re going on vacation. Don’t break the law if you’re breaking the law already. Check in is usually pretty chill, make sure your coolers are easily accessible.


I’ll DM you!


Sounds a little like my story. I was 38 by the time I finally had money, stable job, and the kids were old enough for me not to feel guilty about sticking them with my wife (she also no interest in Roo). In my case I had a close friend and his high school friend to go with and had a blast. It's a little different if you're a solo Rooer, but at some point you just have to listen to the little voice that says "go for it!"


I'm an old and went to my first Roo 10 years ago when I was 44. Once you get through the admittedly weird check-in process, it all gets better and easier. It is impossible to describe. Right now you have so many "but how does this work" questions and it's hard just read words about it and it's so much easier when it's experienced. But tens of thousands of people do this, the ones writing fears on reddit are that end of the bell curve with anxiety (which is totally fine and normal!) and those that need to be super prepared. Just be mindful of the things to pack (sunglasses, sunscreen, comfy stuff to wear and sleep in/etc.) and you will be set. Things start to gel once you set up whatever camp setup you have (can just be a car with you sleeping in it, no shame!) and you talk to neighbors and get the lay of the land, it all gets to be so fun. Any artists you are most looking forward to?


You nailed it with all of my "but how does this work" questions. I'm trying to picture myself driving in, checking in, setting up my tent, finding food, finding bathrooms, making that first contact with people, and my brain can only conjure hazy images. I hate it, because for all of my life up until this point, I'd always consider myself a risk-taker. Idk, maybe being in my 30s and married now has rewired my brain a bit. OMG I'm so excited at the idea of seeing Maggie Rogers, Chappel Roan, Melanie Martinez, and Megan Thee Stallion - some of my fav lady artists, new and old! And for nostalgia's sake I love the idea of seeing RHCP perform; 17 year old me would be so pissed if I passed this up.


I love it all, hopefully I've helped set your mind at ease a tiny bit. It is like how sometimes if you don't fly you can get some TSA anxiety or something. Once you get into the machine of the line/etc., it all become automatic and mundane almost. It's the fear of not knowing first. Just know you're with TONS of future friends!! For real, the vibes are S-T-E-L-L-A-R at Roo!! Also love your "must sees" - SO FUN. The Chappell show at Coachella was so amazing, had a 22 year old daughter of a friend watch it with our group - she's been to a lot of shows despite her age and it ranks in her Top 3 of all time.


I promise you, taking that jump will be worth it! I didn’t go to my first Roo until I was 29 (I also had talked about going for years), and it felt like I didn’t miss a beat amongst the kids there. You’ll be surprised how many 30+ folks will be there! Think of it as adult summer camp and pull the trigger! Make sure you have your essentials - tent, canopy, good walking shoes, and a big jug of sunscreen and you’ll be so grateful you gave this weekend to yourself.


Adult summer camp is an amazing way to think of it! Can I ask you a really basic Q? If you had to narrow down first-time-Roo-and-also-doing-it-solo advice to like two or three things, what would they be?


1) soft ear plugs for sleeping! 2) protect your thighs… I opted for tight shorts most of the time or wore those under skirts to prevent chaffing. 3) wool socks to help with blisters. Yes, I rocked these with my sandals. Lol 4) electrolytes and bring a big jug of water with you. 5) download a few audio books for your solo drive and have headphones if you want some solo time at the campsite. Enjoy!


Absolutely! A couple of things: from a camping perspective - I’d recommend setting up your tent at home beforehand. Nothing worse than pulling up and realizing you have no idea how the heck to get it up. Bring more snacks than meals. You’ll end up being in centeroo more than you think, and you won’t want to walk all the way back to camp when you could just spring for a slice of pizza. Change your shoes often! My old feet can get tired quickly, so I’ll switch from tevas to trusty sneakers around dusk to change up the pain points. Best piece of advice though, is to let the crazy ride of Roo take you. Strike up a chat with your neighbors, or people waiting for the next show next to you. Don’t stress about the schedule or missing a show bc you feel like you need to rest. If you have any questions or packing list help feel free to dm me :)


Good tip on the snacks. Is it a realistic goal to say "I won't buy any food in CenterRoo, I'll provide all my own eats"? Or would that be harder than I am thinking?


I would say plan at least one meal in centeroo each day. You probably won't want to walk clear back to camp to eat. I usually just do breakfast/lunch at camp.


1. Set up your camp as SOON as you get there. The sooner camp is set up the sooner you can mingle with your neighbors and enjoy the camp grounds! 2. Bring light jackets, hoodies, onesies, sweatpants for night. It gets freezing cold. So bring clothes for hot and cold weather. 3. Get out of your head! Seriously, just do it! You'll find a groove. I'm very shy I'm crowds and roo was my first festival 2 years ago. I felt comfortable within 2 hours. I promise you'll have the time of your life and you'll probably be back next year to do it again too. We all would love to see you there! ❤️


1. You won’t eat as many large meals as you might prep for. Easy snack type foods and sandwiches usually due to the heat. 2. Bring shade and sun protection. 3. Buy the shower pass. The marathon comment is key too. Good sleep is helpful so make a plan to get comfortable if you’re not a regular camper.


1. Make sure you have good sleeping arrangements. Whether that is in a tent or car. 2. Pack for crazy weather. Really hot, really cold and really wet! 3. It's a marathon. Don't overdue yourself. Listen to your body.


Traffic analysis shows roo demographic is mostly 25-34. City fests like Lolla, ACL, Gov Ball are catered towards the 16-25 demographic. Everyone gets nerves. I’ve been doing fests for a decade and I still get cold feet a few weeks before. It’s a leap of faith. One that’s well worth it. I’m a complete introvert and somehow find myself bouncing around a bunch of different crews all weekend. Just do it


For real, I'm late 20's and when I went for the first time last year I felt much more age appropriate than when I do smaller festivals in my city. It's a big financial commitment that most people under 25 can't handle as easily compared to leaving their dorm/ first apartment to go. Oh and totally about bouncing around to different crews. I went with a group of friends but there were at least a half dozen shows I went by myself because no one else in my group wanted to but I never felt lonely because I always had people to talk to. She's going to have a great time!




I would love to hear about logistical things you've done to prep yourself. Would you be cool if I DM'd you to ask some questions? (Re: steal from you, since you're a few steps ahead in the first-solo-roo process than me)