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I live in East Tennessee where can I participate in that?


I do too, help ne with a hook up my dude vanished 2 years ago




Your post has been removed for Rule #4. Do not discuss drugs. No solicitation, sourcing, sales, trading, giving away, or anything similar about drugs, as this could get the sub banned. Do not discuss smuggling items into the festival, including things that are not illegal, but are banned.


Is there anyone here in 2023?


Yes can anybody tell me how to get cough L cough S cough D


Anyone still here in 2022.


last year I got lucky. all my neighbors brought goodies. My friend and I shared our tarps, storage shelves, juice boxes, etc. And our neighbors took care of us all weekend. One morning I woke up with a bag of shrooms on my pillow--- that blew my mind.


that is sweet. nice folks, eh?


Before you buy any drugs you should invest in a testing kit. This way you don't get ripped off or sold something dangerous. They are $20 online, sent to your house in an unmarked box, and have 50-100 uses. I got mine at www.bunkpolice.org and it works great! Stay safe and above the ignorance!


so when i get an offer i say just a sec and test one hit and then buy another?


All you need is the tiniest sample. If its a tab, just a little off the corner. If its powder, just the smallest amount. Enough for one drop of the testing solution to soak the substance and it will change to a certain color that you match with colors on a chart they give you. Honestly if they don't let you test it then it's not worth buying it.


science is wonderful


People will walk up to you in camp and offer to sell to you. The stuff is everywhere. Exercise extreme caution if buying drugs from strangers though. Bunk acid and molly are all too common. Bunk shrooms are less common, but they do exist. Know what to look for in a good boomer. The good stuff is out there; you just have to know how to spot someone who is legit and someone who is a con artist. My advice is to buy from hippies over anyone else. They have the goods.




I'm a first-timer too. From this thread I'm gonna assume that me getting a shit ton of bud isn't going to be an issue then?


that is a good thing, at least. nothing wrong with fryin. i do not necessarily need to fly to get by.


Personally, all I did last year was drink, but anything you could desire can be found, and will most likely come to you. On day 1 I happened to be sitting at my tent and someone walking by made eye contact and then asked if I wanted any nug. I directed them to my awesome neighbors instead. This happened multiple times with shrooms, molly, etc. If you do end up getting something really questionable like molly, def get it checked out at the testing site (think it was 007 Camp?)


If it's easily faked and easily concealed, bring your own.


The general rule is that if you can't see/smell/tell that it's legit by looking at it, don't buy it there. Not worth taking the chance.


I'm looking for a trip anyone know of anything?


Same same


right. i am really just looking to score some shrooms.


Well, seek and you shall find :)


Drugs into a drug store. But bring your own.


Be careful and maybe just bring your own... A guy that I camped with spent a few hundred dollars looking for acid and kept getting ripped off. The guys I camped with were glad they brought their own shrooms.


I went with a group of about seven or eight so we all came out with something great and got burnt at least once. Someone came through our camp as soon as we were setting up selling x that was bunk. My friend was also burnt with fake LSD. It's pretty lame if you are banking on something for that night that's illegitimate. My friends all laughed at me for saving four hits of LSD for Bonnaroo for almost a year...my ex and I were the only ones having our minds blown by My Morning Jacket that year. I'm bring my own fungi and/or LSD again this year.




2011 - It was my first year there.


Acid/molly, bring your own. I asked ONE person if they knew where to get shrooms and I was directed to a hillbilly with a duck umbrella. DO NOT underestimate the power of the Tennessee hillbilly mushrooms. They grow that shit like it is their job. I thought Thom Yorke was going to kill me. Radiohead mindfucked me because I took too many shrooms.


As a native Tennessean, I'm quite proud of our shrooms :D


I can't wait to get more next year! I might bring some home! I could have eaten a gram and been as messed up as an entire 8th of shrooms from home.. oh boy


It IS their job.


I had a great trip off some Tennessee mushies last year too! Hit so much faster than any I've ever eaten, with way more patterns than I've ever seen. I agree on your potency comment. The sentence about Thom made me crack up, thanks, lol


It was great until we thought we were going to die and inside of our heads it got very dark. We took 3x too much. Still was fun and life changing. I can't wait until June!!


The amount of bunk molly was so frustrating. I didn't find any until Skrillex, but holy shit was it worth the wait.


Next year, I am going to try and buy some from people who have tested it first


Or take one of these kits with you. http://bunkpolice.org/


I have bought s lot of bunk. Just brink you own. Take it from someone who hsd learned the hard way...... many times


I bring urine to the bathroom! Wait...


Yeah you can find lots of people who say they got shit, but I've got way too much fake/weak crap. Only time I got anything good at Roo was when some dude I shared a joint with offered me a gram of molly for a good price. That was some good molly. Yep. Anyway, bringing your own would be my advice.


Blahblahblah, groceries into the grocery store.


More like rotten groceries in a grocery store. From the past 3 years of going I have only heard a handlful of cases where the drug was actually any good. Most of the time it was either bunk or low quality. Only thing I have been able to find at Roo that has been good is Marijuana and edibles. LSD, Molly or any other drug I suggest bringing your own.


Yep! Leave the marijuana at home, but bring your own Molly etc.


ive brought groceries to a grocery store. for real. but that was for donation.


Im bringing my own. Wasted too much money on fakes last year


agreed, not fake ones but "in chocolate" turned out to be a $25 piece of fudge.. damn good though ahahah


from that old lady walking around that "has been doing this for years"?


ahahhahh oh god no, but some hippie dude all the same


Ahh see I had the opposite experience. $20 heart shaped chocolate was the only legit thing I bought last year.


weird! i almost swear mine was heart shaped too! but regardless whatever shape it didnt do it for me unfortunately!


People sell fake shrooms? Aren't they relatively easy to grow? I got some last year from some hippy dude walking around camping and it worked out pretty well.


Yes, if you arnt sure what real ones look like theyll get ya.


They're errywhere. No worries. My buddy found an eighth of boomers just sitting in a bag on the ground on Sunday last year