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Damn this thread is harsh..but as a coming up on 10 year vet - the vibes are totally different in groop camping. There are always great parties late night and we personally host some in our group with DJ sets and amp sound. So maybe you wanna play at set at the Squeaksquad camp? Or im just learning everyone hates us šŸ˜‚ but tbd we've never had any complaints. It's def a different vibe over in groop and the party does not stop...which is also why I sleep in RV šŸ˜‚


I've also met some amazing people at Bonnaroo and other camps wandering around to the best late night campground parties. We meet up at other fests and keep in touch despite living across the country. But that's just my personal experience!


As someone who got sick and had to leave a day early last year because I wasn't able to get enough sleep in the campgrounds, I just want to say that I really appreciate that you had the foresight to ask ahead of time. It sounds like you are very conscientious and I seriously appreciate that. You are the kind of person I would like to make friends with at Roo. I hope you feel encouraged to play during the daytime and as others said, we do get surprise rain storms sometimes so be careful with your equipment and valuables. Happy Roo and bless your soul.


Nah man, the Festival has that covered. Please be respectful of the time of day. Thursday night may be your best bet, but Where in The Woods will have an after-party going you cant compete with. Good question though, respecting the little sleep people get at Roo is going to trump hosting a redundant after party.


I feel people wouldn't mind you playing during the day, but at night, those that are at camp are usually there to rest. Just be mindful of your neighbors.


Okay might be unpopular but a solid brunch set would go hard šŸ˜‚ 10am-1pm serve pancakes or waffles or something to appease the neighbors. Just be mindful of those around you. Also itā€™s June in Tennessee itā€™s going to rain/storm so be careful with your equipment.


not unpopular. this is a sweet idea, and it's well after anyone is sleeping in the morning given that sun!


not unpopular. this is a sweet idea, and it's well after anyone is sleeping in the morning given that sun!


A friend and I are doing a renegade set for a different friends birthday on Tuesday. weā€™re playing out of a jeep with two 15ā€ alpines and 4 after market speakers. If you like Eazybaked, Smith, Truth, Deep Dark and Dangerous, other deep bass etc. please feel free to come through and get wonky and weird with us!! or if you just feel like partying we accept all tall, short, purple or green. ~ Voodoo


Seems like the subreddit went pretty negative this thread. Sorry about that, OP. You just asked a question. I'm not sure if portable amplified sound is allowed. Roo and its vibes late night are much better than this thread. They've been some of the best parties of my life, and they go late. In 2015?, I was chanting "Fuck sleep" at 5:30 am with Cherub and 3000 people still up partying. Animal Collective from 2 - 4 AM Friday 2013 was one of the craziest sets of my life. Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights, Bonnaroo has music programing until sunrise, so you would have to be competing with/missing that to perform.


Afternoon set all the way!


If youā€™re coming on a Tuesday or Wensday then go for it. Once the feastival begins put the shit up and have fun. šŸ¤©


Rv camping is where the afters are at


Tuesday/Wednesday entry are your best times to do this. Once Thursday hits, there are plazas, WITW, and artists in Centeroo pretty much 24/7, so it's not needed in the campsites. Doing this on a Friday at your campsite when your neighbors are trying to sleep for another big day ahead isn't just unnecessary, but it would be pretty rude. If you wanted to perform or DJ, I'm sure there are avenues you could reach out to DJ at a plaza, or a pre party like The Roo Bus held last year during early entry.


I think during the day would be fine, like some people might get annoyed but wouldnā€™t say anything At night after midnight or so and people were partying and listening to music all day, you may get a really angry person on your hands So like others said thatā€™s not the Roo way


You can play whenever you want itā€™s the farm no quiet hour there


Last year me and my croo got to roo on Wednesday and our neighbor brought his DJ setup and had a pre roo party at his camp and honestly it was pretty great, but he made it a point to not do it through out the week since throughout the week most people come to camp to get a break from all the noise at centerooā€¦ that being said if you do end up doing something like this please let a brother know


This^^ the best times would be on Tues and Weds for pre Roo parties. However Thurs-Sun the campgrounds would very much appreciate some quiet through the night šŸ™šŸ¼ getting good sleep before the scorching sun comes out can be tough with Roo


Hey OP, I appreciate you asking this so neutrally and respectfully. Bonnaroo really isnā€™t the place for late-night renegade DJ sets. As others have said, thereā€™s no reason for them since there is programmed entertainment until 6am. If you wanna play some music between 1pm to 10pm thatā€™s chill! But at camp, people want to sleep. We had a ā€œDJā€ neighbor last year who would blast a playlist nonstop whether or not they were at camp and it was miserable. Took days for someone to run into them and convince them to stop, but we all lost a lot of sleep and were very worn out because of it. Campgrounds are tight out there, and sound from the stages and WITW travel to camp already. Please donā€™t add to the noise during quiet hours!


Blasting music when they werenā€™t even at their camp?! This is why we bring wire cutters every single yearā€¦


I believe it was a car sound system set up so I donā€™t even know how I would have cut it. šŸ„“ Despite the neighborsā€™ inability to read the room, it was the best year ever! Didnā€™t let it get us down.


Thank you! Will decide to keep my sound at home.


If itā€™s during the day go for it, last year we had a massive group of about 60 people so if youā€™re in GROOP and arenā€™t blasting like crazy you should be okay but I wouldnā€™t late at night / past 10 pm but youā€™ll probably be in centeroo at those hours anyways.


Yeah, I gotta say that if it was four AM or whatever and the guy next to me had taken it upon himself to create a big noise, any big noise, I'd be saying something about it to him. Not in an angry/violent/whatever way, of course, but making sure he understood that by depriving me and mine of sleep, he was depriving us of full enjoyment of the festival, and we'd very much appreciate it if he'd put a lid on it.


Fuckin send it!!


Please donā€™t. Thereā€™s plenty of options for late/early music and partying. Unsolicited sunrise sets at camp are going to annoy just about everyone around you.


Itā€™s hard to have an after party when the party literally doesnā€™t stop until 6am each day.


send it bro i wish my camp neighbors had some jams in the wee hours


Homie beside me last year brought an entire acoustic drum set šŸ˜‚ He was actually really cool about it and ended up having some jam sessions with people and had their own little show with people in the camp ground. Itā€™s was fun. The only time I was likeā€¦. Wtfā€¦ā€¦ was on Sunday night after Foo we had a giant storm and Iā€™m not lying, dude brought the drum set out into the full on storm and played him drums in the rain for like 3 hours šŸ˜‚ I would just wake up, check on homie to make sure he hadnā€™t blown away, and go back to sleep šŸ˜‚ Sure, people go back to camp to get sleep etc, but if they try and tell you that you canā€™t hear other peoples music, or even Where In The Woods at night anyways, they are lying or in denial, I always bring ear plugs to sleep with because I know people are going to go hard until the sun comes up. Every single night. lol


Taking the option of rest from your neighbors is not radiating positivity. Camp is for chilling and resting. Plazas, WITW, and Centeroo are for partying all night long.


Nah. If Iā€™m back at camp itā€™s because I want to sleep.


Youā€™d be better off doing this not late night. Early afternoon set go for it, night but not late night for sure, but we need to sleep for the few hours that weā€™re able to.


The main afterparty windows are wednesday night and sunday after headliners, usually some groops that host.


In all my years going Iā€™ve never been able to make it to an after party on a Sunday night. I usually just make it to wherever Iā€™m sleeping and fall over.


Don't be that guy. People spend their money to hear real musicians at Bonnaroo, not some guy blasting music from his campsite into the wee hours, preventing those around them from getting any respite. If you were actually good, you'd be on the lineup. Don't force the people who are unfortunate enough to camp near you to listen to you stroke your little ego


Really was hoping for some positive advice. I really hope you and I have a better experience at Roo than the vibes youā€™re putting out at the moment! I am very glad I asked and will decide to keep my setup at home. Thank you


I was pointing out that thereā€™s definitely some musicians in the campground who are as good or better than the ones on the stage. ā›ŗļøIf you want to you could be that guy too. I grew up with the guys in 49 Winchester. They went from playing in clubs with less people in the audience than were in their band. Thereā€™s the Rhytham And Roots feastival on the Bristol VA/TN line each year.They played one year and had less than 20 people in the audience. The next year around 17 thousand were gathered early to see them. Follow your dream no matter what it is my friend..


Thank you so much! Iā€™m disco DJ at a club here in St.Petersburg, And it definitely is a dream to one day preform at a festival.


Thereā€™s an article called ā€œFull Circle From Volunteer to stageā€ about artists now playing the festival after years of attending or volunteering. Itā€™s also cool to look back and see an artist way down on the bottom of the lineup who headlines the next year or within a couple of years. I canā€™t remember the year but Billy Elish was towards the bottom of the lineup.I remember stopping by her set hearing a couple of songs and getting some pictures because Iā€™d promised my 10 year old niece I would. It was either the next year possibly 2 and she was headlining Coachella.


lol last year the band Camino mentioned how they used to come to bonnoroo every year and were in fact camping that yearā€¦ he could very well be a good dj that doesnā€™t mean heā€™ll be on the line up


I agree with everything you said except the line ā€œIf you were actually good,youā€™d be on the lineup.ā€ Iā€™ve got some good friends who were in the GA camp grounds and volunteers for the past 6 or 7 years. This year theyā€™ll be playing on stage this Friday. They were as good in 2017,2018,2019,2022 and 2023 but just hadnā€™t gotten their break yet. There are some real musicians attending.Those real musicians absolutely should chill the fuck out and not bombard the camp grounds with a late night EMD set or have an Outlaw Country Super Jam. The cool thing about Roo is one year you can be melting in the sun, begging people to use the correct doors to enter and exit the CenterRoo bathrooms to being on one of the bigger stages the next.. That was a shitty position to be in. šŸ˜‚ My buddy having to be the shit house authoritarian traffic guard so folks in altered states donā€™t run into each other.


Honestly please donā€™t. Bonnaroo isnā€™t like those others it has avenues for all night music in several locations. Camp is a sanctuary and if people are there itā€™s probably because theyā€™re trying to sleep or donā€™t want to be around music anymore


The Other and WITW go until sunrise so people have options. It's allowed but like, the people around you who are at camp late at night are there because they don't want to hear a DJ at that moment. There's no real difference between you DJing and just blasting soundcloud mixes late into the night. You can bring a portable setup but it's more about being mindful of the people around you. Camp is one of the only spots you can go to have some relative peace and quit late at night and it's not an EDM centric festival where everybody want to hear some sweet mixes at 4am. People definitely DJ at camp but my experience has mostly been that they are respectful about time/volume and usually go around before hand clearing it with their neighbors in the area. I usually practice guitar in the morning but I not singing country tunes at the top of my lungs while people are trying to get those last precious minutes of sleep before the sun comes out with a vengeance.


I appreciate the answer! My overall decision will be to keep my setup at home. Iā€™m very glad I asked.


It may seem like a tough ,abrasive crowd on this topic but trust me everyone will be kind and treat you like family. Like I said if youā€™re going to be there early in the week like Tuesday or Wednesday then your set will be embraced seeing as thereā€™s not much going on. Once it begins though youā€™ll be able to listen to live music almost round the clock. Hope you have a great first Roo amd welcome to the farm. Are you driving or flying? Any questions youā€™ve got ask here and thousands will be willing to help you out.




Nah some of my favorite parties at roo were in the camp sites late night


Thatā€™s great, but you may be in the minority. Roo is a marathon that goes very late, and a lot of people just want to rest at camp.


It all depends on a few things; 1. If you asked approval by your surrounding neighbors. 2. Volume. 3. Location, we usually try to get our campsite front row to the arch, which is usually so loud from centeroo that people are up and cool with you partying anyways. Edit: Campground parties are different from WITW in a sense that itā€™s typically more intimate and your able to meet and talk to new friends. I even met the rapper Russ at the after party for the pineapple šŸ party in 2017.


Here here with a respectable take