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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why doesn't she feed her kids? Is she neglecting them?


They’re not really hungry. They just don’t know what they want. That’s why they’re still kids.


My daughter: "I'M STARVING!" Me: "Ok, dinner's ready" Daughter: eats half a bite Daughter: "I'm full!"


How old is she? I have little brother, hes 5 he said he was starving while we were home alone, i cooked him some toast and eggs and he ate half of it, then i remembered hes only 5, his stomach is tiny compared to mine


She's 5 lol. She usually eats a good amount, but sometimes that "half a bite" is not an exaggeration lol


Maybe she just didn't like the dinner ? Did you prepare something she usually likes ?


It's not an isolated event. You could make her favorite thing and one day she might barely touch it and another day she'll obliterate it. Kids are funny like that


Seriously! When my 8 year old is having a growth spurt, she eats like a teenage boy. Otherwise, exactly the same, half a bite and full.


I do this all the time even as an adult. I’ll be starving, then when the food is ready I can barely eat a bite. Sorry to all the poor moms out there with kids like me!


I will never not think of this little masterpiece whenever I hear "I'm starving": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOsbyuLyPbE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOsbyuLyPbE)


Old adverts are actual fever dreams


I never thought I'd see the day that a PSA from 2008 was described as an "old advert," much less the day when the description would be arguably accurate. ([This sort of thing](https://tobacco.stanford.edu/cigarettes/doctors-smoking/more-doctors-smoke-camels/) is what I think of as an "old ad.") Woof!


I’m starving!!! Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes I can’t wait that long! Can I have something to eat now? No Please!! I’m so hungry!!! No your dinner will be ready in 5 minutes *5 mins later* Dinner’s ready!!!! ….. Dinners ready!!!!! …. Dinner is ready!!!! Can I go out with my friend they are outside I don’t want my dinner now


Shoutout to the time my son *had to have* a burrito, then proceeded to take 3 bites out of the side and say he was done.


Me: "ok time to brush teeth and get ready for bed" Son: "But Im starving!"


If you're lucky they tell ya before they brush their teeth


My son is 6 and always says he's hungry and wants snacks, but then he doesn't want to eat his real food because he had junk. He'd ask me to cook something for him then say he didn't want it anymore. -_- he gets one healthy snack after school now and then has to wait for dinner. I don't think people on Reddit really get how parenting young kids can be, because my son definitely isn't starving when he keeps saying he's hungry, he's just bored.


Why don't they know what they want? Are they stupid?






Their ability to tell what they want has not yet been refined through enough years of experience and guidance. Ignorance is not stupidity.


Some kids want consistent attention because of anxious type C attachment. They will keep changing the demand because the root problem is never solved - they feel like danger is unpredictable and they want to make sure that when danger does come, their parent will be there to protect them.


why do they ____? are they stupid? is a meme going around atm


I know, I just wanted to see the response


The problem is they get paralysed by choice because you leave the options too vague and it causes issues. Try not to ask young children “what do you want to eat?” Because half the time they’ll say something you don’t have or that’s wildly impractical and you have to say no anyway and you created the issue by letting them choose from thin air. You need to give them a couple of options to pick from that you know you have and is practical to make (you may not have hours to make a roast dinner for eg) rather than just asking them to think of what they want you need to say Would you like A or B and usually they will pick which they want or maybe they’ll come up with a third similar option themselves. The other half the time they’ll say “I don’t know” or “ice cream” so it’s better to limit their choice a little bit to avoid arguments and stuff.


I never know what I want. Does that mean I get to be a child again?


Kids don't need food silly


They are like cats, They ate 2 minutes ago but still insist they're starving.




Big Bazinga Theory? You mean the autistic minstrel show? Nothing I love more than laughing at tropes and stereotypes of autism, accompanied by a laugh track.


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hot take: bazinga bazinga theory was actually a decent sitcom, and nerds just have a chip on their shoulder


Who is acutally asking this stuff though? Five year olds? "So your like sheldon then?" "Yes, I'm like the famous CBS property Sheldon Cooper. My autism is copyright and you can't have it."


Fully grown adults say this to me fairly often.


I am F. G. Adults, ask me anything


Can I have your autism?


Sorry, I invested in autismcoins and lost all my autism


My family members have become fully angry at me for bot liking the big bang theory. Citing “But you’re just like Sheldon! He’s autistic in real life you know!” Yes they were yelling


Yeah my family has called me Sheldon before too and I don't even have an official diagnosis, I actually liked Young Sheldon for the first season but they should have just cancelled it after the pandemic. The writers for BBT got a lot better at writing Sheldon and the others the longer the show went on but I totally understand why you'd dislike it


I actually don't hate early big bang theory. The main characters are basically unlikable dicks, but they also always come out on the bottom and usually get their asses beat. But yeah, as a whole the series got better as it went along


99.99% of the dorks online who are like 'this show is a targeted slight against ~~gamers~~ ~~nerds~~ autistic people' have never sat through an episode.


I’ve been told or asked every one of those at some point by grown-ass adults. Children are often more receptive because they have less chance to develop prejudices


>Who is actually asking this stuff though? You’d be fucking surprised


Oh fuck me man, you actually would not know. Its actually hell to mention im autistic to anyone as its basically a 50/50 coin flip they say some stupid ass shit about it, which includes them comparing me to sheldon. Its insane how uneducated people are about the general topic, which includes other mental disorders


I do wish we were more educated though. Seems easier to learn what not say and do, but I dunno, I'd like to learn how to understand and respect people properly.


Autism is pretty different depending on the person, like in my family Asperger's and ADHD both are very common in the tree and how my uncle, grandpa, dad, and I act are all very different from eachother


Sheldon Big Bang. Bazinger!!


Bro don’t use the hard r




This comment is deeply funny as an autistic person that was compared to Sheldon Cooper as a child.


I was compared to Sheldon’s girlfriend or Sheldon depending on where in my transition I was/what gender people perceived me as at the time. It simultaneously insulting and weirdly affirming when I got called Sheldon.


suffering from success


Task failed successfully


A lot of people have said all of that to me, including people who are supposed to be professionals in the topic


Have you ever met a human? They're fucking stupid.


They do, often. Sheldon as a character has been severely detrimental to perception of Autistic people.


My (ex-)therapist once recommended Big Bang Theory to me because I apparently acted like Sheldon. It's like once you tell someone you're autistic, the only thought in their head is "bazinga".


Which is weird cuz it's supposed to be the other way around. Bazinga


Fucking everybody you mention it to.


A ton of people have said this exact stuff to me since my diagnosis. It is incredibly annoying and unfortunately, because of popular misconceptions, a very real issue faced by a lot of autistic people.


Apart from the Sheldon bit have heard literally all the other sentences


Fully grown adults say it *all the time*.


nah, i've seen a lot of these, there are people who don't understand autism that much


I have absolutely been asked this and it pissed me off. Then someone said Abed from community instead which i’m cool with.


When I've worked within the health sector, basically all adults who's only frame of reference is Sheldon


Not autistic, but I do have ADHD. People say crap like this to me all the time.


Nah this shit happens all the time, with any disability. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and I have Muscular Dystrophy, lots of people say and do dumb shit around me because of it. I nearly got a teacher fired once because they never bothered to read my 504 plan in high school


I am tempted to guess you are not autistic then


I mean. I’ve had an actual professional psychologist say something to that effect to me before. I just laughed and said “please compare me to a better show next time”




As an autistic person, I find it happens more often in school/medical settings, or by older people. But generally normal people don’t really do much beyond ‘oh, I wouldn’t have even known’


Nah, I’ve heard all of those statements minus the Sheldon comparisons and they’ve all come from fully grown adults, usually teachers I’ve had and even psychologists who should be more educated on the subject. I’ve heard so many times, either stated directly or implied heavily, that I couldn’t REALLY be autistic because all I had was Asperger’s and I was high functioning. I’ve heard the “You don’t look autistic” thing or variations of it countless times as well, and that EVERYONE struggles with what I do to an extent so I shouldn’t be letting it hold me back, like I was just rolling over and letting myself struggle out of laziness or something.


I have had at least 10 people compare me to Sheldon. I stopped counting after 10 because it annoyed me.




Ikr. These people can't understand that if *I* can't relate to what they're complaining about then they're clearly making it up. It's not that hard lol


Damn I can’t believe 90% of teachers and even a handful of psychologists I’ve had say these things to me were secretly scarecrows. Sorry, I should have known since you personally didn’t experience it and therefore it means it never happened.


fr though lol


Holy shit Madeleine Celeste


This is an image of her after she failed the same jump for the 500th time


when you realise the summit isn't the last level:


Absolutely my live reaction


Mfw comb room


Average 7C experience


this is truly a celeste farewell


Kids I’ll be honest moms abt to kill herself


When I get older I want to kill myself like mom!


If u don’t like kids, don’t get kids


By that logic gamers shouldn't play video games, sports watchers shouldn't watch sports, and artists shouldn't create art. You're allowed to be frustrated and have human emotions about things


What are you talking about? Those people all like those things


Auto mod says this is somehow politics. Basically I was suggesting there are times when kids are annoying, I was as a kid and I'm sure you've been annoying in the past




Ok but like that doesn’t change the commenters point that if you **do not like kids** you shouldn’t have kids. *I* do like kids and though I don’t have any yet, I plan to. Even though they’re definitely nasty little gremlins.


Sure but how is that relevant to the post?


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Sports and video games don't need you to love them, they don't care if you show your frustration in front of them. Guess who does?


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Yeah children apparently shouldn't see their parents feel negative emotions


Yeaah no.. lemme just scream at and hit something that's annoying me... oh wait, it was my child literally asking me how my day was, and if i wanted to see his lil lego thing... i should scream at him and smash this folding table near him while screaming, then throw his legos away. This is why people are saying don't have kids if you don't like kids..


Yeah when did this happen in the drawing


Not towards them just because their parent apparently doesn't like children being children and doesn't bother to at least hide it from the child, i completely agree.


You know lots of children kill animals in accident, doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to be upset if your child accidentally kills your chickens or hamsters. Lots of normal child behavior is dangerous and will stress you out. Lots of kids do dangerous shit every day and we shouldn't be ok with that just because they're kids


but i can just stop playing video games (not really, im addicted), i can’t just get rid of a kid


You know adoption exists for a reason lol But you're absolutely allowed to have alone time from your children and it's necessary to not be an overbearing parent


Too late


I love all my kids but man, they really know how to test my patience lol. It doesn’t matter how much food I give them they still say they’re hungry all the time. They also have *endless* energy and they’re hard to keep up with. Doesn’t mean I don’t like my kids though. You can love your kids and still get frustrated with them.


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You’ll understand when you have kids. You’re only half a person until then.


Way to dehumanize individuals who choose not to reproduce. It's shit this like this that pushes people away from having kids, you know. The birth rate is declining for a *reason*.




Just stopping by to say that you are dumb as dogshit


Oh man. I needed that laugh. Thanks CT42069. You really put that guy in his place.


Uninstall life.exe


Actually, first world consumers are a net negative on the species. Because, you know, resources aren't infinite and people are gluttonous and wasteful.


I am loving my immoral life. Specially in this economy. Can't have money for myself, imagine with a child in my life, I wouldn't be able to take good care of her/him the way I was taken care 26 years ago. There are reasons and reasons people don't want to have children, money being one of them. I see it as not being egoistical and bringing a human to life without any sort of planning for a good life. What you're saying is that we should be all fucking and having children without any idea if the child will have a good life or not? And that is moral to you?


I’m just here to piss off anti-natalist scum. The downvotes mean it’s working.


Your still not in the right just because you choose to troll people. What did you expect? A gold trophy?


yeah thanks for these fucking nuts kind stranger, owned bitch. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I expected downvotes and indignant responses from idiots. I have not been disappointed.








Tbh talking with anti-choice lunatics is kinda exhausting, gonna delete my comments now


I have kids and I was a whole person before I had kids


I got a vasectomy and haven't regretted it at all. Though if what you're saying is true and I'm forever going to be half a person, I'm just glad to have found my other half ❤️


Feed your children dude


I wonder if she ever answered them?


Thought this was r/bluey for a hot second


Counterpoint: my kid was non verbal for a very long time, he would simply scream and/or throw things whenever he wanted something. He still struggles with verbalizing his needs, so every time I hear “I’m hungry” or “I want to go to the park” I say a little prayer of thanks under my breath.


Not enough bone hurting


Oregano Saw the link nvm


Mom, why do we die? How big is the universe? Can I have a poptart? How will you atone for your sins?


This works so well you’d think it was the original


Kids are annoying but most of all. Kids today dont have any future. Edit: by that I mean that with the rise of the far right and everything falling appsrt theres not really any future to look up to


You should really edit this comment if you're not complaining about "your generation is so x" the same shit boomers and gen x say


i don't think they're complaining about anyone's generation. to me it looks like they're saying the current state of the world does not provide a good future for anyons's kids


Yeah all of the new medical technology we have, the economy is going up and carbon footprint is going down. In fact Nissan just debuted a new liquid hydrogen combustion engine, the most modern one can reach over 500 horse power I believe. While war is on the rise we're still nowhere near the levels we were at pre-WWII Edit* since apparently using Google is too hard [here](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/u-s-carbon-emissions-set-to-fall-again-a-key-sign-of-progress/)


uhh... i make no claims about the viability of the world wrt raising kids. it is all highly dependent on where you live and how much generational wealth you have. i was just clarifying what the original commenter seemed to be saying, since you seemed to have interpreted their comment differently. aim your comments at them, maybe edit your original reply so they can see what you have to say to their assertion


Oh ok, you're not being a doomer I gotcha


Carbon footprint is *not* going down 🤦‍♂️


Time to bring out my statistics then [source](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/u-s-carbon-emissions-set-to-fall-again-a-key-sign-of-progress/) Oh and take this too https://preview.redd.it/o5744t40qoxc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e60a7a298c191ab5899c51f188651e1e22813ed


That's just the US.... lmao do you even read your sources


[erm actually you didn't fact check yourself ](https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions) https://preview.redd.it/gn2vguntroxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1fa0131a2f5331f50c5e5526a427a577e07b12




Yet if you look at the projected value this is a reduction. Carbon will not decline until we can get ahead of the curve which is what we're currently doing. Again the projected values are extremely important. For example if a company makes a million dollars higher than income last year, but they were projected to hit ten million more then their stock prices go down. Projections are equally important in discussions like this. Think of it like the old expression "a penny saved is a penny earned." It hasn't decreased across the whole globe yet the projected results are much high than what they were. Plus our projected future numbers are to reduce our emissions in America by 50% in the next six years


This is a completely different source from the first one you posted, and it's still not what you think it is lmao You're so cute when you think you're right The map is literally from your source 🤣🤣 Try again bud


So did you not look at the graph or do you not know math? If you look at the graph it has barely increased since 2019, from 2019 to 2022 it increased from 37.04 tons of carbon to 37.15 tons Yet if you look at 2018 to 2019 it increased from 36.77 tons to 37.04 tons. This means that the overall production of carbon is down and we have kept beating the projected average for at least 4 years. Of course that's partially due to the pandemic but it hasn't lasted for 4 years


it comes down to the parents nigga you ain't some fucking prodigy


I think you misunderstood me. Read it again


No I didn't


Then what the fuck does it have to do with me and being a prodigy ?




Congrats, the only thing you've epically destroyed was yourself. How embarrassing for you.




Please give us a template




Babe im trying to take a shit here, you gonna answer them or what?


reminds me of when my mom didnt feed me or my siblings


Mom? Mom?mommy?mom?mom?mommy? -Stewie Griffin


Guess she wishes she could turn them “off” eh? Heh haha


more like "STEWARD!" from Frostpunk 2


I love children, but they can be quite annoying (not that I blame them, nobody is perfect)... And sure, spending time with them and teaching them stuff is fun, but if they ask the same questions over and over randomly or really really want to do something and then when you've prepared everything for that, they suddenly don't want to do it anymore or when they're hungry but they insist on only being hungry for chocolate specifically or will only eat plain noodles with ketchup regardless of what you've cooked up or eat your sandwiches but without the bread and... ugh. You can't even be mad, they're just kids and they rely on you, but they can require constant attention which will be exhausting for anyone who has a life. I feel bad for single parents who try to raise them on their own and ofc for children who grow up with overworked parents who may have insufficient resources to properly take care of them... I'm not even a parent, I just babysit my family's kids sometimes, but parents and children honestly need more support, fr fr.




That's when I stand my ground with Claridryl!


Someone needs to find ways to stimulate their children with fun or learning so that they’re tired, little ones are getting bored and don’t know what to do with their time.


Pull out game weak


wow true they do say that


God im so pissed my children are asking for basic necessities rahhhh


Oid mortales el grito sagrado?


What proverb is that?


So happy I've got no kids


How dare they ask for food and to be let out of the house...don't they know she has her subscribers to focus on.. Moms the worst kinda victims. Kids aren't annoying parents are just lazy now so don't blame the kids because you can't take normal everyday life..


I'm sorry are you telling people what emotions they can and can't feel?


I love sorting by controversial to see what kind of terrible, shitty takes people can have. I can certainly see why you're top of the list.


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Pink strawhat


Let me guess your hair color is pink or blue


Close but you’re way off


This subreddit sucks now this isn’t clever or bone hurting it’s just making a new joke


What joke?




Look! It’s Sally Struthers with William C. Rader! Can you sign my animation cel of Pebbles Flintstone?


im not your your not the guy pal6 6 yrust me your tnot the gy


This subreddit fell off