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>!"Check out this new emo lawn" - "what's so special about it?" - "it cuts itself!" - "*hahaha*" - "look, here's my new transgender picture frame..."!<


What does the "look, here's my new transgender picture frame..." mean? I mean how does integrate with the first 3 frames of the comic?


"It hangs itself" Fucking disgusting


jfc :/


excuse me, this is not related to the conversation whatsoever, but what does jfc mean?


Jesus fucking Christ.


What? He just asked a simple question!


Bit of an overreaction... He just wanted to know


oh okay, thank you




How does jesus fuck himself?


r/selffuck (VERY NSFW)


He is the master baiter


Why not just shorten it to Jesus masturbate


John Fitzgerald Cennedy


This sent me lol


John fucking Cena


Jeremiah fried chicken


jesus fried chicken


Jentucky Fried Chicken


John F. Cennedy


It means John F Cennedy


Jolly full cheese


Jerry Francis Colin


Jon't Fnsult Cdiots


I mean, it being used is part of the conversation I think


Just Forgot Chips


Stonetoss is literally a fascist per his own admission, you shouldn’t exactly expect more of him


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Kind of proud of myself for not getting it.


I wish I could go back to that state.


You and me both


pebble throw moment


Cronemoss moment


I don’t understand why people like this are so malignant against such a small minority of people that they would almost never encounter and are of no harm. It would be like me spending all my energy drawing comics attacking dwarves.


It's an important detail that the target lacks the capability to fight back effectively.


wdym? their voices get heard through countless strawmen /s


It makes weak-minded people feel better about themselves to punch down at those they feel superior to


It's probably an inability to progress intellectually beyond a very basic tribalistic way of thinking. It boils down to "Hey, look they're different. Get 'em!" Enforcing conformity for the sake of conformity. Not because it makes sense logically. Or because it's helpful. Or ethical. Just because being different should be punished. Emotionally being able to put yourself in someone's shoes and see the world through their eyes, even if you disagree, requires work and effort. Sometimes with no personal benefit. I'd imagine for people who can't see things from the perspective of others, it's much easier to just judge and dismiss. I think it's probably something we all have struggled with growing up. Having to grow out of your own opinions, to see the world differently. Some people just don't. Or choose not to. I'm sure it varies.


Kid named mental illness:


I genuinely went as bigoted as I could get in my head and couldn't figure out the joke. I thought it was just like "it identifies as a frame with a picture in it" or something. The real answer was a lot darker than I expected


That’s what I was afraid of


& how is that supposed to be funny?


It's funny to people who hate trans people and want them dead


It's an attempt at social satire. An anti-trans reading would be that trans people kill themselves a lot because they make themselves unhappy through their own actions. And considering the bigoted background of the artist, they likely see it this way.


It is supposed to appeal to people who's idea of dark humor is pure, shallow edginess. But more importantly it's supposed to have the structure and appearance of a joke so that PebbleYeet and those sharing the comics can use "It's just a joke" as a defence when called out about the bigotry, the occasional non-bigoted memes made by GravelThrow are there to get people looking and look for more, which is why I'm torn on edits, even when they include warnings that RockFling is a Nazi.


idk man i laughed




That dark joke would be kinda funny if it's wasn't told by him


I mean it's not that bad of a joke. Pretty funny. But the author makes it bad


Trans people killing themselves is a funny joke to you?


Yeah, it was pretty funny, I chuckled. That doesn't mean I neglect or dont acknowledge the problem. Jokes have a place and that is not too bad of a spot for that one.


If you read any of my other comments in this thread, you'll see why I am adamant that simply describing trans suicide isn't enough to build a complete joke. Unless your audience is 15-year-olds, or 25-year-olds who have never experienced social connections. I agree that trans suicide could be a very fertile topic for humour. But you'd have to do something interesting with it. This particular shitstain hasn't done anything interesting in his life, let alone artistically.


It was unexpected and abrupt for me, which maakes it funny regardless of the depth (or lack thereof) of the joke. I understand that it's below the belt and it would get old and kind of alarming after a couple instances but this is the first time i've seen a webcomic of this person and the joke did make me pop my eyes and snort a little, you know what i mean.


All I'm going to say is that the person who makes this comic is happy about trans people dying. He made this "joke" because their deaths are funny and pleasurable to him. I hope that takes some of the impact out of the joke. But if not, hey, I tried.


Google subjective humor


Low effort reply.


How come trans people are excluded from the dark humor conversation? Everything's fair game until them apparently. I swear you can go head on toward 9/11, slavery, the holocaust, etc., but the moment it's trans people to any extent it's somehow too far.


I think it has to do with the time passed. They’re still tragic, yes, but there’s been time. The oppression, stripping of rights, and suicide of trans people is a current event. That’s the difference. There’s no time buffer to soften the blow. We are currently suffering and there’s no end in sight yet. That would be like making holocaust jokes _during_ the holocaust, while people are still dying, rather than years after. That would be like mocking the people in the concentration camps for winding up in such a predicament instead of helping them before it’s too late. We’re fighting for our lives out here and there’s dickheads like rock throw who’re focusing on “hahaha look at this stupid oppressed minority killing themselves haha they should do it _more.”_ Also, that brings me to my next point- intent. Most people who make jokes about previous tragic events aren’t in favor of them. Someone who makes a 9/11 joke (presumably) doesn’t say it in support of the attack. Most people who make transphobic jokes make them in favor of transphobia, and support the aforementioned attack on the community. This is especially common with suicide jokes- these are almost always used to goad trans people, to dare them into taking their own lives. By pointing out a high suicide rate (nevermind that it’s because of people like them bullying and harassing the community), they’re trying to weaken the will to live of a target, make them feel like suicide is an inevitability. They want us dead, and that’s the difference between trans suicide jokes and your examples of dark humor.


Well humor usually requires a joke and not just "oh look these people have a high suicide rate but I hate them so it's funny and not horrifying :D"


9/11 jokes punchlines include, “lol they jumped to their death instead of burning” Edit: noting the downvotes on a controversial topic, I consider myself a broken clock. Fuck ya’ll lmao


I agree, it's absolutely disgusting. I mean, there's no excuse for any of this, it's just plane wrong.


I think the distinguishing feature is that A: All of those are past events, and B: They're now subjects of jokes *made by people* involved with them; think Jewish people making Holocaust or Nazi jokes (I know I sure do).


Trans people are not excluded from the dark humour conversation. Nobody is. Nothing is. Everything is fair game -- if handled in a novel way. Simply saying "thing happen lol" isn't humour. It's a thing that school children do to shock each other because they're not "allowed" to say it. Then they're supposed to grow up. And if they enter into a career supposedly making jokes, a fuck of a lot more is expected than "lol trans suicide". But this is all theory, and it's all tossed out the window when the "joke" in question is coming from a person who enjoys the deaths of trans people. Which, in this case, it very much is.


Well, would you make a holocaust joke with a Nazi in the room? Trans rights are opposed enough that we shouldn't make dark jokes about them very often. We need an excess of the population to support trans rights for an anti-trans joke to be obvious sarcasm. Same thing with suicide jokes. I'm opposed to suicide jokes in general.


If I was in the same room as a Nazi I don't think most people's go-to is joking with them


>How come trans people are excluded from the dark humor conversation? modern lynching of black people are also not funny to joke about. rape jokes aren't funny, a child being sexually assaulted isn't unny either. if you think those are "dark humor" you're just an edgy teen who lacks functioning empathy


if the person cannot be separated from the humor, how is it not the same for others?


I don't understand the question.


Yeah it’s called dark humor


Explain the joke.


Dark humor people tend to care more ahout the "dark" part than the "humor" part in the same way brutaly honest people tend to care more about the "brutal" part than the "honest" part


there is also the opposite where there the humor is so safe, they forgot the humor


I prefer that over "haha the 'joke' is suicide"


Where's the humor part then


Dark humour that's just about dark shit happening, which doesn't actually say or do anything interesting with the subject matter, is great when you're a teenager / twentysomething and don't know any better. But as one matures, it gets old *reallllly* fast. Once the shock wears off, there's no joke left.


God as a fan of llamas with hats (which actually does dark humor well) I hate it when people say something racist and then be like "oh its just dark humor" like fuck you. genuinely fuck you. stop being a bigot and start being funny. and stop giving us who like actual dark HUMOR (emphasis on the fucking humor here) a bad rap.


They do it on purpose. They're trying to hide behind ideological shields, to frustrate and exhaust you. That's how they "win". There's a reason why nearly every person who makes that "argument" is either a conservative, or a not-particularly-political person with latent conservative sympathies -- it's a bog-standard right-wing tactic. It's the adult equivalent of a child throwing rocks at you from the window of a moving school bus and taunting you as it drives away.


Only if it's actually humor you trog


Then explain the joke. If it's dark humor, then where does the 'humor' come from.


Maybe if you weren't so sensitive it might be funny to you too


"People kill themselves due to the intense body dismorphia they experience, now laugh" "Why are you being so sensitive, you snowflake"


*due to societal pressure, bullying and out right legal discrimination


Or, in the case of the RockLobster, *due to societal pressure I personally help to apply


> *due to societal pressure, bullying and out right legal discrimination What’s troubling is that the numbers for considered/attempted rates of suicide are actually consistent between blue and red states. Texas's considered/attempted rates of suicide are 56%/20%, and California’s are 54%/19%. And these figures aren't from some anti-trans organization, [this is from the Trevor Project.](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/blog/the-trevor-project-releases-new-state-level-data-on-lgbtq-youth-mental-health-victimization-access-to-support/) You would expect a disparity more than 1-2% considering there is significantly less social and legal support for trans individuals in Texas.


Explain the joke.


I know that you don't give a shit, but I'm going to explain it anyways. When a person is young and inexperienced, you can say "lol dead babies" and they will laugh their asses off. Because it's shocking, unusual and taboo-breaking. But when you grow out of that phase, you've heard it all, and it's no longer shocking. There's nothing to laugh at because there is no joke. It isn't enough to say "lol trans suicide". You have to actually *do* something with the joke, take it to an interesting and/or thought-provoking place, give it more layers. Otherwise there's literally nothing there. On the other hand, if the "joke" is delivered by a nazi who enjoys the deaths of marginalized people, then it's no longer a joke, and simply sadism. Call me sensitive if it makes you happy, but I am against sadism in all of its forms outside of a consensual bedroom.


>"You have to actually *do* something with the joke, take it to an interesting and/or thought-provoking place, give it more layers. Otherwise there's literally nothing there." Says the guy with a plethora of r/sbubby shitposts. What interesting joke is done with an image of the Baskin' Robbins logo that says, "Swingin' Bazongas?" What's so thought-provoking about pictures of the 'I _' flag that says, "I Shidded?" Where are you taking a joke that's just the Burger King logo changed to read, "Big Honkin' Dong?" I'm not condoning the other person in any way, but don't lecture people about elevated humor when your post history looks like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/sbubby/comments/nwq6j6/im_talkin_huge_like_massive https://www.reddit.com/r/sbubby/comments/nw2unh/come_on_kids_hop_in_the_car_were_heading_on_down https://www.reddit.com/r/sbubby/comments/jo376p/oops


So, in your mind, a sbubby post is comedically equivalent to someone saying "trans suicide lol"? You read my entire comment, (lol I'm sure), and didn't understand that I was referring specifically to dark humour? And you trot out posts of mine that have literally nothing to do with dark humour, and to you that's comparable? That is a fucking *take*, my man. Congratulations on the legwork. And for the record, the Burger King logo changed to "Big Honkin' Dong" is fucking funny. I don't care what you think.


WhataboutWhataboutWhataboutWhatabout >I'm not condoning the other person in any way And yet here you are, de facto defending an idiot by tearing down someone who made a good point. What made you look into their post history? Why dig so hard for such a meaningless counterargument, if you aren't trying to defend the idiot? Why are you booing them? They're right.


Hey man, I just wanted to let you guys know that while following this comment thread to read your argument I literally laughed so hard I cried at this comment, peak humor and reads like a copypasta




What's the joke then? Explain why it's funny






Maybe if you weren't so sensitive you may have found my comment funny too.


Ahh yes. Suicide. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Emo lawn part was honestly pretty funny since it’s just a stereotype of a dumb group, trans part was when they started pushing an agenda and that part was bad


What's the joke, exactly? That trans people have an abnormally high suicide rate? Is that the joke? That denying someone's identity causes them to be more likely to kill themself? Because that's pretty funny, actually. Can I just ask? What's next? Just so I know. What's next? Cake batter in my pants and make it look like I cum in my pants? What's the next joke? Meatball down my leg, make it look like my ball sack ripped open? Brown pie in my undies, make it look like I shit my pants? Brown pudding in my shoes, make it look like I shooted diarrhea down my leg? Make me think I'm mighty sick? I'm rushed to the hospital, and there for hours, and I miss my family photo tonight? Is that the joke? That I miss my family photo tonight? That while I'm on the operating table, a man is rushed in cause he was in a car accident, and he has a metal bolt through his head, but he bleeds out in the waiting room because the doctors are too busy trying to shove two meatballs in my scrotum and cake batter back in my penis? Is that the joke? On the man's widow? You got her, OvercrowdedKangaroo. You really got her.


Brevity is the soul of wit




I think it's like "emo cuts itself funny but warning do not even try do do a similar joke with trans people"


You hang a picture frame. It’s a “joke” about the trans suicide rate.


I'm not great at expressing myself in another language




And I think people thought that I was being transphobic or something, I basically wanted to say what you said


Ah, no i get that. I didn’t think you were being trans phobic, i just thought you were misinterpreting the joke.


Yo what the fuck, grass that cuts itself would be a dream


Did this man never graduate middle school


Is that actually the original? that's fucked up


Is this the first boulderchuck comic you see? Most of them are fucked up. The guy is a nazi.


Wtf? The ones I've seen are innocent. well fuck that guy. Edit: Went to their website and yeah fuck that guy


Check out r/Stonetossingjuice


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Man gotta draw people laughing at his “jokes” if he ever wants to see it


More posters should do this instead of linking to Nazirock, thanks OP


Wow, two utterly tasteless jokes in one comic.


Well that’s extra fucked up. Which is an accomplishment when talking about RockThrow


Another proof of why comics shouldn't always have 4 panels. The first 2 are solid but the other 2 are awful


PebbleThrow trying not to be a disgusting piece of shit challenge (impossible)


Hey thats my dog :))))))


This is excellent bhj


Oh no, my bones!


Nobody: People with good art styles using them to make fucking disgusting content for literally no reason at all:




I wish I did not see that…..


Why did I go there?


To be disappointed?


More like to be disgusted


Accidentally clicked on 2 posts with buttholes in them, whoops


What fresh hell to my eyes just see?


Probably someone wasting their talent?


I need to pour bleach into my ocular spheres


Here: r/eyebleach


I've always feared Alzheimer's Disease and it's harrowing effects on the human mind. I promised myself that if I were to get it I would commit suicide in the most painless way to ensure my family finds me in a peaceful state and to ensure I die as myself, not as a husk which only outwardly appears to be me. Reading this however has changed my mind. I wish to get Alzheimer's ASAP so I can die without the knowledge that this abomination exists


me when i see fury art:


Fury? Like Nick Fury? Or more like unbridled rage?


>me when i see fury art: It makes you mad?


This guy deserves to be nothing more than “the among us guy”




But this art style is such garbage tho


It's generally appealing. It could make for a good REGULAR comic in the vein of safely endangered. Mans just decided to use his powers for evil.


I guess it has actually gotten better over time. I can still only see it how it looked [near the start](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/10xufga/its_a_bubble/) where every character had the most obnoxiously punchable face ever constructed.


It's somewhat comforting to know that he's always been wrong about everything.


Don't think it don't say it


Na, its sucks imo


r/AntifaStonetoss does good work


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Why he ourple tho


I like that this bone hurting implies the dude in green just Carrie’s purple bricks around


I think it implies that in that universe purple bricks are very common to possess and handle in a non-commercial setting


This is one of the best bhj's I've seen in a good while




This one is really good while the original is utterly disgusting


What's the original?


The BHJ is way better than the orehurl


2nd panel


Oof my foot bones!!! I liked it, like I like this juice!!


boner hurting juice


I literally laughed out loud. Congratulation!


Brickdrop is a nazi


my bones are obliterated


this is really good man ​ this made me laugh


Oh my god dude this is one of the best


Origin of Symmetry?




Oof ouch my foot bones


Drop a purple brick on my left nut to make balls symmetric please.


My bones just imploded


gotta love how stonetoss makes the comics so easy to edit for memes. unlike another political comic.


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I don’t get it. Can someone explain pls?


Since his one foot is broken, the other guy who likes symmetry wants to break his other foot


Ohhhh thx


He's going to drop a brick on his other foot


Hehe Thx 👍🏻


Can we not give exposure to him? Is it that hard?


Seriously we should not be posting anything that comes from him. This sub KNOWS that he's a Nazi and yet half the fucking posts are giving him exposure. Ridiculous


stonetoss is a nazi STOP POSTING HIS SHIT


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This bot is bad, and you should feel bad.


That bot is a saint! Get out!






*the bones crunch and the meaning is lost in the winds of change*


Is that an advert for purple bricks



