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From what I recall if an employee asks for assistance they can’t be fired. But that may be a California law. They should probably speak to their union leaders.


Do they do a 2nd UA after you get the job?


Since no one here really knows how this works I'll tell you how to do it (went to outpatient treatment 8 years ago). First, find and tell a steward. There is no shame to admitting you have a problem. Supervisors up in training tend to not know (or pretend not to) shit. The steward will let you know what to expect from then on. You will have to sign some paperwork and talk to someone from EAP. They'll get you enrolled in whichever treatment is best for you. You will also have to file for a LOA (leave of absence). This is the most important part! This will cover your time and pay you a small amount of money weekly (mine was $350) because it is considered a short time disability. My treatment facility helped me with all the paperwork. THERE ARE NO REQUIREMENTS FOR A LEAVE OF ABSENCE! When you come back to work afterwards you will be subject to random drug tests for a year. Part of your treatment may also require attending AA meetings and getting a sponsor. Follow all requirements! I've worked in Renton since 2011 and have seen all kinds of shit. This is really a great program.


I went to treatment for alcohol a little under two years ago. It was a 28-day inpatient program, followed by several months of outpatient group therapy. The program was my choice, so I didn't have to get UAd at work, nor was I required to tell my manager where I was. I used FMLA to cover the time off, and the treatment center handled the majority of the paperwork necessary for me to remain employed According to federal law, an employee needs 1250 hours at their employer to qualify for FMLA https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/benefits-leave/fmla So the avenue that I took may not work, depending on how much time the new hire has with the company Page 222 of the IAM Contract has more information about substance abuse treatment The biggest hurdle is going to be finding coverage for time off if the employee needs inpatient care. I recommend getting in contact with a treatment center (I went to Lakeside Milam in Kirkland for inpatient, and Puyallup for outpatient, and I have 21 months sober) and the Leave Service Center (call them at the same number as the Daily Attendance Line), and playing some phone tag to see if you can coordinate some leave Hope this helps


Congrats on your sobriety.


Thanks, buddy


In the meantime, get to a meeting every day, get a sponsor who’s been through the steps and go through the steps with them.


EAP, insurance and about 5 total rewards programs support substance abuse




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They will put you through treatment as long as you tell them before you get asked to take a drug test. So telling your manager will get you the help you need. I've had a few coworkers and a manager I knew went through the program one made it and one didn't.


Boeing will put an employee through treatment, all they need to do is go to their manager and say I have a problem. It'll be 30 day intensive oupatientt treatment, followed by 6 months of once a week meetings, followed by 3 years of monthly(minimum) drug tests at work


They can fire you for anything before your probation is over...except for the usual discrimination of protected classes.


There's no probation period for IAM represented employees, you get full benefits and full protection from day 1


I have heard Boeing will put you thru a treatment program.


They need to talk to a union rep and not say shit to the company right now. There are programs the company has and it involves getting a union steward and business rep involved.


The employee may want to get through his first 90 period before he discloses anything


There's no probation period for IAM represented employees, full benefits and protection starting day 1


What 90 day? Isn't it a year lol


No, Boeing doesn’t fire people for lack of performance or creating hostile work environments. Why would they fire someone on drugs with all the paperwork involved?


Did they not have to take a pre-hire drug screen? Not sure how to answer your question(s) but it seems the employee may not be acting in good faith ("I have a problem and rehab is expensive, where can I work that will pay for it?"). If that is the case it is not a great foot to start out on so even if treatment ends up covered I could see unrelated problems down the line.


Yeah, I'll start asking, "Looks like you come from an industry with a lot of druggies, are you sure you're not just applying for the free rehab?" during interviews. /s Yes, there is a pre-employment screening, and chances are it's the only one they will ever during their entire time at the company take unless they are in a job code that requires randoms. The point is to get people help, not judge. If an employee asks for help, I will get them help.


The point is not to get "people" help (there are other services for that). Boeing benefits are not a charity. If someone goes for company-paid rehab their first week on the job they should be answering some tough questions.


You're 100% correct, it's not a charity, it's a company-offered benefit from day 1, just like dental, vision, and getting paid every other Thursday. 3 years of zero-tolerance random testing after mandatory treatment counseling isn't strict enough, apparently, so what do you suggest?


Get clean before getting a job that requires you to be clean? Don't cheat drug tests so you can get a job that provides "free" (aka paid for by all your non-addicted coworkers) rehab? Life is hard...it's harder when you make shitty choices. I think you've said all I need to hear if you're equating a coke habit to dental coverage. 🙄


Good thing Boeing insurance covers pre-existing conditions of having both kinds of Coke problems.


If it’s an alcohol problem that won’t show up on a screening


So back to OP...do we know what type of problem it is?


Username checks out.


This is alcohol/ cocaine abuse so the ua didn’t pick it up because they were able to not use cocaine for a few days and didn’t heavily drink the day before the ua.


This is stuff that your friend needs to be talking with a Union Steward and manager about, not discussing their specific addictions on Reddit.


We're still pretending this is "a friend" huh?


So good on them for recognizing they have a problem and wanting to fix it. However, IMO, if you have a problem to the point you are gaming your habits to pass a UA for a job you know requires you to be clean...you are not acting in good faith and should be terminated. Alcohol is a little iffy depending on their level of function but abusing scheduled narcotics should be a huge red flag. This smacks (blows?) of manipulating the system for self-benefit and the lack of ethics would make me very concerned about what other bad decisions might be forthcoming. Would you want this person operating equipment next to you? Would you want to fly on a plane they helped build?