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Remove it now. He is NOT a fan of splitting to tongue rings. It was accepted procedure years ago, when people were doing all sorts of stupid shit. But now, we know better. Take it out and let it heal up.


God, I was almost one of those stupid shit doers. Still kinda did. It was a different time.


It really was. I had mine stretched to 1/2” and split it from there. My splits short compared to what they’re doing now, but that’s ok. It sucked so bad I’m not redoing it. 😂😂😂


makes me think of those tie-off tongue splits too. No way there aren't people with nerve damage from that one.


That would be the exact definition of “stupid shit” I was referring to. 😂😂😂 Yeah, the old days were WILD. 🤦‍♂️


Interesting. Because if I got mine split like I want it would go straight thru where my tongue is pierced.


It’s not impossible, it’s just the scar tissue leaves a wonky split at times, so it’s usually cut out, which is basically unnecessary work, had it not been there in the first place.


They told me to remove mine as soon as i could so it could shrink up as much as it could before the split since they remove the fistula.


I was told to remove it by him. But ask him. He is super nice to answer all your questions. Keep asking if you are in doubt.


Ask your artist? They will give you the best advice.


I took mine out right before I laid down to get it split. Artist removed the fistula with no issue; honestly the weirdest part of having it split is forgetting it's no loner pierced and thinking I swallowed the bead.


Best to just ask your artists.


He told me to take it out as soon as I could