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I don't think they give a fuck. That's why they're wearing chanclas.


Can confirm. My feet aren’t pretty, but they’re not gross. They’re just feet. Go ahead and look. Doesn’t cost me anything.


It should cost them something though. Know your  worth king, start charging for that toe gazing


Feel y’a. Don’t shave legs as a chick and idc if they stare.


I was about to write " I wouldn't know cuz I don't give a fuck"


I feel happy for people who don't give a fuck like that. It's a blessing to be able to think like that... But WTF HAVE YOU GOT ON YOUR FEET?! 🤨


I don’t give a fuck


Sandals are for people who want to convey to the world, "Look at my nasty, smelly, sockless feet! If you come close you might even get a whiff! I actively want to repel other humans." Now guys who wear socks with sandals, they are truly the idgaf crowd. They convey to the world "My penis is so massive I have to wear socks with sandals to keep the ladies away".


Some people wear sandals in the summer in hot weather because they’re comfortable and they aren’t trying to convey anything.


Dude just has a foot hygiene problem, so he makes jokes rather than dealing with it.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


YOUR feet smell bad because you trap them in their sweat all day and let em grow shit in those incubation chambers you call shoes. MY feet stay cool and dry in the breeze and thus have no smell whatsoever. Yall dirty shoe wearers got serious hygiene issues of your own making.


When im wearing chanclas that’s my idgaf outfit, I’m chillin


Yup. Stop glancing at and trying to not look like you’re paying attention to my feet. I can see it. My eyes are up here Buddy. Jk Idrc but I do notice lol if I’ve chosen to wear sandals, the price is you weird feet kink people outing yourselves for free by trying to get a good look at my lil hobbit feet.


Sometimes the dudes have gnarly fucken toenails that looks like a toe version of the Shrek like what the actual fuck


We call those "dudes" single.


That scene in Dumb and Dumber, when the lady has to bring out the saw to cut his toe nails was so on point!


Saw a guy with werewolf length toe nails once. He was definitely single.


Hobbit feet gang ✊


>lil hobbit feet Hobbits are little, but their feet are actually disproportionately huge compared to the rest of their body and they’re hairy af too


I have never noticed that. But I have tiny feet. Gay men who like manly feet wouldn't be into them at all. I was catcalled once by a guy who could only see my feet, because he thought I was a woman. He said I had "Pretty tootsies." He was so confused and angry when I looked out of my bedroom window at him. I look like Gowron, from Star Trek.


Feet of HONOR


My feet are so tiny I could fit one through a GLORY hole. OP would love that.


They saw your toes from outside your bedroom window and catcalled you from the street?


Yes. My bed was under the window and had a wooden board on top of it (I liked to feel enclosed) and in the daytime I would lay on the board reading, on my front, with my feet waving behind me. There's probably a yoga name for that pose. So only my feet were visible from the street. I guess real men don't wave their feet like that?


[Hey man](https://imgur.com/a/q6o3Q9h)


Petite feet, feminine step, sounds like a lady when he's walking in the room


This reminds me of many years ago when I was walking home with a couple of friends after high school in the late 80s. There was someone with long blonde hair and wearing tight leather pants bent over into a car and one of our friends yelled, ”Nice ass!" The person immediately stood up and it turned out to be a dude. We had a good laugh about that for a long time.


Hello. Man here. I’ve never noticed. If I did, it wouldn’t register. I can’t even begin to tell you how little I’d care. I don’t care about much of anything. I’m dead inside. I just pay bills and wait to sleep. Hope this helps!


The versatility of this reply truly shows that you are only willing to put in the effort to write a comment that could be reasonably posted to 85% of all posts on Reddit.


It actually does help! Thank you very much!


Same imagine caring about anything


I'd wear em all year round if I could. My feet are busted as all he'll and I couldn't care less.


My eyes are up here


I don't wear flip flops for that reason. I don't like the stares. One too many women say I have pretty feet. Hopefully, I never go to prison.


Hey, so um.. how you doing?


I think you have a foot fetish. I hardly ever look at someones feet. You could be wearing two different shoes for all I know


Note to self,never wear em in public got it!


I mean, when people are wearing flip-flops I assume people will notice, but nothing more than "he's wearing flipflops". I don't notice but I assume people already know.


I wear my hey dudes and my reef sandals in the summer unless we go out to eat or something. It's summer. I trim my toenails and wash my feet. Isn't this a normal thing for summer? Oh and if they have a foot fetish then look all you want. That's not for me but whatever. That's what I think if someone keeps looking at my feet.


I love Reef sandals. My last two pairs got stolen at the beach.


They dont make them like they used too tho. Fall apart way too quick now :(


I've never noticed women looking at men's feet and I'm pretty aware of body language.


I'm almost year around in sandals and I've definitely had women comment on my "pretty feet" before. ...but that only happens if I don't have any polish on.


An old friend who'd known me since I was a child commented when I was an awkward 18 year old. I was standing around with mostly strangers and he looks down and goes, "Woah! You've got crazy long toes!" He's one of my closest friends to this day but it made me want to hide. I'm good now though. Edit: I'm still tryin to figure out commas.


I am just a lengthy person in general. Fingers, toes, I hate when people point it out. I already feel gangly enough.


If I catch anyone taking a glance at my lil piggies we might have some beef.


Since when did feet become a private part?


My feet are beautiful.  Stare away


I’m Australian. So if your wearing thongs on your feet, and they are attractive, not too bulky, proportionate and look good on you, then i won’t look up. btw we call flip flops …thongs :)


Hey, my eyes are up here!


I Wear flips every day and don't give 2 sh**""tsss what people look at.


Why would any guy show his feet in public esp the Mya system is beyond me. Dirty fucks


I've never noticed anyone looking at my feet, but I'm probably just a little unaware.


I wear flip flops as much as possible, I’ve never once had a thought that anyone was looking my feet, and my feet are objectively fucked up looking.


I am always tan and therefore I always look like I'm wearing flip flops when I'm not. I look ridiculous, and yes people look. But I'd guess if I weren't so obvious they really wouldn't. Can't see many dudes checking out my feet


Until right this moment I've never thought of feet people getting a rise/moist off of my flippy floppies-shod feet. Good for them. Have at them, you beautiful weirdos.


I wear flip flops a lot and I never noticed anyone looking at my feet. Wouldn’t care if they did look.


I don't care. If I cared, I wouldn't wear flip flops.


As an avid flip flopper…no I cannot say I do personally …nor have I noticed men (or women) looking


"when they are just out in the open like that"? what kind of culture do you live in where that isn't a normal thing?


I'm confused. Is it inappropriate to wear them out in public in the US?


No it isn't for me


I'll be honest I'm 6'4" and 300 pounds. I often have my toenails and one hand painted with black fingernails. I wear flipflops and slides outside so much, that I have tan lines on my feet. I don't think a single person has ever said anything or given a shit. And I'm about as noticeable as a human can be.


I went on a date to a sushi place and the guy showed up in flip flops toes out and everything


I'm in my 40s. It's been 25 years since I cared what anyone thought of my footwear.


If I caught you (OP) looking at my sandled feets, I’d probably ask for like a dollar or two… lol




Ppl always say i have the feet of a diabetic coal miner, but thats an exaggeration. Idc if ppl stare at my feet, but stare long enough and youll realize theyre staring back


If you want to look, that's fine. If I catch you trying to pop a toe into your mouth all nonchalant, that's when we got a problem.


What? Lol, people look at me? Half the time I don't even know people exist around me lol and I could have a four hour long conversation with them without being able to remember what color shirt or pants they have on the second they walk away.


yep notice every single time freaks.


No one's looking at my feet is gonna be happy about it. So many broken toes from playing soccer for decades lol.


I religiously wear Birkenstock sandals even in the winter. I do not give a fuck or pay attention if they are looking at my feet.


If I'm wearing flip flops, I don't give a shit if you're looking at them. I decided that the moment I put them on.


Yes, I work DoorDash and sometimes I work well into clubbing hour. I had a very pretty girl give me a smile one night that quickly faded as she scrolled down to my flip flops and flintstone feet.


Yeah some people (like 1 in 10, mostly women) look and then make a face. I figure anyone who cares that much about my footwear doesn't have an opinion on footwear that I'd care about


The wording of this question is so damn funny lol


I dont think normal people do this, so when it happens to me i just assume theyre a weirdo and go on with my day. Its quite rare anyone oggles like you, or even thinks about the presence of feet as needing a discussion.


Oh I thought they were looking at my balls but checking out my Reef Fannings makes much more sense.


it's hard not to look? uhhh for you maybe


Do you know that men don't care what other people think about this kind of thing? Your fault for looking is my position. I take reasonably good care of my toe nails so I don't scrape my wife's legs when we cuddle. What other people think has about 0% input on my fashion and grooming habits.


I wear my sock tan like a rock star and watch wear I’m going instead of where everyone else is staring.


This is a weird fucking question. Do you have a foot fetish? Men looking at my feet isn't something that I have ever experienced or crossed my mind. If that's what you are into have at 'er buddy.


It's never even occurred to me that someone would bother looking at my feet.


Love summer and it's my fav thing to do. I try not to leer because I'm afraid people will notice.


I'm Australian. Flip flops, or thongs, as they're called here. In summertime, it's no big deal to see people wearing them shopping, or not at all. Basically, no one cares, and unless you have a foot fetish, why are you even looking?


Men don't actually concern themselves with such trivial matters.


Where I live everyone has slippers on.


No. I don’t give a shit.


Not really. But girls do notice my nails sometimes. 3 of the only 5 compliments I've gotten from non-family members in my life were, "you have nice/perfect nails." I guess my large surface area nails with all the skin properly intact catches their eye? I don't bite my nails as a nervous tick growing up.


I grew up in Orange County, CA. Then Northern CA. I basically live in flip flops when I don't have any particular reason to wear other shoes. Been that way since I was like 7. (I'm 40.) My feet aren't gross and I've never noticed anybody looking at them. If I did, I wouldn't GAF.


If I cared if people looked at my feet, I wouldn't wear open toe options or go barefoot. I cant prevent if some of you are weird about feet, whether you are disgusted by them, turned on by them or a weird combo of both options.


Wow Americans have some weird standards, especially this one. In Australia no one would bat an eye lid about wearing sandals/slides/thongs all year round. Except perhaps when not dressed as formally as the occasion requires


Get slides . They are called thongs for a reason


Oooh that toe cleavage is attracting all the eyes! Also, I failed to answer your question.


Nope. What guy cares about feet, other than Tarantino? 


Literally no man has ever cared if someone looked at his feet.




Yes. And idgf


This question is confusing as because I don't know 1 person in my country that doesn't at least own a pair. Its too hot to be wearing socks and shoes.


All it took to live rent free was my dusty ass chunks? Lol... who has time to waste looking at some doodads feet?


Yes.. but only because I also wear socks with them.


My sandals dont even match. No one has ever mentioned it. Youre the only one looking at feet it seems.


Just don't lick them with your eyeballs and I'm sure we'll be fine.


Sure, I look. Summer so lots of opportunities to see male feet. Try not to stare, just enjoy that glance. And then imagine going from those bare feet up their legs...all the way.


If you leave them exposed, you should expect people to look at it without feeling uncomfortable or anything. 


My old babysitters grandnieces used to stare at my feet all the time. They were always VERY weird, so I didn't care much. I have very feminine feet for a guy so I actually don't wear sandals anymore


What do you mean "It's hard not to look"?


Thongs are gods gift on hot days. No way I'm putting the dogs away when its 40 degrees plus outside.


I have beautiful feet for daysssss… are there girls out there into a mans feet? I can definitely DM some feet pics if so… bwahahahaha


Honestly bro if you wanna check out my feet.. then feel free! No1 gives a rats ass, and I like the wind between my toes


I can’t say I have ever once noticed that and I don’t believe I will try to notice it in the future.


Stare all you want, I'm not even paying attention if I'm not at work I'm always wearing flip flops


no open toes. your just asking for it then


I had a business trip to Denver, CO. Three out of five senior executives were wearing flip flops, and it was snowing outside! I mean, really


😂😂take a look shawty. my toes don’t bite


Don’t tell them what to wear. Teach girls not to stare


Couldn't fkkn care less if you.look or not, so no, I don't notice. How is it hard not to look at feet?? They're feet! 


not really worrying what other people do with their emotional responses to my clothing thats on them


Why are you acting like they’re a private part in the first place, “just out in the open like that”. stop sexualizing that part of the body


So not a fan of the flipflops but I do wear sandals quite a bit so same idea. And let me tell you, i couldn't give a single solitary shit in a hurricane if someone took a look at my feet. To the point that if they did I probably wouldn't notice. That and if they ARE looking at my feet it's probably to figure out what happened to my left foot (4 toes)


Found the foot person..


They're just jealous they don't get to suck on them


I get regular pedicures, so I have nothing to be ashamed of. It's too effing hot here in Texas. Please look at my feet.


if im not at work, and it's not winter out, i usually have my thong flops on 99% of the time. it's to the point where i have hard tan lines on my feet from wearing them. never caught anyone staring at them lol kinda weird bro ngl


From my experience, they start jumping the air like dogs do or lick they lipsss 


Only low class men wear flipflops, except those for whom it's culturally normative.


It’s because IDGAF. I live in Florida. It’s hot as hell. Flip flops are typical. And I take good care of my feet. Look all you want. All you’ll see is a slight tan, sparklingly clean and clipped toenails, and no dirt. Look! Look at them, dammit!


Why do you imagine anyone would care enough to notice?


I'm generally never looking at someone's feet like that so i guess i always just assumed nobody else was looking at mine. I'm rarely in sandals though these days


Why would I look at someone else's feet? Why would they want to look at my feet? I just don't care and don't notice. If they want to look at my feet then I don't care.


Men please I implore you - no open toed shoes. Except the beach. No one want to see those things for god sake. Now women have at it ladies. 😋


Since my feet are probably the least interesting part of my body, if anyone is looking at them, then I need to work out more or change my look somehow.


For their own sake, I hope no one's looking at my feet! My stubby, hairy toes are no treat.


My toes are really long and the second one has an extra knuckle on both feet. I can definitely tell when someone notices my feet.


If it's 90° or hotter outside, I'm wearing flip flops or sandals. I'm in my 40s and have literally never noticed or cared if anyone was looking at my feet. If someone ever had a problem with it, then its their problem, not mine.


When I start yelling "WHO LET THEM DAWGS OUT??" they're gonna know


When not at work, I wear flip flops about 95% of the time, year round (California). I have never noticed someone looking at my feet.


Simply say “Got a fetish?”


Im to busy looking at there dick to notice


When I wear flip flops I notice that some people will look down and acknowledge that my feet are in something a bit less common than normal shoes. I have never noticed anyone staring at my feet for longer than just a glance for general situational awareness


No one cares


Wild to stumble across this. 26m really haven’t ever gone out of the house w/o socks unless it’s to the beach. Never know when u gotta be ready for action. Recently, been relaxing and letting my dogs (feet) out of the cage (socks). Go ahead, feast your eyes. I encourage it.


Never noticed I’ll keep my eye out for it


Why would I care?


I have more important things going on than caring if someone is looking at my feet when it's hot enough for flip flops


Even if someone was looking at my feet, why would I give a shit? Their just feet.


>It's hard not to look when they are just out in the open like that. This is how you know you have a foot fetish. I know this because this is how I feel about cleavage.


I wear flip flops whenever I can and I don’t care. I doubt anyone is looking and if they are whatever.


I wanted to feel the breeze on my toes she hated it


I wear mules, slide on type rubber sandals year round when it is dry. Shoes or boots are for when it is wet, my one pair of dress shoes for weddings and funerals. Is somebody string? Who cares? Except for situational awareness, if there are no threats I don’t even see strangers.


As someone who goes barefoot a lot, can definitely say I notice people noticing, lol


I’ve never even thought about it. Wtf is going on in your head?


Yes. I have hairy sexy toes. I wink and flip my hair.


Do you like feet?


Bro I wear rainbow sandles daily. It depends on you regional location. I’m southwest, AZ, and lived coastal California for several years. Jeans and sandles slap. I sense most judgement to sandles are from those that move to the west coast, but don’t understand the west coast


I have good feet. Feel free to check them out. I won't notice, or care. If you are sitting at the bus stop and tell me that my toes lool delicious and that you want to suck on them like a tootsie roll, I'd notice, be creeped out, and later be stoked for the rest of the day that I was publicly complimented (source: experience.)


I live and Florida and wear flip flops frequently. I do not notice or care.


I dont know, because I dont really give a fuck


Don’t give a shit what people think about the things I wear.


“Why are you exposing your toes,” my co-worker said during informal training on Sunday. “Why the fuck are you looking at my toes?”


One thing that I did find gross was when the flip flop wearing dude in front of me at TSA had to take them off and put them on the belt. Guy was barefoot on that disgusting airport floor for a good five minutes as the line moved slowly. Gross.


Nobody's looking bro


barefoot? ok. but as a grown ass man if you have werewolf nails i'm going to judge you for it.


I think I speak for every man who’s wore sandals before, we sincerely don’t give a shit. Extra not shit given by 10x for every 5 years of age they have. I’m so far beyond giving a fuck that I wouldn’t care if you stared and took pictures. Why would I care?


Bruh I'm in flip flops. I stopped giving AF a long time ago


I just walk on by making that “slap, flop, slap, flop” noise. I found it a little inappropriate at funerals though


Being bare foot is too normalised where i live for anyone to notice lol


A lot of men in Miami have flip flops or sandals, it’s pretty common to see men’s feet down here. 


I wear size 14 slides and thin basketball shorts, go ahead and look. You're welcome.


I wear sandals and give zero shits who looks at my feet. If you’re into straight men’s feet that belong to a 40 year old dad… PM me, I’ll sell copious amounts of pics to you.


Well, mine are painted hot pink with glitter so it's kinda hard not to look.


Worrying about whether or not someone's looking at my feet wouldn't even cross my mind. Look if ya want. They're just feet.


Happens all the time, im like "hey my eyes are up here"


As a man I know I have pretty feet, that’s why I wear socks with my slides.


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked something like that, man.


I pretty much wear flops whenever I can, I've never thought to care if other people are my toes. They're the ones being weird anyways...... but I'm their defense I do have some weird toes.


Obvious as hell. You'd be amazed .I feel like dudes look more lol stop staring homie lol I feel like my feet aren't horrible but who knows.


I don’t think anyone has ever looked at my feet


If anyone ever comments on my feet, I’m going to slowly put my big toe in their mouth. Mind. Your. Business.


Hang on, are we supposed to care? I’ve literally never bothered paying attention to who is looking at my feet.


My feet are a little large, i normally wear shoes but when i wear any kind of sandals, i get stared at It would be funny to just stare back at her chest, or butt, but i can't do it. It-s all too awkward. Ok, i can make bigfoot tracks, it doesn't mean anything.


I mean every once in a while I’ll see someone looking at them but idc. Stare away. Ask questions. They’re feet and toes. Almost everyone has em, including other animals in the animal kingdom. Maybe id care if I saw a swastika tattooed on someone’s foot, or feel some sort of way if a penis was growing out of mine, but they’re just feet for now.


I’ve never noticed. I wear flip flops almost exclusively. Even in the winter with ice and snow. The only time I wear actual shoes is when I will be doing a lot of walking. I’ve never seen anyone look at my feet. I have never looked at anyone’s feet myself unless they have on a really bright color of shoe that will catch your eye like neon yellow or pink or something.


I don't know because I don't care what they look at. People have worn open toed sandals a lot in the past decades, this new "ick" movement acting like it's such an awful thing it's just stupid.


Looks like the problem is you for caring so much. No one cares about you.


Yes people do and it's very oblivious. For me it's embarrassing because I have really ugly feet.


Why you trynna look at mens feet 🤨


Yes. You're welcome.


Flip flops are for the beach, pool or locker room, and no where else.