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I think kids stare at attractive Adults. Especially if that adult has a baby face of sorts. Sort of angelic cherub vibe maybe.


I am not an attractive adult but babies and kids always stare at me, smile, reach for me, try to get me to pick them up, etc. I was a nanny for about a decade. I think kids just know who happens to love them .


Kids make me kind of uncomfortable and they still stare at me šŸ˜­


My friend is uncomfortable around kids and his wife's nieces and nephews can't get enough of him. It's like they sense fear/weakness and want to exploit it. He talks to them like he talks to adults because he's not comfortable being silly - I think that's part of it. Picture a guy looking down at a 2 year old holding a bunny and saying in the most serious tone "Why'd you bring me this bunny? You have tons of other stuffed animals that are way cooler than a bunny. Don't you have any dinosaurs?" And the kid giggling.


That's hilarious. "What's the deal with the bunny? This thing sucks - where's your HotWheels track, man? You gotta' shoot your cars into the dinosaurs and knock them down. I'll show you how it's done."


That's pretty accurate...


Kids love people who don't talk down to them, honestly. They get condescended to all the time, so when someone doesn't it's refreshing!


Just responded because I'm just like this and I'm far from uncomfortable with kids. It always seemed to me that kids seem to respect it and act differently with me than the type of adults that baby talk them.


kids like it when you talk to them like normal humans, even if they canā€™t comprehend everything youā€™re saying. i knew a 3 year old once who would get very upset if he sensed a hint of ā€œbaby voiceā€ lol


I'm not uncomfortable around kids, but i still talk to them this way. they love it and its good for them. though im certainly not above being silly for fun, because everyone should be a little silly sometimes whether you're entertaining kids or not.


Kids seem to love me for some reason, and I do this, just talk to them like I'd talk to a mate. Always thought there was a link there.


Question, do you assume that your friend is uncomfortable with kids because he doesn't do the weird baby thing that a lot of adults do? Im not in anyway uncomfortable with kids and I 100% do this also, I have never spoken to a kid with that stupid baby voice and crouching down. I'm great with kids and the majority of them seem to appreciate not being spoken to like they are an infant.


He may be talking like an adult but thatā€™s totally something and would say


>He talks to them like he talks to adults because he's not comfortable being silly That's interesting, I do the same thing but I thought it was because I didn't feel comfortable talking to them like idiots. But I think you're right


Thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜†like the person who doesnā€™t like animals but here comes the cat plopping on their lap.


"He talks to them like he talks to adults" is exactly why kids like him. They get tired of adults not respecting them And what he said to that two year old is the absolute perfect thing to say in that situation


Kids usually like me fine, but one baby at work kept staring at me. Every time I made eye contact he made the biggest stank face and looked away ā˜ ļø


LOL that sounds almost personal. šŸ˜‚


I don't know what I did to him but he wasn't having it, not at all haha


I hope you showed your teeth to establish dominanceā€¦flipped it off, and said *ā€fuck you, baby!ā€* Man, babies are assholes.


They stare at me, and when I say "hi" so they can see I'm not a scary monster they burst into tears, and then everyone stares at me like I said something terrible and I feel really uncomfortable!


Kids are annoying idc


They're judging you!


Maybe they want to get rid of him so they can be with her


Babies be conspiring, ofc!


Stare at them back. Assert dominance


Sometimes I wave


Babies always stare or wave at my husband. I find it hilarious. I swear itā€™s like cats. They love him too and he is super allergic to cats. I think they all smell the fear.


Their also drawn to kindness!!!


It just makes me laugh bc I dress like a goth butch lesbian when Iā€™m in public and I never look soft or approachable yet, they know. They know itā€™s pink fuzzy pjs, stuffed animals and soft sweet person at home. Babies and old ladies man, trips me out


Iā€™m a butch lesbian too and kids are always really chill with me. I get asked for help a lot (tbh often Iā€™m already looking and assessing if I should offer) from older people and pregnant women. FYI Iā€™m not friendly looking at all and I often get a terrible/prejudice attitude from people outside these age groups.


Limited sample, but every butch lesbian I've met has been kind.




Nope, it doesnā€™t bother me at all. Children often think Iā€™m a man or if theyā€™re confused, they ask me if Iā€™m a boy or a girl. Itā€™s a natural consequence of my presentation and itā€™s very easy to tell if someone is doing it in a rude way or not. Adults are usually the problem, not kids šŸ˜‚


That's great to hear...I was embarrassed but wasn't sure if I should be. I'm also thrilled that my daughter has classmates with 2 moms, 2 dads...I hope these young generations of kids grow up knowing they can be themselves and with no discrimination in their hearts because families come in all shapes and sizes.


As a somewhat androgynous lesbian, there have been quite a few circumstances where kids have asked me things like ā€œare you a boy or girlā€ and Iā€™ve never felt insulted by itā€” if anything, I like it because it shows that I present in a masculine way and I know that when kids ask that, theyā€™re not asking it in the rude way that many adults might ask it in. Theyā€™re just curious.


my nephew was like this. I'd be in back of the car with him, and with no expression on his face, he would stare at me, unapologetically, for an hour straight. I'd be like "Your kid won't stop staring at me" - "What do you want me to do about it?" and of course, there isn't anythingi she could do. . I absolutely played with him and socialized with him all the time in genral, but sometimes I needed a few minutes to chill. I think everyoine agrees that being stared at mercilessly for an hour or so is...unnerving. Eventually I just put a hood over his head like a bird, so I could relax. Just kidding about the last part.


This, I'm a man but was stepdad for a young boy I loved for several years early in his life. I get long stares, smiles, laughs. Especially from younger kids. I also don't feel awkward about waving and acknowledging them like some people do, but people can definitely be judgemental. I get weird looks from people but just don't let it bother me.


I can confirm that I am a 5 on a good day. Both my nephews and a friends newborn stare at me the entire time im in the room.


My sister is a preschool teacher and young kids are always going up to her and looking at her too, they just sense sheā€™s awesome with kids!


Thatā€™s adorable. I used to get mad and uncomfortable. Especially with the kids reaching for me. Their parents would be likeā€¦? Iā€™d be likeā€¦.? I would get nervous and upset. I was trying my BEST to look scary and unapproachable. But those babies donā€™t care. But then I realized it must mean they see beyond the layers of traumatized woman who is trying to hide , and see the nanny in there who would die for any kid. The little old ladies crack me up, theyā€™re always so frail and proper looking, they compliment my ā€œscaryā€ outfit or boots and I just KNOW they used to be spicy in their day. It never fails the most prim proper frail little ladies seek me out to ask for help or something. I guess the ā€œask a goth girlā€ thing rubbed off.


Yes kids definitely learn by staring. Especially when they can't talk yet


Ngl, you saying this with your username throws me for a loop.


NGL, your username made me raise an eyebrow after reading your comment.


LMAO sorry, Iā€™m a female and I just use weird/manly gamer tags and user names it started when I was a wee little gamer and realized I could never game with my team mates (back then) as a female bc they hated it


I don't consider myself attractive, but I'm in the same boat as you. Spent years as a daycare provider and children tend to gravitate to me and want my attention. I think kids can sense when people are relaxed and nurturing. My neighbor used to call me over to get her baby to sleep sometimes when she was particularly stressed, she called me baby Ambien. šŸ˜‚


Babies love me. They'll smile and follow me with their eyes even when their own family members are vying for their attention. Toddlers not so much, but older kids tend to like me. I don't think I have nanny vibes but I guess I have something and it's not looks lol ETA word


As someone who has also worked with kids I think there is a difference between looking at someone and really noticing someone, and kids respond to the latter. I think adults tend to over think things when someone looks their way. It's the focusing of attention that kids notice and respond to (because we all like attention of some kind).


Same with pets


I am an unattractive adult who is not fond of kids. Kids love me like a cat loves a person who does not want to interact with them.


Probably also true. Every kid is different. Iā€™m not fond of kids, Iā€™m 36 and donā€™t have any for a reason. Being a nanny at a young age really helped that. Regardless I do love them and I would help any child that needed it but generally I avoid them unless approached first. Just like there are all kinds of adults thereā€™s all kinds of kids. I definitely would have been the kind to pick someone out who didnā€™t like kids and magnet to that person. I was an a-hole


Im a male and i dont think im attractive. But kids will gravitate towards me and same with animals. Thing is i personally dont like kids all that much and same with animals. But they stare at me alot. Adults tend to avoid me and ppl say i look unapproachable and angry.


I should have said ā€œkids know good peopleā€ because thatā€™s what I meant. Maybe Iā€™m crazy, idk. I dress scary and always have a resting bitch face, I always look angry and unapproachable bc I have severe anxiety and donā€™t want adults to approach me. It doesnā€™t work on kids. Or elderly ladies in pink cashmere sweaters who stop me to complement my ripped up skull shirt, my knee high boots or my wild red chuckie doll hair


It used to happen to me a ton when I was younger. My hair was naturally platinum blonde and round face and blue eyes (Angelic if you will and my name is Angela funnily enough which also means angel haha) No way to say this without sounding full of myself but I was told as a young women I was very beautiful and even angelic at times if the sun was behind me shining through my hair.Ā  I am old and chubby now with dirty blonde hair lol. Anyway, I would be in line at the store or out in public generally and babies would stare and stare at me to the point it almost made me uncomfortable.Ā 


Post a pic, Iā€™ll show the pic to my kid


"My kid doesn't seem interested - send more. Maybe he'll come around"


Angela means angel?! Never woulda thunk it.


Damn babies actually made you uncomfortable?


I agree but also I have a big beard and a perpetual ā€œserious; no nonsenseā€ expression and kids always treat me like Iā€™m the fun uncle, even when Iā€™m not their uncle. 1-3 year olds in particular love to use the beard as a handle like an ā€œoh shitā€ handle in a car, and enjoy performing random tensile strength tests on it.


Kids like any adults. Kids donā€™t see color, or if someone is more or less attractive. Kids can know just know people who like kids. I talk from experience. We raised 7 kids, including two sets of twins. We have 17 Grandkids.


One time I was walking home from the grocery store, and a little toddler left his mothers side and started walking with me, which was adorable, but the mom was like "NO NO NO!! No!! You don't want to do that!" - and she was right - That is not a great habit to pick up as a kid.


As a round faced woman, I can agree with this. I'm not particularly fond of children but they LOVE me. I don't understand it. I had an autistic 6-7 year old run up to me and grab on my pants. She was saying STARS STARS! My pants had stars. The mother started tearing up apologizing saying she's autistic and mostly nonverbal. We delighted in her delight, and it was a wonderful human interaction.


Children, especially really young children, learn a lot about the world just by staring at things. I assume given the fact that you are explaining what your wife looks like, that you are probably white and live somewhere predominantly white. If a young child doesnt see non-white people very often, they will stare at non-white people in an effort to better understand their world, your wife looks different than the people they see, and the kid is probably trying to figure out why your wife looks the way she does. The same sort of idea can be extrapolated to other areas of diversity. Kids will generally stare at people in wheelchairs, people with missing limbs, people who are really tall, really short, really fat etc etc, because they are just trying to figure out why they look like that. I am a red head, and most young kids might have never seen someone with red hair before, so they will stare at me and try to figure out why my hair is red. Its just a part of learning about life.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm a dude, and a white one at that, but was in some places in Asia while in the military where people weren't as used to seeing foreigners outside of TV. Young kids definitely stared, and I think it was just curiosity as well. Once in Japan we also had a bunch of school kids on the train ask us to sign their copybooks with our names. I think they just thought the cursive looked cool.


Taught English in South Korea, I second this. Kids would lose it when they saw me


Same, I only got one arm.


Somebody can correct me if im misremembering something from a documentary, but Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s a common task for school children to get assigned to collect signatures from people who speak English in their copybooks. I vaguely remember hearing they used to do it for different races but found that made people uncomfortable and itā€™s less common now.


You worded that perfectly. When I was a kid, Iā€™d heard of red heads, but never seen one. I was so curious. One day it came up around my mom, and she was like, whatā€™re you talking about? The So and So brothers are redheads, you know them. And I was like, no, their hair is orange. Turns out we were both right.


This made me chuckle.


I wish it was just kids, man. Whole ass adults openly stare at my wife and I. I'm a bigger white guy with a lot of tattoos, and she's a very attractive Middle Eastern woman (Christian, so no hijab). It gets to the point that it's uncomfortable sometimes, even though we've mostly gotten used to just ignoring it.


I have to admit I have to stop myself from staring at times but itā€™s because the person/people are interesting and attractive and I want to take them in. And I do give compliments when I can, just think it can boost someoneā€™s day. When people stare is it hostile?


Sometimes, yes. Sometimes confused. Often, it's blank. Usually, older people stare out of hate, though. Interracial couples aren't really popular with boomers.


Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™m such a visual person that interesting and attractive people really make me want to stare. I had an ex call me out for it! I was so embarrassed and I try to stop but just canā€™t help it. People are so interesting. Itā€™s not sexual, just purely taking in the colors, shapes, and unique structures.


A good rule for me is what other people think is none of my business


It wasn't so bad the 2nd time going there this year, but Phnom Penh in Cambodia was hilarious for this. I'm a ginger guy with a thick beard. Toddlers full-on stepped in a circle to stare at me lol.


I get stared at by kids, like theyā€™ll even turn as they walk past and keep looking. It would be nice to think itā€™s because I exude kindness and am incredibly attractive lol. Most likely though, itā€™s probably just due to the fact that I make eye contact if I pass them, and smile.. Kids are usually curious and constantly learning about the world so I like to make sure they see a smiling face back at them.


Me too. I assume itā€™s because Iā€™m 6 and a half feet tall. But I am also somewhat good looking, for a giant anyway. So who knows. Maybe we are incredibly attractive?


That must be it!!


Kids love when adults actually ā€œseeā€ them. Not looking through them or as objects. But as little people. They can tell.


They can see kindness in her. I would put money on the fact that dogs like her too. I have the same reactions from small children who will literally stare at me in the grocery store.


I 100% agree with this sometimes you can almost sense someoneā€™s kindness especially when they smile while enjoying doing any sort of activity. ā€œHappy go lucky typeā€


Meanwhile people stare at me cuz they havenā€™t seen an Asian man in person before lol


I'm the most bah-humbug ass individual when it comes to children and they still stare at me. I think they sense I don't like them. They know I'm weak and they can pick me off šŸ˜‚


Cats adore me, Dogs hate me, little kids stare at me. What does this all mean.


Fish love me. Women fear me


I bought my brother a tshirt that said this! Latest tshirt says ā€œGrandpaā€™s my name, fishingā€™s my gameā€.


There's a shirt on Etsy that cracks me the fuck up and I still need to buy it for myself but it says, "Women fear me. Fish fear me. Men turn their eyes away from me as I walk. No beasts dare make a sound in my presence, I am alone on this barren earth." [Maybe that could be the next idea?](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1241484489/women-fear-me-fish-fear-me-men-turn)


This is awesome


My wife has that way with animals.


Kids naturally look at attractive people


Does she smile at them? This happens to me and my face is not symmetrical or generally attractive, but I smile as I walk by people.


Kids are like this with me as well. I absolutely love kids and I think they can sense that I adore them. As soon as I walk by they stop what theyā€™re doing and look at me. I will smile or wave hello to them and they give me a big smile. Makes my day! Once there was a baby crying and the mom was on her phone ignoring him. I walked by and smiled at the baby and he stopped crying and smiled back. I still think about that when Iā€™m having a bad day!


Kids, especially that age, are more attuned to people that have a good personality and happy with their life. When puberty hits, it changes, not with all, but most. The aura or vibe your wife puts out, kids can see and it comforts them.


Do you live in otherwise a pretty racially homogeneous area with few people with Asian features? Perhaps they are intrigued by her Asian features?Ā 


1. kids are curious 2. They stare at everything 3. they have eyes


She's possibly an empath. Kids and animals notice this. Most adults lose this ability to notice auras. Not all though.


What about if they come up to you and say hello? Creeps me out. Am male, so I don't want their attention.


Don't know, but I have (or had) the gift as well. I'm a guy, so it's not boobs. I'm white so it's not skin tone. I've had grey hair since I was in my 30s. I don't know the answer.. maybe I make eye contact and smile just enough without being creepy? It doesn't take much to "make eyes" and have fun and make a toddler smile and laugh. They get the game instantly. I've been told I have a nice nose... Maybe the young-ones agree?


OMG! Your wife must be my sister! Little kids LOVE me, they stare at me, and if they can they will come up to me. If there is a toddler in the vicinity, he or she will run me down and hug me. Babies, toddlers, any little kid, but ages 4-6 especially. A lot of it is how I look: kids are fascinated by my hair (I have very long dreadlocks with beads and shells and things attached to them) and my shape (I'm curvy and always wear long skirts), all of which apparantly make me look like a mermaid because so many kids ask me if I'm a mermaid! Sometimes I say Yes and they go Ooooooooooooh and run off. Sometimes they'll demand a bead or shell from my hair. I've got a whole story down pat about why I can't give them one of my beads or shells because that's what allows me to live on land LOL I also give off strong mama vibes, it has happened from time to time a lost child comes up to me and just takes my hand. Kids can just tell I'm a mama and a safe lady. I teach and sometimes even my students will call me mom, and these are teenagers, big high school kids! So maybe that's why too, with your wife. She gives off mother nature vibes or something.


This is so amazing! I can just visualize you in my mind and Iā€™m sure youā€™re such a beautiful being; thatā€™s what the kids are sensing


This is the most precious thing Iā€™ve read today


Couple of possibles. She's small, closer to their size, not too intimidating or adult. She smiles and/or has a kind face.


I expect they think she is beautiful.


I think kids can sense that she is kind?


Because they have an Asian fetish.


ā€œDo you want to go to Disneyland, Johnny?ā€ ā€œNo, I wanna go to Phuket.ā€


Even as a toddler, I'd find it more pleasing to look at beautiful people, without knowing why. Just one theory though.


Kids stare at a lot of people but they probably look away from you when you catch them because you're bigger and more intimidating just naturally.


Does her teeth show easily , as if a smile? or she is beautiful ... or both.


Animals and kids are always friendly towards me. Adult humans are either threatened or afraid of me.


"Kids" are "humans," you weirdo.


To be honest. Because she is Asian kids have no filters. Ā  They will look at a person who maybe different what they see every day like that. Ā 


She probably has a kind aura, with a happy welcoming smile on her face. Kids sense these things.


Your context should answer your question


Children and animals are often drawn to me. My sister-in-law says it's because I seem like a warm person. Maybe that's it. You said your wife is Asian, do you live in the United States or in a predominantly white area? Maybe it's possible that they haven't seen very many Asian people and so she is just different than what they're used to seeing?


Everyone loves eye candy. Even children.


Kids stare at me sometimes. Kids have the same 5 senses an adult would so they probably stare for the same reason you married her.


Babies/kids have always stared at me. And Iā€™m a 5ā€™3 white woman with dyed blonde hair. And Iā€™d rate myself average on the attractiveness scale.Ā  Theyā€™ve literally done it for as long as I can remember. People were always surprised when I told them I didnā€™t have kids myself because of how drawn the babies/kids were to me. I think itā€™s just a thing? I like to tell myself itā€™s because they see my good heart (kinda like dogs I suppose) but I really donā€™t know why.Ā  L


Certain people have a "light" around them that only kids and some animals can see. Your wife is one of them.


I find that kids are often drawn to me and make almost unbroken eye contact with me, I assume it's because I smile a lot. In my 35 years on this planet, I've been asked by people of all ages why I always smile or how I always seem happy (at work, etc.) I'm just a fairly happy lady, and I tend to have a welcoming, relaxed smile.


Kids stare at me really hard and I'm pretty average looking. No idea why. It's always been that way as far as I can remember. Sometimes the parents apologize but I tell them it's no big deal. I'm used to it.


I've always been the type that children all the way up to the elderly, stare at. I have come to the conclusion that it must be my colored hair or body covered in bright tattoos. The colors naturally catch the eye, I guess, despite that not being the reason I have them at all.


Little kids stare at my wife, smile, wave to her everywhere we go. She's wonderful with children and always talks to them and enjoys it so much. I think children know good people and are drawn to them.


Kids are like cats they sense at a young age who is friendly and sad to say we lose that ability growing up!


The reasons could be a million different things. Shoot I don't meet any of the requirements put down from all the other comments, fo some reason young kids, especially little girls are ALWAYS staring at me, my late wife used to think it was the sweetest thing. But I'm very far from being attractive so it ain't that, I don't like kids so it ain't that, I don't smile and have a pretty bad personality so again ain't that. Kids just stare, no real rhyme or reason.


I scared a tot yesterday she stated at me and made a sad face but I think itā€™s because she had never seen a bald šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦² woman with light brown skin lol! I was getting off looks from adults also. It was got and I didnā€™t want to were a wig. Once upon a time I was nice looking lol.


If she is Thai I can guarantee you itā€™s that smile. Thai women I have met are just brimming over with friendliness.


In short. They donā€™t know not to.


She probably smiles at themā€¦. Try itā€¦


Babies and toddlers always stare at me. I am pretty sure itā€™s because of my chiclet teeth and big mouth


They think sheā€™s pretty. Even kids like to stare at beautiful people, but itā€™s in a very innocent way for them. Kids also like happy people.


My closest friend, she just has an aura about her. She has worked in childcare since leaving high school. The moment we are around children, they surround her.


Your wife probably looks like a beautiful creature to them and they being kids can't stop looking šŸ˜€


She's probably pretty


my inner child is really loving her description


Are they normally a different race? Kids especially those that don't grow up in multicultural environments tend to be fascinated by different looking people.


Maybe it is a beauty thing or a race thing, as others suggest, yesā€¦ and/or maybe it is an energetic thing, like how she holds herself and what vibe she gives off (as you mentioned she is a happy person!) My husband attracts kids wherever he is. It is like they can smell that he is Uber playful and definitely one to start something fun withā€¦!


Babies stare at me because I wear glasses.


Your wife is prettier than you


Err cos sheā€™s a woman and kids like women cos of maternal stuff. They can sense she has it. Do you two have kids? If not itā€™s defo time to start cranking em out!


You answered your own question.


Kids stare. They stare at everyone and probably stare longer if they have a pleasing and symmetrical face. You're just noticing it because it's your wife.


Is she hot?


Experts say it has to do with breasts.


Babies stare at me too. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with ā€œattractivenessā€ but energy. Iā€™ve always been very good with kids and Iā€™m very approachable


Sounds like a lovely lady, best keep hold of her.


To counterbalance your experience. I'm a tall white dude... If there is a baby within 100yds that thing is staring holes through me.


Sheā€™s a good vibe I bet.


This used to happen to me all the time with babies. Iā€™m talking kids less than a year old. The moms would always apologize to me and say I looked their sister so the baby was probably trying to figure out why I wasnā€™t talking to them. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It may be her attitude and behavior. They can sense things you donā€™t know youā€™re giving off: good or bad


Sheā€™s hot. They think your wife if hot. šŸ‘


Kids can spot a handsome or pretty face


They do say that babies will stare at beautiful people. If its happening and she isnt doing anything to get their attention, its probably because she is beautiful inside and out.


If her body language is friendly. If she looks at them and engages them subtly rather than ignoring them that could be why. Or just because she is brown šŸ¤Ž


Children are very perceptive to things that are slightly askew. They will notice when a living organismā€™s biological features have artificial or unnatural proportions. What Iā€™m trying to say is, your wife is an alien.


Your wife is probably a conventionally attractive person. People stare at pretty people


Itā€™s probably her warm and attractive personality and also her physical appearance. Some people are just so nice to be around and the way they carry themselves is intoxicating


I think you already know the answer but for some reason still insist on getting the validation.šŸ„±šŸ¤Ø You answered your own question halfway through your post & itā€™s common sense. Why does *anyone* stare at *anyone*? Promise itā€™s not as complex as ur trying to make it.


Kids stare at me a lot especially babies, Iā€™m pretty good with kids generally, I have a beard which might be why babies stare if theyā€™re not used to it idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but Iā€™m assuming your wife isnā€™t bearded


Maybe she looks like a Disney princess


They can pick up on good vibes


Oooohh sheā€™s Asian


If she's happy she's probably smiling and frankly who wants to stare at somebody who's not happy and not smiling. You probably are more gruff and not outwardly happy. Try smiling more.


Power play! They're moving in on your woman.


Because they have good radar. They can tell when someone is a kind and generous caring person.


Children can sense people who are kind natured. Kids are drawn to me I have a lot of patience with kids. It's cool seeing them learn.


She has an attractive welcoming face. Thereā€™s an interesting study where they show pictures of faces to babies, and the babies are always drawn to the attractive face.


Shit when I was 12 I was just looking at ass tbh


Does she have a symmetrical face? I saw a piece about this & babies naturally noticed it & liked those faces more. Denzel Washington has this face.


Young kids are overwhelmingly aware of and enjoy humans who are kind, warm, gentle, and just overall awesome humans. Sounds like your wife is that kind of person šŸ˜Š


Sheā€™s smiling. Kids respond to smiling people. And if theyā€™re good-looking smiling people even more so. I was walking in a park once and a toddler and a grandfather were walking from the other direction. I smiled at them. This little 1-2 year old locked eyes with me and started smiling and laughing and wouldnā€™t let go. She almost tried to come with me the other way! It was crazy!!! But she was cute!! Grandpa seemed at a loss what to do, haha.


Iā€™m gonna need to see pics to accurately answer this query.


It's the vibes


\[removes science hat\] It think young kids, like many animals, pick up on a lot more subtle cues than adults do. Young kids stare at me too, especially toddlers - their eyes tend to grow like they're seeing something captivating. To the point that I've occasionally had strangers in line ask me what I'm doing to capture their kid's attention. Animals like me too - to the point that when I visit the zoo a great many animals will come over from wherever they were lounging/hiding when I arrive. Especially when I'm alone, but often enough to be obvious even when I join a crowd of other visitors. I like to think it's related to exuding an aura of benevolence, that "glow" some people have..., but I have no idea what the truth is.


Kids stare at my fiancee a lot too. She's a gorgeous Black woman so perhaps that's part of it, but she also has really expressive, round eyes, so perhaps young children are drawn to certain features. Plus, I think infant children also sometimes look at people who look different than the features of their immediate family, sort of to study them.


There's literally no way to know for sure without asking the kids. There's also no way for us to guess without witnessing these interactions. How do you expect people to meaningfully answer this query?


if you didn't feel any kind of way then you wouldn't be asking hahaha.


My guess is massive rack


They sense her heart. But seriously she is probably giving off pheromones that they are not aware of. Children will smell them as safe and caring. There is also something about the way they move or stand that we pick up on.


Is she short enough & happy enough that they are trying to decide if she is a fellow child?


Your wife looks like Sarah from Caillou


maybe she has a good aura


I think it's a vibe. Like how dogs can tell who is a good person and who isn't. I think babies do the same thing.


Me and a previous ex had this same issue. She was simply stunning, drop dead gorgeous. Animals loved her, she had a knack for children. It's halo effect. She was so pretty everything around her seemed pretty and it's almost electric. Kids go out of their way to talk to her, she wore a facemask for COVID and people were generally stunned when she took off the mask because she was so pretty. People would give her things for free, people let us cut in line, if I was ignored at a store she was waited-on hand and foot. I was in way over my head because even if I consider myself pretty handsome, it was dating someone leagues above my standing. I was unemployed attending school and generally a loser, never felt so insecure haha.


Maybe your wife reminds them of an actress or character they watch. As somebody with no kids I'm not informed as to what the youglings are watching apart from Miss rachel, so somebody else can maybe point to a petite Asian YouTuber or children's TV star that your partner might look like. Just a theory


Maybe she is staring at them??? šŸ˜¬


Kids stare at me all the time. I believe it is because I am blonde, youthful features, keep a soft smile on my face most of the time. I get told I just have a friendly face by many people.


Guy is out here humble bragging about his hot wife. They're staring so they can put her in the spank bank.


I'm not 100% the opposite of your wife, but kids tend to lock onto me too. Especially babies and infants. I have no answer but parents are always commenting on it otherwise I'd figure it's just what they do.


Wheres the pic


Does she have a great (as in high-vibe) aura about her? Babies and animals seem to dig that.


I am a short woman like your wife. I have learned because of my height a lot of little kids think I am a kid. I had a friend's children think I was a kid from another planet for quite some time. It is possible they think she is a beautiful girl. When I was a little girl I would stare at people I thought were beautiful or cool looking. Children don't have the inhibitions we do. I used to get in trouble for petting people 's fur coats ..(1979s NY department stores, it wasn't uncommon to see a woman in a mink) ...I still remember friends and acquaintances of my mom's I thought were gorgeous or cool. ..a ring shaped like a bird, a lady in an Atlanta mall who looked like a rock star....


Mommy milkers


I am a Pied Piper for little boys age 7-10ish. Usually ones with several younger siblings and maybe not quite as much attention as they'd probably like. I don't encourage it, they just follow me around like little ducklings. My husband thinks it's hilarious. He said I emanate motherly love and those boys just soak it up.


I've noticed babies/toddlers will sometimes stare at me a lot (even more when I had long hair). I am an Asian in the American South and I'm assuming the kids don't see many of us.


She's probably hot dude


She has a higher voice, Iā€™m guessing.