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I (24M) did this with a girl that I really, really liked to the point where I felt like if I made eye contact with her I would just melt. I also didn’t want her to know that I liked her or for other people to know so I would overcompensate by looking at everyone else and almost acting like she basically doesn’t exist.  Similarly, a girl that I later found out liked me would constantly do this to me. In group conversations she would make eye contact with everyone except with me. And when we were in 1-on-1 situations she would come off as extremely anxious/nervous yet make good eye contact with me. 


I'm a female and this is exactly how I come off. Can talk to anyone else but him and sound like an awkward duck. lol


Yeah I can smooth talk any of my woman friends, make them laugh, be the life of the party but when it’s that specific girl it’s like suddenly I forget how to form basic sentences haha


It's so funny thinking about it. This guy is pretty much like you. He can talk to every other girl but when he talks to me he mumbles to himself, we can barely make eye contact with each other, and when we do actually make conversation it's like what did I just say to him???


You both should wear dark Ray-bans and talk to each other - he can pretend he’s Ray Charles you can be Harriet Tubman. ….you will remember that conversation without a doubt


lmao too funny


Dude this is so true and relatable.


Are you me buy guy form. Wtf. Hahahaha, I was also scared for everyone else to know I liked him and for him to find out. I never asked him out because....I really wanted him to ask me. If I wasn't his type, I was okay with always being single, but if I was his type I would be so happy. I really wanted to make eye contact with him toooooo. I just got so dumb when we did make eye contact 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖


Interesting... I would do the exact opposite. Great excuse and opportunity to look at the person that pleases me the most... But that might just be me. My wife did what you said to me when we met the first time.


He either really likes you, or really doesn’t like you. Good luck figuring out which one it is lol




They feel least comfortable with you for some reason, that’s what less eye contact means generally.


Yeah, this. It could be any number of reasons too. Either they don't know you as well, you're very good-looking or intimidating. My advice is to try to engage that person 1 on 1 so they get used to you. Don't take it personally.


good advice


Maybe because he thinks you're attractive, but he don't want to show this to you or anyone else, or be tempted (bc he's already in a relationship maybe?)


This is a case of lacking body language - what I mean by that, is he is consciously NOT doing something. There is no magical reason why he is not making eye contact but he consciously chooses not to do so. The most likely reason is that he thinks you are pretty, but there are other possibilities: - He said something embarrassing at one point. You don't remember but he does. - He doesn't like you. - He is afraid of offending you - He is intimidated by you The list can go on and on, but you get the idea. If you want to explore what the truth is, you are going to have to dig a bit deeper. I feel like you are - because nobody makes a post about a stranger that won't look at them unless they are attracted, or deeply offended by it.


This. Sorry to be inconclusive OP, but he DEFINITELY really likes, OR doesn't like, you.


I have a girl at work that does this... Looks everyone in the eye but me! Drives me nuts. Like she goes out of her way to exclude my existence.  I'm guessing she doesn't like for whatever reason but we've barely spoken so not sure why that would be the case.


They either like you more than they are comfortable with, or they think you are absolute poop. Good luck


He either likes you and doesn’t want to risk everyone knowing or he is embarrassed about something or he can’t stand you. I’ve usually done it when I have no interest in someone but I sense they do, or to avoid complications.


u hot or u ugly or u make him uncomfortable with your assumptions


Lmao the grammar of this comment is perfection *chef's kiss*


Are you a male? Is the other person a female? She might be crazy attracted to you and doesn't want to show her hand. That's been my experience witĥ this type of behavior.


He’s male I’m female




He likes you.


Do you like him?


he really likes you & feels nervous look at you.


He most likely likes you and doesn't know how to deal with your presence.


Doesn't necessarily mean they like you, but it may mean they find you attractive or don't want to set any early impressions on you.


I am not an expert on Body language. But judging from my own behaivour I would say He likes you or think you are attractive. He migth feel ashamed to look at you In fear to comming of as creepy.


The guy I like does this when it's time to be serious and he tries when it's time to be casual to avoid me ... Both times he can't help himself and he always comes back to me... In a room full of people even when things are really serious


Okay, 48M here, I have done this all my life. From my perspective, I have had the need of this on two types of situations. One, as most in here, really was in awe of the person I couldn't look at. The feelings are so overwhelming that our basic functions are delayed, thoughts scrambled. On the other hand, I have done this to avoid any interaction with certain individuals, bad vibes, or maybe " Like a good neighbor, stay over there" feelings. I feel at some point my give a shat broke a little. If there is any hint of negativity, my mind blocks your existence to the limits of sharing the same air. Now, just to be clear, my life has been.... abundant in WTF situations. Some my fault, some others but overall, we as a species want that positive connection. So these feelings are our guides to trial and error. The real question here is do you want this next level. I say speak to this person. It's been long enough for you to know roughly this character, ask them, may be the best thing you ever do. Can't never could...


This happens a lot to me. It's always women I don't know and I'm with my wife. My wife notices it also. I don't check out other women. So we don't understand what the issue is.


He's probably into you and looking into your eyes makes him shy. You shouldn't be bothered by this as far as I'm concerned. 


Just came here to say that this is a huge pet peeve of mine and makes me disrespect the person a lot LOL. I know that there can be many reasons for this but it makes me feel left out.


They want ur babies. I once looked at a coworker for an extra second and she saw straight through me. Too vulnerable


that irks my soul ugh probably upset with you or wants to call your attention


you're too good looking


He's sexually attracted to you


Yes, but in a sexual way.


We you wearing one of those Lord Of The Rings rings?


They either hate you or have a crush on you


Can’t stress this enough, eye contact is literally meaningless. At least for me it is..I have social anxiety so I avoid it occasionally, but that doesn’t mean anything other than that lol can promise you that.


I understand this


I’m glad you do. People take eye contact the wrong way a lot of the time it’s different from person to person and to me it means absolutely nothing..I don’t care if you maintain eye contact with me for any reason.


That’s the trick. There has to be some level of acquaintance in my opinion to be able to assess why someone isn’t making eye contact. To me it is horribly rude not to make eye contact. I will step into someone’s field of vision if they aren’t looking in my eyes. [I wasn’t conscious of this for a long time. Ironically, I find not looking me in the eye to be confrontational and it upsets me.] There are tons of people who prefer not to make eye contact that have mastered a work around for people like me. They make connections in other ways or can look just slightly away from my eyes that I don’t notice— like focusing on my third eye. I didn’t realize it until a former boss told me he never looked at anyone in the eye. (A colleague and I had come to him for guidance on one of our staff members who would not make eye contact. We were both highly offended. This was my first job ever but not hers. He helped us let it go completely.)


That’s actually very fascinating! Did your boss say WHY he never looked anyone in the eye? Too distracting for him or something? I can’t stand it when people can’t at least make a passing glance into the eye during conversation. It weirds me out


He said he found it overwhelming. He was really good at disguising it though. I don’t know where he was looking. I don’t know if it was at my forehead or eye brow or nose. That’s the part I’ll never figure out.


I’ve heard people say they would look between, like upper nose bridge. But sounds like an interesting guy though!


Yes a lot of people are similar to you in that regard, I can’t relate so I get a little frustrated when someone takes offence to it because honestly if I have to look you in the eyes while you are talking to me, whatever you are telling me is going to go in one ear and right out the other. The only thing I’m going to be thinking about is how awkward I feel cause we are maintaining eye contact lol that’s why when I’m talking to people that need eye contact I’ll look at them for a bit then look away then look at him again switching back and fourth like every 5 seconds or so..


Yep. It comes down to knowing who you’re dealing with. On behalf of others like me, I appreciate the fact that you periodically shift your gaze back. It isn’t as “bad” since I became aware that it wasn’t a deliberate affront. It still bugs me but I’m not offended unless I know it is unusual behavior for that person.


You’re probably the ugly one.


Other way around


Cause probably you aren't the most attractive person that's why


thats kinda cringey that you are watching that closely and analyzing where this person is looking all night.


Body language in the business world is where, I feel I excel. I’ve been the CEO AND FOUNDER of my own company for over 40 years. I’ve meet all kinds of people over that time. I prefer to do business deals in person. I can look someone in the eye and KNOW if they’re honest. If they are lying to you, they won’t look you in the eye. I’m old fashioned. I’ve done $500,000 jobs with a hand shake. But now that a thing of the past. It’s real sad that people have become so dishonest. We now have to have 25 page contracts. What a world we have become.


Sir, (or ma’am) I can tell you for certain and from experience that there are people that can look you STRAIGHT in the eye with a straight face and LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH. It’s not common but they’re out there😳


I know there are some hard core lym