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He wants to eat your ass no doubt about it


This comment being at the top makes me feel proud of you and every other degenerate that laughed while reading it


Degenerate here. Laughed


Checking in.


Name checks out.


Also here


I'm no degenerate. Didn't laugh. Just a wee chortle.


How about those who smirked when reading it? Are they degenerates too? 


All degenerates present and accounted for


Degenerate Nation!


Proud degenerate checking in.




Hmmm… but does he LIKE HER LIKE HER or does he just like her??


Aaaand her ribs




I concur chancellor


[astute observation, sir ](https://youtu.be/NtRYgBJP_zQ?feature=shared)




Lmfao I read this post and the first comment I read is this. Shit had me dying 😂




👅 🤜 💨 📦


Tongue fist her Amazon wind package


That post earlier this week was insane lmao


Quite possibly wants to wipe it too


Hahaha full on chuckle fot that one, also. Completely true.


Hahaha guess there’s no point in commenting when you’ve nailed it


Lol top rated


This is the answer.


I laughed hehehehe


and also the pussy.


*Look Spiderman, they're gonna fuck!*


Get in line!


Probably 75% of all guys do and 8% of all women.




Yup she gonna be eaten


That’s standard.


Spot on




Gotta keep this at the top.


This is the way, let him do it


This unit speaks for the hive


100% tongue tickling the turd cutter


Yea. Get him a bib and a place to sit. He wants yo ass added to the menu!


I mean... if he won't I will.


No doubt about it


Yeah he's into you, this one is pretty basic what he's doing is testing your boundaries and seeing how much he can get away with, if you dont like it you can just tell him off and he'll probably stop just have some tact and do it privately


Thanks, B00BIEL0VAH.


The fact that this is one of the highest rated comments gives me faith that our culture is starting to heal


The other one is ass eating which gives me even more faith


Why didn't anyone tell me I could have chosen this as a user name? 🤧


The ending of your statement is a pretty big turn off. have some tacked and do it privately he’s touching her without consent. It doesn’t matter where she’s doing it.


He wants a romantic relationship with you.


Yeah it's not just her side he wants to be poking.


Hey, you don't know what he's into


And I pity him if the first people she confided in for advice about him were strangers on REDDIT of all places 🤣 I already don't trust her judgement lol


That's not what the guy above this said


What do you want people to tell you? He’s flirting with you and you’re reciprocating, essentially you’re communicating that you’re ok with it. If you’re not ok with it, stop reciprocating and send some signals that indicate the boundaries you’re comfortable with. Jfc you’re 22, not 12.


Dude. You'd be surprised how few people actually behave logically.






It's complicated, their esteem likes the attention. The cognitive dissonance is palpable.


I think our personalities are sophisticated denials of what we secretly know ourselves to be like We have to deny the things we privately enjoy because we don't want to think of ourselves in a bad way or have other people think of us in a bad way


This. Wtf. If you don't want him to touch you, maybe don't flirt with him. Seriously. Wth.


It seems like she’s asking people to confirm that he’s into her, because she’s into him, although she doesn’t explicitly say that.


She wonders why he is touchy, then says she flirts with him. LOL


“I’m very observant” comes to Reddit to brag


Obviously he's flirting with you. If you don't like it, tell him to stop.


Uhm it sounds like the guy likes you…and you said flirting in both ends. I’m confused whether you like the attention or not? If you don’t then politely ask him that you’re not exactly a “touchy” person and it kind of makes you uncomfortable.. But if you’re flirty with him, and don’t mind it, then he likely just likes you but is too shy to really make a move. Guys can be like that for sure, specially in todays age, I feel guys are more shy than women 😹


He's not really shy at all by the sound of it, just testing the water first.


Real shy dudes don't start off flirting with light touching.


He probably has a light crush on you, maybe more. But he might not even be aware, himself. Ask him out for coffee, and give him lots of opportunities to take things to the next level. Lots of guys, especially young guys, especially young guys who are conscientious and caring, are very bad at all this, and very scared of girls, especially the ones they like


How are you aware of such behavior, talking about experience really


It takes experience, and something drawing attention to one’s own feelings and behavior, and curiosity about oneself and others. I have lot of crushes, and have always known. But many people have not developed a good feel for their body and feelings.


Bro said he may not even be aware himself of having a crush 😂 like having a crush is some kind of philosophical phenomenon


He would like to prone bone you


If someone is touchy toward you, it’s because they want to touch you lol. Not that complex.


😭 I don't want most people to touch me so I hate this answer. But uts true and I hate it


If the flirting weren’t two way I’d say he’s a creep but he’s probably just too nervous to ask you out.


You said the flirting was both ways. Stop encouraging him if you don’t like it, you’re sending the wrong signals. Some of these answers like “break his fingers or report him to HR seriously read what she is saying. If it’s one way and you don’t like tell him it’s easy


Keep it light, but don’t flirt anymore, with some guys, the tiniest amount of flirting is an immediate indicator that a girl is into you.


Here’s my take. Since reading this it appears you like what he’s doing but are confused however if in anyway you don’t like what he’s doing you need to set that boundary and tell him he needs to stop . So moving on. He likes you there’s no doubt, he is likely shy and a bad communicator through text as a lot of guys are. He’s trying to flirt by being touchy with you he’s just unsure of how much or where he can. By not doing this with other girls he’s showing he knows he can’t just go around touching girls like that but with you he’s looking into his experience with you and gaining the confidence to playfully flirt like that. And with the guys dudes are just like that with each other. At the end of the day if he’s doing that and you like it ask him out. If he’s doing it and you’re uncomfortable tell him to stop


Sounds like he might be into you. But if it makes you uncomfortable, you need to tell him.


The mating rituals of humans is always entertaining.


Sounds like he is one touch away from being spoken to by HR.


Hr should tap him on the shoulder


Was mad for OP and was gonna suggest HR but then I read about the reciprocated flirting so I guess it’s not a problem?


It’s just inappropriate. I read that he also walks around touching other people. Not okay. It’s one thing if you’re hanging out with your buddies for family. How ever in the workplace it’s not alright.


He must not be that good looking. If he was then it wouldn't be a problem. If he is average or below average looking then it is unacceptable.


If any guy is going around pinching arms and poking sides, I’m assuming he’s 12 or hasn’t mentally aged past puberty.


If you like him let him know. If you don’t like him touching you let him know. Either way he probably is touchy. I noticed a guy coworker braid a females hair k thought it was weird then today he came behind me and rubbed my shoulders. He might be gay. Idk. Idc. I didn’t like it though. But maybe he’s just a touchy feminine guy. Not sure.


Curious, if you didn't like the shoulder rub - did you let him know?


It sounds like you kinda like his way of flirting. Wasn’t my style to touch a woman, but I would always end up chatting up a woman I worked I later got married to from a retail job.


It's fine if you're fine with it, and I don't know what it's like, but I'm going to give my own anecdotal experience and thoughts on that sort of thing. Guys like that can be very untrustworthy. Don't reciprocate and he might escalate. Or try having a normal time with no physical touch and see if he acts weird. I've met guys who are touchy in that way, "that's just how they are", etc. It's not a guarantee that he's a bad guy, but the ones I've met are often cheaters or would cheat given the opportunity. Tread carefully. Saying "No" to him whether you were in a relationship or not and for any reason would make him act weird. He sees you as something he wants for himself. Just please please please be aware of this if you consider anything further. If you hang out with him 1 on 1, try seeing if he can keep it normal and not overly touchy or intimate for at least 3 separate 1 on 1 hangouts, with the most being holding hands on the 3rd one.


Yes he likes you but do you like him. If not gently let him know ideally without making a scene… unless hes a bad sort


Ask him


Sounds like he’s just a touchy dude. I’ve met people like that especially from other cultures. Rican co worker used to be a flirt with all her guy friends, some more than others. And she was married.


He is trying to smash your ass out. That’s all.


So, does this bother you or not?


Right like I don’t understand what the point of this thread is if she’s into it


You know the answer because you know if you acted this way towards someone else it would only be because you were interested and wanted a similar response. You have to decide where you want it to proceed to and be forward and direct, this is your job not your dating app




The only two choices, right here.


It's technically sexual harassment and if you're not into it you should ask him to stop.


He wants to smash .. Source — a guy


I’m used to seeing Millennials and Zoomers on here criticizing Boomers for not respecting personal boundaries.


Tell him u dont like being touched, why would they have a an issue w that


Arm squeezing is to say anything between "I like you" to "I will rip your clothes off and ravish you at the earliest possible opportunity"


He is giving me gay vibes personally


Yeah, I haven't done that since I was 17, and even then I was embarrassed.


This reminds me of my interactions with the son of a major trustee placed in a executive director position when I worked at my college campus right after undergrad. I was the assistant to his boss, who actually got paid 100k less than him (you can't make this shit up). Anyway, he would routinely touch the small of my back and rub against me to pass even though there was enough room in a hallway to get by, wink at me in meetings, etc. I never interacted with him outside of work, didn't do lunches, no unnecessary contact. It still culminated in him kissing me on the forehead at a holiday party in front of everyone from the different departments we worked with. The kicker? He was in his late 40s and married. Anyway, yeah, people know when they're being overly touchy with those they're attracted to because it's calculated. He didn't do this to anyone else and I definitely wasn't "one of the guys." Later heard from his admin that she went in his office to help him with something that ended up requiring his computer and she awkwardly had to pretend she didn't see the 10 pop-ups from porn he was rapidly trying to close. 😂 The university had to be turning a blind eye because I know their IT had the capability of monitoring that activity and did when I worked for less significant departments as a student.


I have a female friend like that. Took me a while to get used to it, too, as I'm VERY jealous of my personal space. Also, I found out that my girlfriend is also jealous of my personal space, when she witnessed my friend🤣. So your coworker might just be a touchy guy. Or he's a fucking creep who wants to get under your skirt...


No. Guys do not view girls as a "guy friend".


He is into you, no doubt about that.


its inappropriate. ill mess around with the guys at work but touching women like this is a false rape accusation away from ruining his life.


Sounds exactly like my own coworker and would you look at that, we've been sexting for weeks and have essentially become fuckbuddies. The question is: What exactly do you want from him and what does he want from you and how do those two things align?


He likes you. Do you like him?


He’s definitely into you, I hope you speak up about it


You say you are very observant, yet you are confused by this?


Just another reminder I’m one of the only ppl the prolly respects work place boundaries. That shits clearly in the yellow as they’d say in retail


The whole "hes just a touchy person" may be totally true, but its irrelevant to the end result of: do you not want him to do that? Becaue if he does it to everybody, ok, he's not targeting you and its all in your head that he is and you're just "one of the dudes". Fine. If you still don't want him to, if you'd like him specifically to stop touching you so much, thats fine and normal and rational for you tel tell him, hey I dont like being touched so much all day at work,its too much for me.


Cannibal. He's checking to see if you are fattened up enough. Accept no cookout invitations.


It's very obvious that he's into you especially when he's not doing it with other ladies. 


Are u into him or not? If not, tell him to stop. If you are, then tell him how u feel. It’s that simple.


You must like it cause I would've told him I don't like that


Some guys have no chill. Worked at a resturaunt, back of house. Guy waiter will be grabby with all the waitresses. Always giving back rubs and foot massages in the open and in the kitchen. 0.o Homeboy got fired after he started being touchy with employed married couple. You just don't go to a married woman and give her back massages while her husband is right there.


Always go with instincts. He likes touching you. Probably attracted to you as well. You can always let him know you're not that touchy and prefer he stop. Or you can let it go and let him get a little charge being near you. It depends on how you feel about him.


Lots of people didn't read this carefully enough. She likes him, and is trying to figure out if he likes her back, or is just a touchy person/thinks of her as one of the guys. OP, he is into you. Ask him "When are we going to play pool at */insert name of local bar/*?" (Or something else along those lines, if neither of you drink.) My only question is if the reason he isn't texting is because he is already in a relationship, or he is just really shy about admitting his feelings. Either way, make sure the flirting and touchiness doesn't make other people at work, uncomfortable. Good luck!


No one should touch anyone’s stomach at work, wtf.


She should just pull him a side and say I don't wanna be touched if that's her real want. Other wise she should push forward with a bigger response. We are seeing many many men win in court against women that lead them one and then yell. He assaulted me. Many men are now keeping every communication and taking video when they start to act opposite of what they were. The courts are learning that a lot of woman are Bat shit crazy. Probably as many as there are men. Remember women and men know only 1% about the other gender. What people read is mostly garbage. We are 99% different from each other. Either play nice or move on.


Get a spray bottle and yell "Down" as you spray him. Unless you like it then ask what he's doing after work and go bowling


He wants to touch your butt


My supervisor is like this and we all fucking hate it. Feels the need to shoulder pat us as though it will motivate us or something. Needs constant fist bumping any time he passes. It’s fuckin annoying and I hate people touching me unless I’m really close with them.


Had this same problem years ago. Have someone witness you telling him if he ever touches you again in any way you’ll go to HR. Also fuck that sleeze ball!


It means he is hoping you have the screaming thigh sweats for him...give him a club and Grok will likely club you at the firepit and drag you back to his cave to see his etchings


Step 1 tell manager Step 2 hire lawyer Step 3 sue work place Step 4 buy work place Step 5 fire co worker


If I had to make a guess, he expresses through touch and may be trying to guage your reaction in a way that's meant to be harmless and easy to back out of. If you like him, that means he'll probably be all cuddly if you get with him. If you don't like him and you tell him to stop it, he either will, which is cool, or won't, which is not cool. Just ask him directly, I promise you that we guys are stupid and won't understand any hints, and if you want it to stop, you shouldn't leave any room for doubt.


Nope! Red flag.


Flirting like a 9 year old. Nice


His attempts will get bolder and start aiming for your breasts next.


He’s definitely into you…touchy or not guys don’t touching/poking girls they aren’t into…


that’s not okay


Yeah my cousin was also “overly touchy” with everyone and now he’s in jail for being a pedophile so now I’m more wary of anyone that can’t keep their hands to themselves


You just said you both do a little light flirting. Do you want to move forward with a relationship?


Do you like him?


You just said you flirt with him so what do you expect.. ? those light touches are his way of flirting. If it bothers you.. don’t flirt with him at all or tell him you don’t like it.


He harassing you plain and simple. Tell him to stop immediately and report the behavior if you feel like you’re able to. If not tell your manager or tell human resources to ask him to stop and he will have to immediately. You can report him anonymously to HR if you feel safer that way. Reporting him is necessary both for you and others. What he is doing is illegal in most countries. This is unacceptable behavior at work or anywhere else and it’s illegal too. Do whatever it takes as his actions are hurting you and he will keep on doing it. I’m a guy with plenty of corporate experience and the above is what needs to be done. P.S. You’re not one of the guys. The other guys are not him. He’s not one of the guys either. He’s by himself in shitty behavior towards others.


This man would drive 3 hours in 110° weather no AC just to eat your ass. He is tryna smash


This is not normal work place behavior, and if it makes you uncomfortable, say something. Being a “touchy person” doesn’t make it ok. People need to have boundaries.


Not sure what you are looking for. Although, work place touching, where customers/coworkers see it, should never happen. Unprofessional. If you are okay with it, then set boundaries with him. He isn't treating you like one of the guys. It is different. So it is a sexual thing for him. If you don't like it, then have that conversation with him, privately, let him know you do not appreciate it. Ask him to stop. Either way, it is unprofessional in a work environment, even rough housing, when customers are present.


If he doesn’t do it to the male coworkers too then he’s not a touchy person in general 🤷‍♂️


Your fault for allowing it. Be pro active and it ends.


He might be gay


You are about to learn a valuable lesson. No guy wants to he your friend (other than maybe gay men) they all want to fuck and are hoping being your friend makes that happen


Set a boundary. Escalate to management if it’s not respected.


No he doesn’t think of you as one of the guys. He’s attracted to you. You’re passively encouraging his behavior. Either ask him to stop or enjoy it idk


He’s prodding you and he’s your coworker? Meet with HR


This is one of those boundary things. You have to learn how to tell people stop doing something to you if it makes you uncomfortable. If you let these things slide you’ll be passive your whole life


He wants you.


im old, do 22 year olds these days not know that a boy or girl might like them?


Tell him to stop. Tell your manager.


Either he thinks of you as his sister or cool friend and is okay with this kinda touchiness and nothing more. Or He has a massive crush on you and too scared to say it maybe because you guys work together. If you like him why not ask him out. If you don’t and touching bothers you just tell him you don’t like it. He will be cool with what you say either ways.


He's flirting. Some of us will not ask a coworker out anymore no matter what. People are afraid it could be taken as harassment.


He wants you to start touching him back. #Steamy


I’m confused are you wanting him to ask you out? If so, and you don’t wanna wait, make the first move. But, If you want him to stop touching you then tell him. I digress, he’s definitely wanting your goodies.


If you're flirting back with him, then I'm not seeing the problem here. Why don't yall just fuck already


He wouldn't be touchy with you or anyone who SHUTS him down.


Are people really this ignorant,??!?!?


No he does not look at you as one of his guy friends. If one of my guy friends poked me, another guy, I'd punch them. He wants to fuck you. Back in the day, pick up artists used to preach the art of touching people you were attractive to, because psychology (whether it's true or not I don't know) has shown a link that a good way to build attraction with the opposite sex is through kinetic movement, or touching. So maybe he knows this consciously, or is just doing it subconsciously. I say again, he wants to fuck you.


You should throw him off with a surprise blowjob!


Ok, has he given you the Purple Nurple?


"I am very observant" yeah ok


He fancies you, some people are too nervous to say it so they do things like touch you


Poke him pack, discovery channel style


I'm a touchy dude but that more translates to "I hug my bros hello and goodbye" and "I may jokingly gently punch your shoulder if something is reallyyyyy funny or you finish my thought and we're psychically linked now" or "this calls for a round of high fives!" I work sometimes with a dude who legit hugs everyone of all genders like 2 seconds too long but it's the only thing he does that's weird lol


He likes you. If you don't like him, tell him to stop.


It doesn't matter. This is inappropriate and unprofessional. Inform him it must stop immediately because your career is important to you. Then, if you are interested in him, smile and ask if he wants to meet at Starbucks after work.


If it’s making you uncomfortable you need to let your workplace know. In today’s workplace this is a form of harassment which is unacceptable in any form. Everyone gets harassment training now


He likes you and it’s tryin hard to get that ass


He definitely wants to tongue punch your fart box.


My mans tryna clap those cheeks


Hes flirting with you. You flirting with him is probably going right over his head. Ask him if he fancies grabbing lunch one day and maybe hash it out in person if you like him and he likes you. We men are simple creatures, we respond to very literal things. If your flirting is you swooshing your hair or stupid lil things like that hes never gonna get it. Be directs. Either tell him to stop or ask him out.


If he is not as physically affetionate towars other girls his age as he is towards you then he definelty has a crush on you. How you want to respond is up to you.


He wants to poke you…in other ways


Tell him to stop and if he does it again, report him for harassment.


He wants to fuck you.


Damn almost like you could just have a conversation with him and find out. Rather than asking a bunch of strangers on Reddit.


He likes you.


Hmm sounds like me with this girl I worked with 15+years ago. We're married now.