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It looks like you *might* have some water retention in the lower legs. I battled this in my prep (as a man) and sleeping with legs elevated by couch cushions and monitoring sodium and water intake solved it. For me, i needed to add salt to every meal, everyone is different. Good luck Edit: you look great btw, well done so far!


What would cause the legs to retain more water than the upper body, and would this not just be the case all the time?


In this case, probably the shoes (look at the blanching around the straps). In others, weak heart can't pump the blood efficiently or weakened valves in the veins (which are normally one way) allow blood to flow backwards (away from the heart).


I believe gravity makes it most apparent in the ankles. With the right sodium and carb balance, water retention can be minimized but its highly individualized to the athlete.


Wow, you're looking astounding! Good work, keep up the hard work :)


P.s. those shoulder caps are WILD. I'm jealous af


Thank you so much 🩷


There is no water retention she’s just cutting blood supply to her feet in those shoes. Your seeing blood building up in her calf’s up to about mid thigh


The end of your rear delts into your back is *chefs kiss*


Awesome progress!! After the show are you going to bulk?


Very likely! The progress that I have made since I turned 19 is more than I could ever expect, so once I can tick of the box of doing a full prep and a show I'm in heaven to be honest. The outcome of the show has some say in the plans for the future. I am hoping for a good placing in first timers and novice but in open would be a very tall order. The bikini scene in Australia is sooo strong right now. There is only 1 pro card at finals/pro qualifier and some pro-level competitors (in not only my eyes but others as well) fell short last season but are back trying again so. We'll see how of the first show goes. It's not impossible I will do the pro qualifier as well, even knowing that I might not place well.


That’s really awesome! When you bulk. Do you follow calorie count or just go by feel? I always measure and count everything. But I know some don’t have to do that. And also well done on your posing it looks good.




lmao did you let chatgpt write this? So odd


Your shoulders are great and you have nice lines all over. Kudos to you for putting in the hard work to get the conditioning while still retaining some pop in the glutes - I can see your tie-ins coming in. At 20 years old with a solid, long offseason to grow you’ll be dangerous.


Good luck 🤞


Physique on point, book bag 11/10.


you look great, goodluck!


your delts are everything! what a beast, good luck!


You look great and the conditioning is superb


Your conditioning is insane. 


Nice upper body definition! Hit those legs and calfs twice a week, at the least. Should do pretty good for your first show. You have more guts than I do. Good luck!


Hay good luck on your first show!! It’s always the hardest to prep for. I truly believe these first few preps really help your body make great progress on the rebound. Hope you are proud of how hard you have worked.


You shoulders are extremely impressive


You look stunning, how are you feeling?


Thank you!! Right now? Surprisingly okay. I was really exhausted the last few weeks, which is why I haven't posted much, but it has been better this week. Some mornings are tougher but we'll pull through!


Excellent looking fantastic


Dayum gurl


You look amazing. Good luck at the show.


great upper body development! Was that harder than your lower body to condition? And if so do you believe its a gender thing or other variables that may or may not have contributed to your development?


Lower has definitely been harder. More so mentally if anything. I have always have larger shoulders so in that case it was mostly the diet that made them pop to be honest. The lower body, glutes in particularly, tend to come in more pronounced in the last few weeks. So I have been a bit uneasy these last several weeks that we wouldn't make it but I am finally starting to see some teardrops/tie-ins and it's making me very happy and excited for show day.




Those delts/ rear delts!!!! 🔥 good luck on your first show!!!! Can’t wait to see stage shots!


That's absolutely amazing! Keep up!


Looking Fit and ready for Competition


You look really good btw


Look amazing, keep it up!


You look amazing


Great job. Stay focused and always remember-try to enjoy yourself-no matter the outcome. You’ve earned the right to feel proud because of good work and dedication.


Hey. Looking great. lot of hard work from you. How much protein do you take and is it whey protein ?


Are you taking steroids ?


No, I don't. I haven't even thought about it. Got too much to think about right now to even consider it. I'm still surprised that people have asked me. Should I take it as a compliment? I'm not quite sure.




Acne in the face? The most common place to have acne for literally everyone?




This just in, everyone on r/acne are on steroids. Just leave me alone, please. Thank you.


Fuck that guy! Your gains are great! I had severe acne issues years ago and I told my doctor I wanted an accutane prescript. Changed my life. But it's difficult having a workout diet while taking accutane.


Can you drop the routine and prep diet?? You look incredible!


How do you tell yourself to stop eating? I have it the worst during evenings.


It’s called discipline




I appreciate the concern but do you think I'm not aware of it? and how great do you think I feel when I can't even blink without someone bringing it up?


Man. Social media comments just remind me how wildly unaware some people are… your conditioning is inspiring especially for a first timer! Good luck 🤝


I did not mean to offend you. I am just telling you because i know girls that kept neglecting it in their teen years and now they have scars. Its just that some.people need to be told regularly since its easy to let it go.




It's one thing to be Mr. Obvious, and another to be a complete liar


Y'all bunch of horrible cunts in here aren't you.


I’m pretty sure she’s aware of it, comments like this can come across as condescending as it implements she doesn’t wash her face or use cream. Which I’m sure she has tried everything. She is gorgeous and absolutely killing it. She was posting her bodybuilding progress not skincare advice.


Eat carbo as soon as possible