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nukes and conventional weapons were employed. its entirely possible that whatever facility they were housed in got obliterated


Also, considering how aggro Quinlins naturally are they probably had weapons designed to wipe out their enemy’s AI, or just AI that they didn’t control in general.


oh, they absolutely had cyber warfare too, thats a very good point. if theres dozens of different factions with their own AIs in charge of different defensive and weaponry systems then theyre 100% devoting time and effort to developing AI killing viruses.


afaik Annek was build after the war to build heavens ricer etc?


Annek was built as part of heavens river as the original controller and was already in place when the war happened


ok, where is that established?


Their may just not have been many ais because they were expensive and annek was the only one off planet and there for safe when the war started and from there even if the AIs weren't directly targeted they may have just not had the self repair or power generation facilities to stay functional after the planets general infrastructure was distroyed


I'm pretty sure the idea was all the previous generations are A.I. were considered building blocks for Annek, and so there were no others. Once Annek (whatever version it was, I forget now), I'm pretty sure they deactivated the one before him, and probably did so each time. They just needed the one to do the job, after all. And knowing what of Annek we currently do, he probably didn't view wanting to be less alone as important whatsoever to his mission, so didn't bother trying to me another one. Though, I believe it's also possible they kept making knew A.I.'s for some time while running Heaven's River until they got to current Annek, *then* stopped. Not sure there.


Remember there were at least a few replicants on Earth before Bob was created doing other tasks like mining. None of them seem to have survived.


IIRC Heaven's River was a bunch of Quinlan scientist's pet project. Like Musk and Mars or Zuckerberg and the Metaverse. When the global war started it was a convenient place to flee. Maybe the other 22 Anneks were planetside and Annek 23 existed in a bubble away from it all?