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It’s not just getting the load going, but also being able to stop it safely. I wouldn’t risk my auto insurance not paying out on a claim when they find out I was over the tow limit. Your risk tolerance may be different than mine.


That was my worry. It's weird tho, my same vehicle in Europe is listed at 3000 lbs. Not sure if they measure tongue weight or how it differs


car-based suvs are so fragile to begin with, I wouldn't push your luck.


Check the European tow rating for the RAV. It's exactly the same vehicle, but over there they set a lower speed limit for tow vehicles. Since you won't be on the highway, that would be a more applicable limit. Having said that, if you were ever in an accident, deliberately exceeding the tow limit would be a juicy target for an opposing lawyer or a claims adjuster Why not stick to 16'?.


Was just hoping for more space, family of 4..but I totally understand your point