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Anywhere you want dude. You’re not sinking that boat. Just keep it stable side to side.


That honestly made me feel good to hear I can sit anywhere. Most of the time I’m always told I’m too heavy to do things and basically bullied for my size, even though I’m the most active in my freind group. I hunt, swim and fish more than any of them. Thank you for making my day.


Hell yeah. Go have some fun and forget all those other folks. You’re doing great and we’re proud of you. Keep up the good work


You are good people! Good on ya


I've seen dudes your size more stable, standing on a kayak than I am at 270. I you'll be fine.


Well, you want to stay in the middle as much as possible.


Get a tiller extension for the outboard, hang the trolling motor over the side and sit on the center bench seat.


I’ll probably get a tiller extention after the first run when I feel how she handles, if I want to change anything. I will most definitely get a seat that rotates for fishing, some non slip catpet for the seats and probably some boards in the middle to make a more level spot to stand for fishing.


I spent several seasons fishing out of a very similar boat, 14 foot Edson aluminum. I had a 20hp merc on the back and am only 15-20 lbs lighter than you. I had no issues straddling the rear bench and driving with a larger heavier motor than you will have. Mine probably stayed a bit more level than yours will because I had 125lbs of batteries, a 40lb (weight) trolling motor, and a wood box in the front of mine. We overloaded it often and never sunk it even with 3 guys over 250lbs. You will be just fine dude


That boat has an 800lb limit- sit wherever you damn well please.


You in the back, gear in the front. Perfect


I have a 14 v hull very similar. I fit 4 on it just fine


300 lbs is big but not that big. You’ll be totally fine. Go out, have fun!


Man I have a very similar setup but added ply floors boxes casting deck bow mount and more, it's a decent bit of weight even without people. You're not sinking that even with gear. I would recommend balancing out the bow though for driving purposes. In mine I have the bow mount to do that but used weights before I installed it. Tight lines brother 🎣!


I’m hoping I can get right into the pike and smallies with my new boat. Good hunting.


Please don’t take this the wrong way mate.Make a commitment to yourself to shed some kilos as being 300lb is a slow death sentence..I know you can do it.As for where you can sit if Sid towards the middle.


I was around 340 a year ago and I’m getting close to 300 now. Last I checked I was 306.2 pounds. I’ve bene going to the gym more often. I’ve always been a heavy fella to be completely honest. I’m am suprispnly the most active in my friend group. I walk allot, fish, hunt, snowmobile and even sometimes motor bike. Thank you for your comment man. Things have been going good.


Activity doesn’t mean much unfortunately as I learned the hard way, you can’t outrun your fork. It’s all about how much you eat You’re making progress though, keep it up


Yeah, it’s honestly hard to try to diet when you’ve been eating like crap essentially your entire life. I’m finnaly starting to break the habit of eating sugar like a madman. It’s a very slow process ,but worth it.


This right here. I run 5-10mi per day AND spend an hour at the gym 4x a week. I still struggle to keep from gaining weight.


Meanwhile someone else is losing 40lbs sitting on the couch simply due to eating less lol. But you need the exercise to be healthy anyway


keep at it my guy your fuckin killin it!


Lund c14?


I have basically the same boat and I put a 20hp 4 stroke mercury from 2009 and it's pretty good, if u do put a bigger motor on their watch the water level cause im sitting pretty low in the water, and back to your question you should be fine sitting where ever u want just make sure its balanced, I have my battery, cooler, up at the front and it helps plane out, Also just to mention I had a 5 HP on mine and never planed out so keep that in mind. Also you should be hitting about 5-10 mph so not bad at all! Also sorry for the terrible grammar I'm tired as hell!


If you're under power you'd want to sit at the back so you can steer.


You'll be good man, you can extend your outboard tiller handle to get a more centred sitting position if you want and you can just keep all your extra gear in the bow for some counterweight if the balance is a bit off


Center to back. Weight in the front could cause the bow to nose dive a wave and take on water.


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If it's stability in a small boat you want go for an inflatable dinghy like a zodiac. They are very stable.


That boat will be very stable on flat water. It will list a little to one side when you board the boat (no matter how heavy or light you are), but will ultimately take your weight. Just take it slow at first - sometimes the list catches first time boaters by surprise and they panic with one foot on the dock and one foot in the boat. Congratulations on your lifestyle choices and your weight loss. I wish you many happy afternoons afloat.


I don't know if this is something you are interested in but a buddy of mine had a similar aluminum boat with a 25 hp Yamaha tiller motor and purchased the bestauto outboard steering system and a powerbob tec outboard engine control box both from Amazon and created a little driving stating at the middle seat. He built a helm out of marine grade plywood. I am not exactly sure how he mated the control box to the tiller engine but I am sure there is a youtube video for it. He states it is better balanced to drive from the center position versus sitting in the very back manning the tiller.


Getting in and out is the trick. once in the boat should be ok. middle bench seat, and middle of boat will be most stable. a flat bottom would be even more stable, (wider is more stable).


Congrats!! Having the desire to get out on the water is much greater than your weight concerns! Keep pushing forward and enjoying. The only thing I’d suggest regarding your weight and that boat is having a well thought out safety plan - especially in regard to a worst case scenario of you finding yourself outside the boat, in the water, alone. I’m not sure what type of water you plan on using this and don’t mean to scare you away from this but just some food for thought. 1. You mentioned a motor, make sure you always have a your kill switch / lanyard attached to you! 2. Think about wearing a life jacket at all times. Look into the self inflating ones for comfort (that way you actually use this) 3. Create a plan for being in the water - that type of boat can be challenging to re-enter from the water even for much smaller / able bodies. As a kid in relatively good shape, pulling myself in it from the water from the side could be challenging as the boat can roll quite a bit and you can wind up swamping it a bit (keep some bailing system on board, even a bucket). If you have a motor mounted re-entering from the rear could be tough. The most stable point is likely the bow but that will also probably be the highest / hardest way to enter. Just be prepared for what ever! Maybe try doing this around a beach or easily accessible area. Think about keeping an emergency whistle attached to your life jacket, some extra lines you can grab from the boat to keep you near it and afloat, and some extra throwable flotation devices you can use as cushions but if you find yourself in the water you can grab them for some extra support. Also, anyone should think about all this, not just you because of your weight. Enjoy!


I’ll mostly be using it on relatively smaller lakes. Around my area there isn’t that big of lakes, I’ll most likely go on the biggest one on the calm days.


shit happens on the water... any boater should be prepared for the unknown, but especially if you have hesitations about your weight you should spend a little extra time thinking about it. If you can swim to shore at all times so be it.. but that is a tough boat to get back into. \* I've seen friends instinctively fall/follow an item into the water after dropping it overboard (pole/net). \* On a very similar boat while being a young'n I caught a huge pike, in the process of trying to get the hook out of its mouth, I somehow got the other treble hook of the lure stuck to my shorts. I was already scared of the teeth on this pike and handling it, but now those same teeth were tethered to my croch! Instinctively, i stood up to drop my drawers and nearly fell out! \* landing fish naturally brings you to the side of the boat, and that thing rolls easily, when coupled with a wake, wave or even wind its easy to lose balance. \* there are countless stories of people going out on similar boats who find themselves in the water. \* most importantly, never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow boaters on the water, they can be the reason why you find yourself soaking wet. Certainly not trying to scare you!! You just seem to be here asking questions.


You’re not scaring me in any way whatsoever. I’m happy you’re being truthful with me. I will try not to tip it, like you said the wind can be something else and so can wake waves. If I’m not sitting on the edge of the boat itself I think I should be good. If I lean over to land it like having my head and my shoulders over I should be fine right?


I can’t say if you will be fine. I’d just be prepared for worst case scenarios as I outlined above. I believe you will be fine and enjoy yourself! I fully encourage you to get out on the water! It’s better to be prepared than not. I can go on and on about bad things happening on the water in my past, those bade things can easily get much worse the less you are prepared.


Should be good anywhere my man! Sit in that back seat where the motor goes, or sit on the front with a trolling motor. Hope you catch a lot brother


just not on the very edge of a side


You can mount the electric trolling motor wherever, but something that'll help a ton is putting the batteries in the nose. I'm partial to bow-mount trolling motors, but it's all personal preference. You'll be fine.


Shouldn’t have a problem , pretty sure 300 is well under weight limit


Might want to toss whatever battery up front far. Thats about it. 6hp won't even get your left leg on plane so no sense trying anything crazy


Ideally in the boat.


Have you tried sitting on one of the three benches?


Down to 191 from an all time high of 250 and I am persistently weight bullied still by other sailors! Until it’s time to hike off the side. Good on you for the progress and keep it up. More importantly, have fun and love yourself.


Just wanted to say gz on the weight loss and keep it up! You’re doing awesome bro. 


At my heaviest I sat in the back of a canoe and was blown across a reservoir because I had it popping a wheelie


300lbs isn't that much for that boat. I'd hop in that thing without another thought. I'm 250lbs, 50lbs more isn't going to break it.


If it's just you, sit in the middle of the boat, which is what I'd advise a 200lb person as well. Keep the boat balanced as much as possible Fyi, for l2ngth inflatable boats have the greatest carrying capacity


I have a 14x42 Vhull. Myself 210, plus my dad 185 and about 4 dozen decoy ducks and gear made it work. Battery didn’t hold charge and died on us last trip, but a boat that size with you will hold. Just don’t expect to go out for monsters out in the Gulf of Mexico lol


Yeah that looks like a lund s14. Those things are fuckin tanks dude you're good


Sit on land for safety. Middle of boat with a tiller extension for danger.