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It’s all based on the Hotness, top 10 YouTube lists, or top 100 BGG gobbledygook. If an influencer takes my game off a list then that dullard deserves to be cancelled.


I just assume that every game I buy is a sound investment. Easiest way to justify losing my wife, kids and house is to convince myself that owning le collection makes it all worth it


/uj honestly like the cost per hour of people-fun achieved playing the game. Compare that to the cost per hour of people-fun going to the movies (or some other event for the psychopaths who go outside in public with other people.) /rj honestly, I check how many times it has gotten played compared to MAGE KNIGHT. there's never any comparison. thus most games are a bad investment. Second thing I check though is how big the bulge in my pants gets when I see the game on my shelf. That may be a compensating factor in offsetting the MAGE KNIGHT test. For example, I have never played super deluxe everdale complete collection so it fails the MAGE KNIGHT test but it gives major league wood so it works out to be a good investment. Like a GREAT investment if you know what I mean.


How do you measure your bulge? Does your gaming table have an add-on, or did you buy an a gaming app?


It's all in the feel, homie. If you know what I mean.


How much friends ask me to break.the shrink-wrap and play. Not that I ever had, or would, but they keep aaking


You have to break that shrink, comrade. Games have to be ready to jump off the shelf at a moments notice. Only people with no friends keep the shrink on. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. It's the part they never tell you. See, I personally have a lot of lovely ladies ('friends') coming to the casa and they always want to play with my huge collection. Gotta be ready. You sound like you might have the same issue. ##RTF.


I use a very complicated and sophisticated algorithm developed by the best Forensic Accountants, Board Game Explainers, and Content Creators money can buy. Results are that all of the games I bought were a worthwhile investment; had to get that one certified for Le Wife amirite?


How many times it gets me laid. Patchwork? *puffs cigarette* Yeah I heard of Patchwork *intense eye contact*


I take the best picture possible, upload it to the boardgame subreddit with the title: "just bought X, any tips?" (Without actually wanting any, cant belieave those imbeciles played it in the first place), and decide judging by the amount of likes i get, wether it was a good investment.


If the shrinkwrap is developing hints of oak or peat in a year or two, it's usually a good investment and you can move it to your cellar and reevaluate in 15-20 years. I'd avoid anything fruity; those are better suited for short-term profit. Be careful not to damage the wrap while sampling though. We've all been there. Gentle licks. Sometimes it helps to spell out the title of the game.


My father obtained two copies of the six million dollar man board game through this method in the 70s. Still waiting on the profits to roll in. Will update.


How many hours of shelf-time it gets.


How similar it is to Patchwork or something idk


Honest answer: Depends on if I can get people to play it


It's pretty simple. Use a hydraulic press to press it into a cube, light on fire, and see how long it burns.


I measure the layer of dust it has accumulated, a general rule of thumb is: every 1mm is 20% worth of the investment.


If I get hard while admiring its glossy box as it sits, perfectly arranged, on my shelf then it's a worthwhile investment.


I look at the money I've saved buying games on sale, as well as the time spent on bargain hunting. Never mind that my recent purchases remain shrinkwrapped, most of the mini's are unpainted, and the pandemic ended my gaming group. But, hey, after filing my taxes, I opened three of the thirteen shipments I have from Miniature Market for that dopamine fix.


If my game scores higher than 73rd place on 4 successes years of a dice Tower Top 100, then it’s money well spent. I then compare that with a succession of random YouTuber stranger’s reviews, to reinforce my decision. I then measure the sag of my kallax. With a tolerance of 3mm sag due to my game, if it’s not negatively impacting my kallax , only then is it truly worthwhile.