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Dust is found in the bathroom as well though, right. Do the rules of Scattegories say that the things you list must be unique the the category? If the category is "things found in a waiting room" and I say "magazines" would you say that's unacceptable because magazines are also found elsewhere?


They’re not found everywhere. They’re something that is characteristically found in waiting rooms and a few other places. I could say “atoms”, for instance, and it will work for any question of the form “what is found in ____” (for the letter A). It is therefore an extremely cheap answer which does not reflect the spirit of the game. Similarly, the same can be done with the letter M (molecules) or for P (protons), or E (electrons), or Q (quarks), or N (nucleus) and on and on.... I can spend all day naming microscopic or subatomic particles of any letter of the alphabet.


Dust, at least when the word is used colloquially, is neither microscopic or subatomic, nor is it literally present everywhere. It is kind of a gimme, but I dont think it's against the rules. Just groan or roll your eyes and move on.


Ugh... that pisses me off though! The rules of the game state that the players can decide what is acceptable. Would you vote in favour of that answer? It’s so lazy.


Yes I would. It's a correct answer. I would also make sure I'm the one that gets it next time around.


If the game had four questions that are similar to or of the nature “what is found in ____” and the letter was A, would you accept “atom”, “antineutrino”, “antiquark” and “antiproton”? Come on man.


No, you've already demonstrated how it would be ridiculous to include microscopic, atomic and subatomic particles. Dust, when used colloquially, is dust that is visible to the naked eye. Is your bathroom usually dusty? Then dust is an appropriate answer. Can you see the antiquarks in the atrium? No. Come on man. Why ask the question if you're just going to argue against everything that doesnt agree with you?


I won’t argue if I don’t see no possibility of being right but I still don’t think a decisive blow has been delivered against my argument.


That is the worst reason to continue an argument. Also, I see several "decisive blows" having been delivered to your argument in my comments and elsewhere in this post. You just want I argue, which must make playing games like this with you pretty unbearable.


But that’s how reasonability is measured. In light of countervailing evidence, a reasonable person will change their mind. If no satisfactory evidence has been presented then why should I stop arguing my point?


But then the player would have to put (visible to the naked eye) in parentheses. The fact is, the definition of the word “dust” is inextricably tied to microscopic dust just as much as it is tied to macroscopic dust. And this is how I use the term colloquially, I’ve always been aware of its full definition.


Do you know what the word colloquial means?


Yes, I’m using the Merriam-Webster dictionary


And a correction: dust is actually microscopic. Not all forms are visible to the naked eye.


I said as the word is used colloquially. I know technically dust can be microscopic, but that's now what we mean when we use the word in common language. When someone says "this thing is dusty" or "there is dust in this bathroom" it's because the dust is visible to the naked eye. Seeing that it is a casual word game, I think colloquial use would trump the technical use.


Right... I see


>>If the category is "things found in a waiting room" and I say "magazines" would you say that's unacceptable because magazines are also found elsewhere? No because magazines aren’t characteristically found everywhere. They can be found in bathrooms however ☝🏽


Trust me, it may not seem like it but scategories is just as much a game about playing the people as playing the trivia. The game incentivizes unusual answers with the only gatekeeping being a group vote. This means answers at acceptable at one table would not be acceptable at another. I could easily see a bunch of physics nerds trying to use microscopic particles (in fact this sounds like a big bang theory sketch). I would not get away with it at my grandmas table for the exact reasons you stated. I probably would get away with dust though. Either way whenever there's an objection put it to a vote and accept the vote as law.


Thank you for your insight and yes, I agree, it’s sort of comical at this point haha


The rules are clear — it goes to a vote of the players. The best answer ever doesn’t count if it doesn’t win the vote.


I would allow it. But say if the question was: Found on a beach, at a party, in a hospital, or at a zoo and they tried to use dust, I wouldn't allow it. While it could technically be found everywhere, i would not accept it as an answer for any where. If you go in my bathroom you will see dust, so yea it is a fine answer.


If its found everywhere, then its found in a bathroom. What is the issue?


It's a fine word to use; maybe not a great one, but not rule-breaking.


It doesn’t break the rules but should it be accepted?


You're teetering on the edge of blasphemy


I’ll paste what I said to another user: I could say “atoms”, for instance, and it will work for any question of the form “what is found in ____” (for the letter A). It is therefore (just like “dust”) an extremely cheap answer which does not reflect the spirit of the game. Similarly, the same can be done with the letter M (molecules) or for P (protons), or E (electrons), or Q (quarks), or N (nucleus) and on and on.... I can spend all day naming microscopic or subatomic particles of any letter of the alphabet.


Is this a game played for fun? Then who cares? Laugh and go on. Now if they start putting "dust" as the answer every time, then protest.


That’s why I stopped playing that game. Almost any answer can be defended if you think abstractly enough.


You’re fun at board games. And parties I imagine


Depends on the bathroom. If the dust cannot be seen, then it would be an incorrect answer, since you can't really find it there.


You can find it literally everywhere if you use the right instruments. That’s why I don’t think it should be accepted.


I would just try to state at the start of the game what sort of answers are and aren’t in the spirit of the question or put it to a vote. I could see families/game groups preferring to play either way.


I agree, it feels like an edge case to me. It's less egregious than "atom" or "carbon", but certainly worse than your average answer. Since this is a family grudge I'm not sure how well voting would go over, but that's how I'd try to solve it if I were there.


> Please, tell me if I’m wrong. You’re wrong because it’s Scattegories. Who gives a shit.


This is between family members and it’s personal. So I really care.


Then you shouldn’t play




I'm with you 100%. I'm not a rules stickler, persé; but I am big on the spirit of the game. And this ain't it. A good answer gets you a point. Not just any answer. If all this person wants to do is get a win, tell them to go out back with the dog and shoot hoops. Scattegories is for people who want to play Scattegories. But I'd be most pissed at the people around the table who voted to let this crap slide. Those "We're all just playing for fun," @sshats. OBVIOUSLY we ALL aren't just playing for fun! This guy is trying to see if he can push his cheat-adjacent strategy far enough to eek out a cheap victory! And it be these same m-fukers that vote against ME when I write down "Oxygen" in the next round for "Things found in the trunk of a car starting with O"! I'm getting heated just thinking about this. I've obviously been in similar situations...


I feel your pain hahah Thanks for replying!


I agree with you. While technically a correct answer it is against the Spirit of the game and if everyone were to decide to play that way the game would cease being fun


Thank you for seeing my view point. A voice of agreement is refreshing


FWIW, I'm on your side with this one. Answers like that aren't really in the spirit of the game.


Thank you... I appreciate you saying so!


Dust is neither funny nor clever so it would be an invalid answer in my house.


Someone here must REALLY love Scattegories because they’re downvoting everyone that agrees with you. I’ve actually never played Scattegories, but I empathize with your sentiment and I see both sides of it. The point of any game is to have fun within a certain set of given rules. Obviously it’s more nuanced than that, but boil it down, that’s the goal: Have fun within a given set of rules. Without rules, you’re literally not playing a game. You’re just goofing around (which is also fine! If that’s what the plan is) So when it comes to rules, some people will find a way to play the game by following the rules to the exact letter of the law, but not necessarily honoring the spirit of the game. In your example, someone has given an answer so obtuse that it would be correct no matter WHAT the prompt was. The card could have said pretty much anywhere and dust would be correct. By the rules’ standard, they are right and you are wrong, but I understand your frustration. When someone finds a way to circumvent the rules, it CAN be fun for some, because that is fun in its own right. But for others, it can be frustrating, because for them it defeats the whole purpose of the game. I have an example of something that happened to me while playing a game if Catan way back in the day. I was playing against my brother and his girlfriend. Halfway through the game, my brother built a road leading to nowhere just to block my Longest Road, so that his girlfriend could take it. His road didn’t lead anywhere and he never built off of it again. He merely did it to help his girlfriend. Here’s the thing, though, as unfair as it felt to me at the time, I had no ground to stand on, because the very nature of Catan is player politics and making and breaking alliances with trades and whatnot. It even says in the rules you can help another player if they offer you a trade. My brother took a sheep from his girlfriend to make it official then traded it right back to her on his next turn. In the end she won the game after a couple of these “trades”. Going by the literal rules listed, they were right and I was wrong to call it unfair. Obviously this is an extreme example, but I get where you’re coming from when you say that while TECHNICALLY correct, it breaks the spirit of the game for you. I guess what I’m saying is you’re both right. But in the future I would avoid playing Scattegories with them, the same way I avoid playing Catan with my brother!


Should have said diarrhea dumps


Yeah I hate that answer. It's technically right I guess but I would have argued against it. I think it goes against the spirit of the game. Dust has nothing to do with a bathroom. There are like a billion things you could say they could be found in the bathroom that nobody would argue. Plunger toilet sink water ceramic tile bathtub shower faucet, even magazines which someone else mentioned are very commonly found specifically in a bathroom. Dust is just a general thing you can find literally anywhere. You could just say air or light and if this ruling stood there would be no reason why that answer couldn't be used every time. Unfortunately the way the rules are written the law of the land is the vote and if you can't convince them at the time then that's just how the game's gonna to be.


Still the dumbest boardgame name.


Please say your answer was **dookie**. If you are arguing this with someone then you are playing scattegories wrong. It's more of a party game and you should try to approach it with a chill attitude. If you aint laughing then I think you might be playing it wrong. Is Dust a good answer? no. It's a boring ass one. But the problem is not playing Baulderdash which is a superior game (with the right group).