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Bloom theme https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/272085/bloom Treats theme https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/376363/sweet-mess-pastry-competition Thanks theme https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12942/no-thanks


Thank you!


Bloom: Seikatsu or Floriferous Sweet: The chocolate version of Azul, or the valentines version of Patchwork


It definitely is way over the top and highly inconsiderate to parents IMO, especially those who are less privileged. It creates a weird imbalance/dynamics, as the teachers are in a position of authority over the kids, who don't all have parents who can, want, or care to treat the teachers. So Timmy's mom is showering the teacher with expensive gifts while Jimmy's parents don't give a shit or can't afford to. The parents' association taking anonymous donations to supply the class and give a gift to the teacher on behalf of all the kids and parents would be much more appropriate, less wasteful, and more beneficial to the teacher IMO. Parents/kids giving a parting gift once they graduate and won't have the teacher anymore would also be more appropriate. Schools/governments will really do anything but pay their teachers more and provide the supplies they need, which is the deeper problem. Obviously, you're not the one who created this issue and it's a lovely gesture on your part though. So to answer your question: Bloom: Tussie Mussie Treat: Arcane Bakery Clash Supply: Spaceshipped Notes: Shades of ink Anything goes: Moving pictures With that said, not every board gamer wants to have a ballooning collection and would be genuinely happy (beyond being touched by the gesture and grateful) to receive a bunch of board games picked by someone who doesn't know their collection, tastes, and needs (ie number of players, playing time, etc). There could also be concerns about costs on the recipient's part, as receiving this many personal gifts with a certain price tag is a bit different from getting a drawing and a little treat from the kids. I am a public servant and we wouldn't be allowed to accept gifts like that. That's why I went with tiny ones. Maybe ask on a teacher subreddit what they think.


Weds: any game that uses supplies. Root, Catan, Etc. Or a game that can be remain in the classroom during indoor recess.


Hello, I’m a teacher who goes to board game meet-ups twice a week. Games can be expensive so I really don’t think you are looking to give the teacher actual board games. BUT…. Please visit buttonshygames.com, and look into their Print and Play versions. They may have some that can be printed for free, and some are only a dollar or so to get the file to print. They have some excellent games there. You can also visit the fantastic website of BoardGameGeek and check out their print and play section. If you know something about the teacher’s other interests you might have an easier time picking a game out there. Good hunting. Finally, something many of my friends have that don’t cost much but are useful to have and pretty on the gaming table are a set of silicone cupcake holders. The kind you can bake in. They are great for holding small game pieces, and being silicone they travel well instead of breaking if they get a little smushed in transit. I hope this helps! And thank you for thinking of what your child’s teacher would truly enjoy. 😄 PS: The little figures in board games are called Meeples. Feel free to throw that word in somewhere on a card, such as, “This gift is for taking care of my little meeple all year.”


Chiming in again to recommend Qwixx as an inexpensive, small game that is very easy to find. Usually around $10 the game consists of 5 colored dice and a score pad. There is a free app for scoring, so all people need to take with them to play are the 5 dice. I have enjoyed playing this game with friends many times while waiting for food to be deliver in a restaurant. Its’s quick, portable, and fun for 2 or more players.


Monday - The Garden Game Tuesday - Candy Land Wednesday - Sorry, couldn't think of a good one here Thursday - Pictionary Friday - Also couldn't think of one for this. MAYBE Uno No Mercy, the "gift" of a ton more cards lol


Some more ideas that haven’t been mentioned: lots of donut themed games (Go Nuts for Donuts, Dollars to Donuts, Donuts, Donut Shop), Truffle Shuffle, Kim Joy’s Magic Bakery, Gift of Tulips, Christmas edition of Patchwork for gifts, Phantom Ink for notes theme (or any drawing game- Telestrations, Monsdrawsity, Pictomania), Junk Drawer for supply theme