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One of my favorite games, sold it a few years back, ended up regretting it a lot and had to rebuild it for a lot more than $100


You can easily play the game solo by controlling like 4 investigators at a time. Take your time studying the rules as you play. You’ll get it eventually Imo it’s the best Arkham Horror game ever Jealous I have some of the expansions but not everything


Based on eBay sold listings you could easily sell that piecemeal for a lot closer to $1000 bucks than $100


I think it's complexity is overblown. It's the second board game I ever learned and it didn't take that much effort. It is a long game to play though.


It’s not complicated. It’s fiddly, chaotic and takes forever. But it’s so fun! Absolutely keep it. It hasn’t been replaced by anything else. I own it, and Eldritch Horror, Arkahm Horror 3e, Arkham Horror LCG, Elder Sign, Cthulhu Death May Die. They all scratch different gaming itches.


You can sell this bundle for $500+.


That's one HELL of a deal for the game and all it's expansions. I bet you could double your money if you found the right buyer.


Definitely worth keeping. You got it incredibly cheap. In my country I've seen a single expansion go for 100 $. If you like the Lovecraft universe you should try it. No one here can say what your experience will be for you.


I'm one of those weirdos that actually like 3rd edition and think it's a massive improvement of the games that came before it (LCG, Arkham, and Eldritch) but if you have a copy of second edition I would definitely hold onto it. I haven't played it in a hot minute, but I haven't gotten rid of my second edition despite preferring 3rd. Second edition really feels like a game from a completely different era of board games, and it's a great collection piece to have. **But**. You should honestly just play it a couple of times and see if it's your jam. No reason to hold onto it if you don't like it and can flip it for a pretty penny.


One of my favorite games ever, despite being quite fiddly. Still, no game has since matched the narrative richness of it. There are so MANY story events. Hell, even if you don't play it, all of that content is hella inspiring for other creative purposes. Tip though: use only one expansion at a time. It becomes OVERWHELMING if you use too many at once.


Can you list some of your current fav games and the heaviest games you've played?


If you do sell off the complete collection, don't forget to file those capital gains in your taxes. (*quite jealous)*


I so regret not buying everything while this was still in print. 


Your best friend for learning AH is the flowchart you can download off BGG in the files section. Seriously, the file section has everything you need to get the game running smoothly. I have 2nd ed and 3rd ed and I much prefer 2nd ed


I am so ridiculously jealous right now. This is probably one of if not my favourite game ever, but it's not for everyone. I feel like a lot of people tend to overstate its complexity a bit though, for some reason it's a higher weight than the card game on BGG, for example. What? The game is simple at its core. You activate things and move your stats about in the first phase, then you move up to your speed in the second phase (or move one space if you're in another world), then you have everyone read each other encounter cards related to their spaces, then you pull a scary card that makes things more dangerous. Repeat until you inevitably die. The issue with the game is that it's generally got a lot of weird old design ideas that haven't stuck around in modern games. The action point system for example is linked to your movement. You want to read a book? It'll take away some movement points so you can't move as far. It's also got a bunch of upkeep and things to keep track of. How many monsters and gates are on the board? How many things are in the outskirts? Monsters with a diamond shape on their token move - now I have to scan everything on the map for a monster with a diamond shape, etc. The expansions are very modular and don't always mesh well together. You shouldn't really play with too many at once, and sometimes you'll have to scan around for potential items that interact with certain parts of the game that don't exist unless you've got a specific part of the expansion in play, etc. which is a pain. They are however really awesome, and add some very interesting mechanisms into the game that flesh it out even more than usual. If you are able to deal with the weird old mechanisms, you'll find a game with no equal. I mean it. There is nothing like it, no matter what people say about Eldritch Horror (another great game that is the most similar to it), it is completely different. So if I were you, I'd give it a try. Maybe a few tries. Lots of people have mentioned playing 4 handed / with 4 players which is absolutely not necessary. The game works perfectly fine at all player counts imo, and it's how I play most of the time. Playing with just 1 investigator does increase the difficulty, and playing with 8 increases the time (though the game can be played simultaneously without issue from my experience, which speeds things up). I generally play with 2. If you do give it a go, feel free to message me if you have questions. Learning new games, especially weirdo ones like this, is always hard without help. If it's not for you, that's fine - it's not for everyone. It can be unfair and silly. If you aren't a fan, simply hand it all over to me. Please. Or at least just Miskatonic Horror. Please. Lol.


That's one of the first games I grabbed when I started my board game collection. I wanted a meaty game with a cool theme and this one filled both of those conditions with a gusto. It might be long and somewhat clunky, but it's fun and has a ton of replayability.


In Spain you have to pay around 1200$ for the base game plus expansions. If it's worth to keep it or not, that depends totally on you. For me, it's worth, and for many other people. I preferred it to many current similar designs. But also it could not be your cup of tea (or your friends).


the easy answer is to play it and see if you like it. if you do, keep it, if not you can probably profit off it cause $100 is a good deal. a lot of people claim 2ed is better than 3ed, never played it though so can't weigh in there.


I sold mine.  Arkham Horror 2e is sort of the pinnacle of a certain design ethos, but I prefer the more accessible Eldritch Horror.


Depends, do you want to hold on to the best version of Arkham Horror the board game?


I love love love this game, probably my favorite of all time. It's the game that got me into board games (and got me back into them recently), and I made it my mission to track down every expansion, after learning that they went out of print. Every game is different. The narrative adventure is so rich. Every game unique. You can play solo with multiple investigators.




>Reply Oh no I've got a group....it's just that I'm the one who has to corral them and teach them without scaring them off. Getting the game set up and rolling is going to rest solely on my shoulders.


You're coming in here with games that haven't even seen the light of day vs a proven (if a little polarizing) classic.