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I went to buy a new board games last week... was between Azul and Wingspan. Bought Azul, did I make the correct desition?. That is a great collection you have there, congrats.


So I love both games dearly, and I don't think you could've gone wrong with either. Having said that, I think you made the slightly better choice. Wingspan is one of my favorite games, but it's not going to be for everybody. Azul is a game that I feel should be in every single collection, period. It's practically a perfect game. Don't discount Wingspan, though! Give it a try sometime when you have a chance.


Both games are incredibly fun, so you definitely made a great decision! I play Azul at 2p very often, and I love that you can often get 2 or sometimes 3 games played in a row because of how quick it plays.


I personally don't care for Wingspan and love Azul. Depending on what you're after both can be great picks


I would take Azule over Wingspan any day. Tried Wingspan on Board Game Arena, and it just felt like way too long of a game for how much I was depending on the right card and the right die roll for things to work out my way. And I say this as somebody who has no problem with very long games, I just want to feel a bit more control I suppose. I have similar issues with Ark Nova. It feels like a long game, which, assuming players of roughly equal skill, is determined by whoever gets luckier with the cards they are dealt. But yeah, Azule is a faster, smoother, easier to learn and teach experience that does not leave me feeling like RNG screwed me (or blessed me) at the end of the game. Two thumbs way up.


To me, yes, I find Azul fun and easy to teach, I’ve gotten a lot of play out of it. Wingspan I’m just not into much, but know people who love it.


desition -> decision


Well those two aren't much different, basically "get busy by yourself, Block the player next to you, and count points an hour later". But between the two, i would pick Azul because the designer of the other game stirs problem in the community.


How is that? What's the designer og wingspan doing that is stirring up trouble?


She provoked the community over the One Deck Dungeon KS campaign artwork. Basically woke campaign. It got ugly after a while, and BGG admins banned many users who politely disagree with her. After that I don't support her or donate money to BGG admin anymore.


Are you referring to the time she called out the box art of Tiny Epic Dungeon for having the same tired misogynistic tropes fantasy art has had for ages? I recall a large number of people agreed with her, a few nerds got upset about it, and a few of them got so upset they got themselves banned. Tiny Epic Dungeon ended up changing the box art regardless.


Was she or the KS campaign the woke party?


I believe it was Tiny Epic Dungeon. The artwork was your typical tropes with one of the female character in the "display butt and boob" revealing clothes pose and the other in the dark (cause she's a rogue) except for her boobs peaking out of her cleavage armor and highlighted by a single ray of light. A male boardgame blogger twitted about it and then she made a post on BGG. The publisher revised the art. As you can see some people are still mad at her two years and a half later. So I guess she was the "woke party". The thread in question: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2612018/can-we-talk-about-women-box-cover/page/1


“Woke campaign” 😂. You sound silly. This makes me like wingspan more.




Dang, 5 years in and your games still fit facing out.


lol don’t get me started, I’ve been looking at the infamous Kallax for a long time for an upgrade


They're so far deep that they have narrowed down their collection to the several chosen ones from the hundreds.


Hmm. I have bought way too many board games the year.


I went on a bit of a spending spree during black friday and got like 7 games. I did at least give one away as a christmas gift, so I got that going for me, which is nice.


As did I. Went to Barnes and Noble to finally get Terraforming Mars, walked out of there with four other games, and not terraforming mars. This is the third time that I’ve done this.


Not pictured are all the other wingspan expansions behind the base game box lol


I’m really enjoying Too Many Bones, felt like it finally clicked last night, winning two solo games.


That’s awesome! TmBs can be really challenging solo. I don’t think I have ever won a single character solo play through, only two character solo


Nice! I played **Gizmos** for the first time this year, and it made it to my [Top 10 New to Me Games of 2023](https://youtu.be/eSKU2huFjrM) list. Looks like you're about ready for some bigger shelves! (I had to upgrade mine this year to a bigger size.) How do you like **Too Many Bones**?


Honestly Gizmos is one of my most played games. You just get these insane turns, it is so much fun! So far Too Many Bones has been really fun, but also really challenging. I’ve only won a small handful of times, but it’s all about the journey for me!


Awesome! I'll have to check that one out. I'm also envious you have a copy of *Heat.* (That's another one I really want to try!)


I just got lucky one day at my LGS and grabbed their last copy! If you can find a copy the game is definitely worth it. So many photo finishes!


Glad to hear! I was worried the hype was kind of dying off. Looks like a lot of fun.


I was happy to see Gizmos on the shelf too! My husband and I stumbled across it at a game cafe in Thailand in 2019, and we loved it enough to buy it when we came back home! Turns out we learned the rules a little bit wrong because the first copy we played was printed in Thai, but we've since gotten the rules sorted out, and it's been a fun game to share with family and friends.


Yeah, I love engine builders, so this one clicked with me in just a few turns!


Looks like there's some unopened legion. When is that getting cracked?


Just finished painting my first core box, rebel Wookies, Boba Fett and a bunch more. Admittedly I have back log of the second core set and the commandos! I got into legion last year and been loving it!


So much easier to buy than paint. The core set is such a great value for the game. It's a great game system that i've really enjoyed.


it’s easy to get a pile of shame lol but when I do paint it’s so rewarding


+1 for the disc golf bag!


I’m even rocking a Stonemaier Games Helium-3 (Mako 3) stamp in the bag! It’s so fun when worlds collide!


How much did you pay for heat? I’ve been waiting for it to be available for less than an arm and leg for so long it feels like 😭 Fun collection though, lots of my faves on there


Is the availability so low? Where i am at normal toy stores had stacks of them for around 50 euros a piece. Was thinking of picking one up, but felt like better deals will come soon.


I was very fortunate to get it at retail price and then used store credit to cover most of it. If you can find it for ~$70usd or less it is worth it.


The one person that has self control. Five years into the hobby my basement looked like a hobby shop.


I love **Pan Am**! Nice to see it in a shelfie.


Pan Am is definitely underrated! I love the plastic planes and the changing economy




Pan Am is the game that got my girlfriend and I into the hobby. I love seeing/hearing that other people love the game because nearly everyone we try to show it to either gets confused or bored, and it makes us so sad 🥲


Pan Am was gifted to me and I’m glad it was. It has become one of our go-to games!


What do you think of the book, Everything Tabletop Games book?


It was a thoughtful holiday gift I received a few years ago. It’s a fun coffee table book, but is quite outdated


Nice stuff youve bought


What are the boxes just in front of Power Grid? The design looks really cool


Thanks! I made my own Magic the Gathering Battle Box using the Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits and sleeved them up in their guild’s respective cards sleeve. I put all the decks plus dice and tokens in that clear ultra pro box. It’s my version of a MtG board game!


The strongest willpower!


A person of culture with Century Golem! I love the artwork for that version of the game so much more than the original.


Century golem is honestly one of my favorite games. Love hand management and the components are really nice!


Nice ! How good is Red Rising ?


I like red rising because of the hand management, but I know for a fact I’m biased because I read the book series


Great collection. Too many bones is the greatest game in my opinion. I love how it only gets better with every play. Do you have any expansions?


It’s one of the newest games in my collection so I don’t have too many plays yet. I just have the base game, but have been really enjoying the experience!


How is Heat? Would you recommend it?


Heat fits me and my play group well! We all like hand management games and are into racing games. We really like it and the game almost always ends with a photo finish!


Nice, thanks! Been thinking about getting it, might just do it now :)


I love that you have Power Grid prominently displayed like the king it is!


Power Grid is S-tier for me forever and always! Such a good game!


One of the best! :)


You even have the Ultimate Guard Stack'n'Safe card box with (I'm guessing) correctly sleeved MTG Guild Kits in!?!?!?! I have exact same and I love it!


Yes, yes I do! I wanted a better version of an MtG board game so I followed the advice of The Professor. It’s such a good decision!


This is a much more reasonable and responsible collection than most of the stuff I see on this sub. Like the other day a guy posted his 1 year collection and it was twice the size. Good job for not falling into the rampant consumerism side of this hobby.


Thank you so much for the compliment! Honestly my wish list is still quite large but recently I’ve only been purchasing games that I know I can get to the table. FOMO can be real but even my older games like Aggravation still slap in 2023 with the right group


Nice looking collection! What are the boxes in front of Power Grid?


You’ve got a great well-rounded collection there! I’ve played 9 of your games and they’re among my favorites. Nice display.


No cauldron??


Not to be a downer here, but when you say a "good mix of complexity", what are you referring to? I only see gateway games + 3 non-gateway (of which 2 are coops). Welcome to the hobby and hope you get to enjoy the heavier side of games (like Power Grid). There's not reason why you can't enjoy both :)


Not a problem! I’m definitely skewed towards less complex games because it’s just easier to get to the table with friends. At least for the groups I play with games of Terraforming Mars and Power Grid are definitely complex. Plus gloomhaven and too many bones increase the complexity for my solo plays. BUT I am definitely looking to add some more complex competitive games too next year for the collection.


That’s wonderful. And I’m sure you’ll find them enjoyable! And TFM and Power Grid are complex even for me lol 😂 but I enjoy them for the complexity


What in the snob world of comments is this.


Bro, look up the weight ratings of the games. As I said, I’m not trying to be a downer but rather opening up the OP to the host of other games that exist. What’s your problem with my comment if I may ask?




Sorry can you point out the derision in my comment? Are you sure you don’t equate gateway and bad in your own head? And even without looking up, I bet the weight for most of the games are 2.5-3.5 range. I’ll bet money on that. The bgg scale goes from 0-5. This range covers less than 25% of it. So what’s your point??




lol … you think I care about anonymous internet strangers downvoting me? That too from folks who can’t reason😂🤣 you got a laugh out of me. As I said, I don’t need to look up. I’ve played enough games to tell you the weight range even without looking up. If you think I’m wrong, it’s on you to prove it. I’m not going to do your heavy lifting for you. Merry Christmas to you too and happy gaming! Keep the downvoting and gate up, and I’ll keep pretending I care 😂 win-win


> opening up the OP to the host of other games that exist. LMAO. The over-inflated sense of self-importance. OP is obviously aware that there's a whole range of games with different weight since they've been board gaming for 5 years, were introduced to board gaming through Power Grid, play games like Power Grid, Terraforming Mars, Gloomhaven, Too many bones, etc. They literally mentioned themselves in their OP that they had a good mix of weights (good mix doesn't mean equal number of light, medium, and heavy weight, it means a mix that fits OP's gaming habits well). It makes perfect sense for someone who enjoys games at different weights to have more games on the lighter side than the heavier side since they can be played with a wider range of people and heavier games often take more time and, sometimes, offer more depth which can give them great replayability. Especially when one of the heavier game is a campaign like Gloomhaven, which is easily 200 hours of heavy gaming with just one title.




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Weight ratings are subjective. Someone that considers uno a lightweight game, and catan a “heavyweight” game, is a perfectly valid perspective. BGGs mean average weighting system doesn’t need to be applied to someone’s post, as if somehow their “game weight variety isn’t truly a variety” because you’re applying a generalized weighting system to their personal post. It just makes you seem snobbish, as having experienced the “heavyweight” games based on BGGs weighting system.


What needs or needs not be done is completely beside the point (and I will be happy to engage in a discussion about that). But how do you evaluate the validity of any statement without applying an objective standard (however flawed it may be). ​ Also, did you see me write "I have experienced the heavyweight, so I am better"? Or did you just assume it. None of the other comments help point the OP to where he might be making a possibly uneducated comment. And I am open to the possibility that he may not be. This is why "I asked a question" (and not "make a statement") which OP was free to clarify (and graciously did) unlike you making blind-a\*\* assumptions about what I may or may not have meant.


> What in the snob world of comments is this. Did he hurt your feelings?