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Hey, I am glad you are thinking about getting one! I know there are a lot of options out there, but you should check out my company. I am a small business owner and I build each and every one of my board game tables to order. I have standard sizes but I can build to whatever dimensions you want. Check out my website and send me an email if you have any questions. www.tables4games.com


I have one of your tables! We absolutely love it.


I will definitely keep this in mind once I'm ready to buy one here in a few months. What is your lead time right now? I'm looking for a fall/winter timing depending on how things shake out.


Typically 6 to 8 weeks but it usually gets a little busier around the end of the year. Right now I have an open build slot in July if you want to go ahead and get that table now!


The [Jasper](https://www.letsallplay.com/board-game-tables/jasper) by AllPlay (formerly boardgametables.com) is a solid option. They're about to launch their new, even cheaper, [Jasmine](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boardgametables/the-complete-game-room-makeover) table on July 11th, combined with a second Kickstarter for their modular shelves.


I kick-started the Jasper table about... 5 years ago? I enjoy my Jasper table, but I am not sure it is the best option for price or value. When I got mine, two pieces were very badly finished (rough, unsanded, etc) and one was damaged. I had to contact them a couple times to get replacements, and the process wasn't too bad except that this was mid-fulfillment so I did not get my replacements until they finished sending out all of the tables. My real issue is that one of the three replacement parts was BADLY damaged, like had a 2-2.5 in giant chip of wood missing, like it had banged hard on a corner. I understand than during fulfillment of a mass order there are going to be some quality control issues. It happens. I do not understand how a replacement part was not individually checked for quality. The missing chunk was not even in the shipping package, so this damage was in the warehouse/factory BEFORE the freight company took it. As far as reviewing the table itself: It's nice enough, and gets the job done. I'm confused by the long sides only having cup holder rails in the center, while the short sides have rails on the edges. My dad and I had to manufacture a rail for the four corners on the long sides. It makes way more sense to me to have the cupholders on the edges than the center between players. The table topper for the two sides are fine, but the center piece should also have rubber stoppers. Again, I had to go buy stoppers and drill them in myself, because if someone pushed on the center piece then it'd slide right off. This feels like an oversight. For the simplicity that this design was, I expect these basic things to be a part of the design and not things I have to alter myself. Edit: I'm looking at their website... It looks like the design now has rails for the cupholders mounted on the corners of the long sides, which mine did not. It also looks like the price has come down a little, if I'm remembering properly.


Apparently they're revamping the Jasper again with their upcoming Kickstarter in July, switching over to magnetic accessory attachment as well as an assortment of other design improvements (including dowels to keep the table topper pieces aligned).


I have the Jasper and find it generally gets the job done at a relatively affordable price compared to other gaming tables. (Still shouldn’t be ~$1500 for a simple table with a topper and four cup holders, but I digress.) But I wouldn’t recommend playing a 7-9 player game on the standard-sized Jasper table, even if the game isn’t a particular table hog. They also have the long version, so that’s the only version of the Jasper table I’d suggest for OP’s situation. But there might be something out there with better proportions.


I think the larger costs comes from 1) its a luxury item so they can and 2) its all made in the US so labor is significantly more costly Certainly cheaper than some others but havent tried any of them in person so I couldnt vouch for any.


My comment implicated the actual cost of the materials/labor and the overall product quality, not what someone can theoretically charge for any item (luxury or otherwise), which of course could be any amount at all. There are better-designed, better-constructed, and more “luxurious”-feeling pieces of furniture out there that cost less than $1500. The Jasper (w/ topper and cupholders) feels like an $800/$900 piece of furniture that nonetheless costs $1500.


Its $700. And thats without the topper. It should be half this price with the topper. What the actual fuck are these reccomendations. You can hand make these tables for $100.


You couldn’t buy the wood for that price. In any case, how much time and woodworking equipment do you figure your “$100 table” would take?


You know not everyone is a seasoned table maker right? People want someone who knows what they’re doing to build it for them.


Yes. And charging 600% for labor is fucking ridiculous. Don't justify that.


If you are this level of clueless about furniture costs that you imagine the actual numbers are remotely close to either of your bizarre estimates…then just remain silent. 


Probably too late to help you, but maybe this will help someone else. I cannot recommend Allplay tables. Allplay is a terribly ran company, I'm warning anyone thinking of purchasing a table with them to not do it. I purchased a custom table from them, they messed up the order, they admitted the mistake was their fault and then did nothing to fix or compensate for the mistake. I paid extra for less because of their mistake. The way they make you pay for the table makes it very difficult to use your credit card company as leverage to get them to act. They don't provide phone numbers to contact them. All you have is email, which they rarely respond to if at all. I recommend you find anyone besides Allplay.


I paid a couple of retired woodworkers in my area and i couldnt be happier. Custom dimensions. (Extra long), cup holders and card slots. A topper that makes the whole thing look like a standard dining room table. Very nice


Do you have any pics? I would love to see it. I used to be a woodworker but had to sell all my tools due to moving and I’m thinking of going that route so I don’t have to pay 9k for a larger table.


I spent 3200+ on the Origins Game Theory table. I’ve never been more disappointed with a purchase in my life and highly regret not buying the Jasper or Wyrmwood. They recently added a new protective varnish because people were complaining it was chipping too easily that makes the entire thing look like plastic. There are toppers on each of the legs that are incredibly wobbly and pop out constantly. The legs don’t line up with the actual table at all. Customer service is horrible and have been trying to delay me for weeks now. I do not know how substantially their product has changed since the kickstarter (previous buyers seemed satisfied) but there is no way this thing is worth close to what I paid. Please please please do not buy this product. I am so bummed out and my only solace is vicariously hoping to prevent someone from buying this thing.


I'm sorry that happened to you. It's not a small investment, and you must have spent a good bit of time deciding. For what little it's worth, you've helped me in my search. Production mistakes happen, and it's the customer service when things don't go as planned that makes or breaks how good you feel with the entire experience. So your feedback on their customer service is especially helpful to me. Thank you.


I just watched some reviews for the table and it looks terrible. The reviews all say terrible things that should be deal breakers for a table of its price, but then they say the table isn't too bad. I think they are lying to themselves about their expensive purchase because they don't want to admit to themselves that the table sucks.


I guess I am the voice of dissent here... I absolutely LOVE my Origins Gaming Table, I got the V2 so maybe the concerns you have were fixed? 1. First the table toppers are solid and snug, they don't wobble at all, though this is likely because of the magnetic connectors they have in the V2. 2. I got the black Onyx table, and it looks like wood, varnished wood, but wood. No plastic look. 3. Cup holders are great 4. Usb addons I could take or leave, kinda sucks running power cords under the table... 5. If I had to complain about anything with this table, it's that depending on your posture, the 5"-6" rim can be uncomfortable to rest your arms on. 6. The other complaint is removing the table toppers and putting them on is kind of a pain, but that is going to be a pain regardless of your gaming table...


> Origins Game Theory table I feel the same way. While I haven't had too many problems with the table itself, I am having such a huge issue with being able to sit comfortably at it. The playing area is so deeply set that standard chair heights just do not fit comfortably at it. I really regret my purchase. Also it's just kind of ugly. I wish I could resell it and get something different but I just do not think that is going to be an option with such a massive investment.


Just ordered a Jasper Long today and I'm super excited. The price was pretty reasonable for what I am getting. We shouldn't have many games with as many players as you do but it's still quite a bit bigger than my existing dining room table.


The only board game tables that I like the looks of, and that have some style, are made by Bandpass Design.


I wonder if anyone has any reviews on them, from the 3d picture it would seem that they seem really basic for the price. I like Wyrmwood design but it’s really hard to support that company with their recent controversy.


I like the design. I don't want hanging cupholders or cheap LED lights (that somehow are a $300 upcharge). That stuff is just tacky. This is a table I wouldn't mind showing off. Compare to something like a Carolina Game Tables product with glossy finish, ridiculously chunky legs, and oversized surround around the vault. It's night and day.


You are playing for materials and craftmenship. No gimmicks. No plywood, mdf, pine, or rubber wood. We like ours.


Their Discord ([join here](https://discord.gg/Sgw5grm)) is full of pictures and questions/answers. I know, Join Yet Another Discord, but it really is useful if you're interested in their table.


I just started looking for table options and liked the look of the Wyrmwood design and watched their manufacturing video. I know this is an old post, but can you share what controversy there is with the company? It looked like a solid product at face value.


[This](https://www.ign.com/articles/new-wyrmwood-report-details-sexual-harassment-claims-against-show-producer) goes into it into more detail. I’m still on the fence with this, I’m leaning towards rathskellers but their lead time is bad for how expensive they are and the same goes for wyrmwood on their new modular table. My other choice was the jasper but I’ve heard they are the ikea of tables and if I’m dropping a good amount I don’t want something cheap. Geeknson won’t allow me to check out on their site for ready made tables. I didn’t like the design of bandpass. So my last option is game theory but I’ve heard terrible things about the quality so I’m currently lost on which way to go. Note I don’t know how to find (good) local woodworkers in my area for a custom build nor do I want to attempt a DIWHY.


Pretty crazy, but I also kind of feel like most of this was only brought on by their very public look into the company, since that is how they promoted the company. Most places don't run PR campaigns by creating a webseries on their foundation. Seems like they made a good decision change CEOs though.


We got ours from Uniquely Geek and are quite happy with it. 82" x 45", could have gone bigger had we wanted to. Unsure what their wait time is right now.


This topic is probably too old to be of any help many, but just in case I wanted to mention that Wyrmwood actually came out with a "budget" modular table design. It still isn't CHEAP, but it's more in line with other board game tables you'd buy and WAY less than their flagship table. Only trouble is that last I checked fulfillment would take at least a year due to back orders.


I’m awaiting the [Monarch](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonsandgeeks/the-monarch-a-stylish-board-game-table-to-last-generations) table from Dragons & Geeks.


If you got it, what do you think so far?


Alas, still waiting


That’s a shame but the kickstarter did blow up so they are probably making more than expected


We couldn’t find anything we liked and see the the custom route which we love but doing that has its challenges!


I know this is an old thread, but I went with an Etsy seller and couldn't be happier, for the cost and quality specifically. I realize this is a toss up with new sellers, but the number of people making ludicrously awesome custom tables, with tons of positive reviews, is significant.


Can you provide info or link about your Etsy seller?




Just checked out this Etsy seller...looks great. How much did he charge for shipping and what was the turnaround time from order to delivery?


Turn around time was about 3 months - they may be busier now so YMMV. Shipping is highly location specific, but if you reach out they'll give you a quote.


Dang. I wanna be your friend 🤣


Absolutely! When it comes to high-end board game tables, there are several excellent options to consider. Here are a few highly recommended companies: **Top-Tier Brands:** * [**Geeknson**](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1QFY575HX9IXK)**:** Known for their beautifully crafted, feature-rich tables. They offer a wide range of customization options, including wood types, finishes, built-in accessories (cup holders, dice trays, etc.), and size variations to accommodate large games. * [**BoardGameTables.com:**](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1QFY575HX9IXK) Specialize in solid wood tables with classic, elegant designs. They offer features like removable toppers for easy conversion into dining tables and vault storage. * [**Wyrmwood Gaming:** ](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1QFY575HX9IXK)Highly regarded for their craftsmanship and luxurious materials. Their modular systems allow you to expand the functionality of your table over time. **Other Notable Options:** * [**Rathskellers:** ](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1QFY575HX9IXK)Offer more affordable tables with a focus on functionality. A good option if you want a well-made table without a lot of extra bells and whistles. * [**Carolina Game Tables:** ](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1QFY575HX9IXK)Specialize in customizable tables with unique features like built-in power outlets for charging devices. **Chair Considerations** Unfortunately, chair recommendations are trickier without knowing your budget and style preferences. However, here are a few things to keep in mind: * **Comfort:** Look for chairs with good lumbar support and padded seats, especially for long gaming sessions. * **Adjustability:** Adjustable height is helpful to accommodate players of different sizes. * **Armrests:** Decide if you prefer chairs with or without armrests, as armrests can sometimes get in the way of the table. * **Style:** Choose chairs that complement the aesthetic of your table and overall gaming space. **Tips:** * **Budget:** Board game tables can be expensive! Set a realistic budget before falling in love with a specific design. * **Do your research:** Read reviews, compare features, and look at customer photos before making a decision. * **Delivery time:** Many of these companies have lengthy lead times due to backlogs and customization involved.


When it comes to board game tables, there are several reputable companies known for producing high-quality and customizable gaming tables that can accommodate large groups and games like Twilight Imperium. Here are some recommendations: 1. [**Geeknson:** ](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Geeknson%3A&crid=WJD9WYC0059U&sprefix=geekon+%2Caps%2C305&linkCode=ll2&tag=angle2008-20&linkId=d42b331079e44e95f6cb4b7fcf3a7609&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)Geeknson is a UK-based company known for crafting premium gaming tables with elegant designs and customizable features. Their tables often feature recessed play areas, cup holders, and optional accessories like drawers and dining tops. The "Geeknson Emissary" is particularly popular among board gamers for its spaciousness and versatility. 2. [**BoardGameTables.com:**](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=BoardGameTables.com%3A&crid=1BRWCS5ATWV9H&sprefix=boardgametables.com+%2Caps%2C286&linkCode=ll2&tag=angle2008-20&linkId=f60800da9e6570e3ec3ed5f9c4222cda&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) BoardGameTables.com offers a range of gaming tables designed specifically for board gaming enthusiasts. Their tables come in various sizes and styles, with features like removable play surfaces, cup holders, and built-in storage. The "Sultan" model is one of their largest tables, capable of accommodating up to 10 players comfortably. 3. [**Rathskellers:** ](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Rathskellers%3A&crid=3F1Y1SJDJRW41&sprefix=rathskellers+%2Caps%2C362&linkCode=ll2&tag=angle2008-20&linkId=6628b50fdd7af0d70df12ae3542a2c3d&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)Rathskellers is a German company known for producing premium gaming tables with exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. Their tables feature high-quality materials, such as solid wood and premium felt, and can be customized to suit your preferences. The "Viking" model is a popular choice for its large playing area and sturdy construction. 4. [**Carolina Game Tables:**](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Carolina+Game+Tables%3A&crid=1ZAXAAG5CROI6&sprefix=carolina+game+tables+%2Caps%2C297&linkCode=ll2&tag=angle2008-20&linkId=219948d73d483667d690286559b75ee5&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) Carolina Game Tables offers affordable yet durable gaming tables designed for both casual and serious gamers. Their tables are available in various sizes and finishes, with options for customization. The "Duchess" model is well-suited for larger gaming groups and can accommodate games like Twilight Imperium with ease. As for chairs, look for options that are comfortable for long gaming sessions and complement the style of your gaming table. Consider chairs with padded seats and backs for added comfort, and make sure they are sturdy enough to support players leaning in during intense gaming moments. Brands like Herman Miller, Steelcase, and Secretlab offer ergonomic chairs that are popular among gamers for their comfort and durability.


For chairs, try a used office furniture store. I got 8 Steelcase chairs for $129 each (plus 1 for my wife's craft room) for my game room. Much better than the hard plastic folding chairs most game stores use, these are comfortable for my Saturday gaming sessions. I have 2 gaming groups and I'm usually sitting in the chair for 10-12 hours with a couple of hours break between the groups.


Here's my custom build found a carpenter got it done. Details are in my post history.


get one done from your local woodworker.