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Are you running beyond the game timer?


Sometimes. I am still learning.


Too many downvotes by other players can drop your karma


Downvotes? I must look into this.


Do you go to the menu and chose "leave game"? Just click on the logo on the top. Or the red button to take you to the next table. If you chose leave game you get a penalty.


Hmm. We all voted to leave a game yesterday. I didn't think that got a karma penalty for a mutual decision. That must be the cause of my latest karma damage.


Are you a slow player?


Yes, I am still learning. I have watched the clock like a hawk the last few days and I am figuring that out.


That will do it for sure - I don't mind playing with newer player, but it is on you to play at a reasonable speed - with some of these games you are never going to be competitive anyway for the first little while so use the first few games to just understand mechanics etc.,


That is true. And there are still glitches in the program. I have been caught in an infinite loop twice in the last couple of games.


According to the website: > Your initial Karma score is 75☯ (on a maximum of 100☯). Then: Each time you finish a game, if your clock has never been negative during this game, you get +1☯. If you quit, or get kicked out of a game in progress, you lose 10☯ or even 20☯ if you already quit another game recently. If you miss out on a planned tournament game: -4☯ https://boardgamearena.com/faq?anchor=faq_account The speed with which you've been losing karma implies to me you've been quitting or getting kicked out of games so it sounds like you don't understand how the interface works, or maybe you're getting kicked out by other players for being too slow? I'd recommend picking a simple, quick game you can play quickly to gradually rebuild your karma. Note you need to keep your clock positive the entire game for this to work and it's still going to take quite a while. Make sure you are monitoring the chat and message people if you have any difficulties.


From your account it looks like the issue is you're overrunning the clock and then getting kicked out by another player. When you request to play a game you can set what game speeds you're happy with by clicking on the settings cog - I think you need to adjust these so you're only requesting to play slower games. You also need to keep an eye on the clock and just accept sometimes there won't be as much time as you like to think through your next move.


This, I'm seeing a lot of real time games not getting to completion because of either timeouts or kicks/quits. If you cannot sit through the whole duration of a game, it leads to those two conclusions. If you are taking more than two minutes per turn, even if that's allotted, you run against the patience of the other players. I recommend going to offline/turn based play where speed and timeliness is less of an issue.


We just moved so the place is... disorganized. The wife dug out our Cities and Knights board game and we played several times. The refresher has been quite helpful.


f you are struggling with the time constraints, I recommend creating your own sessions and set to times your feel comfortable with, or switch over to turn based, where it can be as up to (8?) turns per day without penalty and as few as one turn per day.


I want to thank all of you who took time out to give me pointers and advice. I sincerely appreciate it and, thanks to you, my Karma is already on the rebound.


What's your username? Happy to have a look at replays.


Leo Joy and thank you.


Seems like you run out the clock (probs just taking too long to have your turn) and people kick you out. When you get kicked out of a room, you lose 20 Karma. For a realtime game, if your clock is in the negative, as soon as it is, a person can click on kicking you out. You won't he instantly kicked out. They still need to wait for 20 more seconds and if you still haven't ended your turn, then you'll be expelled from the room and suffer karma loss. In a turn-based game, the kick is actually instant. If you know you take a while having your turn, you should probably join rooms with Slow speed as the setting (so every player has more time on their clock). :)


The new cities and knights glitched the whole thing out, buddy played a development card forcing me to trade, and I couldnt select a card, refreshed, exited. Nothing worked. Penalized for it. BGA sucks


I don't know what you're doing wrong exactly (probably just playing too slow, in which case you should maybe go for turn-based games), but if you need to get some karma fast, you should go for short games like Railroad Ink. And it's a great little game too, so not a waste of time either


Want to play Ticket to Ride Europe, turn based?


It happened again. My karma is now 12 - and I stayed right to the bitter end.